#this is not a “noco shippers are oppressed” post
noco7 · 2 years
Noco in 7 minutes, more like noco in 160k words which equals 6.7 hours of reading amirite
call it noco in 7 hours 🥁 Yeah, the title is kinda a relic at this point. The first chapter of this fic was conceptualized as a one-off idea, just a little drabble where I laid out everything I liked about noco and the potential I saw in it. Like an argument (partially motivated by the anti-noco posts I was seeing at the time). And then I got entranced by my own argument, and was like no... I *need* to fulfill the potential! Thus, it became a multi-chapter monster of a fic. Thank god for noco antis, amirite? (Tho, the 7 minutes in heaven premise was also inspired by the lesbian movie Crush, and the lesbian show First Kill. Having never played the game before, I had a lot of questions - and just like any fandom obssessed person, I decided to test it out on my OTP. So maybe thanks should go to WLW, aka the true pioneers.)
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