#twigshade would have been such a cute name...
Unhinged or generally weird shit I read on the warriors wiki trivia tabs part 1
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What do you mean by this??? She was listed as his mom in Prophecy and switched to Rainflower in Promise? Are you implying they wrote Lilystem the entire time, made a mistake, and then instead of fixing the mistake, just... Retconned Rainflower into the already written scenes?
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My boyfriend has this. I use it to annoy him.
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But they had the time to write a Clear Sky Toe Sucking scene as well as have Bluestar be mean to Leafpool until she has to be reminded about her illegal husband and children she is later stated to SPEND TIME WITH IN THE SAME BOOK. Are you the writer or not?
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Which I will remind you is followed by this:
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Turtle Tail:
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Cute name but also:
"It was so sad... Anyways she was hit by this model of car."
"Also they're polyamorous but not explicitly and only these cats despite my former insistence that 'first love always wins'"
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"He didn't have enough clout" then write more of him or write him better or stop making whatever you think 'clout' is a prerequisite for that... "Cope with" actually I'm not even gonna finish that thought it doesn't deserve my energy.
To absolutely no one's shock, Squilf is one of Kate's least favorite characters. She also said this about Crowfeather but guess who the narrative kisses the ass of harder.
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Expansion of that statement. Something about this reeks of classism but I can't put my finger quite on it.
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Yeah, yall, Brightheart's inevitable death is looming. They will absolutely erase her wounds. Take that how you will. I personally wouldn't having my missing eyeball back in heaven but with the narrative history towards disabled characters in this fictional setting.... Yeah...
Also stop making Mega Mentors and Mega Queens if you want to stop this problem why did you highlight it in her fucking graphic novel? Why not just retcon it in? You've had no problem doing that before. Have her mentor Hollytuft, no one gives a shit about Hollytuft and you couldn't seem to pick a mentor for her anyways.
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cryptidclaw · 9 months
I’ve been meaning to ask: Do you plan on changing Twigbranch’s name? And this is coming from someone who unironically likes the name Twinbranch (it’s so silly), but I do believe that the name Twigshade would have been so much better. With it matching with her sister, Violetshine.
I love Twigshade that is so fun... I always liked the idea of Twigsnap too its just cute, I haven't read her books so idk if snap works for her character or not tho :P
BTW! I'm not going to rewrite AVoS's plot, RoC will end at OotS! I do like coming up with ideas for how things go post RoC's finale tho hehe
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riverc1an · 3 years
What are some canon warrior cat names that you just loathe? And what would you change them to if you could? (Personally it's Twigbranch for me. I think Twigtail sounded cute lol)
actually i don’t hate any canon warrior cat names (at least the ones i remember) lmao
i would change some of the names tho like i think twigbranch name should have been like twigshine or twigshade
i think sparkpelt’s name is a bit boring but i headcanon that she was named after her aunt (i do love sparkstorm a lot tho)
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Hollyclaw: share a headcanon for a name?
I’ve already done Brambleclaw being changed to Brambleheart or -flower... so I would say Twigbranch being named Twigshade or Twigheart! Bramblestar’s explanation was cute and all but like... it’s not a great name. Twigshade just sounds nice, and the same “growing up/following your heart” could have been used for -heart.
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