#vastu tips for trees
jeevanjali · 22 days
Vastu Tips: घर में लगाएं ये चार पेड़, आएगी बरकत और समृद्धिVastu Tips For Plant: घर के लिए सभी प्रकार के पौधे शुभ नहीं माने जाते हैं, लेकिन कुछ ऐसे पौधे हैं, जिन्हें घर में लगाने से घर में सदैव सकारात्मकता का संचार होता है और सुख समृद्धि का आगमन होता है। आइए जानते हैं कौन से हैं वो पौधे।
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akashkannaujiya · 2 years
Who is the best Vastu consultant in Dubai?
Vastu is an ancient practice that is said to bring balance and harmony to the home. Are you curious about the benefits of Vastu and whether or not it could be right for you?
In this article, we'll explore some of the key reasons why you might want to consider incorporating Vastu into your life. We'll take a look at what Vastu is, the benefits it can offer, and some tips for how to get started. If you're ready to bring more balance and harmony into your life, read on!
What Is Vastu?
You may have heard of Vastu before, but you're not quite sure what it is. Vastu is an ancient practice that's all about creating harmony and balance in your life.
It's based on the belief that our surroundings have a huge impact on our well-being, and that by aligning our homes and workplaces with natural laws, we can achieve greater success and happiness.
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There are a few basic principles of Vastu that you can incorporate into your life to start seeing results. For example, making sure your front door faces east is said to bring good luck, and having a lot of plants in your home is thought to promote health and vitality.
The Benefits of Vastu
According to Vastu for Business in Dubai, the ancient science of architecture, there are eight cardinal points in any given space that have a profound impact on the inhabitants. When these points are in balance, the energy in that space is harmonious and conducive to positive flow.
But when they're out of balance, it can lead to problems such as health issues, financial instability, and even marital discord. That's where a Vastu consultant comes in. They can help you identify and correct any imbalances in your home or office so that you can enjoy the benefits of this time-tested practice.
Some of the benefits of Vastu include improved health, wealth, and relationships; increased creativity and productivity; and a more positive outlook on life. So if you're looking for a way to create more harmony and balance in your life, consider incorporating Vastu into your routine.
How to Incorporate Vastu Into Your Life
So now that you know all about the benefits of Vastu, how do you go about incorporating it into your life?
Well, the first step is to get a Vastu consultant in Dubai. That's where Vedasrivastu comes in. She can help you to understand how Vastu works and how you can use it to improve your life.
After that, it's all about making small changes. Maybe you want to adjust the layout of your home or office, or maybe you want to start using certain colors or crystals in your space. Vedasrivastu can help with all of that, and she'll be with you every step of the way to make sure you get the most out of this ancient practice.
Vastu Tips for the Home
There are a few basic things you can do to get started with Vastu in your home. For example, you should always make sure the front door of your house is facing east or north. This is called the "prima facie" rule in Vastu, and it's one of the most important principles.
Another thing to keep in mind is that the main entrance should never be at the center of your house. It's best to have it offset to one side or the other. And finally, make sure there's plenty of natural light and fresh air coming into your home. You can do this by using open spaces and landscaping features like ponds and trees.
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Vastu Tips for the Workplace
If you're looking for some tips on how to Vastu your workplace, here are a few things to keep in mind.
First, always make sure the entrance to your office is facing east or north. If that's not possible, try to create an imaginary line that leads to the entrance and make sure it's pointing in the right direction.
Secondly, make sure your desk is facing the right way. The ideal placement is with your back to the wall and your feet pointing toward the door. This will help you feel more secure and in control.
And lastly, try to keep your office as clutter-free as possible. The goal is to create positive energy and a calm environment where you can focus on your work.
FAQs on Vastu
So you're interested in Vastu, but you're not sure where to start?
 Let's take a look at some of the most common questions people ask about this ancient practice.
First of all, what is Vastu? 
Vastu is an ancient Dubai practice that uses architecture and design to create harmonious surroundings that are in alignment with the natural forces of the universe.
Vastu is based on the idea that our environment has a direct impact on our well-being, both physically and emotionally. When our surroundings are in balance, it can help us achieve greater clarity, peace, and happiness in our lives.
If you're ready to incorporate Vastu into your life, read on for more information about how to get started.
There are many benefits to be had when you incorporate Vastu into your life. From finding more peace and harmony in your home to improving your finances, this ancient practice can help you live a better life.
If you're unsure about how to get started with Vastu, Vedasrivastu can help. With over ten years of experience in the field, she can help you harmonize your home and improve every aspect of your life. Contact her today to get started!
Heartly thanks for reading this blog I hope this helpful for you
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Expert Tips for Kundli Matching in Marriage
Kundli matching, also known as horoscope matching, is a significant aspect of many traditional Indian marriages. Rooted in Vedic astrology, this practice aims to ensure compatibility between prospective partners, promising a harmonious and prosperous married life. Here are some expert tips to guide you through the process of Kundli matching for marriage: Best Astrologer In Delhi,   Astrologer In Delhi,  Best Astrologer In Jodhpur,  Best Astrologer In Mumbai,  Astrologer In Mumbai
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Understand the Basics of Kundli Matching
Before diving into the specifics, it's crucial to understand what Kundli matching entails. It involves comparing the birth charts (Kundlis) of the bride and groom. Key factors considered include:
Gunas: These are points assigned based on astrological compatibility across eight categories (Ashtakoota).
Mangal Dosha: A condition where Mars is positioned unfavorably, which can affect marital harmony.
Nadi Dosha: Concerns health and offspring, with three Nadi types needing careful consideration.
Consult a Qualified Astrologer
While online tools and software can provide a basic Kundli match, consulting a qualified astrologer is essential for an in-depth analysis. An experienced astrologer can interpret subtle nuances in the charts, providing insights beyond the general compatibility score.
Prioritize the Guna Matching Score
In the Ashtakoota system, a total of 36 Gunas are considered, and traditionally, a score of 18 or above is deemed acceptable. However, higher scores are generally more favorable. The eight categories include:
Varna: Mental compatibility
Vashya: Power equation in the relationship
Tara: Destiny compatibility
Yoni: Sexual compatibility
Graha Maitri: Friendship and mutual affection
Gana: Behavioral compatibility
Bhakoot: Love and emotional compatibility
Nadi: Health and progeny compatibility
Addressing Mangal Dosha
Mangal Dosha, or the presence of Mars in specific houses, can impact marital harmony. 
Remedies can include:
Kumbh Vivah: A symbolic marriage to a banana tree, peepal tree, or a silver/golden idol of Lord Vishnu.
Chanting Mantras: Recitation of specific mantras like the Hanuman Chalisa.
Fasting and Donations: Observing fasts on Tuesdays and donating red-colored items.
Evaluate Nadi Dosha Carefully
Nadi Dosha can significantly affect progeny and health. While a complete Nadi Dosha (same Nadi in both charts) is considered severe, partial remedies are possible. Consult your astrologer for personalized solutions.
 Look Beyond Gunas
While the Guna matching score is essential, it's not the sole determinant of marital success. Consider factors such as:
Dasha Periods: These planetary periods can impact various life aspects.
Individual Horoscopes: Assess the individual strengths and weaknesses in each horoscope.
Modern Perspectives and Compatibility
With changing times, modern perspectives on Kundli matching focus on practical compatibility aspects like:
Values and Beliefs: Ensure alignment in core values and beliefs.
Life Goals: Discuss career aspirations, family planning, and lifestyle preferences.
Communication and Conflict Resolution: Evaluate how well you communicate and resolve conflicts.
Remedial Measures and Flexibility
Astrology offers various remedial measures to mitigate potential issues in Kundli matching. These can range from wearing specific gemstones to performing certain rituals. However, it's crucial to remain flexible and understand that astrology complements, rather than overrides, mutual understanding and love.
Kundli matching is a valuable tool in understanding compatibility in a marriage. By combining traditional wisdom with modern perspectives, couples can ensure a harmonious and fulfilling relationship. Always consult a trusted astrologer and remain open to both astrological guidance and personal insights to make the most informed decisions.
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nityarawal · 2 months
Morning Songs
How Big Are You
Will You Fill The Sky
How Big Are You
Will They See
Your Vastu
Hanging In The
Or A Big
In The Canopy
Vastu Buddha
Sitting Lotus
You Gonna Oust
Art Of Living
Spiritual Wars
For Autonomy
Of Kids'
Whose Got Their
Rockets Tips
Why You Win Baby
Seems You Did
300 Rockets
Why That's Enough
Our Ego
Don't Need
Any More Gloating
From Carbon Queen's
On Defense Teams 
Buddha's Big
Carrying Me
Been Up Too Late
Going To Hot Springs
Shedding Dancing
And Other Infections
We Won't Mention
Taking Anti-Biotics
Using Head And 
Herbs Galore
Fraternizing With
Gay 3rd World Palm Springs 
Community Slaves
At Large
Did Marilyn Live
At Martha's Kitchen
Did Janis Joplin
Finally Take Her
To Protect Her
From Jewish Family
Like Beyonce
Is Beyonce Song
To Tell Me Her
Endear Me
To Her Like
Vayya Love
I Can See She Is
A Bright Star
Got The Devi Glow
Rumi Too
Our Daughters
Carry On A Tradition
Of Grace To Our
If You're Feeling
Dried Out
Ask What You've
Done For Your
Baby Mamma
And Mother
Then Come Talk
To Me
Nitya Nella Davigo Azam Moezzi Huntley Rawal 
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jyotishwithakshayg · 3 months
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vastukimaya · 4 months
Residential Vastu
Introduction to Vastu Shastra
Vastu Shastra is an ancient Indian science that focuses on creating harmonious environments by balancing the elements of nature. It involves principles and guidelines that govern the layout, design, and construction of buildings to promote positivity and well-being. In recent times, the practice of Vastu has gained popularity worldwide, especially in residential spaces.
Understanding Residential Vastu
Importance of Vastu in Homes
The home is considered a sacred space where individuals seek comfort, security, and happiness. Vastu principles emphasize the significance of aligning the structure of a house with cosmic energies to ensure peace and prosperity for its inhabitants.
Basic Principles of Residential Vastu
Residential Vastu revolves around several fundamental principles such as orientation, placement of rooms, and use of space. It suggests the ideal positioning of rooms and amenities within a house to facilitate the flow of positive energy and eliminate any obstructions.
Vastu Tips for Different Rooms
Vastu for Bedroom
The bedroom is a crucial space for rest and rejuvenation. According to Vastu, the bed should be placed in the southwest direction, and the head should point towards the south or east for sound sleep and overall well-being.
Vastu for Living Room
The living room is where families gather and socialize. Vastu recommends placing furniture in a way that promotes free movement and encourages interaction among family members. Additionally, using warm colors and natural light can enhance the positive energy flow in the living area.
Vastu for Kitchen
The kitchen is considered the heart of the home, where nourishment is prepared. Vastu suggests positioning the kitchen in the southeast direction and keeping it clean and clutter-free to ensure health and prosperity for the family.
Vastu for Bathroom
Proper Vastu alignment of the bathroom is essential to maintain hygiene and prevent negative energy accumulation. It is advisable to place the bathroom in the northwest or west direction and ensure proper ventilation to promote cleanliness and well-being.
Exterior Vastu Considerations
The entrance of the house serves as a gateway for energy flow. Vastu recommends designing the entrance in the north, east, or northeast direction and keeping it well-lit and clutter-free to attract positive energy.
Garden and Landscaping
A well-maintained garden or landscape can enhance the aesthetic appeal and energy flow around the house. Vastu suggests planting trees and flowers in the northeast or east direction to promote positivity and prosperity.
Direction of the House
The direction in which the house is constructed plays a significant role in determining its Vastu compatibility. Ideally, the house should face east or north to receive ample sunlight and positive vibrations.
Common Vastu Mistakes to Avoid
Despite the benefits of Vastu, many homeowners make common mistakes that disrupt the flow of positive energy. These include irregular room shapes, cluttered spaces, and improper placement of furniture. Avoiding these mistakes is essential to harness the full potential of Vastu principles.
Benefits of Following Vastu in Residential Spaces
Adhering to Vastu guidelines in residential spaces can yield numerous benefits, including improved health, enhanced relationships, and overall prosperity. By creating a harmonious environment that resonates with the natural elements, individuals can experience a sense of balance and well-being in their homes.
Incorporating Vastu principles in residential spaces can significantly impact the quality of life for inhabitants. By aligning the structure and design of homes with cosmic energies, individuals can create environments that foster positivity, peace, and prosperity.
What is Vastu Shastra?Vastu Shastra is an ancient Indian science that focuses on creating harmonious environments by balancing the elements of nature.
How does Vastu benefit residential spaces?Vastu principles promote positivity, health, and prosperity in residential spaces by aligning the structure and design of homes with cosmic energies.
What are some common Vastu mistakes to avoid?Common Vastu mistakes include irregular room shapes, cluttered spaces, and improper placement of furniture.
Can Vastu be applied to existing homes?Yes, Vastu principles can be applied to existing homes through remedies and adjustments to enhance positive energy flow.
Is Vastu Shastra based on superstition?No, Vastu Shastra is a scientific approach to architecture and design that considers the impact of cosmic energies on human well-being.
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wrote-a-article · 5 months
Making Home a Happy Place: Easy Vastu Tips
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A happy home is more than just a physical structure; it's about creating a space that exudes positive energy. We'll examine some basic Vastu principles and discuss the elements that make up the joyful tapestry that is your home.
Easy Vastu Tips:
1. Clutter-Free Spaces:
Take care of the age-old problem of clutter to start on the path to a peaceful household. Decluttering is a process that facilitates the smooth flow of positive energy and is not just about organising. We'll look at doable decluttering strategies that improve the power in your house, from collecting to parting with extra stuff. To promote tranquillity, make areas for necessities and think about using minimalist decor.
2. Proper Placement of Furniture:
Setting out a room's furnishings can make all the difference in creating a harmonious equilibrium. Find out how to arrange your furniture for the best possible energy flow. We'll explore Vastu principles that revitalise your living areas and turn the process of organising into a way to create a harmonious and pleasant atmosphere. In order to create a cosy and upbeat atmosphere, think about how each piece works and how it fits into the area as a whole.
3. Lighting Matters:
The way light interacts in your house creates a certain atmosphere. We'll look at how lighting affects a pleasant Vastu environment, from choosing the proper artificial lighting to maximising the benefits of natural light. Transform your house using non-physical ideas to create a cheery, optimistic mood. Try varying the lighting in different areas to get the ideal ambience. You can also add dimmers to control the brightness and change the energy source according to your needs.
4. Incorporating Nature Indoors:
Bring the outside inside to see how it completely changes your living areas. Explore the many benefits of indoor plants, according to Vastu, and learn how these little touches may make your house feel more positive overall. Accept vegetation that improves its appearance and fosters a vibrant, active equilibrium. Think about choosing low-maintenance plants for people with hectic schedules and come up with inventive methods to showcase them, such as hanging planters or placing pots in key locations near windows.
External Influences on Home Happiness:
5. Surroundings and Vastu:
A happy home is built on the surroundings that surround it, not just the walls. Examine the importance of picking a good location and learn how your neighbours might affect the harmony of your living area as a whole. Orient your house towards the outside world to promote wellness. Be mindful of the natural surroundings, including trees and gardening, and make sure the external environment reflects the good vibe you are fostering inside your house.
6. Exterior Colors and Vastu:
The outside hues of your house affect its vitality in addition to being a visual treat. Make eye-catching, Vastu-friendly hue selections that enhance the feeling of warmth and positivity in the outside world. Boost the curb appeal of your house and create a good vibe that comes inside from the outside. Think about using bright hues for a lively vibe or earthy tones for anchoring energy in keeping with your tastes and Vastu principles.
7. Entryway and Positive Energy:
The energy that surrounds your home is put in motion by the gateway. Examine the importance of a well-kept entryway and learn how to create a nice atmosphere from your front door using Vastu principles. Find out how keeping your doorway well-maintained can invite happiness and create a mood for your entire home. To improve good energy flow, include inviting elements like a spotless doormat, a well-kept porch, and visually appealing entrance decor.
Take these simple Vastu suggestions into consideration as you set out to create a happy house as an instrument for cultivating happiness and well-being. Every deliberate change you make to your home, from organising your furnishings and clearing clutter to bringing nature indoors and taking outside influences into account, adds to its evolving narrative. By implementing these ideas, you're bringing happiness into your living area rather than just rearrangement of furniture. See your house turn into a joyful, contented retreat; a happy home is a sanctuary that improves the quality of your life, not merely a location.
Enhance the energy of your home with Aunkar Vastu, your dedicated Vastu consultant for home. Experience the power of Vastu Shastra for a harmonious living space. Schedule a consultation now to align your home with positive vibrations. Elevate your life with Aunkar Vastu – your key to a balanced and prosperous home environment. Contact us today for expert Vastu  guidance tailored to your home's unique needs
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bhoomikakalam · 6 months
कर्मकाण्ड या अनुष्ठान (ritual) से तात्पर्य- Bhoomika kalam
कर्मकाण्ड या अनुष्ठान (ritual) से तात्पर्य ऐसे क्रमबद्ध कार्यों कार्यों से है जो विशेष स्थान पर, विशेष विधि से, विशेष शब्दों द्वारा किए जाते हैं। कर्मकाण्ड किसी समुदाय की परम्परा के अंग हो सकते हैं। अनुष्ठान कहा करे तो कैसा फल मिले ?
अगर पुण्यक्षेत्र में किया जाए तोया पवित्र नदी के तट पर - पवित्रगुफा में -सिद्धपीठों में - संगमतीर्थो पर बाग़ बगीचे में - तुलसी वन में - गौशाला या गौमाता के नजदीक - पहाड़ो पर - देवालय यानी मंदिरो में शिवालय में या पीपल के पेड़ के नीचे- बिल्ववृक्ष - आंवले के वृस्ख के नीचे - औदुम्बर के वृक्ष नीचे - श्रीपर्णी के आगे अगर अनुष्ठान किया जाए तो अतिउत्तम है | या अपने घर में ही सभी नियमो का पालन कर कर सकते है |
Ritual means such sequential actions which are performed at a particular place, in a particular method, with particular words. Rituals may be part of a community's tradition. What kind of results will I get if I perform the ritual?
If it is done in a holy place or on the banks of a holy river - in a holy cave - in Siddhapeethas - on Sangamtirthas In the garden - In the Tulsi forest - Near the cowshed or cowshed - On the mountains - In the temples In Shivalaya or under Peepal tree - Bilva tree - Under Amla tree - Under Audumber tree - In front of Sriparni If rituals are performed then it is excellent. Or you can do it at home by following all the rules.
Astrology -        true                     ,   Bealive                        Real                        Science                         Learning     Kundli.     -     Matched                         Necessary                   House of kundli                          Chandra                          Read                        Always                        Venus                       Rahu ketu.                         Nadi                         Moon                        Significance      Horoscope -        Sites                            Legimate                             True                             Accurate                             Prediction                            Reading                             Nakshatra                            Planet                            Strong                           Remidies                            Strengthen                           Degrees                            Blessed                            Identify                         Conjunction                                                      Numerology.- spirituality                            Analysis                            Calculator                    Jyotish -           Talks                          Pandit                           Aacharya                          Shashtri           Vedic    -          life                             Culture                           Counterpart                           Founded                            Rakshana                            Coding    Healing -          Broken                            Heart                         Wounds                          Music                         Abuse                          Heal                        Crystal     Meditation -        Habit                         Beginner                        Techniques                        Changed                          Life    Vastu  -         living                        Important                         Tips                       Scientific                      Terms                        Direction    Anusthan     - Gayatri                         Hawai                         Performed                           Guide                        Galatians
Astrology -    predictions,                          Zone                          Free                          Today                          Meaning                         Belive                        Real                        Science                         Learning     Kundli.     -     Milan                                 Gpt                              Online                           Matching      -                       matched                             Necessary                            House of kundli                               Chandra                               Read                              Always                               Venus                            Rahu ketu.                              Nadi                               Moon                             Significance     Horoscope -   today                           Maching                            Vogue                             Meaning                            Scorepio                           Weekly                            Tomorrow                           Taurus                                sites                            Legimate                             True                             Accurate                             Prediction                            Reading                             Nakshatra                            Planet                            Strong                           Remidies                            Strengthen                           Degrees                            Blessed                            Identify                           Conjunction      Neurology.-      horoscope                              Chart                             Calculator                            spirituality                             Analysis                             Calculator       Jyotish -           shastra                           Bhavishy                               Kundli…                            talks                          Pandit                           Aacharya                          Shashtri        Healings -    Jesus                       Crystal                      Soul                       Testament                      Bible.                      broken                       Heart                       Wounds                        Music                       Abuse                        Heal                      Crystal     Meditation - benefits                        Kaise kre                         Center me                    -   habit                       Beginner                       Techniques                      Changed                           Life        Anusthan -     vidhi                           Mala                           Mantra                          Meaning                         Gayatri                          Hawai                         Performed                        Guide                        Galatians         Vastu    -         shastra                           Tips for house                           Totke                            Consultant                            Chart                             Horoscope                           living                            Important                            Tips                          Scientific                        Terms                           Direction        Magle dosh -  upay                          Kese hataye                         Calculator                        In kundli      Feng shui -   meaning                        Turtle                         Items                         Tortoise   Rudraksh. -    niyam                           Nuksan                           Mala                           Totke                           Fayde    Mala -  meaning              Synonyms     Manifestation -  synonyms Quotes   Kalsurp nivaran - mantra                                 Pooja                                  Yantra                                   Nivaran   Occult -  remedies                 Positive meanin
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theastrotree · 7 months
Astrological tips for positive energy in home
The education of Vastu Shastra is a bit enquiringly, and motivating manufacturing epitomizes the influence. This power trails up on an assumed section or area finished the positive energy’s development.
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auravastuconsultancy · 7 months
A garden is not just an outdoor space; it is a haven of tranquility and beauty that can rejuvenate our senses. In Vastu Shastra, the ancient Indian architectural science, gardens hold a significant place as they are believed to influence the energy flow around our homes. 
By incorporating Vastu principles into our garden design, we can enhance the positive energies and create a harmonious environment that nurtures both body and soul. In this blog, we will explore some simple yet powerful Vastu tips for garden that will uplift your spirits and create a peaceful sanctuary right outside your door.
Vastu Principles for Garden – 
1. Choosing the Right Location:
Ideal directions for a Vastu-compliant garden: Northeast, East, or North.
These directions promote positivity and receive ample sunlight for healthy plant growth.
Avoid placing the garden in the South or Southwest, associated with fire elements and potential conflicts.
2. Symmetry and Balance:
Create a symmetrical garden layout with well-defined pathways and a central focal point.
Symmetry promotes calm and orderliness, allowing positive energies to flow freely.
Use pairs of plants or decor elements on both sides of the central axis for enhanced harmony.
3. Plant Selection:
Choose green plants and colorful flowers for a vibrant and uplifting atmosphere.
Avoid thorny or prickly plants, which can generate negative energy.
Consider planting fruit-bearing trees like lemon or mango for abundance and prosperity.
4. Water Elements:
Incorporate water features like ponds or fountains for the flow of life energy.
Place water elements in the northeast or east direction to attract positive energies.
Ensure water is clean and flowing, avoiding stagnant water associated with stagnant energy.
5. Seating Areas:
Ideal seating placement as per Vastu: Southwest or West directions.
These areas represent stability and harmony, perfect for relaxation.
Use cozy outdoor furniture with soothing colors for enhanced comfort and visual appeal.
By incorporating Vastu tips into your garden design, you can transform your outdoor space into a harmonious and beautiful sanctuary. Remember to consider the placement of water features, select plants in accordance with Vastu principles, maintain a harmonious layout, incorporate a balanced color palette, and create inviting seating areas. 
By aligning your garden with positive energy, you can enjoy a serene and visually appealing space that uplifts your mind, body, and spirit. Embrace these Vastu tips and watch your garden flourish with beauty and positivity.
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drvikasnautiyal · 8 months
Vastu Advice for Land: Creating a Harmonious Foundation
Vastu Shastra, an ancient Indian architectural and design philosophy, emphasizes the harmonious balance of natural elements to create a positive living environment. When it comes to building a home or any structure, the first and foremost consideration is the land on which it is constructed. In this article, we will delve into Vastu advice for land selection and preparation to ensure that your dwelling is in harmony with the cosmic energies.
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Introduction to Vastu and Its Significance
Vastu, derived from the Sanskrit word "Vas" (meaning to dwell), is a traditional Indian system of architecture. It aims to create spaces that promote well-being and prosperity by aligning them with the laws of nature and the universe. Choosing the right land is the foundational step in this ancient science.
Choosing the Right Land
Selecting land that aligns with Vastu principles is vital. Here are some key considerations:
Orientation: Ensure the land faces inauspicious directions like the south or southwest.
Land Shape: Opt for regular shapes like square or rectangle to maximize positive energy flow.
Elevation: Avoid low-lying areas or slopes that may obstruct positive energy flow.
Directional Considerations in Vastu
The cardinal directions play a pivotal role in Vastu. Each direction has its significance, and it's important to understand their impact on your life. For instance, the north is associated with prosperity, while the east brings health and peace.
Shape and Size of the Land
Vastu suggests that specific shapes and sizes are more auspicious than others. Rectangular and square lands are favored as they are believed to facilitate the unhindered flow of energy.
Soil Quality and Land Evaluation
A crucial aspect of Vastu advice for land is assessing the soil quality. Soil should be fertile, firm, and well-drained to support the foundation of your structure. Seek professional assistance to evaluate the land properly.
Natural Elements and Vastu
Vastu places immense importance on natural elements. Incorporating features like trees, hills, and water bodies around your land can enhance its energy and create a serene atmosphere.
The Importance of Boundaries
Setting clear and well-marked boundaries for your land is essential. It prevents negative energies from encroaching and maintains harmony within the property.
Land Preparation for Construction
Before construction, land needs to be prepared to receive the structure. This involves removing any debris, old structures, or obstructions and leveling the ground.
Trees and Vastu
The strategic placement of trees around your land can have a profound impact on the energy within. Certain trees are considered auspicious, and they can contribute to the overall harmony.
Water Bodies and Their Placement
Water bodies, like ponds or wells, should be carefully positioned. They not only bring positive energy but also provide a source of sustenance.
Building Placement on the Land
The placement of your building on the land should adhere to Vastu principles. The main entrance, rooms, and windows should be strategically located to optimize energy flow.
Vastu Tips for Home Gardens
If you plan to have a garden on your land, following Vastu guidelines for plant placement and garden layout can bring prosperity and tranquility to your home.
Maintenance and Energy Flow
To maintain the Vastu harmony of your land, regular upkeep and maintenance are essential. Ensure that the land and surroundings are clean and free from clutter.
Incorporating Vastu principles when dealing with land selection and preparation can significantly impact the energy and well-being of your home. By harmonizing your living space with the cosmic energies, you can create a balanced and prosperous life.
1. Is Vastu applicable only to residential properties? No, Vastu principles can be applied to commercial, industrial, and agricultural properties as well.
2. Can I make changes to the land if it doesn't conform to Vastu guidelines? Yes, certain Vastu corrections can be made to enhance the energy of the land.
3. What if I already own land that doesn't adhere to Vastu principles? You can still follow Vastu recommendations for your building and surroundings to create a positive living environment.
4. Are Vastu principles based on superstition or science? Vastu principles have a deep connection with natural forces and have been developed over centuries based on empirical observations.
5. How can I find a Vastu expert to help me with land selection and preparation? You can consult with certified Vastu consultants who specialize in this field to make informed decisions regarding your land..
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jeevanjali · 23 days
Plant Tips For Home: घर में भूलकर भी न लगाएं ये पेड़-पौधे, तरक्की में बनते हैं बाधाPlant Tips For Home: वास्तु शास्त्र के अनुसार घर में हरे-भरे पौधे लगाना बहुत शुभ होता है। ऐसा इसलिए क्योंकि पेड़-पौधों से निकलने वाली सकारात्मक ऊर्जा सुख, शांति और समृद्धि लाती है।
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thaneweb · 1 year
Vastu Shastra Tips-40 Vastu Shastra Tips for Home- For Better Life & Prosperity Part-II
21) Prevent the mixing of energies by keeping the bathroom and kitchen doors             closed if they are opposite each other.
22) Placing a burning candle in the room of an unwell individual can help speed up their recovery.
23)Drink water while facing the North-East or East direction for promoting good health.
24)Invite good health into your home by growing citrus fruit plants and placing them at the entrance.
25)Display Lord Hanuman's picture facing the South, as he is believed to be the protector of health.
Vastu Tips for Improving Family Relationships:
26. Bring happiness into your life by placing pictures of your family in the Northeast corner of your house.
27)To ease tension among family members, consider placing a white sandalwood statue in a visible location, where it can be seen multiple times.
28)The presence of a sandalwood statue promotes harmonious relationships within the family.
29)If there is a dispute among male family members, keeping a small branch of the Kadamba tree at home can help alleviate tension.
30)Avoid wearing red clothes simultaneously or on the same occasion if there is a dispute among female family members.
31)Avoid displaying pictures depicting violence, as they attract negative energy.
32)Minimize conflicts among family members by placing a wind chime with crystals in the bedroom.
General Vastu Tips to Follow at Home:
33. Ensure that the corners of your house are well-lit, as they are powerful 
34)sources of energy.Regularly clear cobwebs, as they hinder the financial growth of family members
35)Place a Tulsi plant in the North-East direction of your house to transform negative energy into positive energy.
36)Avoid keeping cacti inside the house, as they are considered negative plants that can affect health and relationships.
37)Steer clear of spiral staircases, as they invite negative energy into the house.
38)Place a Lord Kubera Idol in the North direction of your house if you are facing job-related challenges.
39)Position a Lord Ganesha idol facing the entrance of your house to attract optimistic results in life.
40)Remove any non-working clocks in the house, as they symbolize stagnation and hinder progress.
Incorporating Vastu Shastra tips into your home can create a positive and harmonious living environment. By balancing the elements, following specific directions, and implementing these Vastu guidelines, you can enhance various aspects of your life, including financial prosperity, academic growth, good health, and improved family relationships. Embrace the wisdom of Vastu Shastra and witness the transformative power it brings to your home and well-being.
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drsohinisastri · 1 year
Vastu Shastra Tips for Home- For Better Life & Prosperity
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Vastu shastra are texts on the traditional Indian system of architecture. These texts describe principles of design, layout, measurements, ground preparation, space arrangement, and spatial geometry. The designs aim to integrate architecture with nature, the relative functions of various parts of the structure, and ancient beliefs utilising geometric patterns, symmetry, and directional alignments, according to the best astrologer in Kolkata.
 Why Is Vastu Shastra Important?
Vastu Shastra explains that all things in the universe have a level of energy and that every building or land has a vibration of energy associated with it. The universe is built of positive and negative energy. Vastu aims at eliminating the negative energy and enhancing the positive energy.
 Vastu Tips for Financial Prosperity at Home:
Many make Vastu sound really complicated and difficult to follow. Whereas, it is really easy and simple to follow. Here are a few simple Vastu tips you can follow at home effortlessly:
 1. Placing a mirror right in front of the cash locker is another way to attract wealth. It symbolizes that your money is doubled up!
 2. Keeping water bodies in the North-Eastern part of your house symbolizes the flow of constructive energy. You could place a water body like a small fountain, water garden or some other water body show-piece.
 3. To avoid financial loses, make sure you repair leaky faucets, taps or any faulty plumbing.
 Vastu Tips for Academic Growth:
1. Keep space between the wall and the study table to ensure the flow of energy.
 2. The study room should not be below the bathroom or the beam.
 3. The bookshelf should be placed in the East, North or North East. Make sure there is no reflection of the books in the mirror as that increases the pressure of studies.
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Vastu Tips for Good Health:
1. Imbalance of fire element causes sickness in the house. So, to balance it, the best place for a fire element like candle, diya or fireplace, is Southeast or Northwest direction of the house.
 2. Avoid placing mirrors opposite to the bed as mirrors reflecting a sleeping person creates a problem of energy drain, causing sickness.
 3. Make sure that your bathroom energy and kitchen energy does not mix up. If they are opposite to each other, make sure the doors are always closed, through the eyes of the famous astrologer in Kolkata.
 4. If someone in the house is unwell, keeping a burning candle in the room would help them recover faster.
 Vastu Tips for Improving Family Relationships:
1. If the relationship among the family members in the house are tensed in any sense, placing a white sandalwood statue at a place where you can view it multiple times passing by it, will help ease the tension.
 2. Sandalwood Statue will create a harmonious relationship among the family member of the house.
 3. If there is a dispute among the male members of the family, keep a small branch of Kadamba tree at home to ease the tension.
 4. If there is a dispute among the female members of the family, try not to wear red clothes at the same time or on the same occasion.
 5. Do not put up pictures depicting violence in the house as that attracts negative energy.
 Some General Vastu Tips to Follow at Home:
1. Do not place a cactus inside the house as it is considered as a negative plant which affects health & relationships of the members living in the house.
 2. Avoid a spiral staircase in the house as that invites negative energy in the house.
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aratt-cityscapes · 2 years
Vastu tips for Luxury 2 BHK apartments in Bangalore East
Whether you're proposing to search for Luxury 2 BHK apartments in Bangalore East, Apartments For Sale in Bangalore East, Flats for Sale in East Bangalore to be purchased, it is hard to consider going with Vastu tips to guarantee altruism and magnanimity in the house. Vastu coordinates a genuine and standard Indian strategy of plan and depends on Hindu and Buddhist convictions. Whether you trust in these standards. A crucial number of your future tenants could really zero in on a house that consents to VastuShastra, thus, it is fundamental to follow these tips.
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1. No in and base on the section of the house. As shown by Vastu informed subject matter experts, the T-crossing point is especially important. In this way, search for a house that doesn't have a street clearly provoking the house and finishing there. In any case, once in a while, this perspective can likewise be changed by spreading out trees.
2. Ensure the plot has a standard shape. A conflicting illustrated property routinely accomplishes a missing heading or corner. Expecting that you take a gander at Flats for Sale in East Bangalore and 2 BHK Luxury apartments in Old Madras Road region, the majority of the houses are rectangular or square molded, seeking after them astonishing decisions according to Vastu rules. Look at the new property, Aratt Speculative chemistry which has 3 BHK Luxury apartments in Old Madras Road.
3. Search for a house ideally with a façade; i.e., an open space in the north or east course. These are viewed as possible harbingers of fortune and pivotal entryways, making them particularly comforting.
4. Guarantee the principal improvement of light and ventilation into the house. These are vital for Vastu. Kitchens particularly ought to have cross ventilation and ought to be facilitated on the south east corner of the house. While you search for lofts, you could see that these rules are completely kept. Look at the Aratt Speculative chemistry by Aratt Engineers and make purchasers Extravagance 2 BHK Condos in Bangalore East, solid with Vastu.
5. Rooms ought to reliably be liberated from wreck, particularly the bed. Close by that, it is seen that the rooms ought to be on the south west piece of the house and one ought to put down with a head highlighting the south.
6. Expecting that you have kids or are proposing to have a beginning now and for a significant length of time, plan a young person room on the north west piece of your home. Look at the 4 BHK Extravagance Condos In Old Madras Street, Lofts Available to be purchased In Bangalore East, 4 BHK Extravagance Lofts In Old Madras Street and Condos Available to be purchased In Bangalore East, this colossal number of locales have Vastu satisfying cushions.
7. Vastushastra let us know that the washroom ought to be composed on the northwest part of the house.
8. Purchase a house that isn't blocked on the upper east by grades or tall pinnacles to get the daylight a long way from entering inside it. The setback of light shows events, torment, and disease. Conflicting with the norm, the presence of grades or apexes on the northwest side is genuinely something to be appreciative for and is positive to bring vacillating prosperity, fortune, and satisfaction.
 More Details: Visit: https://www.aratt.in/
Visit Us at :  Aratt Alchemy One - 2 & 3 BHK Premium Apartments in Bangalore East
Sy no : 36/1, Old Madras Rd, next to brigade exotica, Bengaluru, Karnataka 560049
Phone : +91 8150 990 000
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jyotishwithakshayg · 4 months
Take a look at this post… 'Aaj ka Rashifal 19 February 2024: जानें अपना आज का राशिफल, भगवान शंकर की कृपा से इन राशियों के लिए बेहद शुभ रहने वाला है '.
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