#the quality might be bluhhh
phonification · 7 months
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workin on a short mspfa thing??? with yiffy cause i love them OH and does anyone know a proper way to make gifs without ezgif PLEASE
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grumpy-jpg · 7 years
tagged by: @bugcakes​ thanks for tagging me! sorry this took so long orz
RULES: answer all questions, add one question of your own and tag as many people as there are questions. <<< its just not realistic
tagging: @the-pickle-bandit @doodleck @mudklp @ourlovewillendure @jusblaz @beepolitics @scrubdad
coke or pepsi: i like coke more its not a sweet 
disney or dreamworks: hhhh disney 
coffee or tea: i prefer tea... black tea, green tea, tea lattes, fruit teas, bubble tea ...
books or movies: bluhhh movies books just take it outta me
windows or mac: i have never used a mac in my life
dc or marvel: marvel because they have deadpool which is really the only comic ive ever read and im not a huge fan of either of their movies
xbox or playstation: ive never played an xbox game in my life playstation bih
dragon age or mass effect: holly if u see this tell me which u think id prefer? ive never played either but i usually prefer a fantasy setting
night owl or early riser: ive always been a night owl and now i dont get home from work till like midnight so 
cards or chess: i suck so bad at chess like ive had fun playing it but it never takes long for the game to end and theres more options for cards so, cards
chocolate or vanilla: chocolate!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
vans or converse: heelys
lavellan, trevelyan, cadash, or adaar: i had to google this and i still dont really know what it is?? but based purely on what google images showed me adaar because they have cool fucking horns my dude
fluff or angst: eh it depends on m mood but im always down for hurt/comfort since it usually encompasses both 
beach or forest: the beach!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i love the ocean so fucking much theres nothing better
dogs or cats: dogs ive never owned a cat and ive always loved dogs so *shrugs*
clear skies or rain: mmm depends where i am and my mood
cooking or eating out: i like cooking for other people but not myself so eating out
spicy food or mild food: spicy please
halloween/samhain or solstice/yule/christmas: halloween christmas is too stressful
would you rather forever be a little too cold or a little too hot: oh ew but warm i guess
if you could have a superpower, what would it be: oh god uhm regeneration like deadpool or wolverine but id like a self destruct button never ending immortality is not my aim
animation or live action: animation no contest
paragon or renegade: i really dont know what this means renegade sounds fuckin cool tho
baths or showers: both 
team cap or team ironman: i never watched civil war so ??? deadpool
fantasy or sci-fi: fantasy with sci fi elements or vice versa is really the best but i like wizards and elves a lot so fantasy
do you have three or four favourite quotes? if so what are they: “anythings for keepsies if your sneaky about it” im sure theres a quote i super love thats like deep and meaningfu but i cant think it up rn
youtube or netflix: youtube 
harry potter or percy jackson: harry potter, but i have a feeling that if i read the percy jackson books first this might have been a different story
when you feel accomplished: when i do something social or talk to someone cute without saying some weird garbage
star wars or star trek: star trek
paperback books or hardback books: hardcover a weapon and much harder to wreck 
horror or rom-com:  im super picky about both but im more likely to sit down and watch a rom com the only horror movie i’ll watch on my own is scream
to live in a world without literature or music: literature i need music to live
pastel colours or dark colours: im super into deep rich colours recently 
tv shows or movies: tv shows i have longer to get attached
city or countryside: i love how quiet the country side is but it is straight up fucking boring lemme tell u but cities never sleep so u see my dilemma 
if any other zodiac sign could describe you, what would it be: listen i dont know shit all about zodiac anything im a sagittarius sagittarius all i know is homestuck so cancer 
if you could only listen to one album for the rest of your life what would it be: god i never listen to albums just random songs 
cinema or theatre: cinema they stream theatre shit too
if you could be any fictional character’s best friend, who’d you be: mob, killua , deku from bnha, link, toph, prompto, taako, dave , dirk, lance,luffy there are so fucking many i could go on
smiling or smirking: i dont even know how to smirk
are you an ‘all or nothing’ type or are you more consistent: all or nothing its actually a huge problem for me lol
playlists or your whole library on shuffle: playlists i guess i really will just pick 5 songs listen to them for a week and then find 5 new ones
travelling or staying at home: depends where im travelling and if i have somewhere to go back to 
books or fanfiction: fanfiction! ive read some straight up novel quality fanfic and i really appreciate that it can be shorter (pre established characters, settings, pormpt, etc) because my attention span just wont do book length shit all the time 
If you could live in a fantasy world, what world would it be: oh god uhharry potter? avatar?? one piece??????// i dont know??????????
your favorite cartoon: shit ok avatar the last airbender 
first pairing you read/wrote a fanfiction for:  
favourite podcast:
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