crystal-wind · 3 years
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ecstaticastrology · 3 years
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This eclipse portal is one fir the record books when I think of plans and direction. We may have to shift or figure things out. How do we make our dreams come true? How do we get from here to there? We have to build the bridge. Clear the path. Make the decisions. Listen, read, and research. We have to put in the work. When hiking through a dense area in the south in the summer, sometimes you just have to bushwhack your way forward even though you can’t quite see the path - you just reference your map and your compass and push through. Trust your instincts. Today the Moon is in Libra and it is trining Saturn in Aquarius (building the path forward from the heart) The moon will also trine Venus later tonight possibly giving us a little “good job” pat on the back. Mercury is square Neptune today which could cause uncertainty or disillusionment - lean in on the foundations you’ve been building and keep working towards the goal, whatever it may be. It will support you! Mars is getting closer to training Neptune as well which is a mixed back of moving emotion and spiritual enlightenment - or more disillusionment and escapism. Saturn is our friend for now. Sometimes obstacles are there for a reason. Sometimes they make you think outside of the box just enough to shift the path towards the river, and you needed to refill your cup anyway. 🏹🪁🛷🪃⛸🛹🛼🎣🤿🚲🦯✈️🛶🛥🎢🎡 #mercuryingemini #mooninlibra #eclipseseasom #venusingemini #marsincancer #ecstaticastrology #mercuryretrograde #deepsouthastrology #geminiseason #chironinaries #suningemini #jupiterinpisces #saturninaquarius #astrologyupdate #beherenow #asabovesobelow #astrologypost #astrologyof2021 #hindsightis2020 #evolutionaryastrology #alabamaastrology #alabamastrology #opaastrology #vestainvirgo #uranussquaresaturn #UranusinTaurus #neptuneinpisces #herestomwiththeweather https://www.instagram.com/p/CPMGpucL4c6/?utm_medium=tumblr
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crystal-wind · 3 years
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ecstaticastrology · 3 years
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Happy Gemini Season!! But perhaps more importantly - Happy Eclipse Season We are quickly approaching the Lunar Eclipse on May 26th in Sagittarius. This sign is associated with our personal story, what we believe to be true about reality and the direction we are headed. This coming Lunar Eclipse will aid us in discarding a narrative about our lives that is no longer serving us! Sometimes we aren’t even aware of our narratives. They sound like the worries and lies that run through our unconscious brains when we are lying awake at night: “I could never get a job like that, my resume isn’t good enough” or “I could never be comfortable in that swimsuit”. So if you are looking to delete these types of limiting stories out of your subconscious, this is the time to do it. 
The Solar Eclipse is in Gemini June 10th and it happens to be teaming up with a Mercury Retrograde. I firmly believe this New Moon will be ripe for writing a NEW narrative that serves our future selves. Gemini is the sign of ideas, thinking, and communicating. Your mind will be ripe to dream up whatever is possible! These types of eclipses are often associated with fated events and people coming in or leaving our lives. This is a timeline shift - but do you know which one you desire to jump to? I have just added added a new Eclipse Season Quickie session - 45 Minutes for 44 dollars - you can book through ecstaticastrology.com as long as it lasts. These types of sessions tend to book up quickly! 🏹🌑🌘🌗🌖🌕🌒🌓🌔👯‍♂️ #mercuryingemini #mooninvirgo #eclipseseason #venusingemini #marsincancer #ecstaticastrology #deepsouthastrology #geminiseason #chironinaries #suningemini #jupiterinpisces #saturninaquarius #astrologyupdate #beherenow #asabovesobelow #astrologypost #astrologyof2021 #hindsightis2020 #evolutionaryastrology #alabamaastrology #alabamastrology #opaastrology #vestainvirgo #uranussquaresaturn #UranusinTaurus #neptuneinpisces #herestomwiththeweather https://www.instagram.com/p/CPHAnWuLQ9Y/?utm_medium=tumblr
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ecstaticastrology · 3 years
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#mercuryretroshade is here! This is a handy little graphic I make for every Mercury RX that shows dates of the retrograde and shadow periods - are y’all ready? Over the next month we are not only getting a Lunar Eclipse in Sagittarius on May 26 - but also - a Mercury Retrograde in the same sign as the Solar eclipse DURING the Solar Eclipse in Gemini June 10th. I am not in fear of any of this. I think it is just the right amount of reset and shifting for all of us. You may not be living the same story when it’s all said and done - and that, my friends, is a good thing. 🤩✨ share and tag me! 🤩😍👏🏻 #mercuryretrograde #mercuryretrogradeingemini #mercuryretrograde2021 #mercuryretrogradememes #jupiterinpisces #eclipseseason #lunareclipse #solareclipse #venusingemini #marsincancer #ecstaticastrology #deepsouthastrology #sunintaurus #chironinaries #instastrology #saturninaquarius #astrologyupdate #beherenow #asabovesobelow #astrologypost #astrologyof2021 #hindsightis2020 #evolutionaryastrology #alabamaastrology #alabamastrology #opaastrology #vestainvirgo #uranussquaresaturn #UranusinTaurus https://www.instagram.com/p/CO3j6FOLdIx/?igshid=j6rfsm46zvpl
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ecstaticastrology · 3 years
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Video about this Full Moon is up on YouTube! Link in bio! 💕💕💕💕💕❣️💕💘💕💘 #mercuryintaurus #fullmooninscorpio #marsincancer #ecstaticastrology #venusintaurus #deepsouthastrology #sunintaurus #chironinaries #instastrology #jupiterinaquarius #saturninaquarius #astrologyupdate #beherenow #asabovesobelow #astrologypost #astrologyof2021 #hindsightis2020 #evolutionaryastrology #alabamaastrology #alabamastrology #opaastrology #vestainvirgo #uranussquaresaturn #UranusinTaurus #neptuneinpisces #herestomwiththeweather https://www.instagram.com/p/COLcBQ8rMgB/?igshid=136vnuc2blg0l
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ecstaticastrology · 3 years
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Just now, Venus has moved to the 10th degree of Taurus and nearly exactly conjoined to Uranus. This can be shocking revelations and uncomfortable realizations. But there is an opportunity here as well - this conjunction can shake us out of ruts and help us get our feet out of the mud. Mars is at the last degree of Gemini which is known as the anaretic or crisis degree so we can absolutely be dealing with difficult communication and information. Take it easy on yourself today. If sometime surprises you, use the Moon in Virgo to nurture yourself with things that make your body feel better. Virgo also helps us prune away unnecessary things in order to grow into our fullest potential. The revelations we have today may only get more intense as Pluto stations to go retrograde we move towards the full moon in Scorpio on Monday. Don’t hide from the feelings or the truths that demand to come to the surface. #mercuryintaurus #mooninvirgo #marsingemini #ecstaticastrology #venusintaurs #deepsouthastrology #sunintaurus #venusconjuncturanus #chironinaries #instastrology #jupiterinaquarius #saturninaquarius #astrologyupdate #beherenow #asabovesobelow #astrologypost #astrologyof2021 #hindsightis2020 #evolutionaryastrology #alabamaastrology #alabamastrology #opaastrology #vestainvirgo #uranussquaresaturn #UranusinTaurus #neptuneinpisces #herestomwiththeweather https://www.instagram.com/p/CN-2ySorvn4/?igshid=ht0tuyuua4q1
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ecstaticastrology · 3 years
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Today we wake up with the Moon in the communicative and frenetic sign of Gemini and also a minor grand trine with Mars in Gemini and Jupiter in Aquarius both making opportunistic connections with the Sun in Aries. Again, I stress the fact that people will most likely be speaking up about what they believe and fighting for what they feel is right during this time. On a more personal level, this could be a wonderful time to advance any project forward or connect with people. It would be a good idea to check out my New Moon in Aries video to figure out what this energy might mean for you according to your rising sign. Mars is action, ego, will, and desire - when it forms a supportive trine to Jupiter which is abundance and expansion - what we get is people acting pretty wild. This could include you! So while it is a good idea to use the motivation to get things done, it is also a good idea to pause before speaking and to mind your physical body. We may feel like we can do anything - but check in with yourself before attempting that cool trick on the skateboard that you haven’t tried since you were 15. By the evening time the Sun moves to 26º of Aries which means it will be in tension with Pluto. Secrets and hidden desires have the potential to be revealed. This could be a re-visitation of something going on around the end of last year that has been disempowering you. Sit with it this evening because it persists through tomorrow. Think about it. #mercuryinaries #mooningemini #marsingemini #ecstaticastrology #venusinaries #deepsouthastrology #SuninAries #chironinaries #instastrology #jupiterinaquarius #saturninaquarius #astrologyupdate #beherenow #asabovesobelow #astrologypost #astrologyof2021 #hindsightis2020 #evolutionaryastrology #alabamaastrology #alabamastrology #opaastrology #vestainvirgo #uranussquaresaturn #UranusinTaurus #neptuneinpisces #herestomwiththeweather https://www.instagram.com/p/CNsU_N5L4g9/?igshid=1j8wmxb8nz3d8
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ecstaticastrology · 3 years
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New Moon in Aries video now available on the Ecstatic Astrology YouTube channel. The New Moon in Aries tomorrow is truly about embodying authenticity. Tune in to see what it means for your rising sign. #mercuryinaries #newmooninaries #marsingemini #ecstaticastrology #venusinaries #deepsouthastrology #SuninAries #chironinaries #instastrology #jupiterinaquarius #saturninaquarius #astrologyupdate #beherenow #asabovesobelow #astrologypost #astrologyof2021 #hindsightis2020 #evolutionaryastrology #alabamaastrology #alabamastrology #opaastrology #vestainvirgo #uranussquaresaturn #jupitersaturnconjunction #UranusinTaurus #neptuneinpisces #herestomwiththeweather https://www.instagram.com/p/CNgFQerLp8b/?igshid=1fq7w75cpegak
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ecstaticastrology · 3 years
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Tuesday / 16th We wake up with the Moon in steadfast and sensuous Taurus this day. Feelings take on a more subdued and steady turn. We want to feel good, especially because as soon as the Moon moves into Taurus it makes an opportunistic Sextile with the Mercury freshly in Pisces. This is very nice. It provides the opportunity to see how much you are worth in this vast existence, and also to ponder what you consider valuable. Tuesday evening however we may have unexpected feelings as the Moon meets innovative and rebellious Uranus. This will awaken the Uranus square to Saturn so it has the potential to be tense and shifty. It helps to know this energy may take shape as early as 2 pm CST and persist into sleep time. I will remind you of the important question to keep asking yourself - are your goals and friend groups aligned with what you truly value and want for yourself and vice versa? Saturn in Aquarius is encouraging us to build the future you! But Uranus in Taurus is making sure you are not building something to make someone else happy, this is about what YOU want. • • • • • • • • #mercuryinpisces #moonintaurus #marsingemini #ecstaticastrology #venusinpisces #deepsouthastrology #SuninPisces #chironinaries #instastrology #jupiterinaquarius #saturninaquarius #astrologyupdate #beherenow #asabovesobelow #astrologypost #astrologyof2021 #hindsightis2020 #evolutionaryastrology #alabamaastrology #alabamastrology #opaastrology #vestainvirgo #uranussquaresaturn #greatconjunction #jupitersaturnconjunction #UranusinTaurus #neptuneinpisces #herestomwiththeweather https://www.instagram.com/p/CMeoCw2Lctw/?igshid=12fkg5x1ojay0
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ecstaticastrology · 3 years
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YouTube video up for the New Moon in Pisces!! Link in bio :) • • • • #mercuryinaquarius #newmooninpisces #marsingemini #ecstaticastrology #venusinpisces #mercurydirect #deepsouthastrology #SuninPisces #chironinaries #instastrology #jupiterinaquarius #saturninaquarius #astrologyupdate #beherenow #asabovesobelow #astrologypost #astrologyof2021 #hindsightis2020 #evolutionaryastrology #alabamaastrology #alabamastrology #opaastrology #vestainvirgo #uranussquaresaturn #greatconjunction #jupitersaturnconjunction #UranusinTaurus #neptuneinpisces #herestomwiththeweather https://www.instagram.com/p/CMU5MEVLJOO/?igshid=mpv1piiwinu1
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ecstaticastrology · 3 years
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Feeling floaty? The Moon is now in Pisces and it will have a talk with Mars in Gemini this evening. This can be an emotionally reactive or intense moment because our emotional body wants rest and retreat while our physical body wants to make moves. The best way to handle this is allow yourself freedom to be here now. The future will be waiting for you when you get there - no need to rush into it. What do you want in THIS moment is the important question to ask yourself. That could be as simple as an evening walk outside or as complex as a deep conversation with a friend. Move towards what makes you feel good. ❤️❤️❤️ New Moon in Pisces live stream is happening tomorrow around 8 am on Instagram and Facebook. See you then!! 🍄🌱🧙🏻‍♀️💕 #mercuryinaquarius #mooninpisces #marsingemini #ecstaticastrology #venusinaquarius #mercurydirect #deepsouthastrology #SuninPisces #chironinaries #instastrology #jupiterinaquarius #saturninaquarius #astrologyupdate #beherenow #asabovesobelow #astrologypost #astrologyof2021 #hindsightis2020 #evolutionaryastrology #alabamaastrology #alabamastrology #opaastrology #vestainvirgo #uranussquaresaturn #greatconjunction #jupitersaturnconjunction #UranusinTaurus #neptuneinpisces #herestomwiththeweather https://www.instagram.com/p/CMSs84MrXhG/?igshid=fbu51yi9qc1k
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ecstaticastrology · 3 years
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On Wednesday Afternoon CST the Sun meets up with diffusive and dreamy Neptune. This day may indeed seem like a dream and that is the best thing you can do with this specific type of energy: DREAM. And dream big! Let your imagination run - what goals will you be setting for this New Moon? Today is a good idea to brainstorm the possibilities as the Moon moves towards a conjunction with Mercury late that evening.  Are your goals in alignment with what you TRULY want?  If you are setting goals that are not in alignment with the whole of who you are, this Moon and Mercury conjunction in Aquarius might shed light on this what specifically needs to be tweaked. 🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩 #mercuryinaquarius #mooninaquariys #marsingemini #ecstaticastrology #venusinaquarius #mercurydirect #deepsouthastrology #SuninPisces #chironinaries #instastrology #jupiterinaquarius #saturninaquarius #astrologyupdate #beherenow #asabovesobelow #astrologypost #astrologyof2021 #hindsightis2020 #evolutionaryastrology #alabamaastrology #alabamastrology #opaastrology #vestainvirgo #uranussquaresaturn #greatconjunction #jupitersaturnconjunction #UranusinTaurus #neptuneinpisces #herestomwiththeweather https://www.instagram.com/p/CMQEQ9craOO/?igshid=13uhdq6banxo8
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ecstaticastrology · 3 years
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Friday / 5th through Sunday /7th The Moon in optimistic and expansive Sagittarius comes into a tense Mutable Grand Cross mid-morning Friday with the Nodes in Gemini/Sag and Venus, the Sun, and Neptune in the ethereal diffusive sign of Pisces, and the keeper of the fire, Vesta in the focused and service oriented sign of Virgo. This is also the 3rd Quarter Square of the Moon and is the last adjustment of the Moon phase. I see this day as a re-imagining of our narrative. After the shift of Mars into Gemini we may feel spun around and disoriented so do not expect to see things extremely clearly on this day. So imagine those roots running deep and know that no matter how confusing reality seems at this time, that something is building in it. Some transmutation, some necessary dissolution. The thing about times like these is, the best thing we can do is surrender and let that metamorphosis occur. This tone is held through most of the weekend with the Moon in Sag and the Sun remaining square the nodes. Sunday will feel the most grounded with the Moon moving into Capricorn late Saturday night. Sunday morning we might awake with our feet on more solid ground and an increased ability to organize ourselves for the week ahead. #mercuryinaquarius #mooninsag #marsingemini #ecstaticastrology #venusinaquarius #mercurydirect #deepsouthastrology #SuninPisces #chironinaries #instastrology #jupiterinaquarius #saturninaquarius #astrologyupdate #beherenow #asabovesobelow #astrologypost #astrologyof2021 #hindsightis2020 #evolutionaryastrology #alabamaastrology #alabamastrology #opaastrology #vestainvirgo #uranussquaresaturn #greatconjunction #jupitersaturnconjunction #UranusinTaurus #neptuneinpisces #herestomwiththeweather https://www.instagram.com/p/CMC_s-Nr81f/?igshid=um1pvndulpt8
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ecstaticastrology · 3 years
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This evening our emotions and our logical brain get into a bit of a standoff as the Moon squares Mercury and Jupiter - and then the Moon in Scorpio makes a connection with the Neptunian dream ans spiritual realm inviting us to let go of the things we cannot control. And with Mars at the 29° of fixed earth sign Taurus this evening, the need to control may be super intense. But take heart! It is nearing the finish line as it moves into the trickster territory of Gemini at 9:30 pm central. How has this Mars at the last degree of Taurus felt for you and what is your Rising or Sun sign? Comment below! 👇🏻 #mercuryinaquarius #mooninscorpio #marsintaurus #ecstaticastrology #venusinaquarius #mercurydirect #deepsouthastrology #SuninPisces #chironinaries #instastrology #jupiterinaquarius #saturninaquarius #astrologyupdate #beherenow #asabovesobelow #astrologypost #astrologyof2021 #hindsightis2020 #evolutionaryastrology #alabamaastrology #alabamastrology #opaastrology #vestainvirgo #uranussquaresaturn #greatconjunction #jupitersaturnconjunction #UranusinTaurus #neptuneinpisces #herestomwiththeweather https://www.instagram.com/p/CL-UqP8BzFm/?igshid=g4zd8k09t6z1
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ecstaticastrology · 3 years
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The first step toward success is taken when you refuse to be a captive of the environment in which you first find yourself. MARK CAINE 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟 Today the Moon is in Cancer - and we are deep into our feels. After Noon the Moon trines Neptune to give an extra boost of intuition to these deep emotional waters. There are treasures there if we can just manage to shift our perspective to look through our reflection to the river bottom below. As the night comes around the Moon opposes Pluto and we become emotionally aware of a deeper truth. This is a brief but potentially intense transit. What controls your emotions and why? Mars will also be in a positive connection with Pluto and the Moon at the same time. This gives us the motivation and will to push forward in changing whatever situation comes up. Conflict may arise but I encourage you to do something that comforts yourself rather than stress your adrenals. Mars is fighting for our values at the moment. And let me also mention - Mercury turned Direct this past weekend but we are not out of the Shadow Period. We will now be polishing the themes from the retrograde during this phase. So best advice today? Do not submit yourself to conflict that is beneath you - the best way to win is to attend to your own needs and wishes. 💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥 #mercuryinaquarius #moonincancer #marsintaurus #ecstaticastrology #venusinaquarius #mercurydirect #deepsouthastrology #SuninPisces #chironinaries #instastrology #jupiterinaquarius #saturninaquarius #astrologyupdate #beherenow #asabovesobelow #astrologypost #astrologyof2021 #hindsightis2020 #evolutionaryastrology #alabamaastrology #alabamastrology #opaastrology #grandconjunction #vestainvirgo #uranussquaresaturn #greatconjunction #jupitersaturnconjunction #UranusinTaurus #neptuneinpisces https://www.instagram.com/p/CLpIqL8L2pG/?igshid=j8qfytmi61x8
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