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luminescenc1e · 2 months
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“ You’d never truly believe that I’d betray you, would you? I mean I never have, and I don’t appreciate the accusation, Nott. ”
@tnott liked for a short starter.
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sorrythatwasmean · 10 days
👫 (murder-popsicle)
(Five years later... 👫 - holds my muse’s hand)
The news said the quinjet wreckage was found in the ocean. The reports speculated it was the one Hulk had used to flee Sokovia. Others said it may have simply fallen from it.
Bruce doesn't remember any of that. He remembers waking up alone, half-naked in his Avengers A- branded stretchy pants, still aching and still tired, covered in sand and shivering. He buried his phone in the sand. The point was to disappear.
He remembers Natasha's lips pressing against his. He remembers she shoved him away. He remembers betrayal and falling and fury burning mixed with fear.
Falling. And forgetting he would be fine in that moment when the world was no longer beneath his feet. He remembers rushing air and a rush of pain as Hulk burst through him.
He remembers she chose the mission over what he wanted.
He forgave her anyway. She didn't know that, but that wasn't the point. She'd done what she thought was right. And even if he could be angry with her for it, he couldn't hate her for that.
He wound up in a European hostel somewhere. His Russian was understandable if clumsy. The lab assistant who was suppose to stop the gamma bomb test years ago had been a Russian spy. He hadn't known that. He thought learning Russian from him was just friendly bonding, not a ploy to gain his trust and his research.He'd understood the science. And having anyone understand him besides Aunt Susan, cousin Jen or Betty Ross had been rare.
It had been nice.
He left the hostel early in the morning. They--whoever they were--waited until he passed an alley and pulled him into it, slamming him against a wall.
Bruce's eyes glowed green and they called him a mutant freak and landed another blow. Fuzzily, he thought gamma mutate not a mutant. Another kick. Bruce fell to the ground and tried to breathe. He needed to get up. He needed to run away before more than just his eyes turned green.
He heard a thud and then a second one. And he lifted his head. His attackers were on the ground. A woman was extending a hand. He took it.
"Doctor Banner."
"Just Bruce..."
"Whoever you are,"she said. "We should go."
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oftomorrow · 4 months
💯 HUNDRED POINTS SYMBOL — share three random facts about your oc that others may not know.
1 - Clark is a leap day baby! Sort of. His official adoption date, which he celebrates as his birthday, is February 29, 1980.
2 - Clark isn't the best fighter, on a technical level. He's good, but not spectacular. On an even playing field without any powers, a good chunk of the Justice League could probably take him.
3 - Clark floats in his sleep sometimes.
details about OCs (accepting)
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thelastblack · 1 year
Narcissa thinks about telling Dinky to send Theodora off. Nobody else has come to call. Only she and Draco have haunted the mansion since . . . for the last few days. Draco has manged to find somewhere to get out of, but she has nowhere but the now empty manor to spend her time. There are no parties to be invited to, no events to spend time preparing, only the endless books of the library and the oblivious peacocks out on the grounds to keep her company.
The entire place feels as if it's slowly rotting with Narcissa trapped inside it. Theodora is the only person besides Draco she's seen in days. She casts a few easy glamour charms, throws on a robe that she knows looks good no matter how she is doing, and combs her hair out. Entertaining guests is a distraction she sorely needs, but she cannot show the depth of her misery here. She takes a deep breath, pushes her feelings down, and locks them away as thoroughly as she can. Lucius - falling back, his eyes staring, she was sure, into hers -
Not right now. She opens the door and puts on a pleasant smile for the guest sitting the drawing room. "Theodora," she says graciously. As if nothing is wrong. As if nothing has changed. "How lovely to have you." She notices the addition. "Did you bring something?" Her face is a mask. It is carved in stone. Don't think about it.
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veiledsorrows · 1 year
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@tnott liked for a starter
     There was a furrow of her brow, leaning over the edge of the stair rail to peer down at the Main Hall. So she wasn't hallucinating - there really was someone sneaking out past curfew.
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     Pale lips parted in a soft sigh, and the young woman quickly jogged down the stairs to catch the student red-handed. " Hey! You there! It's bedtime, you know. "
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wsstandsfor · 1 year
continued with @tnott​ from x.
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“I know,” Jakob said with a scathing expression, unpacking the majority of his schoolbag on the library table. Huge worn out pack of tarot cards (despite not being in divination), textbooks... “Tested it myself one night after dinner. Stood on the edge, looking down. Balanced on one foot.” Scraps of parchment paper, couple of quills (one broken), and a blue bottle of ink. “Didn’t fall.” Whole roll of parchment paper.
Arithmancy was interesting. So was Muggle science. They didn’t have magic and had to go through a whole different line of thinking. Weights and measures. Teeny little stuff making up the universe. Not boring! 
“Aha!” he said, mindful to not let his voice carry that far. “My latest and greatest.” One bent roll of filled out parchment paper was placed on the table. Jakob swept the rest of the papers back into the bag. “It’s a ‘P’ but I like to think of it as ‘Potential.’” Binns was an old fogey.
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badclown · 1 year
✖ How has Tumblr RP changed since you started?
Oof this is so tough to explain. I started rping on tumblr in 2015. That was back when formatting and graphics weren't really a thing. We all wrote replies with HUGE gifs instead of icons, and we got them from posts where rp helpers (which used to be a thing, and I used to be one) would kind of gather up every gif they could find of a faceclaim and you could just bookmark that post and link back to their urls. We all had very basic themes and were generally kind to one another and there was no real basis for elitism because there was no one way to do rp that was seen as superior to another way except maybe rpers who wrote in first person versus those who wrote in third, but essentially they just left each other alone. There was no judgement on the basis of your font size, you know?
Back then people understood that indie meant you found your own partners, and otherwise you could join a group rp, but now group rps literally advertise in the indie tags. I think the thing for me that stands out the most was the feeling. Now when I think about tumblr rp, even as a grown ass woman, I feel a certain level of anxiety related to judgement and gatekeeping. I've never felt any type of way about my writing because it's something I pursue seriously, have a natural talent in, and am actively working on improving-- but often that doesn't matter in rp because partners are chosen based on power and control: is this person a part of my clique, can they be bullied, are they perceived in the way that I want to be perceived-- rather than choosing your partners based on their skill, interests, and kindness.
Rp has become so much about how rpers see themselves and others (self esteem and perceived social status), which leads to shit like gatekeeping and theft, and quite frankly emotional terrorism. I've been through things on tumblr rp that I literally had to work through in therapy, but I've also met some of my very best lifelong friends through rp (many of who left rp because of the evolving toxicity but stayed in touch). Ultimately, I'm trying to find people who reject these ideals of rp and embrace that there are only two things about rp that are important and that is creating something worthwhile, and creating that worthwhile thing with someone who treats you well.
Thank you for coming to my ted talk.
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inhcritance · 1 year
Tell us more about how Harry would react to finding out that Peter is Spider-Man
This is going to get long. Thank you so much for asking this.
The answer, for the vast majority of scenarios, is 'definitely not well'. Particularly after the start of Goblin shenanigans. Let's explore some situations, shall we?
One of the best case scenarios would be Peter telling Harry, probably due to external factors forcing his hand. It would mean Harry would later freak out, particularly if he's already fought Spider-Man as the Goblin, and he'd feel horrible after all the years he was vocal about his distrust of the vigilante to Peter's face, but if Peter tells Harry, it might go decently well, because chances are they have more urgent matters to worry about. The freak out and guilt will come later, in private. And then, some apologies. And probably asking Peter for help with his illness later.
The potentially second best case scenario (for Harry) I see is actually my No Way Home verse, because it means that while Harry finds out in a very traumatic way (unmasking Peter himself), he immediately has other matters to deal with with far more urgency, and almost two days to deal with it all. It means that he has the chance to put everything in perspective, and calm down before facing Peter again, and unmasking himself.
Because, thing is, Harry finding Peter is Spider-Man, in this case and with how I write my Harry, means an end to the Goblin as an enemy, in the vast majority of cases, if not all of them. How their friendship survives, if it does, is the difference. But for all his secrets, for all the lines he's crossed, Harry does not have it in him to seriously attack his oldest friend, next to MJ. And if they fought after the reveal, Harry wouldn't aim to kill.
Still, without the chance to actually digest it and come to terms with it (which would also happen with an accidental discovery, as bitter as Harry might grow depending on the circumstances), the scenario of finding out in the middle of a battle is very likely, and potentially traumatic for the both of them, because thing is, Harry would unmask Spider-Man to get that leverage over him, given the chance.
And then he'd get hit with the horror, the betrayal and guilt. With the creeping realization that he's been hunting down a friend. And that's the thing, it's mostly horror, and if he has the upper hand he might freeze, even let out a very broken "What the fuck, Pete", as he tries to come to terms with it.
If he doesn't have the upper hand? Well, that's where the horror and panic mean he keeps fighting back, until he has a chance to talk, but with a very obvious broken heart. And honestly Peter might really notice what's going on, and who is there behind the mask.
Worst case scenario might be Spider-Man defeating the Goblin, because it means Harry learns who Peter is after he's been unmasked. And that's not good, for any of them, unless Peter chooses to talk.
And thing is, Harry would talk. He'd explain himself, given the time to process it. He'd stop, without being asked to. And he could forgive the lies, because after all, one basic truth about Harry himself is that Harry lies. He's loyal and he's kind, but he lies.
No, the thing that this discovery breaks, whatever the way it happens, is part of Harry's perception of himself. Because he's been crossing lines one after the other, but he's tried to hold steadily that he would never hurt a friend. Considered his loyalty one of his strengths, one of the parts of himself he could be proud of.
And yet, he finds out, Harry lies. Even to himself.
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highlylogical · 2 years
@tnott​​ ; liked.
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“You’re very quiet. You didn’t say a word on the way home.“ Home as in Hogwarts. The Forbidden Forest was strictly forbidden and yet the two young women had found themselves in it. It had taken some time to get out too, but Hermione had managed to find a spot she’d recognized from her last time being there and from there they managed an escape. “The centaurs are not always that awful,” Hermione said, wondering if Theodora was in shock, most likely given the way the couple of centaurs they’d ran into had treated them. She’d certainly faced worse at school and deep down she knew things could be better for the half-breeds. One day they would, they wouldn’t have to hide out in the forest forever, maybe they could even become civilized, but that would be something she would keep to herself for now.
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burnnouts · 10 days
@tnott said “So the expert on all of this is… you?” (for Sirius from Theo)
"Yep." Sirius spread his arms out in mock celebration. "Welcome to the Headquarters of Magical Objects, and the answers to all the burning questions of your heart's content, granted that it's stored in that filing cabinet there, and relates to something no one in all the ministry actually gives a damn about." He gestured to a nearby cabinet so dusty, it was clear no one had cared to open it in years.
Two decades ago, Sirius would have considered himself the goddamn expert of the whole fucking universe. Yes, he'd been a cocky prick, but he'd had good reason for it--he'd been good, damn good. He and James hadn't just been popular in the social scene alone; they'd been top of their class. Sirius had gotten top grades in all of his OWLs and NEWTS without trying, and he'd managed to become an animagus when he was only fifteen years old, when many grown wizards couldn't pull it off. So yes, once upon a time, Sirius Orion Black had been full of promise, a rising star in the wizarding world.
And then came the war. And prison. And another god damned war. He was twenty-two when he was locked up, thirty-four before he'd managed to escape, and thirty-eight by the time the war was over and his name cleared. By that age, most people had at least some idea what they'd been put on this earth to do, but Sirius had spent the last year or so shuffling around from one job to the next in the Ministry. They had all been easy enough to get; the Ministry owed him a debt, after all. Twelve years of false imprisonment, it turned out, was worth a job or two, so Sirius tried them all, quitting after only a few short weeks.
And that was how he'd come to work in the Misuse of Muggle Artifacts Department. It had been a good enough excuse to get paid for taking apart the things he already cared about: like his motorcycle, or Arthur's car. He'd long been interested in muggle technology--in muggle anything, really, that might have pissed off his parents. Now, however, they had him digging up old muggle artifacts that had been cursed and placed in museums across the country: old devices from the Roman era and Medieval Europe. Some of it had been cursed long ago with anti-theft charms and the like, but some had some pretty nasty curses, the sort of thing his parents might have concocted, and the sort of thing he'd unearthed in his family home, Number 12 Grimmauld Place, a hundred times over.
So maybe, in a manner of speaking, he was an expert. He slumped back into his office chair--he was still surprised he had an office in the first place--and threw his boots up onto the desk, crossing his arms behind his head. "What can I do you for?"
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intristitia · 1 year
"I didn't say I couldn't do it."
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' No, you did not. ' Even still, he just barely suppresses the urge to make a face. Peering down at the cauldron — it's contents an ominous shade of green — he ponders the seemingly flawless results. Results only obtainable from a particular set of directions, ones not likely to be listed in their usual set of textbooks.
' Tell me — who gave you access to the restricted section? '
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luminescenc1e · 5 months
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Severus would never see himself as someone capable of providing comfort. As with most things, that too was a skill, one that you would need to be taught growing up, and like many others, he had not been. It felt awkward, a jittery sort of feeling where he felt unlike himself, fidgety. Not that it was obvious, or too obvious to anyone else, but he could feel it. Just under the skin, a desire to push away and be somewhere else. But there would be no one else, no other adult that would be able to help her. If this could be called helping.
He had had an elf bring them tea and sandwiches. The tall windows of the potion lab are open, letting the cool air, mingle with a brewing potion in the corner. “ Do you have anyone you trust among your housemates? ” Slytherins were a loyal bunch, to each other, but true trust was not something that easily came to any of them. If she had some kind of support here at school, Severus would feel like that would be the best thing to focus on. He could be supportive, but a true friend, that is something that everyone needed, at least one. One is more than enough, as long as they are as loyal to you as you are to them.
for @tnott from starter call / accepting.
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svbside · 1 year
@tnott said "what do you think they were thinking about? you know, when they died?" | Accepting!
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Death. For many, the word, the promise, seems such a final thing. An end, which many finds frightening. And well, in some way, he can see why the thought itself can conjure such fears, but to him, death is a mere event, the inevitable. Maybe even a kindness.
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"And why is this something currently distracting you from your task?"
He asks. There is a certain annoyance in his voice, for he is far from interested in dealing with such pointless questions. Still, she is one of the few students he can tolerate to a degree, hence why he doesn't turn her ray of thoughts away.
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oftomorrow · 3 months
Top five Clark/Superman quotes, any media
ask my top 5 / top 10 anything (accepting)
"I'm just a guy from a small town that wants to do the right thing." — The Death of Superman
"I really do believe that we're all put here on this Earth, or whatever planet we're put on, to be better than we think we can. To be kind, helpful, generous, and forgiving." — Lois & Clark
"It’s not about where you were born or the powers you have or what you wear on your chest. It’s about what you do." — no clue
"I may have been conceived out there in the endless depths of space… but I was born when the rocket opened, on Earth, in America. […] Krypton bred me, but it was Earth that gave me all I am. All that matters. It was Krypton that made me Superman… but it is the Earth that makes me human!" — The Man of Steel
"Superman is what I can do. Clark is who I am." — Lois & Clark
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cephaloscience-a · 1 year
22. Are there any red roleplay flags for you that make you back off immediately?
Mun questions meme || Accepting
Not really? I tend to judge blogs and people on a case by case basis, and the things that will make me not follow a blog will mostly be a matter of personal preference?
For example, if someone requires icons to RP. I don't like making graphics or choosing icons, and both sides are equally valid. So, we just won't interact.
Or, to give another case, a few years ago I encountered a blog with a writing style that was very philosophical and contrived. So much so that I simply couldn't follow what was happening. And so, I didn't follow them.
Chances are that nowadays, if I went back, it would all make much more sense, because my English has improved a lot over the years, but still I might not follow them. We simply had very different style preferences, and I think that's alright.
In the end we're all here to have fun and enjoy a hobby.
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