#they were too cowardly to make that canon tho lbr
izloveshorses · 9 months
god,,, raven/luna was such a missed opportunity fr
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lameunknown · 6 years
tagged by @mishavi, thank you fellow slavic brother!!! lmao 💛☺️ 
rules: choose any three fandoms (in any order), answer the questions and tag 10 people you want to get to know better.
3 fandoms:
- star wars
- harry potter
- steven universe
(kinda wanna do the mcu but. eh)
The first character you loved:
- obi wan. i wanted to say finn or kylo but then i remembered i watched eps 1-6 a couple years before tfa lmao, and i watched the prequels first and was SO emotional for obi so gotta be him
- it’s been so long since i first read the books that i actually don’t remember, but i’m pretty sure 10 yo me wasn’t very original and it’s harry lmao
- i started watching su in maybe 2015 but i still can’t remember smh. why do i repress/forget 99% of my life :/ steven or pearl i think?
The character you never expected to love so much:
- hux and kylo.....i walked out of my first tfa viewing thinking “finally for the first time in my life i haven’t fallen for every villain in the movie and am rooting exclusively for the good guys! :)”, judging my now ex b*yfriend for thirsting after kylo, fast forward 2 yrs and here i am smh. mostly hux too bc i didn’t even remember his name at first and now he’s literally my favorite out of the entire franchise (rae sloane being a very close second)
- fanon draco made it so i’ll never be able to look at canon draco in the way he was intended to be looked at again. i got into drarry almost immediately after reading the books (i think books up to ootp were out at the time) but didn’t completely change my perspective on & start fiercely loving draco until my 2nd fandom phase years later (2014ish-now) 
- amethyst tbh. she was kinda annoying in the first eps/seasons but when we saw more of her backstory and personal issues i was just. i’d die for her. would’ve said jasper but lbr i was gay as fuck for her the moment i saw her, and the tragic backstory unlocked in the latest eps is just a pleasant bonus
The character you relate to most:
same as @mishavi i can’t say i REALLY relate to characters, as fandom for me is a way to rest and distract myself from reality and heavily projecting onto it would’ve been counterproductive in that sense, but i can still list some
- as i’ve said in a similar tag meme some time ago, the closest i can pick is finn bc i too could never make peace with and accept the shitty concepts and ideologies i was raised with, but i’m not about to pretend that the hell he went through is in any way on a similar level with my experiences. 
- and again, fanon draco for the same reasons lmao. i guess the closest canon char would be sirius but idrk about that, i’m way too cowardly and calculating to be as outwardly rebellious
- my replies have been really repetitive and boring so far, but amethyst bc yknow i never asked to be made lmao. i guess steven can also qualify here bc i sure as hell haven’t fulfilled any expectations people had of me, and jasper for reasons similar to everything listed above but also commitment adjacent issues i’m not ready to go in depth about rn 
The character you’d slap:
- rian johnson kylo (just gonna leave this as is bc i agree and this is the one right answer)
- pansy for offering to give up harry is the first to come to mind? but i’d slap a whole bunch of people from the hp universe tbh 
- lapis
3 favorite characters (in order of preferences):
- HUX, rae sloane/kylo, sinjir rath velus/rey, i can’t choose don’t @ me 
- fanon harry/fanon draco, hermione, ron. IM SORRY 
- jasper, amethyst, yd? pearl? hard to pick honestly 
Characters you liked at first but don’t anymore:
- i mean yeah, phasma seemed SO promising but then they just did her like that. sad. it’s not that i don’t like her character anymore but it’s hard working with 0.05 seconds of canon screen time, one book (that i haven’t read yet lmao) and knowing she’s already dead. 
- i was young and stupid enough to like dumbledore at some point so there lmao. also snape except for a really niche and not well-known rendition/interpretation of fanon snape
- lapis
Character you did not like at first but do now:
- uhhhh cannnnn’t really think of one. aftermath trilogy mon mothma, perhaps 
- @femmequixotic‘s pansy made me do a 180 lmao. my slytherin queen 
- ......amethyst. also peridot, as unoriginal as that is, although i’m def not a fan of the extreme infatilization her character underwent in the last season or so. peridot circa gem drill/shorty squard/whatever episode she discovered her metal powers is my fav. 
Three OTPs:
- KYLUX, finnrey, sinjir/conder, rae sloane x myself , unironically clydeland even tho it’s not technically star wars, 
- drarry, romione, linny, honorable mention for @femmequixotic‘s panthea bc i cannot freakin WAIT until it goes canon 😩
- jaspearl, amedot, steven x calm and happiness 
I tag: @quicksilverys, @tymorrowland, @sheisalreadyhere, @uglinatheprincess, @hallelujuh, @phasmachromatic (it won’t pick up for some reason), @sapphicsucculent and whoever else wants to do this!
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