#this is technically part of a college au ive been working on for forever
lazybakerart · 2 years
OK ok ok I caved. for that banned prompts tag. high heels and soapy
5am and Steve wakes up to vanilla and honey.
Billy's neck deep in bubbles with his black heels still snug on his feet hanging off the end of the tub.
Steve leans on the doorjamb to watch him, waking himself up slow. Billy has a habit of abusing his emergency key to Steve's apartment with half baked excuses of my radiator broke and you have the nice soap and do you know what's its like to live in a house with a bunch of beta cuck morons?
Steve used to then he dropped out and moved out and exiled himself from the frat and now he makes nine bucks an hour and gets to sleep in until noon most days.
Billy’s head is tilted back on the tub’s lip, blond curls float in the water, the ends getting brunette dark when they’re wet. His glitzy barely clothes clothes are spread out from the front door, down the hall and outside the bathroom.
"Just admit it." Billy cracks an eye open, flings one hand out of the water to point a soapy dripping foam finger at Steve. "You've been jerking it to this exact scenario for months."
"You got me. Discount heels and a pair of hairy legs - gooses me right up.”
Billy frowns, rising up to cross his arms on the bath’s edge. 
“I paid full price for these puppies.” Billy kicks up a leg.
“If it was more than $9.99 you got ripped off, man.” Steve flips the toilet lid down and sits on it. “You need a better job.”
Billy rolls his eyes at the conversation they’ve had more than a few times. Huffs haughty and uninterested.
“If I can pay my tuition by flashing my tits and getting all fairied up - why the fuck wouldn’t I?” Billy snorts, sinking back into the tub until his chin’s in the bubbles, knocking his heels together with a clack. “If I had a rich daddy like you, maybe I’d be more of a prude.”
5 in the morning is too early for this. It’s meant to be a one-sided talk where Steve points out Billy’s issues and Billy tells him to fuck off. But Billy’s always had a sharper mouth on him than Steve. 
Steve grits his teeth and remembers he hasn’t had any coffee yet and he’s supposed to be asleep for another four hours and Billy’s coming off a long shift of dealing with handsy assholes.
Somewhere in that Steve’s supposed to take the higher road and feel good about it.
“You’re not even gay.” 
“I love homos.” Billy ducks under the water, comes back up, curls sticking to his eyelashes. He spits water at Steve and Steve’s too groggy to move.
At least the water’s warm.
“I’m pretty sure saying homos is homophobic. And, like, fairied? Really?”
Billy’s laugh grates on Steve - loud and scratchy and full of himself. “Did one of your little nerds you babysit tell you that? So cute that you think I care. You’re like the care bear of useless morals..” 
“All right. Shut up. Be less shitty.”
“I’m too hot to be nice, sweetcheeks.” 
“No, you’re not.” Steve brushes Billy’s hair out of his face, takes the time to pick the smaller hard to get strands that cling to his thick lashes and tuck them out of the way and behind his ears. Billy’s eyes flutter shut and the warm bath has finally reached his cheeks, his face starts to glow, ears flaring up rosy. 
Steve touches that blush because he can and he wants to. Feels the heat coursing through loudmouth, hard headed Billy.
Billy tilts his head towards Steve until Steve has his cheek in his palm. Billy’s dark scruff scratchy against his skin. Billy stares up at him, searching for something Steve’s too sleepy to give him. 
Billy sighs.
“Can you take’m off?” Billy wiggles his feet. “I can’t deal with all the buckles.”
Steve checks - simple black heels. Three inches. Scuffed at the toes. Steve will probably end up doing his best to polish them back up to shoddy for Billy.
“There are no buckles.” Steve points out. 
Billy pouts. 
“Whatever.” Steve moves over, sits on the other end of the tub, and tugs them off, ignores - does his damndest to ignore the groan Billy makes when his heels are pried off. 
Billy stretches his feet out, his toes red from being scrunched together for so long. Billy dips one foot in the water and Steve catches his other by his ankle and starts to rub out the ache.
He ignores the sounds Billy makes then too.
He’d fuck a pot of coffee right now.
Steve says, “Why do they make you wear these?”
“It was drag night.” Billy drawls out, eyes heavy and looking at the tiles on the wall. “And my ass looks great in them. Better ass, better tips.” He slides lower into the water, bubbles sticking to his mustache. He stares Steve in the eye very seriously. “Never underestimate squats.”
“I won’t.”
“Promise me.”
“I swear I’ll never skip leg day.”
“Ass day. You need a whole day committed to your ass. That’s how you pay for textbooks and still have enough for three squares a day.”
“Then why do you keep stealing my dinner? And breakfast? And lunch?”
“Only an only child would say sharing is stealing. Fucking selfish, bro. The lord baby Jesus would not be cool with you.” Billy shakes his head sadly. “Just trying to relax after a long night and you come in here trying to make me the bad guy and - “
Steve digs his thumb into Billy’s heel making him squirm and splash half the bathwater onto the bathroom tile.
“You’re cleaning this up.” Steve informs him. “And no talking until I get two cups of coffee and a short stack in me and - I swear - you’re not sharing any of my bacon, asshole.”
With foamy bubbles covering his curls, Billy grins toothy at him.
“You’re so in love with me it’s embarrassing. Just get your dick out already.”
Steve tsks at him. “No talking. Clean.”
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