#we deserve it so much you guys we've been given less than scraps for so long... it's hard to maintain passion when you feel forgotten
nicojoe · 7 months
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I wrote my own fanscript of THE OLD GUARD 2
The screenshots above are samples...
... I got tired of waiting for Netflix, so:
I tried to incorporate the following:
TOG 2 casting (Uma and Henry) plus some locations where the movie was shot last year (as seen in set photos, etc)
my own personal "wish list" of details, but hopefully in a way that makes sense within the larger story (tried to avoid making it just a self-indulgent, shoe-horned laundry list lol) and in a way that it could conceivably be greenlit by the industry -- ie: I'd have loved to write 2 whole hours of them just hanging out playing board games and reminiscing, but that would never be made into a movie.
a few ideas inspired by some of my favorite meta posts/fan art/etc (some of y'all are SO much more creative than the people actually making these movies, istg) -- try to spot them all!
favorite "action" scenes from the Force Multiplied comic, despite this script not being a true adaptation (it just borrows the broader strokes)
the decision not to make Quynh a villain; she's arguably got a hero arc in this, tbh (the top 1% and their use of institutional/systemic oppression to exploit and control the masses is the real villain, actually!)
no new immortals or explanation of immortality, tyvm; I tried to focus on the Family of Six and their shared history as much as possible.
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