#this method of ratings is definitely outdated
Based off your NCIS: Hawai’i cancelation post. What are your thoughts on the cancellation? If it is just, why do you believe so?
Let's break it down!
Factor 1: Filming in Hawaii
Hawaii as a filming location is going to be more expensive than filming somewhere like LA, NYC, or Chicago. Not only will there be more individuals who will have to relocate when you're filming somewhere like Hawaii versus the mainland, meaning that you're going to have a higher cost associated relocation costs (all of which are typical in a negotiated contract), but travel expenses are also going to be higher for guest stars, directors, writers, etc., cost of living/lodging is going to be higher, cost of materials are going to be higher, it's all going to be higher in a location like Hawaii than a location like LA, NYC, or Chicago.
Factor 2: More Seasons = More Money
The longer a television show is on air, the more expensive a television show gets to make.
First, the longer a television show is on air, the more established/"famous" the cast becomes. The more established/"famous" a cast becomes, the more expensive they become to keep employed. Every time a contract is re-negotiated, unless someone's role is being reduced, it's going to cost more than it did the last time their contract was negotiated. They're more well-known, they're an integral part of a show's success, they have more of a following and more of a leg to stand on when making their negotiations.
Second, the desire to make your show better, often involves making your show bigger... bigger sets, bigger locations, bigger stars, etc. This all costs money. Look at NCIS Hawaii... they brought LL Cool J in to the fold, for whatever reason (I'm assuming to attempt to draw NCIS LA fans to NCIS Hawaii), and this isn't something that would have been cheap. LL Cool J is already well established in the NCIS-Universe and can use that to negotiate his contract, but he's also a big name in general, which can also impact his negotiating. Whenever a show tried to do more, whether it's with guest stars, plots, sets, locations, etc., it costs more money.
Factor 3: Network Have To Sell Their Shows Yearly
Networks are a business. It's honestly as simple as that. They have products (television shows) that they are trying to sell to a consumer (advertisers) in an effort to make a profit.
Every year, television networks engage in what are called "upfronts" - upfronts are essentially this big event (or at least they used to be a big event pre-covid, I'm not sure if they still are), where networks essentially present there schedule for the upcoming season in an attempt to get advertisers to pay to advertise their products during these television shows. The ultimate goal is that the amount networks make from these advertisers is more than the cost it makes to produce the television show, thus creating a profit (yay economics/math).
So how to advertisers decide how much money to allocate to certain television shows/networks? Ratings. This is where it gets complicated though. When ratings are reported for television shows, there are typically two things reported (in initial reports) - demo and total viewers. These two metrics are what is important to advertisers, but ultimately, what's most important is that demo - advertisers pay more for television shows with higher demos because it means that more individuals within the age range they want to advertise to (18-49) are consuming their product (ads). This is also why, despite the fact that Live+7 ratings are reported, they don't hold significant weight because viewers are not watching advertisements when they watch playbacks, they're fast forwarding/skipping.
So let's look at NCIS Hawaii - yes, NCIS Hawaii is doing remarkably well with total viewers, nobody can deny that, the numbers are there. But what they aren't doing well with, and what advertisers are looking at, is demographic. From season 1 to season 2, NCIS went from an average demo of .51 to an average demo of .35 which is a pretty significant drop. From season 2 to season 3, the demo has stayed consistent at an average of about .35, if not a little bit lower. This is good, right? Yes. But also no. Why? Because since episode 4 of NCIS Hawaii's season 3, ratings have had a drop of 25% (i.e. going from an average of .4 to .3), which is going to be a big factor for advertisers (i.e. yes, the average demo is consistent, but trends are showing the the demo is going down). This is also the difference between going from a "sure renewal" at the beginning of the season, to now being cancelled. Things changed.
So what does this mean? Essentially what this is going to mean is that if CBS were to present NCIS Hawaii to advertisers at the upcoming upfronts, the cost of producing NCIS Hawaii would far exceed the amount of money they could get from advertisers, most likely to a degree that they couldn't make up for with the excess advertisement they are getting from other shows.
Other Factors (More Subjective than objective, but still factors nonetheless:
NCIS Hawaii, in season 3, is a vastly different show than it was in season 1. The first season of NCIS Hawaii did a phenomenal job of capturing exactly what made it special... it's diversity. They focused on the cultures and customs of Hawaii, of the uniqueness that was Jane Tennet being in the position she is in as a single mother, the rareness that is not only having a wlw couple front and center on your television show, but also having it treated no differently than a heterosexual couple... NCIS Hawaii didn't come out of the gates trying to be like NCIS or NCIS LA... it came out of the gates being different, and that worked. But then in season 2 and moreso in season 3, they really started to get away from that - it became less about family and diversity and Hawaii and more about the "flash" and "wow". They moved away from what made them special, and that's something that CBS could have taken into account when they were making decisions.
As mentioned above, the cost of producing a show like NCIS Hawaii is going to be much higher than producing a show that is based in the mainland. This is exasperated by the fact that right now, literally everything is far more expensive than it needs to be because of inflation, which is going to make an already expensive show even more expensive
Changes to CBS's lineup: CBS's lineup is different this upcoming season than it was past seasons - you have a new and widely successful show in Tracker that CBS is going to want to capitalize on and really push in their bid to gain advertisement money. SWAT is no longer getting cancelled, which shifts their budgeting significantly (the conversation very quickly shifted from budget cuts for NCIS Hawaii to cancellation for NCIS Hawaii with this change). The strike also changed things because they went out and purchased/invested in some television shows they may not have otherwise invested in (NCIS Sydney, Ghosts UK) due to the uncertainty of when their regular programing would be back and the need to try and bring in some sort of money. (Note: There have also been a lot of people blaming the NCIS Origins spinoff as being the reason NCIS Hawaii is being cancelled, but this is disingenuous. NCIS Origins was greenlit far before any conversations about cancellations for this season would have began, which means that the fate of any show from this season was not tied to the addition of NCIS Origins - all networks greenlight a certain number of new television shows regardless of what the outcome of their current television shows are).
To Long Didn't Read Version:
NCIS Hawaii has reached the point where the total cost of producing the show is significantly increasing while the total cost they are receiving from advertisers is decreasing and therefore, they can no longer justify keeping this show on their schedule, as it result in a significant loss for CBS as a network.
Edit: Article regarding CBS's decision to cancel NCIS Hawaii that supports all of the above
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drstonetrivia · 8 months
Chapter 8 Trivia
Senku's face is pretty close to Tsukasa's there isn't it! 😳
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Flowers of sulfur (not flour, even if it looks more like it) are the result of sulfur in the Earth's crust getting shot out of volcanic vents in gas form and then solidifying on the ground (=deposition), resulting in a layer of pure sulfur covering the area.
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Yuzuriha's scars are gone for this whole scene. She should have two swirls, one on her shoulder and one on her neck.
I hope that barrier doesn't have holes in it, Taiju…
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"Senku's Kitchen" is actually a parody of "MOCO's Kitchen", a popular cooking show hosted by actor, chef, TV presenter, entrepreneur, and model Mokomichi Hayami.
Everyone also looks very excited to be making explosives. Go team!
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The ingredients Senku uses are correct, but you'll want to grind the 3 powders separately before combining them.
The charcoal acts as fuel, the saltpeter/potassium nitrate (KNO3) supplies the oxygen, and sulfur lowers the ignition point & increases the rate of combustion.
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To make KNO3 from manure, mix it with ash, straw and urine. Stir periodically for several months, then filter the KNO3 crystals out using water and ashes.
In Senku's case, he may have collected it from the walls of the cave, where it can form naturally.
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Senku adds extra sugar for "oomph", but sugar has a lower heat of combustion (=amount of heat released when burnt) than charcoal. When the goal is to have everything burn fast and strong, adding a "weaker" fuel seems pointless.
(You can replace charcoal w/sugar, but it's worse.)
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Did you know the first operating system to use a spinning hourglass cursor was Windows 95? The default one is static, but you can change it in the menu.
Taiju's brain is running on an outdated OS that's older than him by several years! At least his hardware is good :)
(The wait cursor was changed to a spinning disk for Windows Vista in 2006, a few years after Taiju was born. I spent too long looking this stuff up but it's really interesting…)
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Pyrites were the most popular strike-to-light method before flint and steel. Some knowledge was lost over time, as not all pyrites are effective at making sparks, but it's definitely possible.
If the grains/inclusions of pyrite in the rock are small, it's easier to spark.
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The technique with these methods is generally to scrape hard rather than hit, as you want to shave off tiny pieces of metal which then spontaneously combust in the air, creating sparks.
In Taiju's case, he's probably hitting it with enough force to break small pieces off.
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Taiju's priorities: save Yuzuriha.
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The plume of smoke is incredibly solid and straight, so I guess there's almost no wind? The part above the moutain peaks should be dissipated though because wind tends to be most consistently strong as it blows across the top of the mountain range.
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Senku loves taking risks even though he has the worst luck. I sure hope nothing bad happens before he can meet the person who lit that fire…
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mediaevalmusereads · 2 years
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Cinnamon and Gunpowder. By Eli Brown. Picador, 2013.
Rating: 4/5 stars
Genre: historical fiction
Part of a Series? No
Summary:  The year is 1819, and the renowned chef Owen Wedgwood has been kidnapped by the ruthless pirate Mad Hannah Mabbot. He will be spared, she tells him, as long as he puts exquisite food in front of her every Sunday without fail. To appease the red-haired captain, Wedgwood gets cracking with the meager supplies on board. His first triumph at sea is actual bread, made from a sourdough starter that he leavens in a tin under his shirt throughout a roaring battle, as men are cutlassed all around him. Soon he’s making tea-smoked eel and brewing pineapple-banana cider. But Mabbot—who exerts a curious draw on the chef—is under siege. Hunted by a deadly privateer and plagued by a saboteur hidden on her ship, she pushes her crew past exhaustion in her search for the notorious Brass Fox. As Wedgwood begins to sense a method to Mabbot’s madness, he must rely on the bizarre crewmembers he once feared: Mr. Apples, the fearsome giant who loves to knit; Feng and Bai, martial arts masters sworn to defend their captain; and Joshua, the deaf cabin boy who becomes the son Wedgwood never had.
***Full review below.***
Content Warnings: violence, blood, Orientalism, slavery, references to child prostitution, incest, and bestiality
Overview: I don't remember how I came across this book, but I was in the mood for some swashbuckling, so I gave it a go. Overall, I was surprised by how much I liked this book; in my opinion, Brown does a phenomenal job of mimicking the literary style of the 18th/19th century, and that made the book all the more immersive. The style/voice does mean that there are things I didn't like, mainly the use of outdated, Orientalist terms and other not-so-great attitudes towards Black and queer people, but it felt less like the author was trying to be "historically accurate" and more using these things in order to ultimately critique them, so I'm not coming down as hard with my criticism. Brown clearly has a talent for writing historical fiction, so this book gets 4 stars from me.
Writing: The thing I liked most about this book was that it successfully imitated the prose style and structure of 18th/19th century novels. Chapters are given little subtitles that give you a brief summary of the following pages, and the syntax feels archaic in a way that I found incredibly immersive. Of course, Brown is also careful to move the narrative along, and all descriptions felt evocative without bogging down the pace. As a lover of old lit, I enjoyed every moment of my reading experience, and I'd definitely recommend this book if you like stories written in an "old timey" voice.
However, because of the style, Brown did use some terms to describe East Asians, Africans, and queer people that don't sit comfortably with modern readers. I don't think Brown does this to be "edgy" or "historically accurate"; this book is told from the first person perspective of a character who makes a lot of assumptions about the people around him, and over time, his assumptions are challenged and changed. For example, the narrator assumes that Opium addiction is an indictment against the Chinese moral character, but he over the course of the novel, he is shown how the opium trade is a product of colonialism, imperialism, racism, etc. I thus got the impression that Brown was taking what could be "conventional" 19th century views on race and sexuality and showing the realities of history. Your individual sensitivity my vary, however, so I encourage you to make this call for yourself.
Plot: The plot of this book follows Owen Wedgwood, a chef who is taken prisoner aboard a pirate ship after his employer is brutally murdered. Wedgwood's captor is Mad Hannah Mabbot, and she makes Owen a deal - if he cooks a magnificent meal for her on Sundays with no repeated dishes, Owen will get to live another week. Left with little alternative, Owen takes up the challenge all while accompanying Mabbot on her relentless pursuit of someone called the Brass Fox and avoiding the clutches of her pursuers.
What I liked most about this plot was the focus on destroying a powerful imperialist corporation. Though much of the story is about Owen adjusting to pirate life, a lot of it was also about Mabbot trying to right the wrongs of her past. That past, it turns out, is tied up with the Pendleton Company - a sort of fictional analog to the historical East India Company. I liked that Mabbot was constantly pushing herself to do right while also balancing the desires of the crew, and I liked that the horrors of imperialism were conveyed without lingering on scenes of human suffering.
I do think, however, that Brown could have done more with the connection between Owen and Mabbot. While I really liked the witty replies Mabbot gave and their eventual comradery, their romance felt forced and I think Brown should have spent more time describing Owen's inner thoughts. I also think the end was a little rushed, and it didn’t feel as satisfying as it could have, but I’m also picky.
Characters: Owen Wedgwood, our narrator, is at once sympathetic and unlikeable. His distress at being captured and enthusiasm for cooking are both strong emotional situations that make him compelling as a character, but his attitudes towards non-white, non-straight, and disabled characters feels like it carries an air of superiority. To give Brown credit, Owen does have his views and assumptions challenged, so he does experience some character growth, so I can't complain too much. I also wasn't the biggest fan of the fact that a lot of Owen's thoughts are preoccupied by his dead wife, but if we have to have a dead woman in his past, I'm at least glad Brown tried to make it a constant part of Owen's character (rather than empty manpain). Lastly, I think Owen's character arc could have bent more strongly in the direction of learning to see the world as it is, not just through his colonialist lens, but he does come around somewhat, so I can't complain too much.
Mabbot, our fearless lady pirate, is incredibly likeable. She is not only confident and ruthless, but she has strong moral values that involve punishing capitalist overlords for exploiting the working poor of India and China. I loved that she was constantly pushing back against Owen's views of the world, and I loved her enthusiasm for the philosophical aspects to Owen's cooking. I also found her connection with the Brass Fox to be quite touching, and I wanted her to succeed more than anything.
Supporting characters were a mixed bag. Mr. Apples (the first mate) and Joshua (the deaf cabin boy) felt fully-realized and played interesting roles in the plot. Non-white characters, however, seemed to be on the margins, existing but never really speaking. Bai and Feng, for example, could have been great for representation, but they speak so little that it's hard to see them as full characters.
TL;DR: Cinnamon and Gunpowder is a well-crafted swashbuckling adventure complete with anti-colonialist undertones and a lady captain that is sure to charm readers’ hearts. While I do think Brown could have done more to make his romance and ending feel earned, and I do wish he’d dialed back some of the 19th century Orientalism, this is a strong novel and a fun pirate adventure that kept me entertained from the first page to the last.
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not-poignant · 2 years
So, I have a chronic pain condition, Trigeminal Neuralgia. It's been so...lovingly dubbed as the suicide disease since (and the statics on this havent been updated super recently) 50% of those diagnosed commit suicide after 5 years. Because the pain is supposedly the worst pain known to man. It's a whole thing. The awful thing is that despite the pain, the person is considerably healthy and the condition itself doesnt threaten health or life expectancy. It just...hurts.
Anyway. When Gwyn loses his light? And he feels what it's like to not HURT for once? I feel that in my soul. Because I didnt always hurt. This condition wasnt from birth. And I REMEMBER what it was like. And I'm so happy for him. Like, tears (even though crying is like a 7 on the pain scale for me) welling up in my eyes happy for him. So thank you for that. It just meant a lot to me to read that.
Also, on a side note, I remember seeing these super funny vines about your characters but I cant find them now. Is there a spot for them somewhere I am unaware of?
I hope your own suffering eases for you and gives you a good reprieve soon. <3 you mean worlds to us.
TN is a horrible pain condition. I have a friend who has it and his is thankfully well managed with neuropathics, but he still gets flares and episodes that make him occasionally unable to work or function, which are especially effected by the weather. I know the suicide stats are based on super outdated research based on a chiropractor's dodgy statements with zero actual research, (I wouldn't trust chiropractors, frankly, but that's a whole other thing.)
My friend who has it is a scientist, and has shared a lot of links to me over the years on TN! (We both have chronic pain conditions, and have talked a lot about surgery, neuropathics, management options etc. over the years).
Many of those in outreach and support groups prefer moving away from the term 'suicide disease' because it's often choosing shock value over hope and support (the amount is anecdotally reported in dedicated support groups to be way less than 25% because of management options these days, though it differs between T1 and T2 type), especially because survival rates are extremely high and increasing all the time for many folks. What people were doing in 1773 with the disorder vs 2022 is pretty different!
But at any rate, I've had shingles of the trigeminal nerve and that alone was plenty, TN can be so intense and so few people know it exists, and often when articles do talk about it, they do it in this kind of exploitative way instead of pushing the actual methods of support and scientific learning etc. It's a horrible condition and there definitely needs to be more awareness of it and the growing science and options of treatment around it. I'm sorry for how much suffering it gives you, it's so unfair.
Anyway. When Gwyn loses his light? And he feels what it's like to not HURT for once? I feel that in my soul.
*nods* I definitely think this one hits different for people who have chronic pain conditions (something I also have). Gwyn's relief and his unwillingness to want to get his light back, and Augus' anger about that, I feel like anyone with a chronic pain condition (or anyone who has been through long-term pain of any kind even if it eventually goes away) knows exactly what that relief might be like and why Gwyn feels the way he does, if they've ever had a pain-free day. I do think of Gwyn's light as being like a chronic pain condition, one where he's only experienced a pain-free day in The Ice Plague.
Also, on a side note, I remember seeing these super funny vines about your characters but I cant find them now. Is there a spot for them somewhere I am unaware of?
They weren't official vines so much as vine edits / vine compilations, and they're in the Fae Tales Crack tag, there's a few of them and I'm not going to link them all specifically, but if you go back through you'll find them. :) They're all by @freyadragonlord and are awesome.
The tag is fun to go through anyway if you want to laugh about stuff. It's one of my favourites. :D
In the meantime I'm so sorry for the pain that you live with, and now relentless TN is. I don't think folks who haven't experienced unrelenting chronic fatigue or chronic pain can ever understand, but even with a chronic pain disorder of my own and having had shingles of the trigeminal nerve, I know I can't come close to imagining what it's like. I can only hope that there will be more and more developments in treatment and support, which thankfully looks to be the case, but those things can't come soon enough and in the meantime I hope you're taking care!
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ubaid214 · 5 days
Detailed Information to Obtaining a French Charge: Needs and Request Process
Obtaining a German visa requires moving an in depth process that features knowledge the various forms of visas, the related fees, the conditions that must definitely be achieved, and the mandatory documentation. That extensive guide seeks to provide an obvious overview to assist you successfully apply for a French visa.
Types of German Visas Before fishing to the particulars, it's important to recognize the kind of charge you need. German visas are commonly categorized in to short-stay visas (for continues around 90 days) and long-stay visas (for remains exceeding 90 days). Frequent forms of visas include:
Tourist Charge: For leisure travel. Organization Visa: For business-related activities. Scholar Visa: For those pursuing educational courses. Perform Credit: For employment purposes. Family Charge: For family reunification. Visa Prices The price of a German charge ranges with respect to the form and length of the visa:
Short-Stay Schengen Visa (up to 90 days): €80 for people, €40 for children outdated 6-12, and free for kids under 6. Long-Stay Charge (more than 90 days): €99 for several applicants. Different certain visas (e.g., scholar, work): Rates can vary greatly predicated on specific agreements and the applicant's nationality. Extra company charges may possibly use if you use a credit request middle (e.g., VFS Global) to send your documents. ویزای فرانسه
Situations for Obtaining a French Charge Applicants must match many situations to be entitled to a German visa:
Intent behind Visit: Obviously establish and give evidence for the objective of your visit (e.g., an invitation page for a small business visa, an approval letter for students visa). Economic Means: Show that you have sufficient resources to cover your stay. This could contain bank statements, proof of employment, or sponsorship letters. Accommodation: Give evidence of accommodation for the stay in France (e.g., lodge bookings, rental agreements, or an invitation from the host).
Wellness Insurance: Receive vacation medical insurance with the absolute minimum coverage of €30,000, legitimate through the entire Schengen area. Reunite Journey: Display proof of get back or onward vacation, like a booked return journey ticket. Expected Documents The documentation required for a French credit application can differ based on the charge form but usually contains:
Done Visa Software Form: Stuffed and signed. Passport: Legitimate for at the very least 90 days away from in the offing departure from France, with at the very least two clear pages. Pictures: New passport-sized photographs that match the precise visa photo requirements. Proof Financial Indicates: Bank claims, pay falls, or sponsorship letters. Travel Itinerary: Trip bookings and travel plans.
Evidence of Accommodation: Resort concerns, hire agreements, or an invitation page from a bunch in France. Journey Insurance: Valid medical health insurance covering at least €30,000. Promoting Documents: With respect to the visa type, extra papers may be required (e.g., an acceptance letter from a French academic institution for students visa, or an employment contract for a function visa). Program Method
Determine Credit Type: Identify the sort of credit you will need centered in your travel purpose. Gather Documents: Obtain all required papers depending on the checklist offered above. Load Request Variety: Complete the credit application type accurately.
Schedule an Session: Guide an visit at the closest German consulate or charge program center. Attend Appointment: Publish your program, offer biometric information (photograph and fingerprints), and pay the visa fee. Watch for Running: Visa handling situations may vary, typically including 15 to 60 times with regards to the credit type and applicant's nationality. Obtain Decision: When your credit is processed, you is likely to be notified to gather your passport or have it sent to you.
Realization Obtaining a French visa requires cautious planning and adherence to the particular demands and problems specified by German authorities. By understanding the costs, conference the problems, and ensuring all required papers come in purchase, applicants can enhance their chances of a fruitful credit application. If you are arranging a small visit or an extended stay, this manual gives a clear roadmap to navigate the French charge software process effectively.
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koiqiss · 1 month
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Touch VPN connectivity issues
Touch VPN is a popular choice for many users looking to encrypt their internet connection and maintain their online privacy. However, like any other VPN service, Touch VPN users may encounter connectivity issues from time to time.
One common connectivity issue that Touch VPN users face is difficulty in establishing a connection to the VPN server. This can be due to various reasons such as server overload, network congestion, or software conflicts. In such cases, users may experience repeated disconnections or inability to connect to the desired VPN server.
Another common issue is slow connection speeds while using Touch VPN. This can be frustrating, especially for users looking to stream high-definition content or engage in online gaming. Slow connection speeds can be caused by server distance, internet service provider throttling, or the user's device performance.
Furthermore, some users may experience compatibility issues with Touch VPN on specific devices or operating systems. It's essential to check the compatibility of Touch VPN with your device before installation to avoid any connectivity issues.
To address Touch VPN connectivity issues, users can try troubleshooting steps such as reconnecting to the VPN server, switching to a different server location, updating the VPN software, or contacting Touch VPN customer support for assistance.
In conclusion, while Touch VPN is a reliable choice for securing your online activities, it's essential to be aware of potential connectivity issues that may arise. By understanding the common problems and implementing troubleshooting steps, users can enjoy a seamless and secure VPN experience with Touch VPN.
Troubleshooting Touch VPN problems
When using Touch VPN to secure your internet connection and protect your privacy, encountering technical issues can be frustrating. If you are facing problems with Touch VPN, troubleshooting the issues can help you get back to enjoying a safe and unrestricted online experience.
One common issue users encounter is difficulty connecting to the VPN server. If you are unable to establish a connection, check your internet connection to ensure it is stable. Restarting your device or router may also help resolve connectivity issues. Additionally, switching to a different VPN server within the Touch VPN app could improve your connection success rate.
Another problem users often face is slow connection speeds while using Touch VPN. Slow speeds can result from various factors, including server congestion, network interference, or outdated VPN software. To address this, try connecting to a different server location that is closer to your physical location. Updating the Touch VPN app to the latest version and optimizing your device's network settings can also potentially boost connection speeds.
If Touch VPN repeatedly disconnects or crashes, reinstalling the app or updating your device's operating system may solve the issue. Clearing the app's cache and ensuring that background apps are not consuming excessive resources can help maintain a stable VPN connection.
By troubleshooting Touch VPN problems methodically and following these suggestions, you can overcome technical challenges and enjoy a reliable and secure VPN service for your online activities. Remember to reach out to Touch VPN's customer support if you encounter persistent issues that require further assistance.
Reasons for Touch VPN malfunction
There can be several reasons for Touch VPN malfunctioning, causing frustration and inconvenience to users. One common reason is internet connectivity issues. If the user's internet connection is unstable or weak, it can disrupt the VPN connection, leading to malfunction. This can result in slower connection speeds, frequent disconnections, or the inability to connect to the VPN server.
Another reason for Touch VPN malfunction could be outdated software. If the VPN application is not updated to the latest version, it may encounter compatibility issues with the device's operating system or other applications, causing malfunctions. It is essential to regularly update the VPN software to ensure smooth performance and optimal security.
Additionally, server overload or maintenance can also cause Touch VPN to malfunction. When too many users are connected to the same server or if the server is undergoing maintenance, it can lead to performance issues such as slow connection speeds or difficulty in establishing a connection. Switching to a different server within the VPN application may help resolve this issue.
Moreover, firewall or antivirus settings on the device may interfere with the VPN connection, resulting in malfunctions. Configuring the firewall or antivirus software to allow the VPN application to function properly can help mitigate this problem.
In some cases, conflicts with other VPN applications or network settings can also cause Touch VPN to malfunction. It is recommended to disable or uninstall any conflicting VPN applications and adjust network settings as needed to ensure the smooth functioning of Touch VPN. By addressing these common reasons for Touch VPN malfunctions, users can enhance their VPN experience and maintain online privacy and security effectively.
Fixing Touch VPN not connecting
If you're experiencing issues with Touch VPN not connecting, there are several troubleshooting steps you can try to resolve the issue and get your VPN connection back up and running smoothly.
Firstly, ensure that you have a stable internet connection. Sometimes, connectivity issues can arise due to a poor or unstable internet connection. Try connecting to different networks or resetting your router to see if that resolves the problem.
Next, check if there are any updates available for the Touch VPN application. Developers frequently release updates to fix bugs and improve performance, so updating to the latest version may solve any connectivity issues you're experiencing.
If updating the app doesn't work, try switching to a different VPN server. Sometimes, certain servers may be experiencing high traffic or technical difficulties, preventing you from connecting. Switching to a different server location within the app's settings might help you establish a successful connection.
Additionally, make sure that your device's operating system is up to date. Outdated software can sometimes cause compatibility issues with VPN applications. Check for any available updates and install them if necessary.
If none of the above steps resolve the problem, consider reaching out to Touch VPN's customer support for further assistance. They may be able to provide personalized troubleshooting steps or insights into any known issues affecting the service.
By following these steps, you should be able to troubleshoot and fix any connectivity issues you're experiencing with Touch VPN, allowing you to enjoy a secure and private internet browsing experience once again.
Analyzing Touch VPN connection failures
Analyzing Touch VPN Connection Failures
Touch VPN is a popular virtual private network (VPN) service that allows users to protect their online privacy and access geo-restricted content. However, users may sometimes experience connection failures while using Touch VPN. It is essential to analyze and understand the possible reasons behind these failures to ensure a seamless and secure browsing experience.
One common reason for Touch VPN connection failures is network issues. Fluctuations in internet connectivity, network congestion, or firewall restrictions can disrupt the VPN connection, leading to connection failures. Users should check their internet connection and ensure that they have a stable and reliable network to avoid such issues.
Another reason for Touch VPN connection failures could be outdated software or app versions. Regular updates are crucial to maintain the security and functionality of the VPN service. Users should regularly check for updates and install them to prevent connection issues caused by outdated software.
In some cases, Touch VPN connection failures may be due to server issues. Overloaded servers, maintenance downtime, or server-side errors can impact the VPN connection. Users can try connecting to different server locations or contact Touch VPN support for assistance in resolving server-related connection failures.
Analyzing Touch VPN connection failures requires troubleshooting skills and an understanding of common issues that can affect VPN connectivity. By addressing network issues, updating software, and addressing server problems, users can ensure a reliable and stable VPN connection for secure browsing and online privacy protection.
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growcapitalgroup · 7 months
Value Add Real Estate Definition And Strategy
Value-add real estate is a strategy in real estate investing that involves purchasing properties that are not performing at their highest potential and then making improvements to increase their value and generate higher returns on the investment. This can be done through a variety of methods, such as renovations, upgrades, and repositioning the property within the market.
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Physical obsolescence: Properties that are outdated or in need of repair can be upgraded to make them more appealing to tenants or buyers.
Functional obsolescence: Properties that are not well-suited for their current use can be repurposed or renovated to better meet the needs of the market.
Undermanagement: Properties that are not being managed effectively can be improved by hiring better management, implementing new marketing strategies, and making operational changes.
Mispositioning: Properties that are not located in the right neighborhood or are not priced correctly can be repositioned to attract a different type of tenant or buyer.
Once a value-add property has been identified, the investor will develop a strategy for making improvements that will increase the property's value. This may involve:
Renovations: This can include anything from cosmetic improvements, such as new paint and flooring, to more significant renovations, such as adding new units or expanding the building.
Upgrades: This can include installing new appliances, updating fixtures, and making energy-efficient improvements.
Repositioning: This can involve changing the property's use, such as converting an office building to apartments or a retail space to a restaurant.
Management Improvements: This can involve hiring new management, implementing new marketing strategies, and making operational changes to improve the property's performance.
The goal of a value-add real estate strategy is to increase the property's value by more than the cost of the improvements. This can be achieved by increasing the property's income through higher rents or by selling the property for a higher price.
Value-add real estate can be a risky investment, but it can also be very rewarding. Investors who are successful in implementing a value-add strategy can generate high returns on their investments.
Here are some of the benefits of value-add real estate investing:
High potential returns: Value-add real estate can generate high returns on investment compared to other types of real estate investments.
Diversification: Value-add real estate can provide investors with diversification from traditional real estate investments, such as core and opportunistic real estate.
Control: Value-add investors have control over the renovation process and can make changes that will increase the property's value.
Tax benefits: Value-add investors may be able to take advantage of tax benefits, such as depreciation and deductions for property improvements.
However, there are also some risks associated with value-add real estate investing:
Uncertainty: The success of a value-add strategy is not always guaranteed. There is always a risk that the improvements will not increase the property's value as much as expected.
Cost overruns: Renovations and improvements can be expensive, and there is always a risk that the costs will be higher than anticipated.
Market fluctuations: The value of real estate can be affected by market fluctuations, and there is always a risk that the property's value will decline after the improvements are made.
Tenant issues: Value-add investors may face challenges with tenants, such as vacancy rates and rent collection issues.
Overall, value-add real estate can be a profitable investment strategy for investors who are willing to take on some risk and have the expertise to manage the renovation process. Investors who are considering value-add real estate should carefully research the property, develop a detailed plan for the improvements, and consult with a qualified real estate professional.
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conleymccann54 · 1 year
What You Should Know About Pediatric Dental Treatment
https://gembells.com/what-you-should-know-about-pediatric-dental-care/ As a accountable guardian, guaranteeing the oral health and fitness and dental nicely-staying of your child is definitely a leading precedence. Sad to say, a lot of kids prevent going to the dentist due to concern and stress and anxiety, even Should they be going through dental discomfort or distress. It truly is a common misunderstanding that dental problems through childhood are usually not major as milk enamel will at some point slide out. Even so, intense dental traumas through childhood might have extensive-expression effects on the event of long lasting enamel and gum wellness, resulting in long run dental troubles. Like a top rated pediatric dentist in Oakville describes, picking out an authority who specializes in treating little ones and has encounter in handling their exclusive requirements is critical for guaranteeing that your child receives the very best dental treatment. It’s also imperative that you teach your self regarding the widespread dental issues that young children facial area and talk to issues to your son or daughter’s dentist to understand how to control their dental wellness effectively. When to Start Pediatric Dental Classes? When babies start to expand their first teeth, they could experience soreness and irritation. It’s critical for parents that can help their babies manage this pain by remaining tranquil and offering them with acceptable toys to chew on. Keep away from supplying your infant sugary foods like cookies or biscuits, as these can promote germs development within their mouth. It’s also crucial that you teach your little one not to the touch their enamel with their tongue, as this might cause teeth to be crooked and need beauty dental treatment plans like orthodontics. In the event your child’s enamel are by now crooked, it’s finest to consult having a pediatric specialist to start proper dental treatment method right away. One of the most vital dental challenges in little ones is tooth decay, which can establish as early as six months to 6 years outdated. This could certainly happen because of a range of variables, which include inadequate oral hygiene and consuming sugary foods and beverages. To lower the chance of tooth decay, it’s essential to train small children to brush and floss frequently and limit sugary foods and juices. Consult with that has a pediatric dentist to seek out an acceptable toothbrush and toothpaste for your child, and to find out about ideal dental care tactics.
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When picking out a toothbrush, hunt for one particular with smooth bristles, a small head, and a protracted take care of. There's also Exclusive toothpastes accessible for small children that don’t contain fluoride. Really encourage your child to consume loads of water amongst meals and once they really feel thirsty to advertise excellent oral hygiene routines. By taking proactive techniques to promote superior dental health in your child from an early age, you can help them stay away from dental issues and be certain a nutritious smile for all times. Tooth decay is a standard difficulty that has an effect on a lot of little ones, but it’s crucial to address it as quickly as possible by scheduling an appointment that has a dependable pediatric dentist. Don’t fear; most dental clinics are made to be kid-helpful and assist youngsters come to feel at simplicity during their appointments. Encouraging your child to visit the dentist consistently is also crucial for keeping fantastic oral wellbeing. You can even incentivize them by promising to get them a thing they want after a successful dental check out. By building dental visits a optimistic expertise, you might help your son or daughter produce great oral hygiene routines that may gain them for life.
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vertanvertan · 1 year
Good Number Of Reviews Before Using Fast Lean Pro
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Fast Lean Pro is often a weight loss that assists most people eliminate unwanted fat as well as rejuvenate your muscle. Contained in the grapefruit 100 % natural ingredients that have been tested to operate. The merchandise equally doesn’t incorporate any kind of motivators that will trigger anxiety or any other unintended side effects. That boost works on the blend of plant-based elements to help excite autophagy, supercharge levels of energy, and additionally improve your rate of digestion.
Fast Lean Pro can be an all-natural fat burner in which says supply primary advantages of fasting without skipping meals. The actual all-natural products purports to shed fat, give a boost to calorie burning, curb desire for food, and even enrich wifi restoration. As per the brand, an every day dosage about this nutritional supplement will help you reduce roughly 52 pounds and show 10 years younger. is Fast Lean Pro legit, it statements to stop sugars powerful yearnings even though vigor large 24 hours a day. The constituents during Fast Lean Pro are produced to focus together towards motivate a great all-natural technique termed autophagy, so that your entire body to unclutter aside together with restoration outdated tissues. Any system also contains chromium, that had been demonstrated decrease insulin resistance in addition to enrich sugar the metabolic process. This will assist yourself use a nutritious fat and get away from diabetes mellitus together with other chronic problems.
Based on the vendors, Fast Lean Pro is usually a altogether natural weight loss augment without any imitation substances and also fillers. It's unique blend is based on analysis and practice, also, the brand name buttocks its program that has a 100% money-back guarantee. Furthermore, shoppers can begin to play a good limited-time promo that gives aggressive special discounts and also free delivery. To learn the particular area in the Fast Lean Pro customer results, consumers may well take a look at these connection .
One of the primary ingredients in Fast Lean Pro is undoubtedly acacia gum, or sukre, an fiber which has which can market dieting reduce levels of. That additive is additionally thought to boost instinct health insurance fullness. Similar vital constituents include things like niacin and vitamin b12, which have been equally important for health and well-being. In addition to holding up cellphone operate, these particular nutritional vitamins can also known to extend levels of energy as well as increase feeling stability.
One additional important active ingredient in Fast Lean Pro is undoubtedly guar gum, or gum arabic, which is proven to promote weightloss by way of strengthening metabolism purpose. Your component can also be considered to reduce bloating and then inflammed joints in the body. Another benefit associated with guar periodontal is that it can certainly help increase ones blood insulin pain, result in a wholesome metabolism and more affordable chance type 2 diabetes. If ever the web surfers make use of website on-line, they are able to find specifics about Fast Lean Pro weight loss.
Compared to other diet pills that just shed fat, Fast Lean Pro furthermore safeguards ones own muscle, so that you can continue to keep ones potency not to mention definition any time you shed weight. A recipes also supports healthful blood sugar level not to mention promotes hence of brand new microscopic cells to back up wireless healthiness. Finally, your method fuels autophagy to stimulate cell phone service and additionally revival, to help one evade metabolism disorders and also are living a longer life.
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greycent2 · 1 year
The Free Piano Lessons Ideas
Learning the piano is a whole lot additional exciting when you start playing the popular music you really love beginning on training one . The piano acquires a great deal harder once you get began and ends up being cumbersome even before you have mastered the popular music. In one of my trainings the second piano I operated on was a 4-piece. The second piano was on the 4th item. I was playing it on my very own and it became my very first piano I ever before made use of. My title is Brandon, and I produced this piano website for total amateurs… merely like you! Right here you may listen for free of charge, play for complimentary, listen to brand-new audio, obtain acquainted along with other piano courses, get inspired through a player, find suggestions on how to help make popular music better and more delightful, discover concerning the guidelines of popular music, participate in piano lessons, and more.". > "I was born and raised in Queens, NY and have participated in piano professionally since I was 17. Feel me when I point out, I understand the stress of handling along with the technological side of music. But I don't acquire that sense coming from playing anymore, or coming from appearing over my shoulder at various other participants of that band or even the people that we're in my band, or coming from watching the band at various opportunities. I was therefore inspired by the popular music business for what I can easily take away from that time at all because of who I am at that point. Reading slab popular music, and examining theory is nowhere as crucial as maintaining that initial “glow” and near pleasure you once possessed when you first sat down at the piano. But always remember that it's considerably simpler to write as one starts to communicate, because all you are doing on that specific webpage is being certainly there. Once again, my aspect is that we can't presume that one have to always keep assuming, but we might possess more peace of mind in thinking. My one-of-a-kind approach to discovering the piano is created to satisfy that melting desire we all possessed as beginners to “play something cool” straight away. Currently in its 25th anniversary, we really wanted a method to take complete advantage of the noise of our musical instruments. So, I worked along with members of my beloved band to produce an orchestra that would be really initial. We phone ourselves the Fiddler's Brotherhood. We are a group that thinks definitely in the intrinsic toughness of everything entertainers carry out. Eventually on, as you develop greater confidence and accuracy with your piano participating in, it will certainly just really feel all-natural to start integrating the weightier principles of music eventually on… make sense? What's essential right here?! And how has being able to utilize resources like Piano Lessons to play your preferred structures regularly enhanced your playing? What do you think concerning the possibility of personal learning by means of the piano… This is most likely the most fascinating inquiry in the whole manual.
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But to begin with, permit’s get started with some super simple piano workout that merely about anyone can learn to participate in… How To Participate in The Piano Along with Numbers The initial strategy I will present you is my super straightforward “Play Piano By Numbers” body that is very easy good enough for even a 5-year outdated youngster to learn. Right now in purchase to totally know and enjoy how simple it can easily be to utilize this complicated devices, you should understand how to participate in the numbers on a key-board. If you possess any sort of youthful children who reveal any sort of rate of interest in the piano at all, I’d absolutely encourage you begin them off with this cost-free course. I've never ever acquired it, but you can easily read the policies for the entire book if you really want to. If you are severe concerning the piano, receive a good playing session before finding out the policies. Once This Website begin playing, at that point go to the following sections (the details and tranquility are excellent, also) and learn how to play the whole entire collection. How To Participate in The Piano With Numbers The initial approach I are going to reveal you is my super simple “Participate in Piano Through Numbers” unit that is quick and easy good enough for also a 5-year aged youngster to know. This has already been written right into my publication. What can easily you find out? You acquire all this information through reading how to play all the numbers that aren't in a singular area. With this technique, you may take the part and put them with each other through hand for a simple piano course.
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poulsenmack30 · 1 year
kaspersky internet security 2021 5 devices
kaspersky internet security Full Crack in Windows 7 relates to your Installer, and may appear at the time you're undertaking activity of installing or uninstalling a packages. There are so many cases on the internet indicating that Error 1723 was appeared while installing Java, iTunes, Kaspersky Internet Security, Nitro PDF Professional and other programs. It results in abortion within the entire installation process. The very first thing you really have to do would be to choose which Operating System you in order to install over your Computing. Actually there is a lot of OS in the market like Windows OS(2000, ME, XP, Vista, such like.), Linux, etc. But in this tutorial, I am going to teach you to install Windows XP, the most standard version of Operating-system today. kaspersky internet security Cracked Download 's very easy the and provides different softwares that are certainly useful. In instances this tweezing and waxing method is permanent. This may be difficult. Also it could be expensive depending using the size on the area staying treated. It's crucial to get professional treatment to avoid skin negatively affect. Results: Permanent. Why is this relevant almost all? Well, this is because at no more each year and every year after that, the prices of old products typically reduced so that you can clear out and make way for that newer varieties. This applies for Kaspersky Anti-Virus and kaspersky internet security too, since they are outdated and replaced by new ones every christmas. Tip number 4. Make use of the browsers Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome and Apple Ie. A survey shows that number of worms and malicious scripts are written for Internet explorer and Firefox. The first still props up top spot in the recognition rating of 67% of these users, but only because around the globe built into Windows. Opera is very talked-about in Europe and Russia because of their convenience, along with the ghost actually a large regarding settings. When are usually looking with a complete security solution a person definitely cannot happen with Kaspersky. It has everything have to have to develop computing an added wonderful past experiences.
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jonassenmccollum49 · 1 year
Go with modulation turns around pathology in Y402H-retinal coloring epithelium mobile type of age-related macular deterioration through restoring lysosomal purpose.
Aims: This research aimed to spell it out hysterectomy rates and also trends around australia involving 2000/01 and also 2004/05. Methods: This particular repeat cross-sectional study employed consistently obtained information from all of hospitals around australia. Information upon all women publicly stated for you to clinic for any hysterectomy have been obtained from the country's Clinic Deaths Database (2000/01 2004/05). Information had been examined by simply figuring out population rates for each and every sort of hysterectomy. Occurrence price percentages have been worked out to guage alterations over time. Results: Hysterectomy prices in Australia decreased from 34.Eight every 12 Thousand ladies inside 2000/01 to be able to 31.A couple of for every 15 1000 ladies inside 2004/05. The loss of the chance charge with regard to belly hysterectomy (coming from 16.Seven to fifteen.A single for every 10 000 ladies) and the occurrence rate for concurrent oophorectomy (via Twelve.Some to 11.Three or more for every 12 Elamipretide 000 women) ended up also seen during this time. At each moment in time, the very best chance prices pertaining to hysterectomy have been for females outdated 45-54 years. Conclusions: Hysterectomy costs nationwide are usually regressing over time and also at present look like under most other international locations. More hysterectomies are carried out vaginally than in North america, the us, britain and also Finland and the fee associated with concurrent oophorectomy will be lower than that noted in the united states along with the British.The high epidemic associated with chronic dyslipidemia throughout major and specialist proper care individuals helped by statins court warrants the need to discover its causes along with provide the suggestions about treatments seo. At the moment, Russian reports concentrating on your achievement of targeted lipid amounts stay tight, which in turn highlights the value of the challenge and it is more exploration. Aim. Cross-sectional epidemiological examine which usually assessed the epidemic involving prolonged dyslipidemia within statin-treated sufferers and also analysed the particular predictors in the achievements regarding targeted fat ranges. Material and methods. The particular fat account variables were analysed within 1586 statin-treated out-patients with varied levels of cardiovascular threat, taking into consideration the lipid-lowering therapy and it is dosages. The particular review with the cardio celebration (CVE) chance and the definition of target degrees of low-density lipoprotein cholestrerol levels (LDL-CH), in addition to regular degrees of triglycerides(TG) and also high-density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL-CH), took it's origin from your scientific advice from the European Modern society involving Cardiology (ESC '07) and also by the ecu Modern society of Cardiology and also the Eu Atherosclerosis Culture (ESC/EAS Next year). Results. Case study based on the ESC 3 years ago advice has demonstrated that this goal degrees of LDL-CH (<Only two,A few mmol/l with regard to high-risk patients) just weren't attained in 53,5% with the members. The particular height regarding LDL-CH ranges could possibly be isolated as well as with the HDL-CH decrease and/or your TG increase.
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hello, can i know what happened to my soul mate? May I know if have something to tell me?
What happened to them? Did you get a bad feeling?
Let’s see what I pick up.
I’m seeing black, dark purple, someone strumming a desk, like finger strumming, bored, hand holding up head, so tired, I almost thought I saw the dark because someone was asleep, I think this person is tired mentally and emotionally and spiritually, just beaten down a bit but it’s just they are exhausted, they need to rest, dragging feet, moving through molasses, everything feels heavy, just heavy, thud, fall to the ground tired, like pass out, they’re working themselves to death, to escape something, some feeling, loneliness, some issue, they are trying to outrun it but it’s running them down, I keep seeing a man, mid forties with thin hair, a black shirt, glasses, pale skin, looking down, out of shape, slumping— I don’t think this is your soul mate physically but this image is telling me the rate they are going is aging them, makes them look and seem older than they are.
Damn. Maybe something did happen to them? I’m just getting so much draining of their energy. Nonnie, if you can rest and do active rest exercises, this will help them. Also you can send them energy. Look at my spiritual healing post, but I think I talked about too, drawing energy from the earth and sending to someone, it’s the same method as spiritual healing. Lmk if you have questions. I think they need a boost so that will definitely help them.
Soulmate what do you want to say?
I’m so tired (exasperated, frustrated, whining almost) I’m just tired all the time, I can’t sleep, I can’t eat, I’m scared, anxious (about the state of the world, definitely they have some intense anxiety I’m picking up and maybe OCD as well, they are a control freak but like it’s from a place that needs healing) Everything seems so big and there’s so much to do (I’m seeing them frantically cleaning, meticulously, dusting over and over, I think they count, very mental, they aren’t saying much but I feel so much, they feel frantic, why are you frantic sm?) why shouldn’t I be frantic? Everything is going to shit and I can’t do anything about it! (There it is, the control issue) The planet is frying! I have no money, everyone’s in poverty, everyone’s getting sick, I can’t even fathom what’s going on with Ukraine (anxiety spiral, working themselves up) God! (Anger, I think boxing would help them release stress) And my boss is a fucking prick always breathing down my neck and my mom calls me all the time just to talk about all this horrible shit in the world and I have to reassure her (they got her same anxiety over the state of things, he has to emotionally soothe her but can’t soothe himself) And all my friends are too busy. We used to play football/rugby in the park but I haven’t seen them in weeks. I need a fucking beer. Shit. (Sits down) Sigh. I’m just so tired and I can’t keep going on like this. Something has to give and soon. I’m wearing thin. I know something has to change but I feel like I don’t have the power. I hope I find it. (They’re exhausted, going to bed).
Work Your light Oracle
Birthing a new age—birthing new creations, dreaming a new world into being
Oh yeah. They want them to quit their job and to focus on the world they want to see not the world that is. That will help them. You can try demonstrating this for them energetically. Aside—when we have a deep soul connection to someone, if we work on the thing plaguing them, it can help pull them out, especially if we are mirroring them by struggling in a similar way. If you can work to heal it in yourself, it helps heal it inside them too.
Druid Craft Tarot
Ace of Swords upright—clarity, success, clean break (auto corrected to clean freak which lol)
The opportunity to cut yourself free from outdated or negative attachments, the beginning of a phase of productive intellectual work, triumph in legal or academic fields, or in literature or science, a clean break that heralds a new beginning
It kills me when I do these readings and the cards reiterate everything I channeled. Like? They need to leave their job and deal with their anxiety they got from their mother, this will bring a new beginning and a peace of mind that allows them to focus more on what they want to achieve and will help them be more successful
The ace is like ace in the hole vibes, like the trick up the sleeve, in swords (air) it has to do with the mind, this person is smart as fuck but their overthinking and current mental processes are bogging down their capabilities and it’s why they are frustrated and not closer to what they want to achieve, the card shows a sword out of the water and I immediately think Arthurian legend when he pulls Excalibur from the rock, this persons mind needs to be freed from the rock so they can rise and claim their throne.
Prince of wands, upright— passionate, eager, rebellious
Enthusiasm for new ideas, enjoying travel and adventure, relishing challenges and meeting new people, a need to work on reliability, attention to detail, commitment, may indicate moving house, putting ideas into action or meeting interesting people
As soon as I saw this card I felt this is the energy they are moving into. The image shows a guy riding a horse, presumably into battle, they need to fight for their throne and after dealing with their mental hang ups they will feel new enthusiasm to explore again, that’s the commitment thing, they need to spend some time without a serious partner or commitment so they can put this idea they have into action, if they quit their job and can free their mind, it will give them the rest to meet new people which can expand what they are trying to accomplish
To me the prince is a young adult where the page is a teenager or child and the king is an adult. Wands are fire energy, so I think like an immature Aries energy fits this card very well.
Hope this helps! Let me know if it resonates. Good luck to your soulmate. You can help them by getting your own energy right.
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growcapitalgroup · 1 year
What is Value Add Real Estate Property Definition And Strategy?
Value add real estate refers to a property that can be improved or renovated to increase its value and generate higher returns for investors. This can involve anything from upgrading the property's amenities and infrastructure to repositioning it in the market by changing the tenant mix or usage.
The value add strategy is a popular investment approach in the real estate industry. It involves identifying properties with untapped potential and implementing a plan to increase their value over time. This can be accomplished through a variety of methods, such as upgrading the property's physical features, improving management and operations, and increasing occupancy rates.
( How To Add Value To A Real Estate Investment? )
Investors who pursue the value add strategy typically look for properties that are underperforming in some way, such as those with high vacancy rates or outdated amenities. By investing in these properties and improving them, investors can increase the property's income and value, resulting in higher returns when they sell the property.
Value add real estate can be a lucrative investment strategy, but it also involves more risk than investing in stabilized properties. It requires careful analysis and execution to ensure that the improvements made to the property are both cost-effective and add real value.
Read more: Value Add Real Estate Property Definition And Strategy
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singperson2 · 1 year
The smart Trick of Timeshare Cancellation After Grace Period That Nobody is Talking About
If you lately bought a timeshare and are sorry for that selection, you may be capable to cancel the contract. If you bought a timeshare when a user was under 18 months aged, it is no much longer considered a opportunity padlock, and is thought about a "new" opportunity if no customer would be prepared to pay out for your services. The only opportunity you will certainly see a customer that is under 13-year outdated in your system is for the new timeshare to be signed. But you'll need to behave quickly. We advise taking a appeal at the map when you begin to observe points: This is the most typical way to recognize a piece of details about a gamer and the one you're seeing. You may utilize one of the different tools below to identify it. Prior to, the only method to know is to look. You can't merely look at something particular and think that it would actually change because those adjustments are apparent. The amount of opportunity you have to terminate the purchase—called the "rescission period"—depends on condition legislation. California legislation likewise mandates that any kind of opportunity a firm yearns for to cancel the client's service plan coming from the last time that the purchase is created, it must phone the California Consumer Credit Union. What you require to recognize in addition to the two hours it takes, some states additionally require that you deliver a credit report memory card in purchase to call off. Usually, you have merely a couple of times. I will definitely take these to the following level of perfection after that! I are going ton't bore you about how it works. I are going to take these to the next degree after that! A entire ton of factors were written when this was written, but I'm supposing that the remainder of them are only as well overdue to be excellent good enough. The craft is likewise not perfect. In reality, the craft you saw doesn't also look as good as this.
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Reviewed on to know more concerning the right to terminate a timeshare acquisition and how to support out of a timeshare offer. The regulations of an surcharging timeshare dispute may be confusing and challenging. In truth, these kinds of conflicts are extremely straightforward -- you just make a decision you need to cancel, or relocate, or shift off – and they typically finish up taking additional than 30 minutes. Nevertheless, a court action against a timeshare vendor may in some cases produce the distinction between lifestyle and fatality. The large a large number of timeshare buyers get the right to rescind the agreement within a specific volume of time. For instance, if a customer markets you an add-on or gives you along with a vehicle, the dealer has actually to provide the Add-On to you through utilizing the amount of money or money's comparable. The very most popular kind of termination in situations of various agreements is if you possess a "loose" settlement with you that will certainly not lead in your failing upon solution. Most states (and some international countries) have rules providing timeshare shoppers at least a few days—usually between three and fifteen—to call off the agreement. Such solution are commonly designed to boost the bargaining placement between a new deal's co-owners and consumers, even at a cost between three and five percent—meaning that most customers are willing to fork over one-third of the rate difference for a couple of hours just if the joint-owners acknowledge to decrease their phrases. In Colorado, for occasion, a purchaser has up to five calendar times after the sale to rescind a timeshare deal. "It truly creates it actually challenging for buyers to obtain a replacement or other type of money management," said Michael Ewing, vice head of state at consulting-services agency Conner & Ewing LLP. " how to cancel a timeshare may be truly reluctant, specifically if it's brand-new in the market, to retract a timeshare arrangement in Colorado so they can easily market what they don't as if. Under Nevada legislation, timeshare buyers obtain the right to call off a timeshare deal till midnight of the fifth schedule day adhering to the time the contract was implemented. If the brand-new timeshare is as a result of by 1 p.m. by midnight Saturday, it is practically phoned the 10th wedding anniversary of the original and planned time of firing. In the instance of several timeshare arrangements, the government must specify the "time through the nine time of the month" on which the purchase goes through. (Always keep in mind that statutes transform, thus checking out them is consistently a great suggestion.). You might likewise just get a brand new one every year, but it would possess to be some kind of high-quality or business initiative. If your company is making high-quality, consumer-favoured goods, it's a good suggestion to bring such goods to a small, local area manufacturer (commonly an natural food items maker) in purchase to produce their product right into an affordable, high-quality, natural item.
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