#was originally gonna post this quote with a photo of him looking like the saddest most miserable kicked puppy in the world
philhoffman · 11 months
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"Do I take the path of least resistance? You know in therapy, you always get to the point of like, when am I finished? And it's not finished with therapy, it's like—alllllll this crap, when is it over? This thing of like, when do you get it? ... And it's like no! That never happens! You just die! You just fuckin' die.
"And so that road to death—the road to death we call life—can be just burgers and booze and women and smokes and TV and magazines and really bad art—and you can just go and slide right into the hole.
"Or, you can go, well, I think I better keep confronting and keep challenging and keep trying to make good stuff and working hard, and the whole time you're like, why am I doing this? Why am I in Othello right now? What the hell was I thinking? No one likes it! ... But that's what you do. That's what you do because if you don't do that, it's so easy to go that other place... So you gotta do Othello." -Philip Seymour Hoffman speaking at TIFF 2010
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lilaccrxsh · 11 months
So this post is only for me to answer these for a discord server with all the gifs/photos in one place. Not all the gifs are mine, most I've picked up over time, but I'm not tagging this post so hopefully they won't be credited to me accidentally.
And I've also not answered some stuff because I just couldn't think :)
Day 1: Favorite photoshoot
Vogue Oct 1993 (the fact I know that without checking is horrific...)
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Day 2: Funniest scene
First one that came to mind was "I'M JUMPING OUT OF A WINDOW!" from MI Fallout 🤣
Day 3: Saddest scene
Minority Report 1:57:00 (if I give the timestamp then I don't spoil anything and those that have watched it will know)
Day 4: Most attractive character
Brian Flannagan man like just look at him
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Day 5: Who are you least like
Ok so without picking a character I blatantly dislike and just saying that... Jerry Maguire. I like to think I'm not that cringe fail and weird. Although I would nick a fish from a fishtank if I was fired...but I wouldn't do the cringe fail speech that came with it.
Day 6: Who are you most like
Honestly... Danny Kaffee 😅 not for the lawyering, just for the sarcasm and general manner 😅 like this is the short of shit I'd come out with
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Day 7: Favorite costar
Elisabeth Shue (Cocktail). I just think she's fucking great, and she's Val Kilmer's co-star in one of my fave Val movies so. Or Michelle Monaghan because she's ALSO fucking great and has been both Tom and Val's co-star.
Day 8: Favorite kiss
The one in Edge of Tomorrow. It's just so ugh GOOD! They think they're gonna die, might be the last time Rita and Bill may see each other... and it's not even a snog. It's just let's press our fucking lips together because ily and I want you to know it because we fucking die.
Day 9: Favorite rom com
Cocktail (1988)... what a fucking shocker 😂
Day 10: Favorite villain character
Day 11: Favorite movie soundtrack
Top Gun: Maverick. It's literally the shit I listen to normally 😂 T.Rex... The Who... even Lady Gaga 😂
Day 12: Guilty pleasure movie of his
Oh God I can't mention Cocktail again can I? 😅😂 too bad I just did.
Day 13: Movie that disappointed you the most
I legally am refusing to answer this so no one comes at me with a pitchfork 🤣
Day 14: Favorite quote
So the first one that came to mind was "You complete me." from Jerry Maguire and even though that's not exactly original... I just love it. Like God it's a good line isn't it...
But also from MI Fallout, "I don't understand what I'm involved in? I don't understand what I'm involved in? ... What am I involved in?"
Day 15: Movie everyone should watch
A Few Good Men
Day 16: Last movie you watched
Top Gun: Maverick. Found out my final degree classification and celebrated with a Top Gun double bill, pizza and proseco.
Day 17: First pic in your phone
Mother I'm so sorry... in my defense I'd saved it for meme worthy opportunities...
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Day 18: First gif in your phone
I'd resaved pride!ethan from MI2
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Day 19: First movie you remember seeing
Honestly, I really am not sure but it was probably MI1 because I have this memory of it being on the TV and tiny me watching the hanging from the ceiling scene.
Day 20: Favorite movie
A Few Good Men
Day 21: Least favorite movie
Day 22: Favorite character in general
Danny Kaffee 😌 he's my tiny lil angry kitten boy
Day 23: Least favorite character
That bitch boy from Magnolia
Day 24: Movie you never get tired of
A Few Good Men
Day 25: Favorite interview
Anything on Graham Norton. Like for some reason I find it fucking hilarious that one time when Tom speaks to some women on an audience member's phone 🤣
Day 26: Favorite award monologue
Day 27: Which of his films do you think he should have been nominated for an Oscar for
Ok so I'm not going to say which role he should have been nominated for I'm going to say he should have WON for Born On The Fourth Of July
Day 28: Favorite 90s movie
A Few Good Men (damn that's been mentioned a lot I wonder why 🤭🫡)
Day 29: Favorite premiere outfit
The Top Gun (1986) premiere. This shirt is fucking iconic because he never stopped wearing it and it's so good.
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Day 30: Favorite quote/scene that makes you feel hormonal even when you may not be
Ok so you're gonna get a list (no particular order) because this is my post and I make the rules (I cannot pick just one):
1. The very end of Edge of Tomorrow. Like this. Just this.
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2. Top Gun (1986) when Ice and Mav are in the locker room after Goose's death.
3. The hug at the end of Jack Reacher: Never Go Back.
4. MI Fallout "Benji I won't let anything happen to you."
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