#took a screenshot from my me server bc i don't want it to show up in any tags or anythin
starmansymphony · 3 years
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lunarmochi · 2 years
I hope that it's alright for me to say - as someone who gets very hard on herself for venting in any capacity, I have had to force myself to learn to vent, even if I yoyo between sharing everything and nothing, because nothing makes me crack and crumble faster than not venting. Venting is healthy. It's how you get things off your chest, and stop them from circling around and around in your head. Externalizing thoughts means that you can take a step back from them, and recognise them as something seperate to you, and talking about something you're dealing with helps you to feel less alone. By talking about what bothers us, we have the opportunity to release some of that pressure, take a breath, and find the strength to take another step forward. I understand how hard it can be to stop feeling horrible every time you vent, but please try to be kinder to yourself, okay? It's healthy, it helps us survive, it helps us feel less alone. And especially, don't ever feel had for using your own safe space to vent. It's your blog. You're allowed to use it for whatever you want. I hope that you have a chance to rest and catch your breath soon, but until then, please know that you aren't alone, and you haven't done anything wrong.
long(ish) response below
had to take a second to calm down bc of how this left me sobbing
i'm not really good with words, but... thank you. so much. i'm not sure who you are, but thanks for coming to my small corner of tumblr to say this.
lately has been a... rough time, to say the least. i've lost pretty much all a few safe spaces, and i didn't know where else to go. i sometimes vent and talk to myself on a personal discord server, but there's this odd feeling of "it's not the same" when it's just me
i used to vent much more on here before i deleted all of them, because this was supposed to be a "content" blog. after all, no one really wants to see a "creator" posting about themselves, right? /lh
venting on here doesn't really help the debilitating loneliness bottled up inside me, but at least it helps me get it off my chest
but anyway, i digress. i really needed to hear this, i think. i've been isolating myself lately, and more generally, i haven't had anyone tell me comforting words like this in a while, and i sincerely appreciate it
there was a screenshot i took of a tiktok.. something along the lines of "never assume someone knows how much you love them; always remind them, show them, tell them" and i think that applies here. it's very easy to recognize that "oh, this is healthy and i should do this more" or "i'm doing my best and i shouldn't think x," but god if it isn't hard to believe it.
i've fucked up a lot lately, so i don't know if i deserve it, but
i hope i get to rest too.
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