#well im not gonna post a thread starter two days before an event so
renlopezpietro · 5 years
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ren: my neighbors has been playing the exact same song in repeat for the past three hours
ren: its not even a good song
ren: do u think i should a) cut the power b) climb through her window and threaten her c) start playing a more annoying song even louder
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ruby-whistler · 3 years
Alright curious anon here. All this is /dsmp /rp from here on out unless otherwise specified and is refering to characters. If i make any mistakes or am misinformed please let me know! So by the cat was nothing compared to mushroom henry i was meaning more toward the fact that the cow was killed as a punishment for something not worth or ok for it to be killed for at all and the fact that it belonged to tommy, wheareas the cat was killed more to annoy dream and belonged to tommy. (1/?)
alright then another lengthy reply, here i come! /lh /dsmp /rp
Dream also did not seem to mourn the cat much, shrugging it off with a "just more motivation to break out".
it was killed to hurt dream, not to "annoy him". it doesn't matter who it belonged to, c!dream was attached to it and it died, which had an effect on him and also further proved his point about attachments being weakness and caring getting you hurt, and it's still very sad.
you say that it was not ok at all to kill mooshroom henry, but the cat's death wasn't ok either, so i really don't see your point.
again, i disagree it was "nothing compared to" either way. i never meant to compare them in the first place, i was simply talking about the cat and c!dream so i don't see why it is in any way necessary to drag c!tommy and other dead pets into this. /nm
also, it isn't true he didn't mourn it. he is a very reserved person who doesn't show his feelings much, that's true, but the cat death still changed the way he acted afterwards, as well as the attempts he made to prevent it. he didn't "shrug it off", he yelled about it because he was understandably upset.
You mentioned that propganda was used to make dream seem like a tyrant, could you specify a bjt? Cus im a little confused srry /gen. Because the most i can remember from the lmanburg era at least is him being called a b'tch or other similar insults. You also mentioned how trauma responses can be differet which is true! I agree! Do you have any ideas to what caused dream the trauma?
wilbur would continuously make him out to be some sort of oppressive, tyrannical force, in front of his troops - a prime example of this being the lyrics of the l'manberg anthem itself and the l'manberg declaration of independence.
actually! here's a nice thread about l'manberg's establishment complete with links, timestamps and evidence :]
i also said in my previous post what could've possibly caused it, but since the character intentionally hides his emotions from the public, it would be difficult to see how things really affected him - which is why the way his spiral went is the majority of the evidence that would imply it, however it does make sense within the story as well with what i mentioned last time.
I would like to note that for sapnap at least had reason to leave dream. Some examples off the top of my head are dream leading an angry fundy to sapnap's pets on purpose, resulting in some deaths, dream assisting tommy in burning down sapnap's effiel tower where he got engaged to karl, and dream giving tommy either mars or the other fish at the battle of the lake. Idk about george tho other then the whole mexican lmanburg/el rapids thing and decrowning him
c!sapnap was actually at fault for most of this, and it wasn't really ever betrayal on c!dream's part.
c!dream is a mediator and he wants to stop everyone's conflict - c!fundy was angry because of c!sapnap's actions, and hence it made more sense for c!dream to centre him on c!sapnap's animals instead of running around killing everyone's pets (at that time, all c!dream knew was c!sapnap did something really bad and c!fundy wanted beckerson / mars from him, which were also his and c!george's fish).
c!sapnap was an instigator, and in multiple conflicts during the time as well as before he'd align himself against c!dream. he isn't "loyal" per se, he causes chaos and the reason c!dream helped c!tommy was because, c!sapnap, again, killed his pet. the first l'manberg war and then the 16th are signs of the fact that c!dream and c!sapnap were willing to fight together in actual war, but these small conflicts where c!sapnap continuously picked fights weren't about personal loyalty, nor did they seem to affect their relationship at all.
c!george was never really hurt by c!dream either. the dethronement was him very obviously being a guilt-trippy drama queen, but, well, that's just the character. he had stolen the l'mantree while he was supposed to be the diplomatic figure of the greater smp, which is why c!dream was justified in - very politely, may i mention - taking the duties off of him (seeing as he was also trying to keep him safe and c!techno had already assassinated him once).
Im pretty sure i remember cc!sam stating that his character never canonically physically tortured dream during his subathon but take this with a grain of salt as i am looking for the clip currently. So to the best of my knowledge dream did not have a physical contact trigger during tommy's visit which! I rewatched the vod and dream actually was first to hit tommy and i can give you my full writing downs but 10/12 of the phy-
you never finished this point because you had to go do something, but i'll reply to what is here at the moment (i suggest writing these down before sending next time, or even writing them out wholly before sending a single one could help avoid stuff like this).
i am 95% sure that the reason cc!sam stated this was because people were suspicious he had already been doing what c!quackity was doing after - torture within the storyline itself is associated pretty much only with what c!quackity is doing, so that's what he meant, just to clear up confusion - the starvation or terrible conditions haven't been retconned, but it was direct torture (like c!quackity is doing) people were asking him about.
i never said c!dream had a physical contact trigger at all, i don't think he had that, though he probably will after the torture.
huh, ok, i'm gonna have to rewatch then, but i remember c!tommy punching c!dream a lot and him just telling him to stop and only punching back to get him to stop. trigger or not, getting hit isn't very pleasant, if you know what i mean.
You mentioned tommy stealing dream's armor unprovoked. Do you have the vod or a general idea of the time so i can find it? Like before lmanburg after another event so and so because if you do not have it i can find it but any help is appreciated.
i am pretty sure you can find the video on cc!tommy's channel! there are also recaps of the disc war on youtube :]
I wanna talk a little on why the Final Control Room was so messed up. For starters, with the way the room was designed. It was small, and had labeled, empty chests with each person's name on them as a mockery. The next reason is that its bascially a kill box.
It's fairly inescapble with the stairs being ones you have to jump up, slowing anyone who climbs them down. The final reason it is messed up is that it is shown to have caused every person who died in it trauma. With tommy there are several examples, the time he saw it with techno, the way he refuses to go near it, the exposure trauma, etc. Fundy also appears to have trauma, as when the Red Banquet executions began, it can be seen as him being afraid of dying last again.
It can Be thought as tubbo having trauma because he buries most of his issues and pretends to be ok. Moreover this event took at least one of each person's canon lives, making it the most canon lives lost EVER in a dream smp event. (This is not hate on any of the ccs btw i loved this scene and its one of my personal favorites). Plus the fact Eret's betrayal just literally happened, giving at least Tommy and Wilbur canonic trust issues.
i wouldn't call the chests mockery? it was a trap. people had traps on the smp before. it was a trap in the middle of war, supposed to end said war by killing them all at once rather than individually which would be a lot more bloody and difficult.
i agree c!tommy and other people might have post-war trauma, especially if they were young during the time, but i think that's because the final control room was "messed up", moreso because the war itself was. it all happened fairly instantly as well? i don't think c!fundy would be able to realize he was the last one standing within the two second before he wasn't.
it "can be thought" and it can be interpreted like that but besides c!tommy there isn't much evidence for them "all" being traumatized by the final control room. of course betrayal would spark trust issues, i understand that.
The probation was humiliating in my opinion because dream was Sending tommy anatgonizing messages through out the whole meeting, plus he had to write a review of his day every single day, which fundy mocked him for.
i mean, it was definitely a strike to his pride, but he was being extremely uncooperative so i don't really blame the other members of new l'manberg trying to teach him to listen for once? of course i know c!dream was riling him up, and that should definitely be considered. i don't think it would be as humiliating if c!tommy didn't make it, is what i'm saying.
for the tommy being toxic to fundy? At least for the examples you gave, to me personally they come acoross as either in a meta way being the cc's bantering or in canon being the characters having banter. If you can send the post with the clips so i can read the tone better that would be cool but if not i will try and find em.
no, these were all in canon. canon isn't only when c!tommy is being nice, it's also when he's being a jerk. /lh
the first one was him threatening c!fundy about kicking him out of l'manberg and undermining his self-worth, and the second one was him trying to get c!sapnap to vote for them via bullying c!fundy.
i found these from a transcript focusing on c!fundy's character, so i don't know exactly where the first one is from, but the second one i am pretty sure is from when the elections were starting with the whole cabinet battle deal and all of that.
there are other instances, and all of them are canon. his personality was never being nice or compassionate, so i'm not really surprised? he still cares about the people he cares about and is very brave, y'know. but this part of his personality is definitely a valid reason for people to dislike him.
I hope the exam went well :). Hope u have a great day! (Ps i think theres something called a submission box to send in pictures? Am not entirely sure sry)
it would've gone well but my work-speed is a tad too slow for the schooling system (considering i'm three years younger than my classmates,,, probably that's also a factor) so probably not despite the fact i knew everything and would've aced it if i only had more time. i did as well as i could so i'm not worried about it, but thanks!
i think you're thinking submissions. sadly, i tested it and it doesn't work on anons, so idk how you'd solve that, maybe make a burner account?
Curious anon here one point you may wanna include in the redemption essay is that c!tubbo or c!tommy do not necessarily have to forgive him. What's important is that he recognizes what he did was wrong (exile, beating tommy to death, manipulating them both, etc) and does his best to make amends. Hope this helps! Can't wait to see your essay
it's out, idk if you've seen it yet, and i think i included enough of that so hope it's all good! :)
the mcc update video is out if you are an mcc enjoyer. It's very neat, if you wanna check it out
yeah! i am a fellow mcc enjoyer, saw it already, thanks for telling me though, i'm really hype for today.
Allo curious anon here sorry if the lots of asks bother you. I was just curious if i could share an interesting post i saw today about c!dream :0 (not necessarily negative i think? More of a statement of an often-confused canon)
sure thing! i don't know what you mean by often-confused since, the entire fanbase is very confused always, and often selection bias plays into the perception from both sides, but sure :]
you also sent in a thing for the other anon who said they didn't know what c!dream did that bad; pretty sure they couldn't really be alerted since, not sure if they watch my blog that closely, but i'll summarize your points just in case and add some notes;
the repeated blowing up of l'manberg (in my mind that's largely a positive since i,, despise that country, but fair enough), revealed c!ranboo as a traitor (they seem to be friends so i also,, think that might've been planned between him and enderboo), sent ghostbur away (i don't think c!dream knew it was dangerous for him and wanted to actually hurt him, but idk), participated in fighting against c!sapnap when he killed people's pets (that's only negative against c!sapnap and didn't seem to hurt him much at all), and then the whole vault scene where he was allegedly planning to steal people's things (though saying he would & being stopped beforehand and doing it are two different things, frankly).
so i still agree with the other anon that a lot of the hurt he did "to the entire server" (he only negatively interacted with like,, a half of them) is exaggerated both by the characters and the fandom, but i guess that's a consequence of most people seeing him as a threat to everyone's happiness rather than a complex personality.
Also he was aware of the butcher army going to kill techno but only got involved because he saw an opportunity to get a favor. (As he knew in advance due to him telling techno to get a totem, watching from afar instead of interveing or manipulating tubbo out of it)
i don't understand this at all, i'm sorry. how do you know he only helped techno in order to get a favor? last i remember he was only doing it to protect and strengthen his alliance, and techno came up with the whole favor thing entirely on his own. you might've not watched techno's perspective or their prior interactions, idk, but this really is a misinterpretation in my eyes. /nm
sorry if that is overly dream negative i just wanted to let yall know cus you seemed unaware -curious anon
nah dw, i watch the smp and i watched all of these things happen so, wouldn't say unaware, but thanks.
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yujachachacha · 7 years
hi yujacha!! this is probably a weird question to ask lol but im going to see the happy party train tour live viewing on the 14th and my friend was supposed to come with but they dropped out last second so looks like i'll be going alone TT but do you have any advice for someone whos never gone to a concert or live screening alone?? aaa during the first live i went w my sister but im a total socially anxious mess and i get really nervous if a stranger sits next to me so its my first time alone TT
Hi there! I have no idea why everyone’s been telling me that their questions are weird lol - your question is great, in fact! Technically, I went to the delayed viewing of 1st Live in San Diego alone as well, since I was meeting ONIBE members for the first time ever back then and wasn’t sure if I would be able to get along with them. Fortunately, I discovered that the LL community is pretty friendly and ended up having a blast!
This is gonna get really long, so let me put a summary at the top.
tl;dr: There are lots of online resources to help you learn about viewings, from Team ONIBE’s guides to the meetup channels for the Love Live subreddit. It’s also no problem to go alone to a DV, as you have the potential to make plenty of new friends and get pumped up about the performance alongside LLers who share the same passion for Aqours.
For first-timer viewing advice, check out Team ONIBE’s concert guide! It contains a general checklist of what to bring (water, batteries, towel, etc.), instructions on how to use a kingblade, and some general etiquette about concerts.
I would also highly recommend looking over Team ONIBE’s 2nd Live callbook - the callbook’s been recently updated with details from the Saitama Day 2 setlist, as that’s the performance that’ll be screened at the delayed viewings on the 14th! It’s not mandatory to learn the calls, but in my opinion, it’s a lot more fun when you can join in on the hype along with the multitudes of fans who will be chanting and waving their lightsticks along with the performance. Don’t worry about having to memorize the calls exactly - once you’re at the viewing, it’s pretty simple to follow along with the crowd.
I believe there are some kind fans out there who are sort of taking charge as the community leaders for each DV, and have printed out large batches of these callbooks to pass out to LLers. If you want to make sure you have your own copy (IIRC they were in very high demand during the San Diego DV for 1st Live and the AWM live at AX2017), feel free to print one out on your own!
If you’re interested in making some new friends so that you won’t be completely surrounded by strangers, you can always check out the /r/LoveLive subreddit and Discord server! The server has created specific channels for each viewing so that people can plan meetups, while the subreddit has some threads scattered around it with various people asking for tips about LVs and such.
If you’re not interested in that (which would be understandable, as the /r/LL Discord server tends be be a bit…chaotic), let me offer you some personal advice. I unfortunately can’t say anything on the social anxiety side because I’m pretty good with talking to strangers (I kind of have to be after overcoming stage fright for debate club + needing to cold call people for work), but I can tell you that my experience with live events tends to be that most of the LLers I’ve met (including myself) are in fact socially awkward, haha. Just remember that a lot of people are just like you and meeting other LLers for the first time, so don’t worry too much.
Here’s my general tip on making friends: gather up your courage, approach someone, and find some kind of connection. Once you do that, you’re set.
For example, in my very first class on my very first day of high school, I approached a girl who was by herself (so that I wouldn’t awkwardly be third-wheeling an established friend group). I said, “Hey, I heard that this computer class we’re in requires a lab partner. You look like an okay person. Wanna team up?” She ended up becoming my first friend in high school, and we had tons of fun for the next four years.
I did the same thing in college - as an icebreaker, I asked someone if I could see their driver’s license (since a lot of people you meet in college hail from different locations) and compare it to my own. I then found out that she and I had the same exact birthday, and I told her, “Hey, we’re twins! Wanna eat lunch together later?” And to this day, she’s a dear friend who still refers to me as “Twin”.
I know that I’m making it sound really simple and easy, but it honestly can be if you put yourself in this mindset. Luckily for you, you already have a connection to people at the DV - you’re all LL fans!
Find someone who’s wearing merch of your favorite girl (and on that note, it’s a good idea to bring any nesos or other LL merch with you to DVs; they’re a great conversation starter) and gush about her with them. Or, approach a cosplayer and compliment them! They’re generally pretty happy folks. You can also try to approach a fellow newbie on their own, and see if you two can team up. I promise you, DVs are 10x more fun when you have someone to be excited with during the screening.
The point of a DV and all these community meetup channels is for people to have fun with others who share their love for Aqours. Instead of seeing everyone as strangers, just think of them as potential friends you have yet to get to know better! Other tips:
Ask people where they’re from - some people at DVs are locals, while others fly in from far-off locations!
Talk about the upcoming screening. What are you looking forward to the most? Do you have a favorite song? Is there a costume you’re excited to see? Who’s your favorite seiyuu?
Approach someone who looks experienced. They’ll likely be more than happy to help you out and introduce you to the finer points of attending a DV! :D
Another conversation starter - SIF. I saw a few people playing the game while waiting for the viewing to start, and had a friendly chat with one of them about how difficult it was to play with cut-ins.
Don’t fret that you absolutely have to make a new friend for the DV. The atmosphere of the live is infectious, and everyone just ends up being a huge incoherent mess of screaming and cheering anyway, haha.
Feel free to send me another ask or PM me if you have more questions! ( ・∀・ )ゞ
And as a final note - I’ll actually be going to not one, but two DVs this time around (RIP my bank account)! I’ll be at San Diego early on before driving up to Los Angeles. I’ll make a separate blog post with details sometime close to the 14th so that anyone who’s interested can say hi to me.
If you happen to be attending either of those screenings, I’ll be more than happy to make you feel welcome! Just be warned that I’ll be next to some ONIBE members, and we’ll all be screaming our heads off because we’re huge seiyuu fans, haha.
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