sleightofpaint · 10 years
(If you say so~!
Jfc people, my Four wants him SO BAD. It cracks me up XD
I would like to draw some fluff with 1/12, just because youngest/oldest fffffffff XP
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Smut headcanon: Me and one of my close friends chatted about Capaldi one night and decided he’d be one of those protesting bottoms. Like arguing and struggling against whoever’s topping but y’know, he gets off on that so it’s all gooood. *snaps fingers* As per usual, Eight is the one to seek him out first to get him laid, and it’s a pleasant surprise for the younger man that he gets to play smug-arse Dominant for once. He’d expected Twelve to do that, but *nope*~! 
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sleightofpaint · 10 years
Me again! Favourite pairing involving 7?
(You can send me as many as you like, no limits here TwoSeven aka “Sweet Music” aka (from user marathemara:) "Distracting Beats"  is the fluffiest fucking thing ever jfc. They just enjoy making music and being old dorks together, and Seven just takes this time to enjoy himself and relax. Storyline: As an older Six got fed up with the heartbreak that came with maintaining so many of the younger ones’ timelines, Seven had a despair period where he was afraid of meeting any of them and kept to himself, only keeping slight contact with Eight - which often ended up in rows, poor chaps…     Some time passed, and Seven met Two. The nature of Six’s crush had changed and as such, it didn’t take much for Seven to masterfully charm Two, with their similar interests and personalities (and height. Never forget the vertically challenged-pride from “The Ten Doctors”). Sometimes Seven wonders if his self was meant to bring an emotional closure concering the younger man. It certainly feels like he’s mended some wounds. 
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sleightofpaint · 10 years
"The Two Doctors" time! 2/6 yay or nay?
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What do you think?
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YAY! It’s a hilarious and adorable clash in the episode itself, because ohmygod such egos, such sass. 
But wait, there’s more!In my headcanon story line, Two and Three were the first two Doctors to have a “thing” for each other, Two mostly favoring hanging out with Three as Vitrolic Best Buds because of their closeness in age and experience.      Six, however, has a personality harking back to his younger days as One & Two. As such, Six has a fair bit of nostalgia-crush on Two. He’s frustrated by the fact that as Three, Two was rather attached to him but Three never quite made the most of it. Making Six jealous of Three, since his feelings have only gotten stronger, but also more complex, for all of his selves.      And even if they both easily swing back into the old bickering routine again, Two can’t be confined in about all this. No talks, no spoilers.     It’s easy to feel annoyed or powerless when you have to keep the timelines and your memories steady for things you experienced so long ago.
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