#the narrative bias and complete retcons went crazyyy. those were the first things that bugged me about her work
six-of-cringe · 7 months
What’s wrong with Sjm?
Is it worth it getting into the serried?
I tried to get into throne of glass series but the first book was very meh and everyone hyped the second book only for it to be nor as good as I was expecting.
Hello! Finally going through my asks and you, anon, are the lucky person to have the oldest ask that I can respond to without feeling deeply embarassed for letting it rot for so long!
I don't talk a lot about other books on my blog, especially not criticism, but I do take issue with SJM and her work. I was a fan of her books when I was younger, but as I got older and developed a better understanding of critical reading and also of complex real-world issues, I realized that her technical work and her narratives are just not good. If you're looking for a bit of fun and drama that you aren't supposed to think about, feel free to read her work. You'll just have to deal with a lot of ellipses and em dashes. I'd recommend buying it used. However, you should go into it with the knowledge that it is full of holes in many ways. Characters are bent and broken to fit whatever plot is happening in the moment, the narrative perspectives and "lessons" are biased at best and downright harmful at worst, and a veneer of feminism and progressivism is placed over what is in many ways a very backwards and troubling narrative, all while purporting itself as empowering YA content. Like, it had me rationalizing SA at the age of 15. And she can't seem to stop writing racist shit. There's that.
So it's really up to you. If you do decide to read it, just be sure to go into it with the knowledge of what it is, so you don't get blindsided or internalize some shit you really shouldn't. I'm gonna pretend it's not going on a year since I recieved this ask. Cheers.
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