#the crathorne kids
gaysonlyocean · 5 years
can you tell me some things about the crathorne kids?
theyre all siblings
they all died really young in a famine in the 1400s or something i dont remember the exact century
their individual names are Godiva, Ralph, Phillipa, Oliver, and Gilbert
i cant be arsed to go find my Official Timeline but after they died they ended up spenting like two centuries alone together and due to their age at their deaths their consciousness merged into one instead of five different people
as a result of this theyre a hivemind and they cannot move on to the afterlife no matter what
also theyre very unhappy that this happened but they cant really do anything about them
you know the twins from the shining? imagine instead of two of them theres five and they really want vanilla chocolate swirl
they struggle the most with being in the public cause not only do they look like five kids all under ten, all their actions are sync’d so they get alot of strange looks
they know that they have more siblings cause their parents had to have more kids in order to survive cause they were medieval peasants in the middle of the countryside but they know nothing of them
they dont really emote, they do feel emotions but youd never know looking at them
theyre probably the ones who miss being alive the most cause not only did they never get to grow up, they ended up becoming one being and the remainents of their individual personalities miss being their own
theyre really close to salome cause she was the first person who interacted with them after their death, even if it was awkward cause at the time she knew no english at all
theyre constantly hungry due to how they die and keep going to fast food places
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gaysonlyocean · 5 years
(i need to do more stuff with these guys)
“Where’s my hair bands?”
“I’ve got a better question; where the bandages? Not all of us can just saunter outside.”
Sometimes Frank wondered why he even bothered tidying up. “I told you that they’re both in the cupboard.” Everyone was descating each room, moving items from drawers (where they’re supposed to be) and leaving them out in the open. Salome and Charles were about to start taking out the bathroom walls, Nancy still couldn’t find her favourite mug and Josh was ass up in the laundry basket. Michael was the only one who actually found what he was looking for.
“Aren’t you victorian? You’re supposed to like stuff everywhere.”
“I’ve grown up.”
Josh picked up the basket and let it’s contents empty out onto the floor. “I’ve looked through this for twenty minutes!” He shouted, gesturing vaguely at the mess “And I still can’t find my shirt!”
“Which shirt?” said the Crathorne kids in their usual haunting unison.
“The blue one with the banana with sunglasses!”
“Oh I threw that out.” Virginia said, trying to hide her smile.
“It had holes in it, Josh.”
“It really wasn’t.”
Salome leant against the wall, crying with laughter.
Out of the corner of his eye, Josh could almost swear he saw Charles laugh too.
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gaysonlyocean · 5 years
ghost gang infodump!!!
tw: mentions and descriptions of murder, suicide, torture, injuries, gore, trauma and child death
this is mostly about physical characteristics they have cause of the circumstances of their deaths so im gonna go through them chronologically and say how they died, im putting Nancy and Virginia into one cause they died together also this got very long so its under the cut
The Crathorne Kids - starvation due to a famine
they move as one and stay unnaturally close together, if you look closely youll see that they physically overlap eachother and move through eachothers bodies
often they appear to living people as shadow people, other times they appear more clearly but are always mostly transparent
toys such as dolls and teddies start to move in their presence, they dont physically touch said toys but its part of whats left of their individuality manifesting
when theyre actively haunting an area (they dont often but sometimes they want to befriend a living child) food either disappears or goes rotten very quickly
if they stand in an area for a very long time, small animal bones and teeth will start to manifest around them
if they touch a living person, said person will feel like a twig hit them due to how spindly their fingers are
Salome - drowned via ordeal by water
she is constantly dripping muddy water wherever she goes
her hands and feet are covered in mud with her nails damaged
some have large parts broken off, others have splits right down them, a couple have even been pulled off
she has severe rope burns across her midriff, inner elbows, ankles and wrists
when she appears to living people, she fluctuates in transparency, going from almost completely solid to barely visible and back again, but if lights are shone onto her she appears completely visible
she constantly has a wide eyed stare
occasionally she have bouts of extreme fear out of nowhere, this is because she never fully recovered from her death
sometimes when shes experiencing these moments, it will start to rain warm, salty water
before her death, the local authorities put her through torture to try to get her to confess to witchcraft, she was forced to stay awake for weeks on end which caused her to have halluncinations and paranoia, she still sometimes experiences these as a ghost
when she haunts areas wet, knotted hair will manifest
Frank - froze to death in antarctica
the temperature drops severely around him and insects such as flies and spiders freeze solid
whenever hes haunting an area, who ever lives there never feels threatened by his presence
he doesnt manifest physically but he does appear if you take a photo of him but hes always really blurry
if you looked at him, you would see that not only does he appear to be breathing out fog, his body also emits a cold fog
glass often frosts over in his presence
hes the only one in ghost gang who has created a evp
a family was recording their childs birthday party and he wished them a happy birthday, the camera picked it up
he leaves wet footprints in his wake
Charles - brutally murdered with a meat cleaver
the blood from his wounds is actually constantly running down his face and both it and the wounds themself feel warm and wet if you were to touch them, the wounds also visibly throb
you can tell hes been somewhere by small specks and drops of blood appearing on the floor
he often appears to living people unintentionally, when he does he appears completely solid but slightly hazy, he also appears in photos but as a blurry bright light
the upper left side of his face is completely paralysed and his left eye is near completely blind as a result of his death
i say near completely because it can still detect changes in light but thats it
if you were to watch him for a while you would notice that his fingers twitch in a very specific way before going still and a few moments later twitch in the same way, this is because, like Salome, he never recovered from his death and he is involuntary looping his last movements in his fingers
in a similar vein, occasionally he will start to cry involuntarily, most the time he doesnt notice the tears streaming down his face
electrical stuff will start to malfunction in his presence, this can be anything from light flickering to tvs distorting violently
he does the most poltergeist like stuff in ghost gang but sometimes unintentionally
Nancy and Virginia - double suicide via fire
they constantly have the smell of burnt flesh around them
they hardly ever appear to living people but when they do is usually as a dark fog
smoke bellows from under their dress and out their mouths, noses, eyes and ears constantly
often they leave behind ashy footprints
dark soot manifesst in areas they have stood
they often cause audio disturbances
they sometimes appear in mirrors but Nancy does this more than Virginia
they often have coughing fits
the temperature rises severely around them
Josh - ate poisonious berries then broke his ribcage and pierced his lungs
often he leaves footprints behind him
he gets bouts of dizziness, lightheadedness, head aches and stomach aches
he will often cough up blood, the blood usually disappears soon afterwards
he constantly experiences travel sickness even if hes not moving, this is cause he died in the car on its way to the hospital
if hes around living people they will feel like they cant breathe
he appears to living people randomly, hes usually transparent and disappears after a few seconds
he often causes fruit to be damaged by being in its presence
he also cause living people to have trouble sleeping
random dead flora manifest around him if he stands still for a long time
he doesnt show it but he constantly experiences the pain he felt due to his pierced lungs
Michael - head trauma
his vision is very blurry
often he appears to living people in the form of orbs, but he does also appear in video and photos as a very blurry person and often he appears completely visible to children
blood will sometimes appear on the ceiling directly above where he was standing
he often unintentionally damages items by standing near them
people often hear him talking to them
he leaves hand prints on windows alot
a few people have taken video of him moving stuff around their children, this is him trying to provide company and friendship to said children
he spent three weeks alone after his death so he often stays around either the others or living people because he doesnt want to be alone again
he will often hang around families at parks to make sure the children dont hurt themselves, said children often tell their parents about the boy they see watching them and ask if they can play with said boy, the parents dont see the boy theyre talking about
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gaysonlyocean · 5 years
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Ghost Gang!
Featuring their long suffering landlord, Hector, at the very end!
Image description under the cut.
[Image Description: Nine images of different people drawn without shading in a semi realistic style.
First image is of five children in scrappy old fashioned clothes, two are girls the three others are boys, they all look malnourished and unhappy. All the children have light brown eyes but their hair is as follows; the first girl has a ginger matted shoulder bob, the first boy has matted brown hair that just reaches below his ears, the second girl has straight reddish brown hair in a chin bob, the second boy has short dirty blonde hair and the last boy has a few scrappy fluffs of red hair.
Second image is of a teenaged girl who is soaking wet with brown matted hair. She has a scared look on her face and has water dripping from her eyes, nose and mouth. She has dark brown eyes and is wearing a white long dress that sticks to her skin.
The third image is of a middle aged gentleman who is covered in snow and ice. His clothes are quite formal but seem to be designed for winter wear. He has a large handlebar mustache and brown hair with a slight red hue that is greying. Theres are spots of frostbite on his skin.
Fourth image is of a man in his twenties who is covered in his own blood. He has green eyes but his left eye is glazed over and stuck looking up. He has brown hair which has been disturbed by his cause of death. He is wearing a formal suit with a bowtie. On his head there is a long deep gash stretching from above his hairline to his nostrils and a second shorter gash across from it above his left eye, these have been caused by a meat cleaver. Blood is dripping from the wounds, his eyes, his nose, his mouth and his ears. Despite this, he has a smug look on his face.
Fifth image is of a young lady in her wedding dress. She has blonde hair in a chin bob and grey eyes. She looks content. Smoke is bellowing out from her nose, mouth and ears.
Sixth image is of another young lady in her wedding dress. She has brown hair that goes past her shoulders and blue eyes. She is smiling happily. like the last image, smoke is coming out from nose and mouth, especially her mouth, but not her eyes as they are covered by her hair.
Seventh image is of young man. He has long light brown hair and light green eyes. He is wearing a hippy style pink head band with yellow flowers and a matching pick shirt. He is smiling. Blood is dripping from his mouth.
Eighth image is of a child. He has blonde hair and green eyes. He is wearing a white and orange shirt with blue overalls. He is smiling like his mother is taking a photo of him. Blood is dripping from the top of his head.
Ninth and final image is of a middle aged man. He has black greying hair and grey eyes, he also has glasses and eyebags. He is wearing a green shirt. He looks disappointed and exhausted, most likely due to the fact that he is landlord to a bunch of ghosts.
End of Image Description.]
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gaysonlyocean · 5 years
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aesthetic boards for my ghost ocs!!!
from top to bottom; Josh Jones, Michael Wallace, Frank Roberts, The Crathorne Kids, Nancy Taylor, Virginia Parker, Salome Chevrolet, Charles Miller
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gaysonlyocean · 5 years
im gonna finally get working on the refs for ghost gang tomorrow
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gaysonlyocean · 5 years
What are your characters' favourite types of tea?
im gonna section it off!! cause i got so many ocs khgfghjkkjhg
regular: Evelyn, Wolfgang, Amelia, Izumi, Barry, Oiva, Magdalena, Nico, Eysteinn, Charles, Eleanore, Kaitlyn, Matthew, Catherine, Victoria, Len, Kyle, Ashley, Maxwell
green: Kingsley, Max, Rowan, Pakpao, Lazarus, Ella, Francis, Georgina, Wendy, Chelsea, Gayson, Miracle, Jessie, Piper, Will, Artemis
herbal: Dominique, Bailee, Parisha, Virginia, Leigh, Magnus, Gwen, Sarah, Ryan, David, Christine, Rose, Daniel, Lydia, Rodd, Oswald, Twig, Naomi, Jamie, Alex
fruit: Theodora, Paige, Lucky, Josh, Michael, Crathorne kids, Maisie, Harriet, Ronald, Jessica, Hayate, Evander, Columba, Issac, Mason, Chuck
coffee: Rhett, Vivian, Leah, Vivienne, Peggy, Nicholas, Krisztofer, Vasya, Ilias, Meredith, Rasa, Navid, Octavia, Salome, Nancy, Frank, Dana, Rita, Jeff, Oskar, Shawn, Victor, Chad, Cooper, Vinnie, Gaylord, San, Tex, Chandra, Val, Jason, Marina
i have more but theyre either big monsters or a robot and thus cannot drink kjhgfghjkkjhgfghjk
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gaysonlyocean · 5 years
before the ghost gang all got kershroniked and became ghosts, what hobbies did they have then if any? do they have any now as ghosts?
the Crathorne kids didnt have time to have hobbies when they were alive but they used to sometimes possess children in order to experience hobbies but they dont anymore after it ended badly once
Salome also didnt have time for hobbies when she was alive but now she really likes drawing, shes had alot of practice and is very good!!!
Frank liked to read, and he still does, but he also liked to do mapwork but he doesnt want to look at a map now
Charles had a really easy life and had many hobbies, alot hes still interested in, but he doesnt feel like doing them now
Nancy didnt really have hobbies when she was alive but shes taken to embroidery now
Virginia liked to garden when she was alive and keeps alot of succulents now
Josh was trying to learn to play the guitar before he died, hes gotten the hang of it now, hes also learning embroidery from Nancy
Michael didnt have hobbies and he doesnt feel like starting one now
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gaysonlyocean · 5 years
How does the ghost gang interact in society?
for the most part, Very Badly
Frank, Nancy and Virginia all have regular jobs in order to make rent. Frank works at a local fancy wears (idk the exact name) customer service booth which gets very frustrating for him but hes good at dealing with it. Nancy works as avon (make up company) rep. Virginia works as a history teacher at a local high school.
Salome, the Crathorne kids and Michael look too young to have jobs, Charles never had a real job in life and he doesn’t intend to have one in death either and Josh cant keep a job to save his life
as a result of how they look physically, the Crathorne kids, Michael and Salome are always asked why they arent in school at current. to avoid this, Michael and Crathorne kids just tend to not go outside, Salome pretends to not speak english and hopes she passes as a french tourist
Charles likes to wear aheago shirts when hes passing as a living person
as the strongest members of the group, Salome and Charles often create mass property damage, with Salome its always an accident but Charles usually does it on purpose
as a result of how long some of them have been around as well as how much of a idiot bastard child two of them are, most of them have criminal records
theyre trying their best but its not really working
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gaysonlyocean · 5 years
Full Name: Franklin RobertsGender and Sexuality: cis man and pansexualPronouns: he/himEthnicity/Species: whiteBirthplace and Birthdate: the Roberts family manor, august 12th 1803Guilty Pleasures: he really likes porcelain knick knacksPhobias: hes scared of cold weather especially snowWhat They Would Be Famous For: his failed expeditionWhat They Would Get Arrested For: hed take the blame for something salome, the crathorne kids and/or michael didOC You Ship Them With: his wife isabelleOC Most Likely To Murder Them: none of them tbh hes too nice Favorite Movie/Book Genre: he doesnt like movies and he likes sci-fiLeast Favorite Movie/Book Cliche: he doesnt like it when characters almost have a happy ending but then something happensTalents and/or Powers: hes a ghost so ghost powersWhy Someone Might Love Them: hes got big dad energyWhy Someone Might Hate Them: he wears his heart on his sleeve and is a bit naiveHow They Change: he gets closer to everyone in ghost gang and starts to be happierWhy You Love Them: he is my new dad
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gaysonlyocean · 5 years
Do any of the ghosts have any tactics they did specifically when haunting people if they ever did?
Charles is one the only one of them to actively haunt people but they’d all have unique ways of haunting
the Crathorne kids would talk to any children in the household and form a relationship with them like the one with Lily and Mama from “Mama” theyd also appear as shadow people at the end of corridors
Salome would haunt her death place and her fearful screams would echo the area
Frank would be very subtle and benevolent like moving a cloth thats close to the stove to avoid it being set on fire and comforting crying children
Charles often tracks down his murderers descendants and does usual poltergeist activity; breaking plates, moving objects, scratching people and all that stuff, he also attacks people if he catchs them threatening someone alone at night by throwing them up against a nearby wall and beating them with his cane until hes satisfied
Virginia would write on walls via burning words into them and might break somethings if provoked
Nancy would be quite benevolent and would use lipstick to write messages on mirrors
Josh would move things into easily found places, like if someone was looking for their keys, they would suddenly be on their coffee table
Michael would act as a sort of imaginary friend and work to keep kids out of danger
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gaysonlyocean · 5 years
Gimme how and when each ghost died + their relationship with each other!
the Crathorne kids died on the 30th of June 1478, there was a severe famine and as they were all quite young they ended up succumbing to hunger. they were understandably close but then they spent two centuries alone with just themselves and sorta became a hivemind. they’re very fond of Salome as she was the first other ghost they came across and of Michael as Michael also died as a child and theyre neutral on almost everyone else but Charles who they dont like at all
Salome died after she was accused of witchcraft and sentenced to ordeal by water, she drowned on the 13th of Jaunary 1645. she likes everyone but she also has mixed feelings as despite her physical appearence shes much older than everyone sans the Crathorne kids but they all treat her like shes younger than them, shes also slightly afraid of Charles as shes seen him when hes wanting to hurt people
Frank was a 19th century explorer who wasnt very lucky, he froze to death on the 25th of December 1846. he is very close with Salome, Michael, Nancy and Virginia but he would like to be on better terms with everyone
Charles was murdered in a oppotunity killing after leaving his lovers house at night on the 27th of May 1923, he was struck in the head three times by a meat cleaver but didnt actually die until the third blow and as a result of this he is blind in his left eye and he’s also eternally angry as his murderer was never caught. he tries to keep everyone at an arms length but he does care deeply for them all, especially Salome and Josh
Nancy and Virginia were dating and upon learning their families were planning arranged marriages for them they decided to get dressed up in wedding gowns and set fire to a church with them inside, they died together on the 10th of October 1952. theyre friendly with practically everyone and they both view the others as family and they also view themselves as married
Josh was trying to impress the guy he liked so he ate some poisonous berries on a dare and then broke his ribs trying to do a cool stunt, he died on the drive to the hospital on the 29th of April 1966. josh is pretty much obilivious to any trying to be mean to him so he views the others as close friends but he also has a slight crush on Charles
Michael was playing hide and seek and fell from a tree, landing on his head, he died on the 5th of August 1993 but he didnt realise he was dead for a few weeks afterwards. hes ok with everyone but he would rather be with his real family or, better still, still alive
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gaysonlyocean · 5 years
I am entrigured by the ghost gang. Do they have any specific motives for what they do?
in the ghost gang universe (??????i guess thats what im calling it) the longer someone stays as a ghost the harder it is to move on to the afterlife so for most of them thats their reason for staying as a ghost and the circumstances of ones death (both how they die and their emotions at the time) also effect how easy it is to move on and alot of them are too attached to eachother to say goodbye but they did/do have other motives
the Crathorne kids didnt want to risk being separated from eachother so they stayed on earth
Salome had a very traumatic death and as a result found it difficult to move on, she now mainly stays as a ghost because she tries to prevent people from drowning
Frank originally stayed on because he wanted to say goodbye to his wife Isabelle but when he finally found his way home after many decades she had passed and moved on to the afterlife
Charles also had a traumatic death but he was also too angry and upset to move on, he then stayed on to look out for his still living lover, Jacob, until he died and moved on and now he stays out of spite
Nancy and Virginia died a semi traumatic death but they also dont want to risk losing eachother
Josh could move on anytime he wants but he likes being a ghost
Michael didnt realise he had died when he did and he’s secretly afraid of what comes in the afterlife
as for pretending to be alive, it gets very annoying having to haunt a house when you can just rent a place
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