#tot pkmn au
actualbird · 2 years
tot pokemon au where a lot is the same and a lot isnt and also theres pokemon
wc: 1.7k
aka i just started putting together teams for the nxx boys and my brain started choosing pokemon 50% of the time thru sheer vibes alone and the other 50% of the time the method was MAKING UP ENTIRE BACKSTORIES FOR THE POKEMON CHOSEN and then it was a domino effect from there
disclaimer: im biased towards the earlier gens cuz i didnt have the consoles to play the later games, also i mash canon into fun playdoh. did i get inspiration from the games or from the pokemon special manga or did this come to me in a vision? ur guess is as good as mine. also the detail i go into here is varied, u can see where my biases shine, LOL, anyhoo
luke pearce
short backstory:
luke, as a kid, was a textbook "oh this kid is soooo gonna go do the gym challenge and make his way to the elite four" and together with mc that was their dream! to embark on it together through the Stellis region! but mc's parents told em to like, finish high school first at the very least and luke and mc were like fiiiiiine
then luke goes to Central for his studies and there he gets caught up with counterorganization-for-the-evil-pokemon-organization (like, if pokemon canon actually had ppl assigned doing shit against team magma etc and is not tasking 12 year olds to nearly die) aka the NSB and becomes an agent. which is only marginally better than tasking 12 year olds, the NSB tasked and recruited a 16 year old luke pearce! TOTALLY FINE (NOT FINE)
but yea, luke in this au is an NSB agent but the NSB takes way more cases involving ppl tryna get a bit too Conquer The World with pokemon alongside them. CAN THE TEAM OF THE YEAR STOP AWAKENING LEGENDARIES FOR LIKE, ONE DAY!!!!
luke's team (once canon age range):
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corviknight, mightyena, and arcanine were the pokemon that the NSB gave to luke as his pokemon partners for investigations. all three pokemon started as their earliest evolutions and evolved while he was doing his own training for himself
flareon evolved from an eevee he had ever since childhood. he and mc both got eevees from mc's parents. this was basically their starter.
chatot is literally just peanut but a pokemon. hes the best thing ever in luke's team cuz u got all these strong/intimidating looking fellas and then just a chatty bird. despite the discrepancy, peanut the chatot gets along very well with the rest of luke's pokemon, and the other pokemon respect peanut the chatot muchly cuz like. the others' primary job is to keep luke safe. peanut's job is to keep luke happy. sir, that is his emotional support pokemon.
and absol is......
the canon mission mentioned in luke's perso story 2 still happens in this au. yknow, the mission where luke was the only survivor.
and as he was basically dying, this absol found him and kept him company until he lost consciousness. at the time, in his near-death daze, he thought the absol was a sign that his time was up. afterall, all the legends and stories about absols dub it as the Disaster Pokemon. when it's here, something bad is going to happen
then luke wakes up in the hospital and aaron tells him that this absol (by virtue of not having been in a pokeball at the time, since it was still a wild pokemon) actually helped the rescue team find luke. if it werent for the absol, aaron isnt sure they wouldve gotten to luke in time to save him.
the absol has been in luke's team ever since
artem wing
short backstory:
artem in this au is much like artem in regular canon. going into law doesnt exactly necessarily require he have pokemon, but his parents---since they were so busy---did encourage him to catch some and also gave some to him so he wouldnt be lonely
but artem is largely the same, still the youngest to make senior attorney in stellis and all that. however, people have noticed that pokemon eggs hatch like, way faster if hes looking after them. he had to look after one as a favor from celestine once and he came back like 3 days later with a hatched snubull and she was like WHAT?? HOW DID IT HATCH SO FAST??
it seems baby pokemon really just like artem, is the answer
artem's team (once canon age range, actually, why am i putting this for everybody, just assume the team's are once it's 2030):
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blastoise evolved from a squirtle and that squirtle was artem's first ever pokemon, ever since he was a little kid, those two were INSEPARABLE. squirtle was given as a gift from his parents
kangaskhan has been with artem just as long as the now-blastoise, but she wasnt really Artem's until later on. she belonged to artem's mom, and artem's mom often just had kangaskhan frigging BABYSIT ARTEM back then. when artem grows up though, his mom lets him have the kangaskhan permanently for his team.
(and honestly my entire rationale for picking kangaskhan was that wow Big and INtimidating but at its core, this pokemon is a Mom. and thats big artem vibes)
luxray evolved from a shinx that artem caught in his childhood, the First ever pokemon that he caught himself. this pokemon was one that did all its evolution during artem's mentee-ship under neil. neil loved this pokemon as much as he loved artem, it was kinda like a symbol of artem's growth as well!
luxray has always been a bit more sullen now that neil is missing, though...
swablue, litleo, and mudkip were pokemon artem caught later on, like, LATER LATER ON, like when he starts helping out at the orphanage in his personal story 1. the kids there like him but say his pokemon lineup is too scary, HE NEEDS SOME LITTLE GUYS and artem takes that mission very seriously. dont ask me about the pokemon ecosystem surrounding stellis city, dont worry about it.
vyn richter
short backstory:
VYN'S family back in the svart region, the haspran lineage, was a pokemon gym lineage and aside from getting trained for all the noble responsibilities, vyn was getting trained to take on the haspran gym as leader eventually as well. that didnt happen tho since he skedaddled to stellis and once he got to stellis, he was wholly uninterested in pokemon battling as a whole.
like canon, hes still a psychiatrist and still founds the giannovyn research center. additionally, hes put a lot of work into pokemon assisted therapies and this is also an additional specialty for him as a practitioner
vyn's team:
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ok like. for full transparency, my method for choosing a lot of these pokemon was "oh i GOTTA give vyn the cutest team. and people around him are always baffled because vyn gives off some really...Intimidating And/Or Unsettling Vibes.....but hE HAS A JIGGLYPUFF?????"
that aside, even the cute ones are important. ralts, musharna, and jigglypuff are all pokemon vyn works with for psychology shit. ralts helps out in letting patients gauge their own emotions a bit better, jigglypuff's singing easily can put someone to sleep and/or get them chill enough to not be freaking out, and musharna is there to eat any nightmares that happen during hypnotherapy
(later, when the nxx team is formed, understand that there are SO MANY JOKES at vyn about him and his musharna. the dex entry for musharna in pokemon shield is "It drowses and dreams all the time. It's best to leave it be if it's just woken up, as it's a terrible grump when freshly roused from sleep." and marius reads this out like "HAHA, JUST LIKE YOU VYN" and then vyn makes jigglypuff knock him out)
mawile was a pokemon he had caught back in his time in svart. he went exploring in a cave near the estate and was fascinated by how beautiful and prim it looked at first, only to be hiding a giant fearsome maw behind it.
decidueye evolved from a rowlet he had since birth. the rowlet was a gift to him from his father.
aaaaand skitty is just a stray cat he adopted in stellis
marius von hagen
short backstory:
my buddy beckthebeetle made the genius suggestion that the von hagen family is a pokemon gym family, specializing in dragon types. and HELL YEA, I LOVE THAT SO MUCH, AND SO IT IS TRUE! aside from heading Pax Group (and just add certain pokemon industries into its already long list of industries it has JHVSKJFH) the von hagens have also headed the orchidshine district pokemon gym for centuries
marius wasnt in line to inherit both pax and the gym, but then giann disappears. and well...
marius' team:
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full transparency again: my method for a lot of these choices is "noodle. pokemon that is noodle ala aquarian serpent"
milotic, hydreigon, and gyarados are all pretty traditional pokemon in the von hagen history lineup. when marius returns back to stellis, he has to take responsibility of the gym too and spends a lot of time catching these guys (first at their earliest evolution) and then training them to final evolution
the ditto is a pokemon hes had since childhood and his was basically his best friend, since all his other peers were either assholes to him or using him. and the smeargle is a pokemon he met when he was overseas studying art. both of these pokemon...he did not catch them, They caught Him. like, both of them respectively saw marius and decided "friend shaped." and the rest is history
the dragonaire is not marius' pokemon, it's giann's. hes just looking after it until giann gets back.
and the dragonaire was very distant towards marius at first (it missed giann too and marius is Not Giann) but it warms up to marius after it catches him in giann's room crying. maybe they can be sad together, then, it thinks
additional notes
i mentioned mc has an eevee earlier and it does evolve into something but RAINCHECK ON THAT, IM STILL FIGURING OUT HER TEAM
nxx team still happens and the nxx drug also messes with pokemon
thats.....thats it for now. who knows if my brain will make more, HAHA, thanks for reading
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infizero · 2 years
fun fact when i was in 6th/7th grade and first sort of learning about lgbt stuff i somehow seemed to get the impression that xe/xer pronouns were the like “default” pronouns for all nonbinary people and didnt seem to even know that they/them pronouns were a thing
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majunju · 3 years
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(1/2) trainers
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bbdeathz · 5 years
Folge 125 war so extrem gut und wholesome. Das erste: Der OST war EXTREM gut und ich muss später die Stellen editieren, weil die einfach herrlich waren. OST macht halt eine Menge aus.
Ich habe nicht viele Fotos gemacht, aber später bei den subs kommen sicherlich noch einige Dinge hinzu.
Was man sagen muss: Etwas von Ash hatte Auswirkung auf den Gegenwarts-Kukui. Jedenfalls wollten die so halt zeigen, dass da was ist, denn solche Zeitreise Geschichten haben ja immer etwas, um zu zeigen, dass es Auswirkung hatte. Und zwar hat Ash klein Kukui Gao(?) genannt und bevor die Zeitreise überhaupt losging, sah Kukui sich sein altes Foto an (Gegenwart) und schwelgte in Erinnerungen und sagte leise diesen Namen. Und dann später kamen die anderen Szenen. Natürlich müsste Kukui eig Ash schon kennen, weil der halt mit klein Kukui in Kontakt getreten ist, aber ist ja egal. Der Name ist genug,
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Miezunder spürte sofort diese Aura, die vom Gegenwarts-Fuegro ausging, weils halt eben die Vergangenheit war, was sie aber nicht wussten. Ich dachte eig, dass es auch irgendwie an Kukui denken würde, aber nee. Nur Fuegro. Dieses kleine Ding hier.
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Ich hab echt nicht so viel zu erzählen, aber ich fand es einfach schön. Kukui war auch richtig gehyped, weil Ash einen Z Ring hatte und nannte ihn Move-Master oder so. Und die haben halt Zeit miteinander verbracht. Zwar nur im selben Gebiet, aber egal. Das interessante hier ist, dass sie SPÄTER Sachen einbauen könnten, die auf diese Begegnung lenken.
zb haben die beiden gekämpft und Ash hat gewonnen. Der Dialog ist noch offen für mich, aber was wäre, wenn später Kukui gewinnt und sie den Dialog einbauen, aber von seiner Seite? So quasi eine Homage an diese Begegnung. Dass Ash klein Kukui sagte, dass es okay ist zu verlieren und später in der Liga sagt Kukui das. Das wäre nett und diese Option ist möglich.
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Mit einer der interessanteren Sachen der Folge:
Den ersten Z Move führt er nämlich mit dem Kristall von Kukui aus, der die Attacke gerne sehen möchte. Letztens ja die Folge mit dem Camp, wo er öfter die Pose macht, ABER: Ash hat sich an Kaki erinnert und dann mit seinen Erinnerungen die Pose gemacht, was heißt, ich würde Folge 123 NICHT als foreshadowing bzgl der Pose sehen, weil er anders auf diese kommt. ob es foreshadowing ist? Hm, keine Ahnung. Ich würde es mehr so empfinden, wenn er Flashbacks von dem Camp hätte und wie er da die Pose schon indirekt ausführte. 
Aber egal. ich empfand diese Szene irgendwie richtig cool. War Hype imo und später hat er echt seinen eigenen Kristall bekommen. Das war sogar NOCH unerwartet, weil man ja hier schon ausgeht ‘ah, der führt den mit Hilfe von Kukuis Kristall aus’ und BAM, bekommt der dennoch seinen eigenen.
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Diese Szenen hatte auch tollen OST. Die haben viel OST von dem Genesect Film genutzt und ich fand das super, weil das einer dieser Filme ist, wo ich echt den OST erkenne.
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Wieder zurück in der Gegenwart und seine anderen PKMN waren erst krank vor Sorge und sind dann wieder super happy. Auch ein wholesomer Moment.
Ich hab noch ein paar Nebensachen zu merken, aber trotz wenig Text liebte ich die Folge. Schöner OST, war es schön die beiden da unbewusst zu haben, (kannten sich ja nicht bzw wussten voneinander) und auch wie Gegenwarts-Kukui in Erinnerung schwelkt. Ich hab da noch ein wenig mehr erwartet, aber man kann nicht alles haben.
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Diese Szene hab ich gar nicht so wahrgenommen, aber während in der Vergangenheit ein RIESEN Trombork war, war es dann n der Gegenwart schön.. Tot und ein Baum. Ich dachte erst, dass es hier einfach ein normaler Baum ist, der durch Struktur Trombork ähneln soll, aber dies könnte halt einfach das Trombork von damals sein und das ist dann traurig. Besonders, weil Ash - als er in die Gegenwart zurückkommt - sofort den Namen ruft und es ist auch so das erste, was wir sehen und DANN checken, dass es der Trombork-Opi ist....
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Anderes: Ass-Trainer Trainerklasse im Anime. Sieht weniger süß aus als im Spiel, aber egal. Dass Trainerklasse im Anime auftauchen, ist eh schon selten. Da erfreut es mich einfach, DASS es mal passiert.
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Sehr schöne freezeframes. Das hat etwas symbolisches.
Wie er das Buch weglegt und dann beide im Bild sind. Schön. BTW
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Ich dachte ja lange, dass Ash mehr Einfluss hatte (außer den Namen) und hatte irgendwie wirklich im Kopf, dass da am Ende ein Foto gezeigt wird, wo Ash auch drauf ist.
Einfach so, wegen der Begegnung. Ich wollte einfach, dass da noch mehr kommt, um diese Begegnung damals (von Kukuis Sicht) zu zeigen
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actualbird · 2 years
Pspsps... if you are accepting Pokemon submissions for MC... Rosa should have a Bunneary.... She should have the only pokemon aside from Legendaries that starts with 0 friendship with the trainer. She should have a Bunneary that loves her but Hates everyone else. ... Also a ROSErade... for the pun. Or a legendary? Because MC is Extra Special. Like Shaymin? Idk, Rosa gives the vibes of a Fairy Pokemon trainer... Oh!!! She should have a Sylveon!!!
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irt the tot pokemon au i threw together like i was throwing pasta at a wall
hullo anons!! or should i address u two as GENIUSES because these r SO GOOD!!!
prior to these asks, the only pokemon i had in her team were: togepi and sylveon (I SHAKE UR HAND, FIRST ANON!!) but i LOVE THESE SUGGESTIONS SO MUCH so i now present to u guys
mc's team in the pokemon au!!!!
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sylveon is what her childhood eevee evolves into, this is mc's BFF numero uno
togepi is one she got from her parents also, but given to her right before they both leave for that secret government project that has nerfed them off the face of the planet lol
i LOVE ROSERADE, and aside from the pun it's just such a graceful looking pokemon too but not to be messed with!!! it WILL poison people who are mean to mc. mc got roserade in college, but first it was a little bitty budew! it later evolved and took up the space as Protective Pokemon while luke was MIA. if roserade is out of the pokeball, u Bet it is just kinda glaring at everybody who talks to mc. U BETTER BE NICE TO POKEMOM!!!!!
ampharos is one of my fave pokemons omg so yes, i decree she gets one!! also during her college law school days and back when it was a mareep she would just bury her face in its fluff and scream due to stress. the beacon thing is also so sweet huhu....
I HAD NO IDEA BUNEARY HAD THAT 0 FRIENDSHIP THING?? OMFG. THIS TINY BUNNY FUCKING HATES EVERYBODY I AM LAUGHING SO MUCH. another pokemon mc gets during law school days and i like to think that it was actually a pokemon on campus that kept fucking shit up and stealing food and destroying stuff but nobody could catch it. nobody but mc. and buneary pledges its allegiance to mc on the spot.
now SHAYMIN.....shaymin is a pokemon mc finds on nosta during lost gold. and mc has like....no idea it's a mythical
in her defense, at this point in the timeline in this AU (that i am making up Right Now), mythical and legendary pokemon have all but stopped showing up and stories about them are also pretty much forgotten due to high-tech advancements. the era of legends and myths are over, it's a new era now.
additionally, pokedexes arent accessible to all people. at this point, pokedexes are reserved for pokemon researchers so the only info you can get is online and the internet only really has reliable information on the common pokemon
so mc just happens upon shaymin in a lush field in nosta and the little guy was stuck in a log so she helps him out. and then the shaymin just follows her around the entire rest of the investigation and shes got one last pokeball shes allowed to carry with her so she shrugs and accepts the shaymin to her team. she doesnt mind!! the little guy is so sweet, afterall!
and nobody figures out shaymin is special. not even the nxx boys
the only time they all learn this fact is during a key plot event idk jHVKJSHDFJS
thank u so much for these, these r Wonderful!!
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actualbird · 2 years
Pokémon AU is amazing 😁 Gotta know a few things though:
1) Who'd most likely catch/encounter a Shiny?
2) Do the guys or Rosa participate in the Stellis version of contests or the Battle Frontier? If so, where would they participate?
3) Would Zangr be considered a Faller?
4) What types of Pokéballs do Rosa + the male leads carry most often? (e.g. Heal Ball, Ultra Ball)
5) In a world where Pokémon exist in Stellis, would Rosa have a debate with a regular pigeon or a Pidove?
irt the tot pokemon au i threw together like i was throwing pasta at a wall
eyyo, glad u like the au!!! :DDD
1) marius. not because hes lucky but because the von hagens have been breeding dragon pokemon for years and years and YEAAAARSSS both for battling/gym purposes and general conservation efforts for dragon pokemon in general. still, this does mean that the dragon pokemon bred at the estate have got some pretty damn healthy, powerful, and SHINY genes in their DNA. marius has grown up seeing shiny dragon pokemon, it's no biggie. the absolute privilege on this dude
secondplace is artem. the litleo on his team is a shiny actually. but neither he or anybody else notices bc the difference is nigh IMPERCEPTIBLE
2) hmmm in this au, i dont think she'd do either since this au is largely still following a lot of the og canon!
3) hold up, i gotta go google what a Faller is---OOOOHHH OKAY OKAY. LMAO, oh he definitely TELLS everybody hes a Faller but nobody takes him seriously on that cuz hes not just saying he fell thru a wormhole, hes saying this reality isnt a real one at all. theyre pretty sure hes insane
4) hmmmmmmmm, i think itd be a general mix of normal pokeballs and great balls. all the other kinds of pokeballs seem more specialized for people who are really Only focused on pokemon catching and battling, and in this au, none of the nxx team fit in that niche
also, pax manufactures pokeballs HAHA
OH SHE IS SO ARGUING WITH PIDOVES!!! and all other common city bird pokemons. pidgeys, spearows, starlys. all of them have some kind of grudge against her ajshvfjashf
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actualbird · 2 years
Hkcgkchk being recognised for how long it takes me to stop talking is the funniest thing thank you for telling me that!! Also yep I just saw mc's Eeveelution being Sylveon! Perfect, Sylveon can give Flareon a sympathy pat on the shoulder and fuel the love misunderstanding. Sylveon you don't need to be shy with your affection, just take Flareon by the paw and let it know how you feel!!! Also I am so sorry because after getting through that monstrosity of an ask I'm giving you another one-
All her Pokemon play favourites. Every single one has a favoured boy and they fight about which boy fits mc better a lot. Only the best for their trainer!!
Sylveon, as mc's very first Pokemon and the one who's known Luke since childhood, very much favours Luke. I've written about its shenanigans with Luke's Flareon in previous ask so I won't repeat them here but Sylveon even on its own is a MENACE. Pokedex states that Sylveon wraps its feelers around its trainer's arm and walks with them. This is exactly what mc and Sylveon have been doing since forever. Now that Sylveon has to wingman it will absolutely "accidentally" drag mc's hand a little too far and cause her hands to brush against Luke's or any boy she wingmans really, Sylveon has preferences but isn't picky. And there's no way mc will stop holding hands with Sylveon, no one has the strength of will to look at that adorable face and turn down its act of affection. Also Sylveon will probably use Baby-doll Eyes to make mc feel even guiltier. It's a foolproof strategy, Sylveon is the ultimate wingman.
Roserade also prefers Luke because they're both protective of mc and also Sylveon vouched for him so at least he's not a total stranger like everyone else. Roserade doesn't wingman though, it observes. All that glaring isn't just for show! Roserade sees the way the boys interact with mc and keeps note of them. If any of them step out of line they're getting poisoned. Roserade's second favourite is Vyn because of the garden being basically paradise, but also What The Hell Vyn stop hiding things from mc you're going to get poisoned at this rate.
Togepi, like all baby Pokemon, likes Artem. He's nice and very mom-like, what's not to love? Togepi goes out of its way to greet Artem everytime it's out of the pokeball and sees him. It's adorable and both mc and Artem's hearts melt a little everytime it calls for Artem because of the sheer joy in Togepi's voice. Togepi is this close to calling Artem dad.
Ampharos also prefers Artem. As designated stress ball back when it was a Mareep, Ampharos probably spent a lot of time out of its ball sitting next to mc's law books or something. So it knows law is Hard because of mc's stress yells and also the sheer thickness of the books has scarred it for life. Some of those books are thicker than its paws, how do lawyers survive
So it already just kind of has massive respect for everyone in Themis law firm, mc included, just for surviving that hell, let alone Artem "youngest senior attorney 99% win rate" Wing. It admired Artem a lot but also was kind of intimidated by him? Just like everyone else at Themis, Ampharos put him up on a pedestal.
I think Ampharos and mc go through a pretty similar journey of learning to view Artem as less of an idol and more of a regular human being as a friend. And when that realisation sank in for Ampharos, I think Ampharos started to truly gun for a relationship between mc and Artem. Both of them are just regular people with their own struggles who do their best in spite of everything, who share pretty similar beliefs and just work well together. That, to Ampharos, is a perfect match.
Shaymin's favourite is Vyn and it's not for any deep reason or anything it's because he has a garden sfjdgjf it appeals to Shaymin's grass type instincts. Perfect home. But also Shaymin can sense the gratitude Vyn has for mc, and it's A Lot. All the boys are grateful for mc to some extent, but there's something about Vyn that Shaymin can connect with.
Shaymin puts two and two together after a while, it's that mc wholeheartedly enjoys both Shaymin and Vyn's friendships without ulterior motives. It's a breath of fresh air for Vyn of course, who's had to live fearing that people want to use him for their own gain. It's similar for Shaymin too, as a mythical Pokemon. Even if knowledge of Shaymin being mythical isn't all that widespread, the fact that evil teams exist probably means at least one of those teams has tried to catch Shaymin for their own gains. Hell, maybe in this AU someone went to Nosta during Lost Gold in search of Shaymin too. So having a trainer like mc who likes Shaymin for Shaymin and will never stop liking Shaymin for Shaymin...it feels nice. It's something that Shaymin can understand about Vyn, and about Marius too. It's not a surprise then that Marius is Shaymin's second favourite.
On a lighter note, Shaymin and Ralts swap feelings talk whenever they meet up. Shaymin is the co-host of the Ralts radio and Dr Cringe Richter's Goopy Feelings.
So remember when I said all of mc's Pokemon had favourites? That's a lie, Buneary has none because it hates everyone equally. Mc why do you need men, why do you like these men with all their annoying ways of expressing feelings...
It is a get-to-know-mc initiation rite to get kicked in the face by Buneary. Artem got kicked during Atmospherics, Vyn got kicked on the first meeting because Buneary was done with his cryptic card games, Marius got kicked during his first meeting with mc and Luke got kicked when he tried to drag mc out of the nxx meeting that one time. Buneary doesn't regret a single instance.
Eventually Buneary will grow to hate whoever mc chooses less. Eventually. It's...it's an uphill battle, that default zero happiness really makes the process slow.
And that's every one of mc's Pokemon and their biases! I am so sorry Marius, no one has you as their favourite. I couldn't think of a situation for him rip. I uh. I really wrote a lot for this AU huh-I hope you don't mind fgifgifiy
irt the tot pokemon au i threw together like i was throwing pasta at a wall and gah thats the original post but my brain is enjoying this sandbox a lot so im tagging all of this under #tot pkmn au
HAHA, gmorning milkyway!! no need to apologize for asks, like, rmr that at the end of the day i always choose what i respond to and when i respond to it!! and i just rlly enjoy getting ur asks :DDD
case in point: me answering this at 6am in the morning JHVKSJHFKA
yes yes YESSS at roserade figuratively handshaking luke. actually, both of them would shoot a drugged dart of some kind (poison dart/tranq dart) at anybody who so much looks at mc wrong, they are quite alike!
jhvfkjsjhVJKH roserade watching vyn…..his garden is beautiful but roserade is WATCHING
i am on the vERGE OF TEARS WITH TOGEPI. togepi voice @ artem “you are my daaaaad boogiewoogiewoogie”
hhhhh to ampharos, the word “lawyer” is now synonymous to Strong Person, Trying To Help. which isnt true for all lawyers but in ampharos’ defense, it’s only met themis lawyers
i so so love ampharos and mc going thru a similar journey of seeing artem as Just Some Guy (affectionate) trying to do his best :((((
shaymin: glasses man grateful. glasses man good. glasses man nice garden :3
heLLO GOSH I LOVE THE SHAYMIN LOST GOLD PLOT U PUT IN HERE, YES YESSSS!!! WAIT pause on the pokemons picking faves i just gotta exorcize the idea in my brain now like
lost gold plot in this au is largely the same BUT all the clues and legends about the lost treasure also hint to something thats not really gold or tangible treasure but a more conceptual kind of blessing, one that is the embodiment of life and gratitude. all the riddles about it are super vague and nobody quite knows what it means yet tries to find This Treasure as well 
shaymin, well aware that it is This Treasure: //frightened, scuttles away into a log and gets stuck and thats where mc finds it
later on when the team finds out what shaymin is theyre like HUH? THIS HEDGEHOG??? but theyve all grown to love it and care about it like it’s part of the nxx team family so shaymin is not goin anywhere and shaymin is just so happy :(((
jhsvjfhjhKJHVKJ today on Radio Ralts’ show “Dr. Cringe Richter’s Goopy Feelings” we have a Shaymin joining us today!! //canned applaus
thank GOD buneary has kicked everybody. AS IT SHOULD!!!! WHY DO U NEED MEN AHSVFJSHFKJAS
buneary also kicked artem in the argument scene in his perso story 2 (he made mc cry!!!), kicked luke several times in SR Star In The Palm (JUST TELL THE TRUTH)
god i love this all so much thank u, this made my morning routine very very fun :DDD
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actualbird · 2 years
So I saw Pokemon AU and immediately got summoned because I ADORE Pokemon AUs.
Flareon being Luke's starter he got alongside mc is such a good idea and I adore it. Flareon and mc's Eeveelution are going to Suffer looking at these two dense fools they have as trainers though. In my mind there's an elaborate setup where the two realise Luke is still extremely head over heels with mc, still refuses to admit it, and they just Sigh.
What follows is a whole load of shenanigans where the two try to set their trainers up finally and each time they fail because neither will ever make a move. And each time they fail they look at each other with the most pained expressions because someone save them.
Except Luke and mc mistake this as their two Eeveelutions pining for each other. Now we have the Pokemon trying to set their trainers up and their trainers trying to set them up. Whoops!
As a result of being Artem's babysitter for so long, Kangaskhan knows Artem extremely well. She knows how he feels, what he struggles with, and tries to help him as much as she can. Her maternal instincts flared up once she got assigned to babysit this child and they still haven't turned off even though said child is now an adult.
So she picks up on Artem's attraction to mc easily. And she can clearly see why, mc's an excellent person. And she sees how mc helps Artem too, sees him for what he is, doesn't put him on a pedestal, and most importantly she sees how much happier Artem is around her. Mc got Kangaskhan's approval before she got Artem's parent's approval, and Kangaskhan was right there to vouch for her if there was any doubt about her being a good partner.
So I have my own thoughts about Vyn's Pokemon team that I won't share in this because this is long enough as is and also these are your hcs not mine so I won't hijack. Vyn's Pokemon team are his best wingmen, they always engineer romantic situations for Vyn and mc. Skitty has purposely run around mc's legs to make her trip into Vyn's arms. Skitty got pastries for its efforts.
Ralts is the first one to realise Vyn fell for mc, of course. It picked up on his feelings almost immediately and was Shocked. Later that night Ralts relayed the information to the rest of the team and it's a miracle the resulting noise they made didn't wake Vyn up. Either it was a miracle or a well-used Hypnosis or Sing, none of them are telling.
Of all of Marius' Pokemon, Milotic is the one that understands how he feels best apart from Dragonair. Feebas are often judged and looked over because they're considered ugly while Milotic are sought after for their beauty. Milotic's become pretty disillusioned with the way others only care about the beauty while refusing to acknowledge its pre evolution and really anything else about it. It's kind of the same for Marius, most people only see him as the kind of irresponsible replacement for Giann and never see how much he struggles with underneath. Milotic is very vocal about its disdain for all the company exceutives that think they can take advantage of Marius, and is also very slow to trust.
So Milotic remains wary of mc for a really, really long time. It knows Marius likes her, but it also cannot shake the fear that mc will betray him. He's baring his heart to her, but that leaves him in prime position to be stabbed in the back and left heartbroken. And Milotic will not allow that, Marius has gone through enough with Giann's disappearance.
And Milotic remains on the lookout for mc's inevitable slip up. But it just...never happens. Mc is never cruel to Marius, their banters are friendly with no real venom and she listens to his struggles with no ulterior motive. And slowly but surely, Milotic starts to warm up to her too. It takes a long, long time, Milotic is the last of Marius' Pokemon to support a relationship between them, but when it finally comes around, its approval means the world to Marius.
So this got Long and I only covered one Pokemon for each of the boys giuhgu I am so sorry for this word dump. I just have brainworms for Pokemon.....
(Not sure if the emoji will work because I'm using a computer now but if it doesn't load this is Milkyway anon!)
irt the tot pokemon au i threw together like i was throwing pasta at a wall
EYYO MILKYWAYYY :DDD u kno, i dont even have to scroll down to see the milkyway emoji or ur text signoff cuz like, u r the only anon who sends asks this delightfully long. i could recognize you from number of scrolls it takes for me to get to the end alone <3!!!!
also HELLO????? I ADORE ALL OF THIS??????? each boys’ respective pokemons catching onto their trainer’s feelings…..OOAAAAUUUGGGHHHHH
on luke:
im not sure if u saw the last ask i answered but mc’s eevee evolves into a sylveon!!! and AKHSFBKAF LONG SUFFERING EEVEELUTION MATCHMAKES OMFG
pls, only luke and mc would be that dumb to misunderstand the situation.
luke is gonna end up hyping up his flareon like “if you really love sylveon you should get her some gifts!! be true with what you feel!!”
cue flareon looking at luke with THE most unimpressed expression it can possibly do lol
on artem:
before i comment on this i need u to know that baby artem, back when he was small enough, would chill in kangaskhan’s pouch. like so
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moving on
HHHHHH KANGASKHAN IS SUCH A MOM!!!!! later on when kimberly starts joining in on the “artem, when are you gonna get into a relationship ur like 30 :/” train, artem’s gonna have to deal with Two Mom figures badgering him about his love life. he doesnt know which one is easier to deal with. his actual mother has the added buff of being able to speak and thus roast artem thoroughly, while kangaskhan can just lie down on artem and trap him like that if hes being dumb
i want a badge now that says “Kangaskhan Approved Love Interest!”
on vyn:
before i comment again i need to show u another badly edited image. vyn with his rowlet
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moving on
i ADORE vyn’s pokemon team of wingmen (wing....pokemen? pokemons? conjugation is hard) cuz he doesnt have any human wingmen!!! his pokemon have their work cut out for them
on marius:
GOD....GOD.....MILOTIC......milkyway i rmr u geeking out about pokespe with me way back when and i wanna tell u i picked milotic not just because Noodle but because EXACTLY. THE WHOLE FEEBAS THING, how many dont see feebas’ value aside from the evolution itll later have, and u r so so right it parallels with marius so well
i am so horridly emotional about milotic being the most wary of marius’ team and so protective like...HRGH. IT JUST CARES ABOUT MARIUS SO MUCUCHCHCHHHH WAILS SOBS AND CRIES
thank u SO MUCH for these im gonna end up thinking bout this for HOURS now cuz of this AAAA
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actualbird · 2 years
Extremely sorry to those who aren't interested in Pokespe but also I'm not that sorry because this is absolute heaven for me xfjxjg
Pokespe's my second favourite piece of Pokemon media because the Mystery Dungeon series has captured my heart and my reasons for loving it keep evolving as the years pass but yeah!!! Its story is just the best and it barely lets up in quality. Why the manga goes so hard I will never know but I am forever thankful.
Definitely understand stopping at sinnoh dgsj it was great but not as good as hoenn. Nothing has topped hoenn yet imo but also I stopped reading halfway through X and Y so maybe the later arcs proved me wrong. When I find them...
I do think sinnoh had the best trio of all the cast though, they felt really close knit and their friendship progressed really well. Nothing can top Ruby and Sapphire's closeness but I think the addition of Emerald stopped them from getting best trio. Still love both casts a whole lot!
I forgot how much I loved Yellow's kindness fhdkh the manga barely even made fun of them for it!! Every character who pushed them to fight always got proven wrong when their nonviolence got the job done well! Also it made the moments when they actually needed to fight hit really, really hard. The sense of gravity when they actually fought was so much easier to feel when it was Yellow, the one who's defined by disliking battling, who was fighting instead of almost everyone else who get into fights regularly. Same thing applies here for Ruby but on a smaller scale.
In almost all the Pokemon media Gold and Silver always seem to act like boyfriends it's great. Those two could rival Red and Blue honestly.
Pokespe and its casts are so good. It's not even just the human characters, the Pokemon get great characterisation as well! Pika struggling to care for Yellow's Caterpie had a whole chapter devoted to it and it didn't even advance the plot, it was there for fluff and I loved it. A Pokemon is also the reason I insist that my friends who know nothing about Pokemon read the hoenn arc. That Pokemon happens to be Feefee/Mimi depending on translation. Not gonna spoil why to anyone who may be interested but I love her so much and I know it hits so much harder when you don't know anything about Pokemon.
Adding on to traditionally weak traits are seen as strong, the X and Y arc deconstructs the opposite. It shows why the common trope of the child prodigy battler isn't necessarily a completely good thing and I loved it so much.
Yeah Norman was. hm. It also says a lot about how few people read the manga when Norman being an absentee father is a meme from the games because if those people read the manga the memes would get even worse and yet they haven't somehow.
Ruby and Sapphire's backstory and how it affected them in the present is masterful. They're such amazing foils and the way both their povs were presented made their wildly different personalities make so much sense!! The same event resulted in such different outcomes, it's just amazing. Speaking of the incident, I'm convinced the manga is psychic because the remakes of hoenn gave it extra fuel to expand on the incident in such a natural way you'd think it was made with the manga in mind. Of course the oras arc took full advantage of that, so if you haven't you could check it out alongside your rereading! The remake arcs always tend to be pretty good anyway.
I would absolutely love to see the liveblog dtidti there's so much to think about when reading it!
listen, for ppl not interested in this, jus scroll as fast as u can. surely, if u follow this blog, u have become adept at scrolling thru my KILOMETRIC LENGTH RAMBLING so u guys will be fine
OHHHHH i am taking note of mystery dungeon then. the only pokemon games i played were the "main" ones (that i played on a frigging game boy color, pokemon yellow and pokemon silver. everything else i played on an emulator, i feel....aged) so hearing about this that u say is Good, my interest has been Piqued!!!
yeA YEAH!!! like while i didnt finish sinnoh, i loved the trio there so much cuz they were together for basically all of the story. also, the whole identity misunderstanding thing was SO RIDICULOUS and SO CONVOLUTED and it was amazing to watch ksjdbfsjd
kjfbasjfbkajsfak same like.....when i talk about hoenn i just dont talk about emerald. i dont hate him or anything but. i just didnt like him all that much, and i dont even have a reason for it, HAHA. maybe it was cuz i was reeling from how incredible ruby and sapphire were together and how their lives intertwined and then emerald just like. Happened. i'll have to reread it to figure out why i didnt take a liking to him tho
YEAH HRGRHGRHHR UR RIGHT!!! yellow who avoids battling bc of values and so when it does, it HITS. also suddenly just realized wow, sunshine character who is mostly always sunshiney except in the moments when they arent and it Hits Hard.....thats another trope that i love up to this day that i now realize can be traced back to pokespe omg
gold and silver are gay. facts. red and blue are also gay and theyve got like, OG Cast Superiority, but i dunno, there was something about gold and silver. there was a different FLAVOR
GOD YEAH UR RIGHT. the pokemon themselves are such fleshed out characters and YEAH. MIMI THE FEEBAS. when i was rambling to my gf yesterday i went on a whole tirade about mimi and how important she is both in herself and in how ruby grows. that Moment where ruby Snaps......it's engraved in my brain. it hurts me. but it was frigging fantastic holy shit.
oooOOOHH, okay maybe i may look into X and Y!!! i love some good subversion of tropesssss
YEAH. NORMAN WAS HM. THATS ALL I'LL SAY ABOUT THAT!!! mostly cuz i only wanna say further thoughts after ive reread hoenn kjbdkjfkdfs
MY GOD ruby and sapphire are so powerful, the story became prophetic.
im a bit no braincells cuz booster shot just shot my braincells out the window so i'll end with a meme
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