#this was so goofy I might go back and re-write it better after write2020
azulann · 4 years
Prompt: When Pigs Fly
Yura is tired of dealing with Alphinaud’s aversion to swimming aka this is goofy writing from my ill mind but it was fun
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“I’m sure you’ll be fine, it’s really not that deep.” J’thel was struggling to withhold his laugher as he observed Alphinaud’s staring contest with his own reflection, the younger boy struggling with the internal debate raging within him. It seemed a simple enough task to cross the water, the largest threat remaining the water that may soak into their boots and settle for a few spare hours. However, what should have been such a simple thing hard turned into an arduous mental debate. And so, for what felt like hours had Alphinaud and his companions sat, J’thel and Alisaie looking on at him as Yura sat with waning patience not far off.
His brow furrowed in concern, Alphinaud cautiously leaned over the water cautiously, the clear water rippling as his shifting steps disturbed the shore, sending dirt and pebbles tumbling into the stream. “I suppose it doesn’t look too deep… but it’s so hard to judge.” While accomplished in many fields, his physical ability to tread the water easily was not his most practiced of exercises.
As usual, no one would blame you for taking precautions, brother.” Alisaie’s words were sincere, and her tone equally as earnest, yet the look upon her face housed a level of pride mixed with amusement. Once again, her elder brother was many things, but a diver was certainly not one of them, one of the many differences held between the pair.
“I suppose...” though his words were those of one with a level of assurance, Alphinaud’s tone leaked of wariness, clearly far from convinced by his allies’ words. There were many factors to consider in the embracing of the unknown, the waters flow steady yet the darkness of its ebb and disguising the levels of it’s depths. It very well may have looked shallow yet who could tell for sure? T’was far too dark to guarantee anything without a true level of investigation.
Alphinaud’s silent observations continued on for what felt an endless amount of time, his friends watching him peer holes into the savage pool before them. That was, at least, until a very impatient voice broke the silence “Oh for heavens...”Yura had been quiet for a vast majority of Alphinaud’s dilemma, trying her best to keep her jitters I check for the sake of her dear friend, yet it had only been a matter of time before her patience was finally tried. She stood up briskly, sights set on her target as she made her way towards Alphinaud.
A body appearing behind his own reflection, Alphinaud quickly turned as his young friend approached him, inquisitive look upon his face as they looked at one another. “Yura?” He questioned, confused by her sudden approach. She had that look on her face, the one of sheer determination, a beast on the hunt as she looked up at him. In a single swift motion, she bent down, wrapping an arm around his knees as she steadily hoisted him over her shoulder without even a trace of true exertion. “Y-Yura!!”He cried out at his friends sudden motion, a mixture of embarrassment and confusion blanketing his face as he tried his best to prop himself as upward as he could be, incoherently trying to argue his way out of her grasp. Despite her friend’s pleas, Yura did not once halt her march for the water, knee deep as she made her way for the other side.
Unshaken and unsurprised by the turn of events, Alisaie and J’thel simply watched in amusement as the pair made their trek across the water, the continued incoherent screeching’s disturbing whatever peace the water may have once held. “Does she ever slow down?” J’thel begged an answer he was already well aware of as he made attempts to speak between his giggles.
With a light scoff, Alisaie replied in a mixture of vexation and amusement, “When pigs fly maybe.”
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