knightbatman · 4 years
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A haircut+two guns+gloves and heavier shadow edit for a second upload attempt to reach that Punisher cover style. #thepunisher #frankcastle #thepunishercosplay #thepunishercostume #marvel #marvelcomics #marvelknights #marvelmax #thepunishermax #maxcomics #halloween #halloweencostume https://www.instagram.com/p/CHAInKvFQ9L/?igshid=1kcpgigk8k03x
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thetruckburns · 4 years
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#GarthEnnis just.. gets it, man. He does, to Hell and back. From #ThePunisherMAX (2004-2009). Read it. #Punisher #FrankCastle https://www.instagram.com/p/B9ZuHIoB7CT/?igshid=g79yzi7ggf1f
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punishmercy-blog · 7 years
answer the following for your muse so people know how shipping works on your blog. REPOST. don’t reblog. TAGGED BY: NOBODY i stole it from @recoveringrace and @deathitsclf fight me TAGGING:  @la-famille-gatecoeur @seven-times @hastodosomething @thepunishermax @franklinnelsonforthedefense @matt-mmurdock @russkiyshpion @starkwithsarcasm @thatsdorcasmeadowes and @withoutxfear ! anyone else that wants to do it can too, ofc.
under the cut for length!
WHAT’S YOUR OTP FOR YOUR MUSE?: frank x maria obviously but also...  frank x karen has consumed my soul at this point, which is fuckin’ wild, but it’s to the point where like--it doesn’t necessarily have to be romantic as in, kissing and I Love Yous (and/or sexual) and stuff?? like you know when two characters just mesh so well that as long as they’re together it doesn’t matter what the nature of it is?? esp. since frank & karen have a complicated dynamic as it is and that’s exactly why i love it so much like i don’t expect them to settle down and be domestic or anything i just. love them and everything about their dynamic. 
edit: i had to come back to this halfway through because i remembered i have more than one muse fUCK I’M SORRY MATT. in all honesty, i don’t actually have an OTP for matt, either in canon or on this blog. i like most of the relationships he’s been in (MCU wise), but not so much that i’d want them to be permanent. claire x matt was wonderful, but claire deserves better and i fully support her recognising that and moving on from him (and claire x luke is my otp ngl). karen x matt was really cute after their date, and i could possibly ship it?? but again, karen deserves better, she’s been lied to and pushed away and matt needs to get his fuckin act together before i can ship that properly (also i actually really like karen having an unrequited crush bc i’m awful). and matt x elektra is just... it’s super, super squicky for me, right on the edge of triggering in canon. i don’t know if i’d be able to ship it in RP - i’d definitely need the right chemistry with both mun and muse, same with the others.
i’ll deal w/non-canon ships in one of the later questions asdkjfsdhf. 
WHAT ARE YOU WILLING TO RP WHEN IT COMES TO SHIPPING?: uhhh man this is a vague question uH?? pretty much anything?? i’m not huge on writing heavy smut involving cis women for personal reasons but anything building up to it is probably fine. i’m extremely unlikely to do any kind of cheating threads (not misunderstandings - a thread where my muse has actually cheated) due to lack of interest, and i’m not interested in pregnancy plots like, at all. that’s about it!
HOW LARGE DOES THE AGE GAP HAVE TO BE TO MAKE IT UNCOMFORTABLE?:  ehhh preferably no younger than 24 or so. i don’t generally give a shit if the other muse is way older though as long as mine is at least 18. like, it’d be problematic obviously as a ship, but ye. brains are weird.
ARE YOU SELECTIVE WHEN SHIPPING?: yEAH A LITTLE. i need chemistry between both muses and muns (though the latter is mostly for like--the sake of something lasting longer than a couple threads, you know?) and i’m generally more interested in the dynamic as a whole rather than solely the romantic aspect.
HOW FAR DO STEAMY MOMENTS HAVE TO GO BEFORE THEY’RE CONSIDERED NS.FW?: probably like... when sexual intent starts coming into play?? or things get heavier than just kissing / light making out??? fuck if i know man.
WHO ARE OTHER MUSES YOU SHIP YOUR MUSE WITH?: ohhhh boy. so for Frank, it’s generally Frank x Karen. I like Punisher x Daredevil too, in a complicated, unhealthy sort of way, and I could probably ship a whole fuckton of other things with the right development, but ye! 
For Matt, again, I don’t really have any ships? I could probably ship Matt x Foggy with the right partner (or just--Foggy having an unrequited crush), same with Matt x Karen, but honestly who knows. I’m not opposed to Matt x Frank, but I’d rather be writing Frank for it, you know? can I like... have gray-aro Matt.
DOES ONE HAVE TO ASK TO SHIP WITH YOU?:  Not... really? Asking me outright for a ship with absolutely 0 interaction prior will probably result in mild discomfort, especially if it’s a character I’m unfamiliar with OOC. Asking me “hey do you ship (thing) in general” and such is probably fine. Akdlsjf I don’t know!! But generally the answer is no, you don’t need to ask, your muse can develop feelings for mine all they like and we’ll see how things go, etc etc.
HOW OFTEN DO YOU LIKE TO SHIP?: listen i love shipping and i love all kinds of dynamics, platonic, romantic, antagonistic, whatever. i’m down for anything, everything, all the time. also i need more poly ships.
ARE YOU MULTISHIP?: yes!! with duplicates of the same character, too.
ARE YOU SHIP OBSESSED OR SHIP MORE-OR-LESS?: i wouldn’t say i’m ship obsessed? again, it’s generally the more complicated dynamic between characters that draws me in, like with frank x karen.
WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE SHIP IN YOUR CURRENT FANDOM?: cries for the rest of my life over frank x karen but honestly i would 100% ship foggy x karen x matt with bonus frank on weekends.
FINALLY, HOW DOES ONE SHIP WITH YOU?: just... just fuckin’ throw your muse at my muse and see what happens my guy. also, muses flirting is fun and okay!!! doesn’t necessarily mean a ship needs to happen!! same with one night stands and ex-relationships etc etc.
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