#to inspire question askers so you don't waste your chance!
found--family · 9 months
spn con questions for misha!
Castiel questions: 
If Castiel were to travel back in time to see Dean, what time do you think he would visit and why? (specify whether early winged Castiel or later seasons wingless Cas using magic) 
How would Castiel help Dean handle his fear of flying? 
If Castiel retired from angel stuff and hunting, what kind of job would he have (besides gas n’ sip)? 
What kind of cake would Castiel want for his birthday? 
What gift do you think Castiel would like for his birthday? 
What gift would Castiel give Dean for his birthday? 
If Castiel wore something besides the suit and trenchcoat for 12 years what would it be? 
What is Castiel’s favorite candle scent? (give weird examples) 
How do you think Claire would react to learning Castiel is gay/Cas loves Dean (considering Claire herself is gay)? 
What would Castiel and Charlie get up to on a fun night out? 
Misha questions: 
What advice would you give your younger self? 
From your early years of acting to now, has your preference for certain roles or projects changed? Do you think your skill and experience suits different characters and genres today?
What other actors do you admire for their other skills and projects that are separate from acting? Have you met them or would you like to meet them?
Have you watched Danneel in One Tree Hill or Danneel and Jensen in Ten Inch Hero? What did you think? 
If you could time travel to any period or moment in the past, where would you go and why? 
Whether real or make-believe, what is your dream vehicle? 
Has Jensen let you drive his impala? 
Have you asked your fellow bearded cast and crew and friends for beard maintenance tips?
What do you hope for in 2024?
What is a moment from this past year that has given you pause to be thankful? 
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