#the scary jokes glass beach pup jeff rosenstock
oh-hools · 7 months
one thing about years is that they'll always have some sort of music in them. has anyome else noriced this
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oh-hools · 2 months
11 & 17 & hi ^w^
11. a song that you never get tired of:
entirety of boneyard aka fearmonger tee bee honest. short & sweet & latches on to you. but you know this! there's nothing we can do. for indiv songs id say everything ive said so far is up there for being in my trail mix amalgamation playlist. what else though. i think dallas glass beach has never stopped being beautiful to me. community gardens the scary jokes my first love i will always come back to you. its the first in that playlist! but you know this
17. a song that youd sing a duet with on karaoke
i drunkenly sang scorpion hill pup along with many other songs with a friend one time and it was really really really good. if youre here reading this hiiii hi hi. i would love to sing cold weather glass beach with my girlfriend one day. nausea jeff rosenstock. i dont know many songs that already are duets. 9/10 jeff. hey we should karaoke some time
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