#these podcast ladies are in the industry! they know a bunch of actor names that i dont!
pagesofkenna · 1 year
the fact that fran kranz played arguably the most interesting character in Night in the Woods and he still never became a household name in the entertainment industry is bonkers to me
like, i was gonna joke that 'he better be actually not a great person, to explain why no one's working with him' except I checked his filmography and he's been in tons of things!! including a lot of niche independent projects!! and lots of people who ARE household names are working with him!! why does it seem like no one knows who he is??
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trespasserswilliam · 7 years
Would you post a list of all the podcasts you listen to?
Pre-P.S. This post ended up way longer than originally expected cause I felt the need to talk about them. So sorry for the length.
So I have a sort of system for listening. I used to do a lot of different playlists on my podcatcher, but I’ve narrowed it down to two major playlists and a third other playlist.
First playlist is just called New Stuff and it’s all the stuff that I’ve caught up to the present on and keep up with as new episodes come out. That’s all of these: 
Welcome to Night Vale 
Alice Isn’t Dead
Fantastic. The combination of Joseph Fink’s words combined with Jasika Nicole’s performance is to die for.
My Brother, My Brother, and Me
My first introduction to the McElroys and hot damn
The Adventure Zone
My first real introduction to D&D and also hot damn
The Black Tapes
This is by Pacific Northwest Stories network. It’s a mystery/supernatural thriller/drama, lots of demony stuff. 
Lime Town
Straight up sci-fi mystery. This one has been on hiatus for a while, but the story is really good and compelling. 
Internet Box
Trash, but trash I’m attached to. Isn’t really going anymore. It was a bunch of Rooster Teeth people but the podcast isn’t associated with Rooster Teeth. I don’t recommend it for people who would be reading this.
Double Feature
The first podcast I ever listened to. Two dudes who watch two movies every week and then talk about it. Big fans of horror movies and I actually started watching horror movies because of them.
The Thrilling Adventure Hour
One of my favorite bits of entertainment over any medium. It used to update weekly because they used to do live shows monthly and split them into 4 parts, but they don’t any more. Similar to old timey radio shows, they had two segments (Sparks Nevada, Marshall on Mars, a western set on Mars and Beyond Belief, a supernatural detectivey sorta thing if the detectives were two socialites that loved each other and loved to drink) that always happened and then a bunch of other segments they would cycle through. Lots of stuff to listen back through, like 6 years worth maybe? and I recommend this to everyone.
Cool Games Inc
Griffin McElroy and Nick Robinson take suggestions and try to brainstorm video games. Hilarious and I love it.
Justin McElroy and his wife, Syndee. Syndee is a doctor, so they do histories of medical stuff, whether procedures, diseases, notable people, but they make it funny. Can get kinda gross if you gross out easy, but very chill.
‘Til Death Do Us Blart
The McElroys team up with the guys from Worst Idea of All Time and watch Paul Blart Mall Cop 2 every American Thanksgiving and then talk about it and the podcast will go on for eternity. When one of them die, they have named successors to take their place. They only started 2 years ago, so there’s only 2 episodes, but I look forward to listening to this for forever.
Travis McElroy and his friend Tybee Diskin talk about stuff they frustrates them. This is one of my favorite podcasts because they talk about things like social media issues and relationships and LGBTQ issues and just a whole bunch of things. It’s very frank and there’s no judgement going on and they’re both around my age by about +/- 2ish years and it’s helped me figure out what being an adult means to me? and what kind of adult I want to be/am?
The Worst Idea of All Time
Two dudes from New Zealand, Tim and Guy, decided one day they were going to watch Grown Ups 2 every week for a year and then talk about it. They slowly descended into madness over the next year and then when it was over they decided to do it with Sex and the City 2 and then they descended into madness again and then they decided to do it a third time with the movie We Are Your Friends and they are 36 weeks into that and then they’re gonna stop and do other things. Very funny but sometimes you do worry about them. Flagship podcast of The Little Empire Network
Off Topic
This is a Rooster Teeth podcast and a loose spiritual successor to Internet Box, only better cause they’re older and wiser and less ignorantly offensive. 
Play Dead
I forget how I found this podcast, but it’s about death in video games and the roles it plays and why. Very interesting, but it can get pretty heavy sometimes.
Quality Control
Justin McElroy, as part of his job as an editor at Polygon, talks to the reviewers who review a video game for Polygon and asks them more stuff about the game. Usually I’m really good about listening to every episode of a podcast, but with this one I only really listen to the episodes about video games I have an interest in.
Beef and Dairy Network Podcast
Um. This one’s tough. Set on an alternate earth. Beef is very big there. Or at least beef is very important to the fictional people who do this podcast. Host talks to people about beef. It sounds very not interesting, but it is really very interesting and it’s very funny in a subdued british way. It can get pretty surreal sometimes.
Rarely updates. I started listening to it because Jeffrey Cranor was on the first episode telling a story from his life about something Strange that happened to him. It’s mostly a storytelling kind of podcast, but since last april there’s only been 3 episodes.
Tim Talks To
Tim from Worst Idea of All Time talks to people he finds interesting. 
Trends Like These
Travis McElroy and his friend Brent Black talk about trending news.
Another from Pacific Northwest Stories network. Similar to Black Tapes, only no demony stuff, just weird stuff.
Boners of the Heart
Another from the Little Empire Network. Two ladies from New Zealand talk about their actor crushes, to start out with. That framework is only very loosely adhered to, especially the further in you go, but man are they hilarious. Just the two of them talking is a delight and some of the funniest things I’ve ever heard.
This dude has a very calming voice. He just talks about unexplained things, phenomena, happenings, etc. Usually leaning towards myths, ghost stories, that kinda thing.
Within the Wires
From the Night Vale people. I love this one, and it has a very unique story telling format.
The Bright Sessions
A therapist for people with supernatural abilities. Psychic stuff, that kind of thing. It has a lot of LGBTQ representation that is presented in a way that normalizes it and it’s wonderful.
Archive 81
Season 1 was excellent. Supernatural thrilller style, good use of the medium, story within story framing, very good. Season 2 is... not at all like season 1. It’s almost like a completely different story and it’s unecessarily gory and tortureporny sometimes? Listen to season 1 for sure, but the vote’s still out on s2.
The Deep Vault
Done by the same people who did Archive 81. Also very tortureporny. It’s not terrible, but it’s not great either. Can be enjoyable.
Ars Paradoxica
Time travel sci-fi. Very sciencey but in an accessable kind of way usually. It has quietly become one of my favorites.
The Moth
Storytelling. The Moth is a radio show on actual radio I guess? They get regular people on stage and then the person tells a story. Very good.
Dead Pilots Society
Done by the people who did Thrilling Adventure Hour. A lot of those people work in TV, and this is table readings of pilot scripts that never made it to TV screens. Hit or miss for me.
Kakos Industries
Kind of like if Night Vale was evil and sexy? The premise is that you’re listening to the shareholder report for an Evil company that does Evil, but there’s also a lot of sex. Sex positive, and doesn’t usually feel super exploitative.
The Infinite Now
Little mini short stories, all sci-fi themed. 
The Orbiting Human Circus (of the Air)
On the Night Vale network. Lots of big name people in this one. It’s enjoyable to listen to, and I love the framework they have for it, but I wasn’t as enamored with it and other parts of the internet seemed to be.
The Males Gayz
On the Little Empire network. Two gay dudes from New Zealand talk about gay stuff. Also very funny.
Always Open
Another Rooster Teeth podcast. This one’s really funny and mostly lady dominated. One of my favorites.
The Alton Brown Cast
Alton Brown has a podcast. He talks to people. It’s as interesting as you think it is.
Darkest Night
I forget how I found this one, too. Probably from one of those podcast recommendation lists? It’s recorded with one of those binarual mics, so headphones is strongly suggested for this one. It’s a horror podcast, and a pretty gory one, too. Very intense at times. 
Rose Buddies
Griffin McElroy and his wife, Rachel, watch the Bachelor family of products and then talk about them. I’ve never watched the Bachelor or any of those. This is one of my favorite podcasts.
The Unexplainable Disappearance of Mars Patel
Young Adult podcast! Made for younger kids, like 8-13 range probably? Young kids do the voice acting as well. This is a high production affair. Sci-fi kind of story, and a good story.
Mystery Show
Surprisingly charming. Real life podcast, like Serial, only Starlee Kine, the narrator/creator, is good at solving small mysteries. Only 6 episodes. A season 2 was planned, but then Starlee was apparenly abruptly fired from whatever company was producing this or something? She said she’s working on s2, but it’s a lot harder now.
Small Town Horror
Another horror/mystery podcast. Oddly distressing at times, but intentionally so.
State of the Realm
Final Fantasy XIV podcast. They just talk about the game.
Jerk City
Audio readings of the comics. Sounds like people call in to a voicemail box and read them. It’s very avant garde.
Silent Key
Another podcast by the Jerk City people. I’m... not really sure what this is? It’s like that thing, modern art elicits an emotion out of you but you don’t know what that emotion is or why? That’s why I still listen to this one.
The Dark Tome
A story podcast. The framing device is pretty good, a book that transports you to the story itself, but this feels like one of those shows that used to be on Saturdays at like 11 to trick you into learning about classic literature. Definitely feels like it should be a TV show rather than a podcast.
Surprisingly Nice
Travis McElroy and Hal Lublin (of Thrilling Adventure Hour fame, Steve Carlsburg from Night Vale) talk to people and have a “Surprisingly Nice” chat with them.
Point Mystic
Another supernatural mystery show. Just started not that long ago and they just wrapped up their first story. Really enjoyable.
Another Little Empire podcast. Guy from Worst Idea of All Time played host to a friend from Australia for 7 days and they recorded a podcast every day and it just gets more and more absurd.
American politics as told by an american journalist and a New Zealander, namely Tim from Worst Idea of All Time. Just started with this one.
Missing Richard Simmons
I was super interested in this when it started, but I’ve read a few articles decrying it and now I feel weird about it. It has one more episode to go, so I guess I’ll ride it out for one more week.
The last and newest one from Pacific Northwest Stories. Very similar to the other two, except this one is about a cryptic ARG thing.
The second playlist is New Pods, and it’s a newer playlist. In the last monthish I added a bunch of new podcasts, so in order to keep up with the above but also be able to work my way through the newer ones, I made a separate playlist. I put a date cap on it, so this playlist is all podcasts where the first episode is from 2014 on. I was up to Feb 2015, but then I added about 15 new podcasts yesterday? day before? from an ask a friend reblogged and I’m in Sept of 2014 now. 3rd playlist is podcasts that started before 2014. I didn’t want to back up so far that it would take me a year to get caught up, so that playlist is a lower priority.
Podcasts that I am currently working my way through, have listened to at least a couple episodes, all on playlist 2:
Plumbing the Death Star
From the Sans Pants Radio network. Some Australian dudes debate about nerdy stuff in the way nerdy people do, like What Hogwarts House would you be in? or How does Thor get a haircut? Currently In Feb 2014 on this one.
Shut Up a Second
Also from Sans Pants Radio. Kind of like Plumbing the Death Start except not exclusively nerdy stuff. They just talk about anything. 
Wolf 359
Just started this one as part of the last round of additions. So far so good.
Pleasure Town
Also just started. 
Ones I haven’t listened to yet, but are subscribed to, either on playlist 2 or 3:
D&D Is for Nerds
Dinosaur Park
Boone Shepherd
Movie Maintenance
Super Gym Friends
The Glass Canon
Ghostbusters Resurrection
Dungeons and Doritos
Pokeballs of Steelix
Nerdy Show Book Club
The Orphans
The Call of Cthulhu
King Falls AM
Alba Salix
The Penumbra Podcast
The Bridge
EOS 10
The Elysium
The Magnus Archives
Greater Boston
Return Home
Our Fair City
And that’s everything in my podcatcher.
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