#the inside of finn's brain just constantly replays the RIP AND TEAR theme 24 7
paragonrobits · 8 months
Princess Bubblegum, reminiscing about the events of The Tower: ...And then after I found out he had spontaneously developed telekinetic powers for the sole purpose of tearing apart the land to build a giant tower into space so he could rip off his father's arm in retribution for the loss of the original arm, I decided that SOMEONE ought to intervene. Simon Petrikov: Goodness! I had no idea he had such... ultraviolence in his heart. Marceline, pausing in the middle of sipping something drink related: ...seriously? Simon: What? Marceline: Look, I know your perspective on Finn might be a bit wonky because you mostly saw him from the best side but, I love the guy and I STILL have to tell you that, huh. How do I put this nicely? Marceline: I've been alive for over a thousand years, and I can tell you that Finn is the SINGLE most violent and bloodthirsty person I've met in my entire life. Princess Bubblegum: Oh my, yeah. Simon: Is this one of those ironic jokes that always goes over my head? Marceline: Nah. He really does like to fight. He channels it into heroic endeavors, and he doesn't like hurting people, but he LIKES breaking things. Bubblegum: Yeah. I think maybe I encouraged him to become my knight because it helped steer that drive into a helpful direction, and sometimes I think about what he might have wound up being in other situations. I mean, don't you remember that whole thing with the elements? I suppose those powers worked their way in and amplified the parts of ourselves we don't want to admit are fundamental, and with Finn... Bubblegum: He kept a lid on it, I heard, but he got bloodthirsty and consumed by it SO FAST. He was going to kill me, you know? At least until LSP woke him up with memories of friendship. Bubblegum: ...A shame the same thing didn't apply to me, I guess. Simon: Princess, I wouldn't worry too much about it. Magic messes you up if you don't adjust naturally to it. I'm kind of a case study for that. Actually, as I understand it, the crown is trying to turn its wearer into an imitation of an ice elemental so I suppose the same thing DOES apply to me. But anyway, my point is that succumbing to these powers doesn't really mean that much. Everyone falls to them somehow. Simon: But this does sort of illustrate why Finn's idea of helping me deal with my grief was to distract me by trying to help me kill a huge monster.
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