tngrayson · 4 years
Memories - Nightmare
A/N: A little drabble that’s been sitting on my computer for a little while. Awesome chapter dividers made by @carryonmyswansong 
Word count: 800
Warnings: domestic violence, ptsd
Read more memories here
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Billy had nightmares sometimes. He hid them well for a while when you first got together, but they got worse after every tour. The first time you noticed was when you had come over to surprise him. You knocked on the door and it took a while before there was an answer. When Billy finally came to the door, he looked worn out; pupils dilated, sweating, out of breath. You asked if everything was okay and he brushed it off, saying that he’d been working out.
The second time had been much more serious. 
You stirred in your sleep when you heard him almost whimpering and felt his hands twitching against you. Fingers tightening and relaxing as if he were holding a rifle and pulling the trigger over and over again. He was sweating and looked pained. The fact that he was having a nightmare was undeniable, so without thinking, you put your hand on his shoulder, whispering his name to wake him.
Billy’s reaction was swift and automatic. He grabbed your hand from his shoulder and twisted your wrist. He was on you in an instant with your arm pinned under his knee while his hands grasped at your neck. Billy’s eyes were glossed over and unfocused. He was squeezing so tight you could barely make a sound in protest. Your mind kicked into overdrive, thinking only of how to survive. You didn’t want to hurt Billy, but the only option you saw was to knee him in the groin. It was enough to get him off of you. He rolled off of you with a groan and a few expletives.
You coughed and gasped for air. Billy recovered quickly enough and realized that he’d attacked you. He tried to check on you, but you ducked into the bathroom before he could come closer. You sat against the bathroom door with your head between your knees while you hyperventilated.
Billy’s sudden knocking on the door startled you so hard that you couldn’t help the shriek that escaped your lips or the sobs that followed. Billy, already riddled with worry and remorse, began to panic. “Y/N, please open the door. I need, I just want to make sure you’re okay.”
You told him through tears that you were fine, but that you didn’t want to see him right now. Billy stopped insisting after that. He rested his head against the door for a second and listened as your sobbing died down.
A short while later, Maria was using her key to let herself into the apartment. She called for you as she headed into the bedroom.
“She’s in the bathroom,” Billy said from his seat at the foot of the bed. He’d stayed in the room in case you needed anything before Maria showed up.
Maria knocked softly on the door. “It’s me, sweetheart. Can I come in?”
After a short hesitation, you unlocked the door to let Maria in. She gasped aloud when she saw the fresh bruises on your neck and wrist.
Billy slept in the guest room for the next few days. Things were tense between you too despite your mutual efforts to get back to normal.
A few days later, you both were having dinner with Frank and Maria. At the end of the night, you offered to clear the table and start the dishes. While you waited for the sink to fill with warm water, Frank brought in the dishes.
“Talk to me, y/n.”
“I don’t know-“
“Cut the bullshit. What’s going on with you two? Barely looked at each other all night.”
“I really don’t want to talk about it, Frank.” You took the dishes from him.
Frank grumbled on his way out of the kitchen, nearly bumping into Billy on his way in. Frank grabbed him on the shoulder and led him out to the back porch. “Alright. One of you assholes is gonna tell me what’s going on.”
Billy leaned against the railing on the deck, let out a deep sigh and shoved his hands into his pockets. “You’re gonna kill me.”
Frank just stared at Billy with his arms crossed. “This have anything to do with Maria leaving in the middle of the night a few days ago?”
It dawned on Billy that she hadn’t told Frank.
After a long pause, he spoke again. “I’m still having nightmares, Frankie.” Billy felt the weight lift from his chest after the admission but hesitated to tell Frank about the assault. “I woke up on top of her… my hands around her neck. She’s got bruises; I could have broken her wrist. She locked herself in the bathroom until Maria came. I’ve never seen her so frightened.”
“Did you talk about it?”
Billy let out a bitter laugh. “’course we talked about it. She forgave me, can you believe that? She’s still keeping her distance though, like she’s afraid of me. Things just don’t feel natural anymore, you know?”
Frank came to lean against the railing next to Billy. “Yeah, I do actually. Been there with Maria before. I get it, Bill.” Frank looked up at the night sky. “All that shit we did over there. It’s nasty stuff and we do the job while we're there, but when we get back home these two gotta pick up the pieces.”
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lanceduval · 7 years
Cerca de uma hora atrás, Lance poderia ter sido encontrado ainda se divertindo, falando bobagens e virando alguns shots. Contudo, conforme o fim da festa foi se aproximando, o filho de Gaston desapareceu. Após ingerir tanto álcool, eventualmente seu corpo sucumbiu. Entre cenas picadas e visões turvas, o enjoo e o sabor ácido reapareceram mais fortes do que nas outras vezes e o rapaz teve de se apressar até o banheiro mais próximo. O ambiente cheirava a vômito e fezes; o chão estava sujo de papéis usados, pó, urina... mas Lance não possuía outra opção. Levantou a tampa da privada e despejou todo o líquido, deixando um rastro curto pelos azulejos. Não sentia nada enquanto o vômito jorrava de sua boca, porém, a cada pausa, surgia uma dor abrasadora em seu peito e mais enjoo. Suava frio e notava o banheiro escurecer, apenas o barulho de descargas e risadas ao fundo. Estava exausto. Ah, se pudesse magicamente reaparecer em sua cama naquele momento... Talvez, se fechasse os olhos por um segundo, passaria melhor. Àquela altura, já estava sentado no piso imundo, os braços envolvendo o sanitário como se fosse sua âncora. Descansaria as pálpebras por um minuto apenas. Talvez dois? E apagou. 
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