#vincent riou
toutmontbeliard-com · 27 days
Conservatoire du Pays de Montbéliard : programme d'avril 2024
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En avril 2024, le Conservatoire du Pays de Montbéliard vous propose : Vendredi 5 avril 2024 20h00 SOCHAUX La MALS : OPÉRA DE POCHE "Un rêve d’opéra", G. Tailleferre / J.P Rameau Coordination : Annie Corrado et Isabelle Jost Mise en scène : François Costagliola Chorégraphies : Cédric Godefroid Chef de chant : Annie Corrado Chef d’orchestre : Vincent Nommay Clavecin : Nicolas Aubin Chanteurs, danseurs, acteurs et instrumentistes élèves du Conservatoire vont créer sur scène « La Fille d’Opéra » de Germaine Tailleferre, opéra de poche radiophonique. Écrit dans le style de Jean-Philippe Rameau, il sera enrichi d’œuvres pour clavecin de l’illustre musicien, composant ainsi un véritable opéra-ballet. Dans le cadre des Couleurs de l’agglo et du Festival Fernand Léger en musique, en collaboration avec la section mode du lycée Les Huisselets de Montbéliard, l’entreprise FRIP’VIE de Grand-Charmont, l’association Engrenages artistiques, le concours du service Animation du Patrimoine de PMA. Avec le soutien de la commune de Sochaux. Soutenu par Capitale Française de la Culture. Entrée libre, sans inscription, dans la limite des places disponibles Dimanche 7 avril 2024 à partir de 10h00 MONTBÉLIARD Musée Beurnier-Rossel : VISITE / CONCERT "L’Instant baroque, un bijou d’architecture" 10h00 – Visite Un bijou d’architecture à la française dans une cité princière allemande ? C’est en construisant leur hôtel particulier que les époux Rossel, issus de la grande société bourgeoise du 18e siècle, assoient leur statut social. Découvrez l’histoire de cet édifice aux somptueux décors et la contribution de quelques protagonistes. 11h00 – Concert Tout comme l'architecture, l'art de la musique baroque est tissé de multiples influences esthétiques et culturelles. Dans ce programme dédié au clavecin au violon et au chant, les œuvres de J.C.F. Fischer, J.S. Bach, et L.N. Clérambault seront présentées sous cet angle. En collaboration avec les Musées de Montbéliard. Entrée libre, dans la limite des places disponibles. Réservation indispensable au 03 81 99 22 57 ou [email protected] Lundi 8 avril 2024 18h00 MONTBÉLIARD, Auditorium du Conservatoire : "Conférence avec l’Université Ouverte" par Denis Morrier, professeur de culture musicale Le Conservatoire du Pays de Montbéliard et l’Université Ouverte poursuivent ce cycle de conférences et d’ateliers de Culture musicale. Au programme cette année : un an à Venise…. Cette conférence est dédiée à l’âge d’Or de la musique vénitienne (XVIIème - XVIIIème siècle). Entrée libre, sans inscription, dans la limite des places disponibles. Mardi 9 avril 2024 20h00 BART, Salle des fêtes : MUSIQUE DE CHAMBRE "Le chant de l’âme" Le quintette pour clarinette et cordes de Johannes Brahms peut, sans conteste, être qualifié d’œuvre maîtresse. Porté par le timbre d’un instrument qu’il aima entre tous, Brahms y délivre un chant, tout intérieur, libéré des tentations d’une vaine virtuosité, un « chant de l’âme » en somme… En prélude à cette pièce magistrale, et dans le plus complet contraste, le quintette pour clarinette et cordes de Laurent Riou, donné ici en création, tâchera lui aussi de ne dire que le plus « authentique ». Avec : Jean-Luc Bouveret et Andrea Pujado, violon ; Françoise Temperman, alto ; Rachel Cottin-Gleize, violoncelle ; Christian Georgy, clarinette. Programme : Quintette pour clarinette et cordes de J. Brahms ; Quintette pour clarinette et cordes de L. Riou (création). Avec le soutien de la commune de Bart. Entrée libre, sans inscription, dans la limite des places disponibles. Vendredi 12 avril 2024 20h00 MONTBÉLIARD, Auditorium du Conservatoire : CONTE MUSICAL (JEUNE PUBLIC) "Hänsel et Gretel" Pour quatuor de cors et récitant. Entrez dans l’univers des contes de Grimm pour faire vivre aux petits comme aux grands enfants un moment enchanté et enchanteur… Il était une fois, Hänsel et Gretel, deux enfants, partis dans la forêt sur ordre de leurs parents, cueillir des fruits pour le dîner… Mais voilà, dans cette forêt vit une sorcière, et les deux enfants vont bientôt faire sa rencontre. L’opéra d’Humperdinck (1854-1921), ici arrangé pour quatre cors et un récitant nous propulse dans une ambiance mystérieuse, feutrée et chaleureuse. Avec Quatucor : Sylvain Guillon, Martin Angster, Emma Cottet, Grégoire Nenert, cor et Baptiste Masson, récitant… Dans le cadre du projet « Des cors de printemps » en partenariat avec le Conservatoire du Grand Belfort, l’École de musique du Pays d’Héricourt et l’Harmonie d’Héricourt. Soutenu par Capitale Française de la Culture. Entrée libre, sans inscription, dans la limite des places disponibles. Et aussi : - interventions d’Emma Cottet sur l’histoire du cor : jeudi 4 avril 2024 à 17h00, vendredi 5 avril 2024 à 12h00 et mardi 9 avril 2024 à 18h30, Bibliothèque du Conservatoire, Montbéliard - Master-class d’Hervé Joulain : samedi 13 avril 2024 de 9h30 à 12h30 (travail individuel) et de 14h00 à 17h00 (ensembles de cors), Auditorium du Conservatoire, Montbéliard. infos > 03 81 94 77 80 ou www.agglo-montbeliard.fr Read the full article
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yesicannesonline · 3 months
Chefs au Sommet d’Auron 2024, Philippe Joannès and Vincent Riou at Le Galion
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patern29 · 11 months
L'histoire de l'Ecole des Glénans
L'école des Glénans fête a plus de 70 ans. La première école de voile française, et européenne, est toujours une référence dans la formation des jeunes et des moins jeunes. Retour sur l'histoire d'une association dont le but était d'apprendre bien plus que la navigation.
Création de l'école de Voile en 1947
Philippe Viannay crée la structure, en 1947, afin de permettre à d’anciens compagnons, résistants,... de réapprendre à vivre ensemble après des années de clandestinité ou de détention pendant la deuxième guerre mondiale. Le premier centre sera situé au large de Concarneau, en Finistère sud. L'archipel des Glénan, son décor de sable fin, d’eaux turquoises et d’îles parfois désertes accueillera les premiers résidents.  Au début, l’apprentissage de la voile n’est pas à l’ordre du jour mais ceux qui séjournent sur cet archipel ne résistent pas longtemps aux joies de la navigation. Les premiers cours de voile arrivent très vite.
Une montée en puissance qui accompagne l'essor de la plaisance
Hélène, la femme de Philippe Viannay, méthodique, consciencieuse, structure l'association et ses centres. Elle permet aux Glénans de s’installer dans le temps en gardant intact cet esprit égalitaire et humaniste des premières heures. Accompagnant l’essor de la plaisance des années 70 et 80, Les Glénans ouvrent plusieurs centres de formation. Des bases sont ouvertes sur le continent, à Paimpol, sur l'ile d'Arz, à Marseillan et même Bonifacio. Quels que soient les sites, en métropole, aux Antilles ou ailleurs, le souci de l’environnement reste central. L’écologie n’a rien d’une idéologie mais répond plutôt à une exigence naturelle pour pouvoir vivre dans un paysage d’exception. L’entretien des sites et une certaine frugalité deviennent des marques de fabrique de l’école qui fait figure d’exemple à bien des égards.
L'ecole de voile des Glénans devient une référence
En 70 ans, l'Ecole des Glénans est devenue une référence dans la formation. Les stages, de plusieurs niveaux différents  permettent d'appréhender la voile sous tous ses aspects et pour les voileux de tous niveaux. Cet apprentissage passe par des voiliers aussi différents que l'Optimist, le muscadet, puis le Dufour 30 et les Sun Fast 32 et autres Elan. Une manière unique d’enseigner la voile a fait de l’école de voile une référence de l’enseignement. De grands noms de la voile y ont fait leurs armes à l’image d’un Vincent Riou ou d’un Franck Cammas, mais surtout, une foule d’anonymes y a été contaminé par le virus de la mer grâce à une pédagogie unique et du matériel récent. Les moniteurs, souvent bénévoles, transmettent leur art en enseignant sur le support et non sur un bateau à moteur. Cette approche silencieuse est une manière d’expliquer tout en prenant du plaisir en mer. Pour prolonger l’expérience, l’école publie un guide mondialement connu, le Cours des Glénans. Un livre indispensable à bord de votre voilier. La dernière édition a été vendue à plus de 45 000 exemplaires et la nouvelle est déjà en chantier. Read the full article
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skillstopallmedia · 1 year
Avisa Partners exports the FIC to Montreal, a look back at a successful first edition with Vincent Riou, international director of the FIC
Avisa Partners exports the FIC to Montreal, a look back at a successful first edition with Vincent Riou, international director of the FIC
Established for ten years in France in Lille, the International Cybersecurity Forum (FIC) has established itself as an essential event for the cybersecurity and digital trust community. For the first time, the Avisa Partners group, in charge of the event, created a North American version, which ended in Montreal last month. Meeting with Vincent Riou, partner at Avisa Partners and International…
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ythmir-writes · 4 years
Shots!! Masterlist
first set of orders (15 Nov 2019 to 20 Nov 2019) ~
Espresso Shots!
Midnight Cinderella 
Leo Crawford - 01 //
Alyn Crawford - 01 // 
Rayvis Harneit - 01 //
Byron Wagner - 01 //
Ikemen Sengoku
Ranmaru - 01 // 
Masamune Date - 01 // 
Mitsuhide Akechi - 01 // 
Hideyoshi Toyotomi - 01 //
Ieyasu Tokugawa + Masamune Date - 01 (poly) //
Ikemen Vampire
Le Comte Saint de Germain - 01 // 02 //
William Shakespeare - 01 // 
Isaac Newton - 01 // 
Arthur Conan Doyle - 01 // 02 //
Vincent Van Gogh - 01 //
Dazai Osamu - 01 // 02 //
Leonardo da Vinci - 01 (with a dash of vodka) //
Ikemen Revolution
Edgar Bright - 01 // 
Zero - 01 // 
Seth Hyde - 01 //
Jonah Clemence - 01 //
Luka Clemence - 01 // 
Harr - 01 // 
Uta no Prince Sama (SL)
Natsuki Shinomiya - 01 // 
Hypnosis Mic
Jakurai - 01 // 
Ichiro - 01 //
Jyuto - 01 //
Ramuda - 01 //
Riou - 01 //
Vodka Shots!
Midnight Cinderella
Giles Christophe - 01 //
Nico Meier - 01 // 
Rayvis Harneit - 01 //
Byron Wagner - 01 //
Ikemen Sengoku
Ranmaru - 01 // 
Nobunaga Oda - 01 // 02 //
Mitsuhide Akechi - 01 //
Ikemen Vampire
Leonardo Da Vinci - 01 //
Isaac Newton - 01 // 
William Shakespeare - 01 //  02 //  03 //
Napoleon Bonaparte - 01 // 02 //  03 //
Jean d’Arc - 01 // 02 //
Vincent Van Gogh - 01 // 02 // 03 //
Theodorus Van Gogh - 01 // 02 // 03 //
Sebastian - 01 // 
Arthur Conan Doyle - 01 // 
Dazai Osamu - 01 //
Ikemen Revolution
Seth Hyde - 01 //
Lancelot Kingsley - 01 // 
Loki Genetta - 01 // 02 //
Uta no Prince Sama (SL)
Tokiya - 01 // 
Natsuki/Satsuki - 01 // 
Ai Mikaze - 01 //
Hypnosis Mic
Jyuto Iruma - 01 // 
Ichiro Yamada - 01 // 
Ramuda - 01 //
Shot Glass!
Ikemen Sengoku
Kennyo - 01 //
Nobunaga Oda - 01 // 
Yukimura Sanada - 01 // 
Hideyoshi Toyotomi - 01 //
Mitsunari Ishida - 01 //
Ikemen Vampire
Le Comte Saint de Germain - 01 // 
Arthur Conan Doyle - 01 // 02 //  03 // 04 //
Vincent Van Gogh - 01 //
And that my lovelies, is a grand total of : 79 orders! and just WOW !! Thank you so much for ordering! Until next time! ゚*。(・∀・)゚*。
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wincatcherses · 4 years
Moses Simon nombrado en el equipo de Nantes de la década
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El extremo nigeriano ha escrito su nombre en un selecto XI de los mejores jugadores de Les Canaris en los últimos 10 años. Moses Simon alcanzó un nuevo hito en su carrera después de ser votado en el Equipo Nantes del Decenio en una encuesta realizada por los fanáticos del club. . El internacional de Nigeria, de 24 años, se unió a Canarias prestado por Levante antes de la temporada 2019-20 e hizo un impacto inmediato, con 17 goles (nueve goles, ocho asistencias) en 30 salidas competitivas. Diez de estas participaciones de goles llegaron en la Ligue 1, donde anotó cinco goles y proporcionó otras cinco asistencias cuando Nantes terminó en el lugar 13, a 14 puntos de la zona de descenso con la temporada cancelada después de 28 días de partido debido a la pandemia de coronavirus. Simon anotó goles en victorias contra Amiens y Niza y un empate 3-3 en Dijon, mientras que todas sus asistencias le dieron a Nantes el máximo de puntos contra Montpellier, Toulouse, Dijon, Nimes y Saint-Etienne. Todo esto fue lo suficientemente bueno para que el gerente Christian Gourcuff lo considerara adecuado para firmar a Simon de manera permanente, lo cual se anunció la semana pasada. Es un momento fantástico para el ex jugador de Gent, que también fue votado anteriormente como el Jugador de la Temporada de Nantes por los fanáticos del club. Vous avez tranché, voici votre 𝗼𝗻𝘇𝗲 𝗱𝗲 𝗹𝗮 𝗱𝗲́𝗰𝗲𝗻𝗻𝗶𝗲 🏅Cette équipe aurait-elle pu jouer ensemble? 🧐 pic.twitter.com/aleFCzmrub— FC Nantes (@FCNantes) 23 de junio de 2020Simon fue flanqueado en un centro del campo de cuatro hombres por Vincent Bessat, quien hizo 140 apariciones entre 2011 y 2015, Valentin Rongier, quien comenzó con Nantes en 2014 antes de unirse el año pasado, y Jordan Veretout, quien comenzó su carrera en Canarias y participó 143 veces entre 2011 y 2015. En el ataque de dos hombres estaban Filip Djordjevic y Emiliano Sala. El primero pasó seis años en el Stade de la Beaujoire, marcó 67 goles y proporcionó 18 asistencias en 193 juegos competitivos antes de mudarse a Lazio, mientras que el último anotó 48 veces antes de morir en un accidente aéreo cuando viajaba a Gales para completar un movimiento para Cardiff City en enero de 2019. El artículo continúa a continuación. La defensa está compuesta por Lima en el lateral izquierdo, Diego Carlos y Nicolas Pallois en el centro, con Leo Dubois en el lateral derecho mientras Remy Riou era el portero. Una hazaña asombrosa para Simon en esta selección es que él es el único jugador que jugó solo una temporada para el club francés con los otros que pasaron hasta cuatro años allí. El medallista de bronce de la Copa Africana de Naciones también es el jugador con menos salidas (30), mientras que la mayoría de los demás aparecieron más de 100 veces.
from Noticias Wincatchers https://noticias.wincatchers.com/2020/06/24/moses-simon-nombrado-en-el-equipo-de-nantes-de-la-decada/
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lecolibrix · 4 years
La Transat Jacques Vabre 2015
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Et bien oui la Transat est de retour au Havre pour l’édition 2015
Transat Jacques Vabre est basé toujours au même endroit sur le quai des Antilles Docks Vauban
Alors voilà un petit récapitulatif de l’année dernière.
1er multicoque MOD70: Sébastien Josse et Charles Caudrelier sur Edmond de Rothschild en 11 jours 05 heures 03 minutes et 54 secondes
1er monocoque IMOCA 60 : Vincent Riou et Jean Le…
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gamewin88id-blog · 4 years
Prediksi FC Lorient vs Caen 14 Januari 2020 Pukul 02.45 WIB
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Selamat datang di Prediksi Skor Bola banyakprediksibola.blogspot.com dan Selamat Bergabung di website Prediksi bola jitu gratis setiap harinya. Tidak ada hasil imbang dalam 7 pertemuan terakhir kedua tim, dimana Lorient meraih 4 kemenangan, sedangkan Caen meraih 3 kemenangan. Lorient hanya menelan 1 kekalahan saja dalam 6 laga kandang terakhirnya melawan Caen (M3 S2 K1). Bermain dihadapan pendukung sendiri tentu membuat Lorient akan lebih diunggulkan atas Caen pada laga ini. Namun, Lorient tetap harus waspada mengingat performa Caen juga sedang baik dalam beberapa laga terakhir. Prediksi Susunan Pemain FC Lorient vs Caen FC Lorient: Paul Nardi; Houboulang Mendes, Julien Laporte, Thomas Fontaine, Vincent Le Goff, Laurent Abergel, Fabien Lemoine, Jimmy Cabot, Sylvain Marveaux, Yoane Wissa, Pierre-Yves Hamel. Manager: Christophe Pélissier. Caen: Rémy Riou; Hugo Vandermersch, Anthony Weber, Jonathan Rivierez, Adama Mbengue, Timo Stavitski, Jessy Deminguet, Baissama Sankoh, Jan Repas, Nicholas Gioacchini, Benjamin Jeannot. Manager: Pascal Dupraz.
Prediksi FC Lorient vs Caen 14 Januari 2020 Pukul 02.45 WIB
Head To Head FC Lorient vs Caen 06.08.2019 Caen 1-2 Lorient (Ligue 2) 24.10.2017 Lorient 0-1 Caen (Coupe de la Ligue) 19.07.2017 Caen 2-1 Lorient (Club Friendly) 02.04.2017 Lorient 1-0 Caen (Ligue 1) 14.08.2016 Caen 3-2 Lorient (Ligue 1) Prediksi Skor: Lorient 2-0 Caen Handicap : Lorient 0:3/4 Caen Over/Under : 21/4 Saran Betting : Lorient -3/4 | Under 21/4 Baca juga: Prediksi Parma vs Lecce 14 Januari 2020 Pukul 02.45 WIB
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Featuring Agnès Varda, JR, Jean-Paul Beaujon, Amaury Bossy, Yves Boulen, Jeannine Carpentier, Marie Douvet, Claude Ferchal, Claude Flaert, Vincent Gils, Laurent Levesque, Nathalie Maurouard, Patricia Mercier, Pony-Soleil-Air-Sauvage-Nature, Morgane Riou, Sophie Riou, Nathalie Schleehauf, Clemens Van Dungern and Daniel Vos.
Directed by Agnès Varda and JR.
Distributed by Cohen Media Group. 89 minutes. Rated PG.
Faces Places is a documentary that rides on a simple, whimsical idea: What if an 88-year-old film director and a 33-year old photographer got in a van, drove around the small towns and villages of the French countryside, talking to the locals, taking giant pictures of them and pasting them up on local buildings, creating a sort of extreme form of street art?
It sounds a bit odd, perhaps, but it makes for one of the sweetest, most charming little films you’ll likely see this year.
Agnès Varda and JR are very different types of people, but respected each other’s work. Therefore, when JR suggested they work together on a film, she was open to the idea. This openness became a true and total collaboration.
Varda is a long-time French filmmaker, whose work stretches back decades and dozens of features, short and TV films. (There is some fascinating archival footage here of her working with her long-time friend and mentor Jean-Luc Godard back in the 1950s.)
JR is a Banksy-type graphic artist and photographer (like Banksy, he will not admit his real name) who has also dabbled in filmmaking in recent years.
They may not seem like the type of people to hit it off, but they become some of the most charming film friends in recent years, their different life experiences overshadowed by their strong devotion and love of art and the act of creation.
However, while this film is about them, they also want it to be even more about their subjects. Therefore, we meet and really learn about many intriguing local eccentrics, farmers, factory workers, restaurateurs, carpenters, volunteers, men, women, children, cats (Varda’s cat is adorable!), anyone they happen to run across.
We visit charming little villages, energy plants, ghost towns, beach towns, huge cargo piers, all sorts of different and intriguing spots.
Each place, we get to know a little bit about the locals, before Varda and JR leave behind their own particular form of tribute.
Not everybody is completely thrilled with their new immortality. One shy local waitress felt a little overwhelmed by how her picture had made her into a bit of a local celebrity. However, most of the people are flattered and a bit awed to see their giant likenesses on the sides of barns, houses and restaurants.
As the film goes on, the artists get a little more experimental with their art. Eventually some of the artworks end up not making that much sense – particularly a giant close-up of Varda’s toes which are put on the side of a train oil car. That’s okay, though, Faces Places shows us that art can be offbeat, quirky, maybe even make no real sense. As long as it affects you in some way, it is worth trying. Sometimes, it is just as important to make you question things as it is to stimulate our beauty receptacles.
Interestingly, this is the second documentary about giant photographs which has played in recent months. (The other was Errol Morris’ The B-Side: Elsa Dorfman’s Portrait Photography.) In a culture where every iPhone has a camera and a selfie is considered a portrait, it is nice to see the power and art of traditional photography getting its due again.
Jay S. Jacobs
Copyright ©2017 PopEntertainment.com. All rights reserved. Posted: November 3, 2017.
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patern29 · 5 years
La Transat Jacques Vabre. Un record annoncé
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Le coup d’envoi de la Transat Jacques Vabre sera donné le dimanche 27 octobre 2019. Direction Salvador dans l’état de Bahia au Brésil pour les multi 50, Class40 et Imoca.
La Transat Jacques Vabre est une course océanique en duo très technique, au parcours compliqué. Le départ de l'édition 2019 sera donné le dimanche 27 octobre. On retrouvera 3 classes sur la ligne de départ: les Imoca, les class40 et les Multi50. Qui succedera Thomas Coville,  au Class40 de Maxime Sorel et au duo Jean Pierre Dick et yann Elies? 60 bateaux seront sur la ligne de départ du Havre. La 14e édition de la Route du Café promet d’être un événement intense, corsé, digne d’un grand cru. Un parcours aux multiples embûches La Route du café du Havre à Salvador de Bahia est bien connue des marins car ce sera la 6e fois que la Transat Jacques Vabre y arrivera.
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© Jean-Louis Carli / ALeA / TJV17 Cette traversée de 4350 milles intéresse par la diversité météo qu’elle offre : les dépressions automnales dans le golfe de Gascogne, l’anticyclone aux Canaries, les alizés, le Pot-au-noir, l’arrivée sur les côtes brésiliennes et dans la Baie de Tous les Saints, tous ces systèmes obligent le duo de navigateurs à de la stratégie, de la tactique pour naviguer le mieux possible vers Salvador. « La Transat Jacques Vabre est une course, une traversée de l’Atlantique en duo. L’épreuve sportive c’est la performance, la ténacité, la complémentarité de ces duos de marins qui dépassent leurs limites pour aller encore plus vite et mener le bateau 24H/24 sans rien lâcher. C’est cela que la Transat Jacques Vabre offre aux skippers et au public, un événement convivial, festif mais surtout, sportif avec un haut niveau d’engagement. », explique Gildas Gautier, organisateur. Le Havre – Salvador de Bahia : 4 350 milles Après une semaine de festivités, qui commencera le 18 octobre autour du bassin, les concurrents de la 14ème édition de La Transat Jacques Vabre quitteront Le Havre pour rejoindre le port caféier de Bahia (Brésil). Après un passage devant les falaises d’Etretat, les concurrents feront route directe pour rejoindre le port brésilien après avoir franchi le Pot au Noir. « Ce parcours transocéanique du Nord au Sud est plus exigeant qu’une simple transatlantique d’Est en Ouest, il requiert de la part des skippers des qualités tactiques et stratégiques pointues, une bonne formation météo, une excellente condition physique pour maintenir une vitesse soutenue dans les alizées…mais également beaucoup de patience pour franchir l’équateur. Par 12°56 Sud, Salvador de Bahia se trouve sous les tropiques, il y fait chaud, pas trop grâce aux alizées, le rêve pour ces marins, qui pourront enfin se détendre de tous ces jours de stress passés en mer » explique Sylvie Viant, Directrice de Course de La Transat Jacques Vabre. Trois classes, trois duos vainqueurs Class40, Multi50 et Imoca sont attendus sur la ligne de départ devant Le Havre. Chaque classe verra son duo vainqueur et ses poursuivants accueillis et fêtés aux sons de la samba et des rythmes brésiliens. Les class40 La Class40 revient encore en force avec plus de 20 bateaux. En 2017, les concurrents avaient réalisé une magnifique course, pleine de suspense, de combativité et de rebondissements. Aymeric Chappellier, 2e en 2017, revient ainsi cette année avec l’envie de monter sur la plus haute marche du podium. En 2019, le plateau s’étoffe : de nouveaux skippers viennent sur la Transat Jacques Vabre, comme l’Américain Sam Fitzgerald ou le Franco-anglais Luke Berry. Certains sont fidèles, comme Catherine Pourre pour sa 4e participation, ou Louis Duc (5e participation) qui espère trouver le budget. Reste à savoir si Yoann Richomme sera au depart, après sa belle victoire sur la route du Rhum. Les Imocas En Imoca, la dynamique est lancée avec 30 bateaux attendus dans le bassin Paul Vatine, dont six nouveaux. Les regards se tourneront sûrement vers Charal - Jérémie Beyou et Christopher Pratt - désormais fiabilisé depuis sa mise à l’eau en août 2018 et qui pourra donc montrer tout son potentiel sur cette Transat. « La Transat Jacques Vabre, c’est une course spéciale pour moi : c’est ma première victoire en transatlantique (2011 avec Jean-Pierre Dick). J’ai aussi eu à chaque fois la chance de naviguer avec des marins d’exception (Vincent Riou, Michel Desjoyeaux, Jean-Pierre Dick, Phil Legros et Christopher Pratt). Je suis aussi heureux de retourner à Salvador de Bahia comme en 2003. Ce parcours est un classique. », explique Jérémie Beyou. Hugo Boss, le tout nouveau monocoque d’Alex Thomson, sera également très attendu et regardé. Les duos sont tout aussi passionnants, comme Yannick Bestaven et Roland Jourdain, deux doubles vainqueurs de la Transat Jacques Vabre, Nicolas Troussel et Jean Le Cam, Samantha Davies et Paul Meilhat qui seront aux avant-postes Read the full article
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delapatadanews-blog · 5 years
Vendée Globe: Kévin Escoffier sucede a Vincent Riou en PRB en Noticias de Futbol y Deportes en México y el Mundo
Noticia nueva en https://delapatada.news/vendee-globe-kevin-escoffier-sucede-a-vincent-riou-en-prb/47651/
Vendée Globe: Kévin Escoffier sucede a Vincent Riou en PRB
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À bientôt 47 ans, Vincent Riou ne veut pas faire le Vendée Globe de trop. Lauréat du tour du monde en solitaire, sans escale et sans assistance en 2004, il a annoncé vendredi qu’il passait la barre de son monocoque, PRB, à Kévin Escoffier. Responsable du bureau d’étude du Team Banque Populaire d’Armel Le Cléac’h,… Noticias Relacionadas Spalletti: Marotta nuestro No 10, Icardi … 6 Copa Davis – Nicolas Mahut: “Somos pri... 12 Gattuso:’No es una oportunidad perdida ̵... 6 Las mejores apuestas para Cowboys-Eagles. 11 .yuzo_related_post imgwidth:120px !important; height:110px !important; .yuzo_related_post .relatedthumbline-height:15px;background: !important;color:!important; .yuzo_related_post .relatedthumb:hoverbackground:#fcfcf4 !important; -webkit-transition: background 0.2s linear; -moz-transition: background 0.2s linear; -o-transition: background 0.2s linear; transition: background 0.2s linear;;color:!important; .yuzo_related_post .relatedthumb acolor:!important; .yuzo_related_post .relatedthumb a:hover color:!important;} .yuzo_related_post .relatedthumb:hover a color:!important; .yuzo_related_post .yuzo_text color:!important; .yuzo_related_post .relatedthumb:hover .yuzo_text color:!important; .yuzo_related_post .relatedthumb margin: 0px 0px 0px 0px; padding: 5px 5px 5px 5px; jQuery(document).ready(function( $ ) //jQuery('.yuzo_related_post').equalizer( overflow : 'relatedthumb' ); jQuery('.yuzo_related_post .yuzo_wraps').equalizer( columns : '> div' ); )
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watchilove · 4 years
In the spirit that unites Ulysse Nardin with the explorers and fearless adventurers of the world, the Swiss manufacture, located in Le Locle near Neuchatel, has partnered with the Vendée Globe to sponsor the world’s most challenging sailing race. UN has created the DIVER X CAPE HORN and the DIVER X NEMO POINT – watches bringing the X-factor to tackle world’s roughest seas – in honour of the sailors who choose to risk everything by taking this daunting, dangerous challenge, many passing through Nemo Point – a location where the nearest inhabited landmass is over 2700 kilometres away.  
The Vendée Globe is the world’s most daunting open-ocean race and Ulysse Nardin has risen to the challenge by creating the peerless Diver X Cape Horn and Diver X Nemo Point.
The ultimate test in ocean racing, the Vendée Globe begins and ends in the Sables d’Olonne, in the Vendée region of France. Competed without any support, stops or technical assistance of any kind, skippers face icy cold conditions, mountainous waves, leaden skies and howling gales as they traverse the Atlantic and Southern Oceans to sail solo around the planet’s roughest seas.  Taking place once every four years, the course – often referred to as the “Everest of the Seas” – takes the monohull yachts from the French coast 40,075 kilometres on a north-south trajectory around the circumference of the Earth. To limit the risk of encounters with icebergs, the Race Direction has established a zone prohibited to sailing, called the Antarctic Exclusion Zone (AEZ) which goes around the Antarctic between the 45° on the Croset Islands side and the 68° S off Cape Horn.
The next Vendée Globe race begins on November 8, 2020, and will mark 30 years since the first challenge and Ulysse Nardin will be the official timekeeper.
“This is not a race for those who doubt themselves”, says Patrick Pruniaux, CEO of Ulysse Nardin. “This is a challenge for modern-day Ulysses who believe that they will be able to confront themselves, their fears and nature’s strongest forces in order to complete an Odyssey of epic proportions.”
“We are delighted to welcome Ulysse Nardin as Official Timer of the Vendée Globe 2020-2021. This pioneering brand of Swiss Haute Horlogerie has been built internationally in connection with the nautical world. It is therefore natural that the Vendée Globe, the international reference for solo offshore racing, and Ulysse Nardin have come together to found this partnership for the next edition.” Said Yves Auvinet, President of Vendée Globe.
Cape Horn, one of the land points the Vendée Globe sailors must pass by on their voyage around the world, is one of the most treacherous routes. As they navigate around the southernmost tip of Chile, skippers face icebergs, violent winds and dangerous currents, making this one of the most confrontational chapters in the renowned round-the-world race. As they circumnavigate the globe, the passage around Cape Horn is one of the most harrowing because, as the point at which the Pacific and Atlantic oceans meet, nature unleashes an array of furies, each more precarious than the next. The geographical coordinates of Cape Horn as well as the route of the Vendée Globe race are stamped on the back of each watch.
With its saffron burnt orange stitching on the strap to recall the Spice Route or the harrowing trip around Tierra del Fuego, carbon bezel and instantly recognizable “X” on the face, the Ulysse Nardin Diver X CAPE HORN – the official watch of the Vendée Globe – will be issued in a limited edition of 300 pieces only. Its UN-118 movement guarantees accuracy in any hemisphere at any time of the day or night. The fabric strap is made from cutting-edge technology closing scratch: adjustable yet light, this material pairs magnificently with the ultra-light, carbon face. The satin black “X” is boldly stamped 6-12 in relief across the face.
One of the locations many of the sailors cross is Nemo Point, a position in the South Pacific off of the coast of Chile, named after author Jules Verne’s seafaring captain, which is quite literally in the middle of nowhere. Closer to the International Space Station than to solid land, Point Nemo is Located at 48°52.6′S 123°23.6′W, the location in the ocean that is farthest from the land.
It is an oceanographic location which sits within the South Pacific Gyre, the most remote position on planet Earth. Sailing through Nemo Point, many of the sailors participating in the Vendée Globe find themselves in this massive, rotating ocean current, a centripetal force that tests them to the very core. The geographical coordinates of Nemo Point, as well as the route of the Vendée Globe race, are stamped on the back of each watch.
With its blue fabric strap with red lining, it is reminiscent of the leash on a surfboard. The closing scratch is made with cutting-edge technology. The blue rubber bezel and instantly recognizable “X” on the face, the Ulysse Nardin DIVER X NEMO POINT will be issued in a limited edition of 300 pieces only. Its UN-118 movement guarantees accuracy in any hemisphere at any time of the day or night.  The blue “X” is boldly stamped in relief across the face and the route of the Vendée Globe is stamped on the back.
Follow Ulysse Nardin 
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/UlysseNardinwatches/ Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/ulyssenardinofficial Twitter: https://twitter.com/ulysse_nardin
About Ulysse Nardin – Manufacture of Freedom
Ulysse Nardin is the Pioneering Manufacture inspired by the sea and delivering innovative timepieces to free spirits.
Founded by Mr. Ulysse Nardin in 1846 and a proud member of the global luxury group Kering since November 2014, Ulysse Nardin has written some of the finest chapters in the history of Haute Horlogerie. The company’s earliest renown came from its links to the nautical world: its marine chronometers are among the most reliable ever made, still sought by collectors around the world. A pioneer of cutting-edge technologies and the innovative use of materials like silicon, the brand is one of the few with the in-house expertise to produce its own high-precision components and movements. This exceptional level of watchmaking excellence has earned Ulysse Nardin membership in the most exclusive circle of Swiss watchmaking, the Fondation de la Haute Horlogerie. Today, from its sites in Le Locle and La Chaux-de-Fonds in Switzerland, the brand’s continuing quest for horological perfection centers around five collections: The Marine, the Diver, the Classico, the Executive and the Freak. In 2019, Ulysse Nardin introduces the X-factor in watchmaking. www.ulysse-nardin.com
About Vendée Globe
To date, the Vendée Globe is the only sailing race round the world, solo, non-stop and without assistance. The event followed in the wake of the Golden Globe which had initiated the first circumnavigation of this type via the three capes (Good Hope, Leeuwin and Horn) in 1968. Twenty years later, after having won the BOC Challenge twice(solo round the world with stopovers), navigator Philippe Jeantot introduced the idea of a new race around the world, but..non-stop! The Vendée Globe race was born. On 26th November 1989, thirteen sailors took the start of the first edition which lasted over three months. Only seven returned to Les Sables d’Olonne.
The eight editions of what is now called the Everest of the seas by the public have enabled 167 contenders to take the start of this extraordinary race. Only 89 of them managed to cross the finish line. This figure alone shows the extreme difficulty of this global event in which solo racers are confronted to freezing cold, gigantic waves and heavy skies which sweep the Great South! The Vendée Globe is first and foremost a journey beyond the seas and deep down oneself… It has rewarded great sailors: Titouan Lamazou in 1990, Alain Gautier in 1993, Christophe Auguin in 1997, Vincent Riou in 2005, François Gabart in 2013 and Armel LeCléac’h in 2017. The skipper from Finistère became the new record holder of the race in 74 days. Only one sailor has won it twice: Michel Desjoyeaux, in 2001 and 2009. The 9thVendée Globe will leave Les Sables d’Olonne on Sunday 8th November 2020.
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Ulysse Nardin Diver X Cape Horn & Nemo Point Technical Specifications and Price
DIVER X Cape Horn 1183-170LE/92-CAP
DIVER X Nemo Point 1183-170LE/93-NEMO
Caliber UN-118, 13 ¾”’
In-house designed movement
Escapement, Silicium & Diamonsil technology
Titanium case with blue rubberized bezel
44 mm
300 meters
Case back
Stamped with the route of the Vendée Globe
Fabric strap with Velcro closing
DIVER X Cape Horn: 9’900 CHF
DIVER X Nemo Point: 8’900 CHF
Ulysse Nardin Diver X Cape Horn & Nemo Point
Ulysse Nardin Diver X Cape Horn & Nemo Point: Timepieces for the everest of the seas In the spirit that unites Ulysse Nardin with the explorers and fearless adventurers of the world, the Swiss manufacture, located in Le Locle near Neuchatel, has partnered with the Vendée Globe to sponsor the world’s most challenging sailing race.
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antikorg · 5 years
« La marge est partout », entretien avec Samuel Depraz, géographe
« La marge est partout », entretien avec Samuel Depraz, géographe
[ad_1]Observatoire des Inégalités , 2019-01-04 16:22:36 Vincent Riou
Vous parlez de « France des marges », au pluriel. Pourquoi ?
Samuel Depraz : Parce que les processus de marginalisation, de mise à l’écart, sont complètement différents en fonction de l’espace concerné. On entend beaucoup parler d’une France en marge, périphérique, qui serait une France rurale, des petites villes, et qui…
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Record fleet sets off for 40th Route du Rhum, with 40-knot conditions forecast
An incredible fleet starts this year's 40th anniversary Route du Rhum, but with potentially boat-breaking conditions forecast
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Along a three-mile start line off St Malo, 123 boats set off on the 40th Route du Rhum singlehanded transatlantic race to Guadaloupe this afternoon.
For most of the skippers, setting off will be a temporary relief. The first stage of the solo transatlantic to Guadaloupe – the famous docking out through St Malo's locks – started yesterday evening and ran right through to the small hours of this morning.
As well as being a spectacle, the drawn out process is a logistical necessity for the enormous fleet to exit St Malo's medieval walls and huge tidal range. For skippers with support crews it was an enjoyable photo opportunity, a chance to acknowledge the huge crowds that assemble to wave every boat off, before a fast RIB ride back to a warm hotel bed for the last night. But for solo sailors on a shoestring – and there are plenty, in amongst the glossy branded boats – it will have been a tiring start before what looks set to be an exhausting race.
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© Photo Mark Lloyd
The forecast is intimidating. I spoke to Jack Trigger, who is sailing the Class 40 Concise 8, straight after yesterday's weather briefing, and he said that the conditions for the first 72 hours were better than anticipated. This afternoon saw the huge fleet set off in sunshine and around 15-18 knots. With boats ranging from 39ft plywood trimarans to the foiling Ultimes all on one line, albeit a zoned one, the less frenetic conditions than previously predicted will have been a relief to everyone
But a low pressure system will reached the bulk of the fleet, particularly the Class 40 fleet, by Tuesday. The faster Ultimes may be able to escape the worst, but the IMOCAs will also have to go through 40-knot north-westerlies.
“Not immediately, but I think days three to five we will get hit pretty hard,” Trigger explained. “I think we might see 50 knots, and it's going upwind and it's about the predicted sea state. So we'll get it in the middle of Biscay.” Predicted waves are up to 11 metres.
“It's so changeable, there are multiple low pressures and secondary lows moving about, so we'll just see what happens,' Trigger added. “So we'll end up coming down through Biscay, tacking across one front where we'll see 50, then tacking back, then tacking through a second [front] where we'll probably see the same again.” Was he worried about it? “I'm excited!”
St Malo in the sunshine has a carnival atmosphere, enormous crowds rammed 20-deep along the docks, their excitement heightened by an endless barrage of drums, pipes, light shows and no small quantities of alcohol. The Route du Rhum pre-start does not share the sombre intensity of a Vendée departure, but this race, with its November North Atlantic course, does have a reputation as something of a demolition derby and there was a definite air of nervousness.
“The thought of tacking one of these boats in 10m waves and 40 knots of winds is not something anyone looks forward to,” said Hugo Boss skipper Alex Thomson before the start, adding that he “doesn't have any idea how an Ultime handles that kind of situation.”
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All eyes will be on the Ultime class. The three magnificent new foilers – Armel Le Cleac'h's Banque Populaire IX, Francois Gabart's modified Macif, and the Maxi Edmond de Rothschild – have never seriously competed against one another. Some brief line-ups out of Port la Foret last month suggested Seb Josse's Edmond de Rothschild might have the edge, but nobody really knows.
I asked Vincent Laurent Prevost for VPLP, designers of Banque Populaire and Macif, what he expected from the fleet. Ditto Loick Peyron, the current Route du Rhum course record holder (on the previous generation Banque Pop), and legendary multihull sailor. Neither would be drawn on the topic, but it's not wholly down to being evasive. It's partly down to the fact that even the skippers can't predict how this will shake down, so relatively short are they of race time and solo flight time.
Two days before the start I asked Seb Josse, skipper of the Edmond de Rotschild Ultime, how far in advance he had planned his race in detail. “No, wrong question!” he laughed ruefully.
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Photo ©Thierry Martinez/Sea & Co
“The boat touched the water last year, and we had a lot of technical things to sort out. At the beginning of this year, each time after we sailed for 24 hours we'd be on the dock for two weeks.
“So it takes a lot of time to really know how to sail this boat in singlehanded mode. In some conditions I'm really confident – 20-25 knots of wind, it's not easy but I know what I'll do. After that, in more wind… we'll see! We've never sailed this boat in these types of conditions before.
“Armel and Francois don't sail one day alone yet in these flying boats, Francois knows how to go fast for 42 days, for definite, but we don't know how to sail fast for five days. So the first thing we need to do is manage the boats, not capsize, and go fast and fly when we can.”
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Unlike the Imoca and Class 40 fleets, the Ultimes (and Rhum Multi class) are allowed external routing, which removes some of the decision-making factor from the solo skippers and is intended to help keep them away from dangerous sea states. As foil controls and onboard telemetry have become increasingly advanced, those race rules have been clarified this year to ensure that any 'remote control' developments are outlawed.
The IMOCA class, with 20 entries, is another incredibly high quality fleet. There is much curiosity about how the show-stopping Charal, another unknown quantity, will perform. The VPLP-design is the first of the latest generation foilers, launched just weeks ago. It is aggressive and impressive, but as yet unproven. Alex Thomson, who has a VPLP designed IMOCA 60 currently in build, said it was hard to predict how Charal would be sailed in the Route du Rhum.
“It's difficult to get a boat this new properly up to speed yet, and it's difficult to be confident because you don't know what its reliability is yet. But if they are competitive in this, then I tip my hat to their team because I know how hard it is to do.”
By contrast, Stuart Hosford, managing director of Alex Thomson Racing, said that he was very relaxed about their preparation of Hugo Boss for what will be Thomson's last race on the boat that took him to 2nd in the Vendée Globe. “We know the boat so well, Alex knows it so well, there are no unknowns,” said Hosford.
“So for us it's a really nice race start because we're at the end of a cycle with this boat and everything's ticked off. But we also want this boat to be successful, and deliver on all the love and attention that went into it – it becomes very personal to us!”
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While the hull platform for Thomson's new Boss has already come out of the moulds, Hosford said he will be among those watching Charal for information that might inform the design of the foils for the new Boss – particularly the second set of foils that is likely to be developed before the 2020 Vendée Globe.
“It's kind of a mixed thing for us – we want to beat them and we hope the boat's not too fast in this race, but at the same time it is the same designer and it will be our generation of that boat, so we'd hate to think it wasn't fast. That would be more concerning.”
Alex put it more forcefully: “On one hand I want them to do well, because it's another VPLP boat and that's where ours is coming from. On the other hand, I want to kick their arse!”
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Photo © Mark Lloyd
Besides the two black boats, the likely favourites in the IMOCA class are Yann Elies, who won the last major transatlantic, the 2017 TJV, in the same yacht, and Vincent Riou. Riou has re-optimised PRB with new foils, and has been consistently quick during the Port La Foret training races. Thomson said his team would also be watching Riou's performance particularly closely for clues as to what the next generation of Juan Kouyoumdjian foils might look like.
In a fleet packed with talent there are plenty of others who cannot be discounted. Among them Sam Davies, who has been able to put in plenty of training hours on Initiatives Coeur, leading many in St Malo to tip her for a podium finish.
The Class 40 fleet, with a staggering 53 entries, would make an impressive event all on its own. The level varies hugely. There are skippers like Yoann Richome, a former Figaro champion with a highly covetable CV, who has built a brand new Lombard-designed latest generation Lift 40 with the single intention of winning the Route du Rhum. There are amateur sailors, often highly successful individuals who have chosen the 40 class to fulfil a dream of racing against the pros.
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There are plenty of young French sailors on some of the class's more vintage designs. And there is a strong cohort of British sailors – Phil Sharp, Sam Goodchild and Jack Trigger – all of whom will be hoping they can survive the potentially boat-breaking conditions and make the right routing decisions to stay in touch for a podium finish.
Even the two 'Rhum' classes, which in many events you could be forgiven for assuming is a selection of also-rans and enthusiasts, here sees sailors of the calibre of Sydney Gavignet and Sebastien Destremau line up against first-timers in classic ketches in the monohulls.
Meanwhile in the multihulls there are three yellow Walter Greene trimarans, each sisterships to the 39ft plywood tri that won the first Route du Rhum back in 1978 for Canadian skipper Mike Birch (Birch, now 87, was there to wish his friend Charlie Capelle in Acapella good luck and treated like a true celebrity by the gathered crowds).
Among the skippers racing a little yellow is Loick Peyron, holder of the current seven-day race record, who was preparing for a 22 day crossing on his 'little bicycle', the bright yellow Water Greene tri Happy. For Loick, who has nothing to prove, this race is about nostalgia and a pure love of ocean sailing.
“It is about capturing that feeling of my first transatlantic, when I was just 19, on a Mini Transat with a sextant and alone for long periods. That feeling of being a bit lost was attractive to me.”
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Photo ©Thierry Martinez/Sea & Co
He has refitted Happy to be as authentic to her time as  possible, with a simple deck layout, no furlers, and minimal electronic aids – he will be mostly using a custom yellow sextant, complete with a smiley face.
Although he is taking a box of books to read, the Route du Rhum will still present a challenge to even masters like Peyron. “A boat like this is much more stable the wrong way up. I am the old fighter, the old combatant, who has never capsized. And I would like to stay like that for a long time.”
You can follow the fleet at https://www.routedurhum.com/en/cartography
The post Record fleet sets off for 40th Route du Rhum, with 40-knot conditions forecast appeared first on Yachting World.
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