#unfortunately another of their group decided to kill his wife in a jealous rage
this film is WILD, i love watching a group of ppl arguing and fighting over who dated whom and who slept with whom before meeting whom and who's been pregnant and who's cheating on her husband with her female yoga instructor or sth idk o_o
they should all just have one big orgy together!! then they wouldn't have to worry about being jealous of each other!!! there, problem solved :D
well, it ends badly, but i think we've ALL learnt something here today: mental illness is shameful, taking medication makes u ~less urself~, and self-harm is the SAME THING as a suicide attempt which is the SAME THING as planning an elaborate prank that facilitates the murder of one friend which is the SAME THING as shooting two of the others.
also apparently each of them is meant to embody one of the ~seven deadly sins~ and they are very bad ppl for being *checks notes* proud of their accomplishments, depressed due to life's circumstances, and unashamed of their sexuality, etc. NOTHING DODGY HERE!!! ALL VERY REPUTABLE POSITIONS TO TAKE. EXTREMELY NORMAL.
.....UNLESS..........wAS IT ALL JUST A DREAM???????? (feck i hope so bc that were a sad sad series of events, just look at the state of them, and all that blood's going to stain those lovely hardwood floors ;A;)
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luxurylives · 4 years
Missing Pieces Part 7
Pairing: Logan x Ellie Wheeler 
Book(s): Ride or Die: A Bad Boy Romance        
Word Count: 5,798
Rating: T (Mild language)
Summary: Teppei and Colts’ wrongdoings come back to the Mercy Park Crew. 
Author’s Note: The final part of this series that I started last summer! First, this is very long since it goes back and forth between California and Massachusetts. Second, Pixelberry Studios owns the characters. Third, the De la Cruz family is from High School Story (also by Pixelberry Studios). Thank you so much to those who read!
Tagging: @mfackenthal @rodappreciationweek @liam-rhys @desireepow-1986 @choicesarehard @leelee10898 @shadowycreatorpaperopera @brightpinkpeppercorn @client-327
Disclaimer: There is quite a bit of violence here, strong themes and situations. 
Logan slipped on a clean white shirt and a denim top; did he want to go to the barbeque? No, but it was a free meal and as soon as the time was right, he and Vanessa would be gone. 
“There’s something about them that doesn’t sit right with me”.
Logan turned to see Vanessa saunter out of the bedroom wearing a blue chiffon halter top and skinny jeans. 
“I just think it will be easier to sneak out while they’re distracted,” Logan said. 
“I hope you’re right” Vanessa quavered as she picked at her nails.
“Well, we better join the party” Logan headed towards the door but stopped when he realized Vanessa was not following him. “Are you ready?”
Vanessa hesitated and shook her head. “Look, let me call my father and tell him what is going on, he knows a good lawyer and I’m sure Zoe and Rita— “.
Logan tightened his grip on the doorknob and took a deep breath, he knew Vanessa was right, but it wasn’t that simple. 
“Logan, running and looking over your shoulder for the rest of your life makes no sense”. 
“Vanessa, I have to do this…now please can we just get this over with?” Logan opened up the door and gestured to the hallway. 
Vanessa took a deep breath and shook her head. “Fine, forget I said anything”.
 Once Ellie reached the exit, she burst through the door and frantically began searching for Toby. “Toby!?” 
A few people looked at her with confused looks on their faces as they passed her by. 
“Toby!?” Ellie called again. She began walking towards the street but ended up bumping into someone standing near a motorcycle. “Oh sorry”.
“What the hell are you doing here?”
For a moment, time seemed to stand still. Ellie slowly turned around to see Colt staring at her with an unreadable expression on his face. 
“You shouldn’t be here— “.
Ellie and Colt turned to see Ximena running towards them. 
“What happened in there? Some guy threw Toby out and this other guy started chasing him— “.
“Ximena, where is Toby?” Ellie asked urgently. 
“He headed back to the garage but that guy who was chasing him ran back inside and shortly after I saw some other people come out with guns…”.
Colt silently cursed under his breath and shook his head; Ximena averted her eyes to look at him. 
“Colt! What the hell is going on?! Where have you been? What have you been doing since we split up!?”
Colt angrily shook his head a bit his lip. “All of you are going to screw everything up— “.
“’ Screw everything up?!’ Colt you need to explain what the hell is going on! Logan is in danger!” Ellie yelled. 
Colt ran a hand over his face and groaned. “I know that…it’s all a part of my plan”.
“What plan?!” Ximena exclaimed.
Ellie stared at Colt with a bewildered look on her face. “I honestly have no idea what to say to you— “. 
“There they are!”
All three of them turned to see two men rushing towards them. 
“Shit!” Colt shouted and quickly jumped on his motorcycle. 
While Ximena sprinted towards her car, Ellie froze up, unsure whether to get in the car with Ximena or hop on the back of Colt’s motorcycle. 
“Wheeler!” Colt shouted. 
A gunshot rang from out of nowhere causing hundreds of people to scatter and scream. Ellie quickly hopped on the back of Colt’s motorcycle and wrapped her arms around his waist. 
As soon as the motorcycle revved to life, Colt joined the passing cars on the street. 
“Explain to me what the hell is going on right now!”
Colt looked in his mirror to see Ximena close behind. However, in a distance, he could saw three sports cars racing towards them. 
“Dammit Colt! Answer me!”
“Alright! After we split up that night, I stuck around and laid low for a while. A few months passed, I decided to try and start my crew. Well, the two people I found screwed me over. I found some of my Pop’s stuff when I went to visit my Mom— “.
“So it’s true? Teppei pissed off two gangs?”
As Colt weaved in and out of traffic, car horns blared around him. “How do you know about that?”
“I was outside the door hiding while you met with Vicente and Bart. Now answer my question! Did Teppei sell them out?!” Ellie shouted.
Before Colt could answer, a 54 Aeon SX appeared out of nowhere heading straight towards them at full speed. 
“Look out!” Ellie screamed. 
Colt made a sharp turn, narrowly missing the oncoming car, however, the screeching metal behind him meant whoever it was clipped Ximena.
“We need to get back to the garage and meet up with Toby!”
Colt checked his mirror to see the cars giving chase gaining on them while Ximena did her best to keep them at bay. With his heart racing and millions of thoughts swirling through his mind, he wondered what lay ahead for the rest of the night. 
 “You made it!”
Logan and Vanessa put on their best smile as Althea hurried towards them with Cesar close behind. 
“Can I get you any drinks?” Cesar asked warmly. 
While Vanessa considered the options, Logan took a quick moment to survey the party, there was a small crowd, but something about the attendees seemed off. There was also an ominous chill in the air.  
Logan snapped out of his thoughts to see everyone staring at him. “I’m sorry what?”
“What would you like to drink?” Althea asked. 
“Um...nothing right now”.
“Alright, I’ll be right back with your water Vanessa,” Cesar said and walked over to the cooler.
“It’s so nice of you to join us, it’s too bad my son couldn’t be here…he had some…business to take care of” Althea said.
“You have a son?” Vanessa asked.
“Yes, he’s an alum of Terman University and an entrepreneur of sorts,” Althea beamed. 
Logan turned his head to see Cesar standing near the cooler and speaking to a man in hushed tones. Shortly, another man with a beard joined them and greeted Cesar with a unique handshake. 
“So Logan are you in college?”
Logan turned to Althea who smiled warmly at him. “Uh…not at the moment”.
“Well you should enroll, it’s like I told my sister, Tala, education is very important…”. 
Logan swallowed; the mentioning of that name triggered his memory. When he joined the Mercy Park Crew, he snooped through Teppei’s office late at night. One night he was caught and expected Teppei to be angry but surprisingly he wasn’t and opened up to him. Logan learned Teppei had become involved with Tala Ramos. Little did he know, Tala was a member of the Crimson Santos. One night, she betrayed him and organized an attack. The Crimson Santos trashed the garage and damaged all of the cars in Teppei's possession. To get back at them, Teppei stole two valuable cars from them—a 67 Komoda and a 54 Aeon SX.
To further his revenge, Teppei made a deal with a cop and managed to get someone to spy on their activities. With the Crimson Santos out of his way and a broken heart, Teppei traveled to Tokyo to see his estranged wife, hoping for reconciliation. Instead, he found her in the arms of Felix Curbelo. In a jealous rage, Teppei sabotaged his car during a drifting competition, stole money from the Mente Kings, and talked to the same cop about finding someone to infiltrate the Mente Kings. However, everything backfired when the remains of both moles and that police officer were found in a sewer. Weeks later, the Mercy Park Crew had a target on their back and a war between them and the Brotherhood began.  
“...our mother was so proud when Tala finally graduated, that same day we moved our mom out of Manila— “.
“Excuse me” Logan quickly turned on his heel and ran inside. 
“Logan?” Vanessa turned towards him, but he was already several feet away. 
 Once Logan was inside, he ran into the kitchen and dialed Ellie’s number. “Come on, come on”.
“Hello, you have reached 213-555-0183. Unfortunately, they cannot take your call right now, please leave me a message after the beep”.
“Ellie, when you get this call me! All of us are in danger…Teppei did some stuff years ago that is going to get each of us killed. 
 “What’s wrong with him?” Cesar asked he returned to the group carrying two drinks. 
“I’m not sure…” Althea said worriedly. 
“Here’s your water Vanessa” Cesar handed a cup to her. 
“Thanks” Vanessa took the cup from him and took a sip. 
“Oh I forgot we have a special guest joining us tonight” Cesar turned and gestured for a young man to come over. 
When Vanessa looked up from her drink, the color drained from her face. 
“Hey Vanessa, long time no see”. 
Vanessa swallowed, uncertain whether to speak or run for her life. 
“Cat got your tongue?”
Cesar and Althea laughed heartily. 
Vanessa took a deep breath as she met the young man’s eyes. “No Javier...just surprised to see you”.
 Logan worriedly paced the kitchen and dialed Ellie’s number. “Come on, come on…pick up…”.
“Hello, you have reached 213-555-0183. Unfortunately, they cannot take your call right now, please leave me a message after the beep”.
Logan tossed his phone on the counter and began pacing the kitchen, he had to leave now…but how?
Suddenly, the door opened and closed, Logan, shuddered as someone entered the kitchen.
“Don’t make this hard on yourself”.
Logan bit his lip as his heart pounded against his chest, he recognized that voice anywhere.
“Turn around slowly”.
Logan turned to see Mona with a taser pointed at him and a malicious look on her face. 
“Down on your knees”.
“Mona…please…” Logan begged.
“Get down”.
As soon as Logan got down on the floor, another figure appeared and covered his face. Before he could scream, Mona lurched forward and fired the taser. Logan tried to call for help but was silenced by the sharp, prick of a needle being injected into his arm. 
 “…so you two met at the Lilac Palm, Javier, is Vicente still in charge Javier?”
“Yep, I like working with him…Logan too” Javier answered cheerfully. “I’m sure Vanessa here got to know him pretty well though”.
“Excuse me” Vanessa tried to set her cup down on the nearest table, but it slipped out of her hand and fell to the ground.
“Oh dear let me help you,” Althea said.
A chill ran down Vanessa’s spine once Althea placed a hand on her back. “It’s…it’s fine…” she stammered and tried to take a step forward but tripped and fell against a nearby table. 
“Are you alright Vanessa?” Cesar asked coolly. 
Vanessa tried to stand but couldn’t, everything around her started to blend and mesh together. She turned towards the cup a few feet away and suddenly it hit her—she had been drugged. 
Althea knelt beside her with a devilish smirk on her face. “I’m sorry it came to this dear, but we see you as a liability”.
“And we can’t have that” Javier cooed into her ear. 
Vanessa tried to speak but it was no use, her time was up. 
The car chase went from the side streets to the highway. Normally Colt was confident and egoistic, but tonight was different, for the first time in a long time, he felt incautious and terrified, everything had gone up in smoke in a matter of minutes. 
“There has to be another way to the garage!” Ellie shouted. 
Colt looked in his mirror to see Ximena holding off the other drivers the best that she could but as soon as they were in the clear, another driver would appear. 
Ellie quickly glanced over her shoulder to see one of the cars ram the side of Ximena’s car who returned the hit. 
Colt weaved in and out of traffic, desperately trying to evade the people chasing them. Just when it seemed hopeless, he saw an exit up ahead.
“There! That should take us to the garage!” Ellie yelled as she tightened her grip to Colt. 
Just as Colt began to merge into another lane, a 54 Aeon SX appeared dangerously close his side, time seemed to stand still as it inched closer, ready to send him and Ellie off of his motorcycle. 
Suddenly, Ximena pulled up at full speed and rear-ended the driver, sending the 54 Aeon SX forward. However, the driver quickly regained control and swerved to the far side of the highway. 
“Colt! Lookout!” 
Colt looked up and quickly maneuvered his motorcycle away from the section of the highway that had been cut off and glided onto the nearest exit. Suddenly, everything appeared to move in slow motion. 
As Colt pulled over, he and Ellie watched as Ximena tried to swerve out of the way only to cause her car to flip onto its roof. The drivers who had been chasing them disappeared into the night. Colt and Ellie gaped as Ximena’s car slid into the path of an oncoming tractor-trailer. 
“Ximena!” Ellie screamed. 
A deafening explosion roared across the highway followed by the sounds of screeching tires and cars crashing into one another.
Mona paced the small kitchenette below deck. Why did she agree to go along with Colt’s dangerous plan? For months she had kept to herself, hiding out in Las Vegas and working in a casino. One night, Colt showed up and told her he wanted to rebuild the crew and had an elaborate scheme in place to do so. Against her better judgement...she went along with it. 
“Ah, there you are Gwen”.
Mona rolled her eyes and turned around to see Pedro saunter into the kitchenette. “Yeah, just tired. I was hoping there was something to drink down here”.
“Good luck with that. Cesar and Althea only use this boat for special occasions”. 
Mona shook her head and pulled out her phone to send a quick message to Colt: 
You never said exactly when. So I am doing this now.
“Any idea where we are?”
“I think we’re near Provincetown. You seem a little anxious tonight”.
“Lack of sleep” Mona grumbled. 
Pedro slowly crossed the room and rubbed his chin. “Or it’s something else”.
Mona narrowed her eyes at him. “Come again?”
“When you first joined the Mente Kings I was a little…suspicious”. 
While he wasn’t looking, Mona slowly opened up a drawer and pulled out a knife. “I’ve got nothing to hide”. 
Pedro paused and turned to face her. “I heard you tried to steal property”. 
Mona schooled her features and kept a neutral expression on her face. “I don’t follow”
Pedro took a step forward. “Stolen property, motor vehicle theft, and a few aliases. I had someone do some digging on you”.
“So you went to David? You know he isn’t a real private investigator, right? Sometimes he goes by an alias like Diego”.
“I didn’t go to David for this information Gwen” Pedro replied as he took another step towards her. 
Mona stood still and tightened her grip on the knife. Small beads of sweat formed on her forehead.
“Or should I say, Mona”. 
In one swift motion, Mona drove the knife into his side. Pedro immediately fell to the ground clutching where he was stabbed. Before he could scream, Mona grabbed a rag laying on the counter and shoved it into his mouth. 
Mona swallowed nervously as her heart pounded against her chest, David was calling for her. 
 Logan awoke to the sounds of water lapping against the side of a boat. Vanessa was next to him, her hands and feet tied together and gazing at the stars. 
“Vanessa” Logan whispered. 
Vanessa turned her head and moved away from him. 
“Vanessa, there’s still time, maybe we—”. 
“Don’t you get it?” she hissed. “It’s over”.
“It’s not over”.
“Logan look around! Look where the life of crime, lies, and deceit has gotten you and your friends! You had the opportunity to start over in Ashburn Bay and you threw it away for what? I even offered to call my father and I am sure he would have willing to help your friends too”. 
“Vanessa— “.
“No, I don’t want to hear it…I think it is pretty clear what is about to happen tonight”.
Logan started to protest but turned his head, there was no use. 
 Kaneko's autobody was in ruins. The fire set by the Brotherhood months ago destroyed everything inside and out, shockingly the garage was still standing. 
As soon as Colt parked the motorcycle, Ellie jumped off and fell to the ground sobbing. Toby emerged from a nearby alley and hurried over. 
“Ellie, what’s wrong?! Where’s Ximena?!” Toby knelt beside her and rubbed her shoulders.
Colt rubbed the back of his neck and took a deep breath. 
“Colt! What the hell have you done!?” Toby shouted. 
“Ximena...was…was…killed by a truck” Ellie stammered. 
Toby stared at her with a blank expression on his face as a tear slid down his cheek. 
“Look, we have to get out of here…now” Colt said quietly. “I screwed up”.
Toby slowly rose to his feet, bringing Ellie with him. “Start talking Kaneko”.
Colt quickly ran through the plan he came up with and how he recruited Mona to help. “I just wanted us, the entire Mercy Park Crew to be on top…only this time better”.
Toby shook his head and took a deep breath. “Yeah and look where that’s gotten us…Ximena is dead because of you”.
All three of them dropped to the ground and covered their heads. 
“Where the hell did that come from?!” Toby yelled. 
As they craned their necks to see where the bullet came from, Ellie gaped at the group of cars racing towards the garage. “Oh my god…”. 
“We have to get inside!” Toby yelled. 
As soon as all three of them turned to run inside the garage, a storm of bullets rained down on them.
“Hkk” Colt stumbled and clutched his side. He slowly lifted his hand to see it coated in bright crimson. 
“Colt!” Ellie ran towards him followed by Toby. 
Colt swallowed; his breath quickened. “Ellie…I...”.
Ellie placed a hand over his wound, the blood seeping over her fingers. “Stay with us Colt…please”.
All three of them huddled against a wall as the bullets pounded against what was left Kaneko’s autobody. 
 Mona managed to stuff Pedro into a closet and jam the door. Once she wiped up the blood, she grabbed a pocketknife and walked up the stairs to the top deck. 
“What were you doing down there?” David asked. 
Mona casually approached him and shrugged. “I had to get a drink, turns out there isn’t anything down there”.
David narrowed his eyes at her as he shoved his hands into his pockets. 
Shortly, Javier strolled over to the group with a stern look on his face. 
“Any word from Vicente?” Mona asked coolly. 
“Not yet” Javier pulled out his phone to check his messages.
“Gwen, where is Pedro?” David asked. 
Mona who gestured to the stairwell. “Below deck, he had to use the bathroom”.
“I’m going to check on him,” David said and started down the stairs. 
Bzzzz bzzzzzzz
David paused at the top of the stairs and turned towards Javier. “Is that your phone?”
“Yeah” Javier showed the screen to both of them. “It’s Vicente”. 
As soon as Javier took his leave to answer the call, Mona briskly walked over to where Logan and Vanessa. Simultaneously she pulled out her phone and typed out a message to Colt.
Okay, I am going rogue. Something told me your plan was B.S. When you feel like answering, me, Logan, and the other chick will be long gone. Peace. 
She quickly slid the phone into her pocket once she reached them.
“Mona, what the hell is going on? Why are you doing this?” Logan asked worriedly. 
“Look there’s no time to explain. Colt has…well, had a plan but it doesn’t matter” Mona pulled out a pocketknife and began to release them. 
Logan shook his head and rubbed his wrists. “How the hell are we going to get off this boat?”
Mona sighed as she moved onto releasing Vanessa. “Well, we have to take care of Javier and David first”.
“David? Who? Wait, but…”.
“So that private investigator you told me about is a fraud and is working with the guys who are trying to kill us,” Vanessa said with a sigh of irritation.
Logan blankly stared at both of them as he thought back to the night Javier referred his “connect” to find his foster parents. “That bastard…so he—".
“I know it’s a lot to process but we have to move, now”.
As soon as all three of them rose to their feet, Javier and David rushed into view with their guns drawn.
“Not so fast!” Javier said.
“No!” Logan screamed.
The bullet whizzed through the air and pierced Mona’s skull. Logan and Vanessa watched in horror as she fell, and blood pooled around her head like a macabre halo.
Suddenly, before either of them could move, another gunshot rang out. 
 “You need to get him upstairs,” Toby said. 
Ellie turned to Colt, his face pale and breath ragged. “Toby…”.
“There isn’t any time…I’ll try to hold them off”.
Ellie slowly rose to her feet and managed to pull Colt along with her. Slowly and carefully, she made her way towards the stairwell. 
The bullets from the other side continued to rain down on what was left of Kaneko's autobody. Toby knew he was outnumbered but he had to try. After taking a deep breath and a quick prayer, he threw himself into the fray and fired back. 
Ellie huffed as she climbed the stairwell, not only was it was falling apart, but she had to support Colt as well. Just as she took another step, debris from the ceiling came crashing down.
“AAAHHHH!” Ellie screamed and pulled Colt towards her. 
Ellie tightened her hold onto him and resumed the climb. “We’re almost to the top, stay with me okay?”
“No! You can, we’re going to get through this!” Ellie glanced over at Toby who was too occupied to notice her struggle.
After a few more steps, she finally reached the top. Ellie trudged towards an area that was still intact and gently set Colt down. 
“Ellie…” Colt pleaded as he reached for her.
“I’m right here” Ellie sat in front of him and applied some pressure to his wound. “I’m not going anywhere”.
Toby shuddered at the sound and set his gun to the side; he was out of bullets and knew he had to surrender. Slowly, he emerged from his hiding place, raised his hands, and walked outside the garage. 
The gunfire came to a halt and multiple men stepped out of the cars with guns drawn. Toby gulped when Vicente casually stepped out of an SUV, rolled his shoulders, and walked towards him. 
“I see you came to your senses…finally”.
Toby could hardly contain his nerves, his heart raced and sweat slid down his face. 
“Where are they?”
Toby remained silent, he didn’t know what to do and there was nowhere to run.
Vicente signaled to his men to start closing in and turned his attention back to Toby. “I will ask you again, where are Colt Kaneko and Ellie Wheeler hiding?”
Toby squared his shoulders and glared back at him. 
Vicente shook his head, a devilish smirk on his face. 
“Amigos, ¿tartamudeé?
The members of the Mente Kings who were present shook their heads and formed a circle around Vicente and Toby.  
“Then you leave me no choice” Vicente patted Toby on the shoulder and walked towards the garage. 
“What do you want us to do?”
Vicente turned towards whoever asked the question and then glanced back at Toby. “Make him bleed”.
A fist came out of nowhere and collided with the side of Toby’s face while another fist took the other side. Toby stumbled and tried to regain his footing until another figure shoved him to the ground. 
Vicente casually looked on, not once did he interfere or tell his men to stop. After what felt like an hour of beating, he stepped forward and signaled for his men to give him some room.
“I am going to ask again,” he said coolly. 
Toby squinted his eyes as he looked up at Vicente. 
“Don’t make this any harder than what it needs to be”.
Suddenly a few more cars arrived on the scene, once they parked the drivers joined the group in front of the garage. 
“Bart, I wasn’t expecting you to join us,” Vicente said.
“Crimson Santos have a stake in this too” Bartholomew greeted Vicente a warm handshake. “Besides I couldn’t let you girls have all the fun”.
Toby coughed up blood and turned towards the man standing above him. 
“Is this him?”
Vicente shook his head and gestured in Toby’s direction. “One of them”.
Bartholomew stroked his chin and turned towards Toby, who lied on the ground bruised, bloody, and beaten. 
Toby coughed once more, his breaths heavy and ragged. “What?”
Bartholomew squatted down to be at his level. “Listen, all we want to know is, where did Colt and the girl go?”
Toby coughed again; tears began to stream down his face. “I…I…will…not...turn my back on my friends…go…to…hell”.
Bartholomew sighed and rose to his feet. “Me? Go to hell?”
Toby looked up at him and spat in his direction. “That’s what I said”.
Bartholomew shook his head as a nefarious smirk appeared on his face. After he paced around for a moment, he reached into his jacket, pulled out a shiny pistol, and aimed it at Toby’s head.
“You should know that I vacation there”.
 Ellie whirled around at the sound of the gunshot. 
“Ellie…” Colt pleaded. 
“Colt just try to relax okay?” Ellie stood up and tip-toed across the floor towards what remained of a window. 
The garage was surrounded, and a few men had begun to stuff Toby’s body into a trunk. Once Vicente and Bartholomew addressed their men, half got into their cars and sped off, the other half turned to follow them inside the garage. Ellie swallowed nervously as she backed away from the window.
“Where…where…is Toby?”
Once she was in front of him, Ellie knelt and caressed Colt’s pale cheek.
“He’s gone” Ellie lamented as she lifted his shirt to check his wound. The bleeding had slowed down, but she could tell he was barely holding on. 
Colt tossed his head back and began to close his eyes. “I…I need…to…tell you…something”.
Tears began to stream down Ellie’s face as she looked into Colt’s eyes. Below them, loud footsteps and voices flooded into the garage. 
With the strength he had left, Colt gripped Ellie’s hand and pulled her towards him. 
“What is it?” Ellie asked as she wiped a tear away with her free hand. 
The voices below grew louder and more anxious, the thundering footsteps drew closer. 
As Ellie leaned in and pulled him close, multiple figures emerged at the top of the stairs with their guns drawn. 
“Well, well…look who we have here”.
Ellie turned around to see Vicente, Bartholomew, and a few of their henchmen.
“Step away from him,” Bartholomew said quietly, but loud enough for everyone to hear. 
“Please...we’ll do what you want…please” Ellie begged.
Vicente signaled to one of his men, who lurched forward and dragged her away from Colt. 
“No! Stop! He’s hurt!” Ellie cried.
“Let her go!” Colt yelled.
“Would you like to do the honors?” Bartholomew said as he turned to Vicente and offered him his pistol. 
Vicente grinned as he took it from him. “You don’t know how long I have been waiting for this moment”.
“No! Please just let us go!” Ellie pleaded.
“Not a chance,” Vicente said. 
Tears streamed down Ellie’s cheeks as she watched Vicente level the pistol and aim at Colt’s head. 
“Kaneko,” Vicente said.
Colt turned towards Vicente and glared at him.
“Say hello to your father for me”.
A strangled noise ripped itself out of Ellie’s throat as soon as Vicente pulled the trigger, the sight of Colt falling backward and a pool of blood forming around him caused tears to well in her eyes.
 Logan fell to the deck and clutched his mid-thigh. “AAARGH!”
“Logan!” Vanessa shouted as she knelt beside him.
David immediately stormed over, grabbed Vanessa by her ponytail, and dragged her away. 
“Let me go! Stop!” she screamed as she clawed at his hand.
Javier casually walked over to Logan and fired another shot into his other thigh. 
“ARGHH!” Logan cried out; he felt his heart race as the pain coursed through his body.
Javier slowly knelt and grabbed him by his shirt. “Vicente just informed me of the situation in California...and I know everything”.
Logan swallowed, beads of sweat perspired on his forehead. 
“Gwen goes by Mona and was working with Colt” Javier motioned towards Mona’s body, lying a few feet away. 
Logan looked past Javier to see Vanessa kicking and screaming while David struggled to get her under control. 
“I hope you weren’t counting on Colt and Mona saving you. Did you think we were going to let the Mercy Park Crew get away with what Teppei did?”
Logan turned away from Javier, breathing heavily, blood seeping through his pants.
“Please don’t hurt him!” Vanessa screamed as she kicked and desperately tried to free herself from David.
“Stop moving dammit!” David shouted.
“Leave her alone!” Logan yelled.
Just as Vanessa managed to break free, David threw her against the railing and slapped her. Logan helplessly watched as Vanessa fall to the deck with a heavy thud.
Javier stood up and walked over to them. “And you...”.
“What should we do with her?” David asked as he picked her up and tightened his grip.
“I have a few ideas…most of which involve little to no clothing”.
Vanessa shuddered as Javier caressed her cheek with his gun.
“You know Vicente has a friend in Tijuana who handles girls like her”.
Javier grinned and shook his head. “Ah, I know who you are talking about…los rompe bien”.
Vanessa’s eyes widened in fear as she realized what they were going to do to and what potentially lied ahead. “Nooooo! Please! Let me go!”
Javier coldly turned on his heel and walked back over to Logan as David dragged Vanessa towards the stairwell.
“Make sure she is gagged and tied up” Javier called over his shoulder. 
David shook his head as he disappeared below the deck and Vanessa’s fearful screams faded away.
“Vicente wants you to see something” Javier mused.
Logan watched as he pulled out his phone and dialed Vicente’s number. Within minutes Vicente answered via video chat. “Javier, estaba a punto de llamarte”.
“No need just about finished here” Javier stood up and made a show of the scene around him. Mona’s body surrounded in a pool of blood and Logan bleeding in front of him. 
“Good, how is Pedro?”
“David and I patched him the best we could, he’s down below”.
“I’ll see if Ace can get his parents to meet you out there once you dump the bodies, what about the girl?”
“David and I were thinking your friend could put her to good use…if you know what I mean”.
“I had the same idea when Cesar showed me a picture. Tijuana is a good place for her to start, but we’ll finalize the details later. Let me speak to Logan”.
“Claro que jefe” Javier walked over to Logan forced him to face the screen. 
“Logan, good to see you”.
“Where is Ellie!?”
“Right here” Vicente answered calmly. 
Logan felt his heart race as he watched Vicente turn the screen. Ellie sat in front of a wall, her arms and legs tied together. Behind her was a man holding a gun.
“Please…just let her go…she has nothing to deal with this” he pleaded. 
“She was associated with the whole damn crew; I would say she has plenty to do with this”.
Suddenly, another man moved into the frame and stood next to Vicente.
“Logan, meet Bartholomew De la Cruz, Cesar, and Altheas’ son,” Vicente said as he handed off the phone. 
“So anything you’d like to say?” Bartholomew asked.
Logan started to speak but froze as he watched David reemerge from below deck and drag Mona’s body away. 
“No? Well— “.
“Ellie…let me talk to her,” he said quietly.
Bartholomew turned the phone towards Ellie who slowly looked up to face Logan. 
A tear slid down her cheek. “Mister Reckless”.
Logan swallowed; his breath ragged. “Ellie…I’m sorry…”.
Ellie shook her head, the tears flowed steadily. “No, I am…I should have been there for you…are you hurt?”.
Despite the pain, he gritted his teeth and kept a brave face. “Just a scratch”.
Both of them stared at each other in complete silence, their thoughts drifted back to the simpler times of the Mercy Park Crew. The first job they did together, the rave, the driving lessons, and prom night. 
“Ellie…I won’t have another chance to say this…I— “.
Before Ellie could speak, Vicente spoke up. “Alright, time to say goodbye”.
“No! I’m not finished! Put her back on the phone!” Logan shouted.
“Logan! Logan, I love—” Ellie cried.
The man behind her lifted his gun and pulled the trigger. 
“Nooooo!” Logan closed his eyes and jerked away from the phone. 
Droplets of blood splattered the screen as Ellie’s body lurched forward and disappeared from view. 
Logan helplessly stared at the phone as tears trickled down his face. 
“You and David finish up; you know what to do”.
“Will do,” Javier affirmed and hung up the phone. 
“I took care of Vanessa and Pedro is doing okay,” David said as he sauntered over. 
“Good,” Javier said. “That brat is in for surprise once we get her to Tijuana”.
“What about him?”
Javier turned his attention back to Logan and loaded his gun. “I’ll handle this one”.
“I’ll get the other girl ready so we can toss her overboard,” David said and took his leave. 
Javier nodded his head and pointed the gun at Logan. “Lookup”. 
Logan sluggishly gazed at the deck as the sounds of the ocean echoed around him. 
“¡Dije mírame!”
With the little strength he had left, Logan slowly lifted his head to face Javier. 
“I have been wanting to do this for a long time”.
Logan slumped forward, blood pooling around his thighs. 
“Adios amigo” Javier quipped and pulled the trigger.
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