earanie · 3 months
devo smetterla di usare gli sticks della cameo come antidoto al sonno, ho già mal di stomaco
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fangirlshameblog · 1 year
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Team Roselyne toujours 💅
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love-for-carnation · 3 months
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Bouquet d'oeillets Madeleine Lemaire, née Coll (1845-1928, French)
Madeleine was a painter, pastellist and illustrator, who specialized in elegant genre works and flowers. She exhibited her work at the Palace of Fine Arts and The Woman's Building at the 1893 World's Columbian Exposition in Chicago, Illinois. George Painter stated in his book Marcel Proust she is one of the models of Proust's Madame Verdurin (In Search of Lost Time). Born into the upper middle-class, Madeleine had spent her childhood in the presence of artists. Her aunt, famous miniaturist Mathilde Herbelin (1820-1904), was her first teacher, and Charles Chaplin later became her tutor. Her marriage to municipal civil servant Camille Lemaire in 1870 and subsequent motherhood never prevented her from working tirelessly to perfect her talent. Her relationship with Alexandre Dumas fils cemented her position within the artistic elites and marked her emancipation and her move towards a more personal output.
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melanchonica · 9 months
prima sei giovane e spensierata e poi provi felicità per la bella spesa che hai fatto e tutte le verdurine colorate che hai comprato
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talesofpassingtime · 4 months
One of the effects of this indulgence is to aggravate the tendency which after a certain age we have towards finding pleasure in speeches that are a homage to our own turn of mind, to our weaknesses, an encouragement to us to yield to them; that is the age at which a great artist prefers to the company of original minds that of pupils who have nothing in common with him save the letter of his doctrine, who listen to him and offer incense; at which a man or woman of mark, who is living entirely for love, will find that the most intelligent person in a gathering is one perhaps of no distinction, but one who has shewn by some utterance that he can understand and approve what is meant by an existence devoted to gallantry, and has thus pleasantly excited the voluptuous instincts of the lover or mistress; it was the age, too, at which Swann, in so far as he had become the husband of Odette, enjoyed hearing Mme. Bontemps say how silly it was to have nobody in one’s house but duchesses (concluding from that, quite the contrary of what he would have decided in the old days at the Verdurins’, that she was a good creature, extremely sensible and not at all a snob) and telling her stories which made her ‘die laughing’ because she had not heard them before, although she always ‘saw the point’ at once, liked flattering her for his own amusement.
— Marcel Proust, Within a Budding Grove  
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mermaidemilystuff · 1 year
Bene, adesso che ho mangiato le mie verdurine saltate con la salsa di soia vorrei un kebab ma non si può pensa te la vita che scherzo che è
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teredo-navalis · 5 months
Ciao amici preso E. coli in Egitto (mangiato le verdurine crude senza mettere il limone sopra) sto cagando anche l'anima.
Un anno grandioso per il mio apparato gastrointestinale 👍🏼
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mynameis-gloria · 1 year
"Si, questo sabato lo prendo per rilassarmi un pò" e poi stamattina mille commissioni e alla ricerca del regalo per amica che dovrei vedere lunedì, Sì mi riduco sempre all'ultimo! Taglia, insapora, lava e cuoci, per pranzetto un pò diverso anche con una dieta da seguire, amo quel piatto con pollo e verdurine saltate nella salsa di soia. Esco a fare una passeggiata, per smaltire il tutto e godermi questo sole che oggi sembra far capricci, ben 8.7 km, super soddisfatta ma così facendo ho ritardato il mio piano di preparare la torta che desidero da giorni per merenda, rincasando alle 15:50 circa. Corro a docciarmi, l'acqua calda seppure accaldata di mio, è comunque molto piacevole sulla pelle, canticchio mentre faccio le scale in asciugamano. Vestiti comodi, capelli raccolti in uno chignon alla bell'e meglio e pronta prontissima per questa super delizia al cioccolato.
Mi sporco, mi lecco pure le dita ed assaggio l'impasto rimasto sul recipiente a fine preparazione, cerco di sistemare la cucina e nel mentre il profumo invade tutta la stanza. Ora son qui che aspetto questi 50 minuti, scrivendo di questo sabato abbastanza movimentato e del mio umore "spumeggiante" (cit). La giornata non è ancora finita
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ninfettin · 1 year
Verdurine al forno >>>
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canterai · 1 year
Un enorme ringraziamento alla famiglia che ha deciso che il pasto della vigilia sarà a base di pesce nonostante sia risaputo a tutti che io sono vegetariana. E non c'è stato nessuno che mi abbia detto "però per te abbiamo pensato a questo", mi è stato detto che ci devo pensare io. Questo mi porta ancora una volta a interrogarmi sulle persone che mi circondano, sul concetto di inclusione ed esclusione. Amici e parenti hanno messo su per le vacanze situazioni che automaticamente mi escludono, e se nessuno fa passi nei miei confronti io non capisco perché dovrei continuare a circondarmi di queste persone. Preferisco stare da sola e farmi la mia cena della vigilia a base di cose buone e verdurine.
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airalisblog · 11 months
Digiunerò fino a sabato, massimo che ingerirò è latte di soia, caffè e verdurine poi da domenica riprenderò a mangiare normale, fortunatamente inizierò anche a lavorare come cameriera e questo significa essere in movimento 8/9 ore al giorno e se riesco faccio anche sport, devo 😭
Spero di non aver rovinato troppo le cose ero quasi sui 66kg
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love-for-carnation · 2 months
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Panier de fleurs provençales (Basket of Provençal flowers) Madeleine Lemaire, née Coll (1845-1928, French)
Madeleine was a painter, pastellist and illustrator, who specialized in elegant genre works and flowers. The dandy Robert de Montesquiou said she was The Empress of the Roses. She introduced Marcel Proust and Reynaldo Hahn to the Parisian salons of the aristocracy. She herself held a salon where she received high society in her hôtel particulier on the Rue de Monceau. Lemaire exhibited her work at the Palace of Fine Arts and The Woman's Building at the 1893 World's Columbian Exposition in Chicago, Illinois. George Painter stated in his book Marcel Proust she is one of the models of Proust's Madame Verdurin (In Search of Lost Time). Born into the upper middle-class, the daughter of General Baron Joseph Habert and niece of famous miniaturist Mathilde Herbelin (1820-1904), Madeleine had spent her childhood in the presence of artists. Her aunt was her first teacher, and Charles Chaplin (1825-1891) later became her tutor. The portraits she exhibited at the Salon from the age of nineteen showed the influence of 18th-century art. Her marriage to municipal civil servant Camille Lemaire in 1870 and subsequent motherhood never prevented her from working tirelessly to perfect her talent. Her relationship with Alexandre Dumas fils cemented her position within the artistic elites and marked her emancipation and her move towards a more personal output.
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byneddiedingo · 1 year
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Jeremy Irons and Ornella Muti in Swann in Love (Volker Schlöndorff, 1984)
Cast: Jeremy Irons, Ornalla Muti, Alain Delon, Fanny Ardant, Marie-Christine Barrault, Anne Bennent. Screenplay: Peter Brook, Jean-Claude Carrière, Marie-Hélène Estienne, Voilker Schlöndorff, based on a novel by Marcel Proust. Cinematography: Sven Nykvist. Production design: Jacques Saulnier. Film editing: Françoise Bonnot. Music: David Graham, Hans Werner Henze, Gerd Kuhr, Marcel Wengler. 
I certainly don't think that Proust's In Search of Lost Time couldn't, or shouldn't, be adapted to another medium: A well-produced miniseries might well do the trick. But for all the talent involved in this adaptation of the "Swann in Love" section of Swann's Way, the return on investment is slight: an opulent trifle, a pretty picture of the Belle Époque. The most significant contributions to the film are made by its production designer, Jacques Saulnier, and its cinematographer, Sven Nykvist, who keep the eye ravished even while the mind feels hunger pangs. There are some remarkable performances that make you feel that at least Proust has been read, including Fanny Ardant's Duchesse de Guermantes, Marie-Christine Barrault's wonderfully alive and vulgar Mme. Verdurin, and especially Alain Delon's Baron de Charlus. Yes, Proust's Charlus is fat where Delon is lean, but Delon's dissipated beauty -- he's like the picture of Dorian Gray when it had just begun to reflect its subject's debauchery -- and his sly appreciation of the Guermantes footmen give us something of the essential Charlus. I have a sense that Swann should be a good deal less handsome than Jeremy Irons and that Odette was not quite as sex-kittenish as Ornella Muti, but they move through their roles well even if their voices have been dubbed by French actors. (The dubbing is most noticeable in Irons's case, since his purring lisp has become so familiar over the years.) The screenplay plucks scenes from here and there in the Search, not confined to the titular section, but fails to put it all together in a satisfying whole. If ever a case could be made for a voice-over narrator, reflecting Proust's own Narrator, I would think it would be here.
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talesofpassingtime · 9 months
And it was with the most perfect sincerity that Odette, when anyone spoke to her of Mme. Verdurin as a snob, would answer, laughing, “Oh, no, quite the opposite! For one thing, she never gets a chance of being a snob; she doesn’t know anyone. And then, to do her justice, I must say that she seems quite pleased not to know anyone . No, what she likes are her Wednesdays, and people who talk well."
— Marcel Proust, Within a Budding Grove   
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camera209diariel · 1 year
SPA spaziale.
1 ora di massaggio compreso di scrub , indossando solo quelle misere mutandine ( le classiche che si trovano dall'estetista) è tutto il resto all'aria. Pelle morbidissima e soprattutto la mia schiena ringrazia .
Atmosfera e luogo bellissime. Ovviamente io e D non sia due che si scambiano frasi sdolcinate ogni 5 secondi o che si incollano al contatto fisico in pubblico per più di 5 minuti . E mentre soffocavo nella sauna a 30° riflettevano sul fatto che le normali coppie fanno questa cosa piena di smancerie , mentre noi due abbiamo riso tutto il tempo e fatto un po' di casino quando eravamo nella piscina con tutto il percorso di idromassaggio. Due idioti 🤣
Pranzetto super salutare con le verdurine grigliate ( non che io le disprezzi ma ovviamente preferisco cose più sostanziose) e siamo tornati a casa sua. Cotti, distrutti .
Sono contenta
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