#went fucking HARD with these biomes. they were things that made you gasp when you first saw them
feralgreenman · 3 years
[This fic was motivated by serendipitous-posts ' Hermitfold AU. When I read their posts about it, it motivated me to start a fic where Dream gets yeeted into Hermitcraft instead. I hope you enjoy the fic!]
As Dream saw the flashing colour vortex around him, he realized that explaining Technoblade how the "revival" book worked was a big mistake (the book was more of a reality bending book with a connection to death, anyway).
He knew what went wrong: Technoblade didn't listen properly as Dream pointed to different parts of the book and explained what they did, he followed the instructions of the wrong passage, and instead of summoning DreamXD to get another wish granted, he casually created a server rift where Dream was standing.
A server rift was a crack in reality that manipulated the world and the void to open a portal to a different server. The void in which the different servers exist wasn't exactly linear, but certain worlds are closer to each other than others. A server rift would either lead to the server currently closest to the server the rift was opened in or it would lead to the closest server with the nearest opened rift. Those rifts were usually pretty unstable unless proper measures were taken to keep them open, so Dream didn't expect an easy way back to his SMP.
The nearest server with stable rifts were the MCC server or the MCC practice server, neither of which were currently available, so he really had no idea where the vortex would take him.
After falling for what felt like an hour or two, the feeling of him hitting the ground was unexpected and extremely painful. The power of the landing forced all the air out of his lungs.
Dream gasped for air as he curled up in pain and misery. Deafening thunder filled his ears as he tried to stabilize his breathing.
In pain he looked up and saw that the patch of grass he was on was not, in fact, in a normal plains biome, or on the ground for that matter. It was held up by a giant spider-like machine that had apparently scooped up a giant part of grass land.
After, he saw the small, sparkling crack that he probably came through, disappear.
Fuck, so much for his last slither of hope for a way back.
Screw it, what the FUCK was going on?
Turning on his stomach, he saw a creeper-like figure flying on a joint of one of the spiders' legs. "Sam-?" Dream started to wonder out loud but no, this wasn't Sam. While both Sam and the other creeper were humanoid looking, this hybrid had half of his face and an arm missing and replaced with metal prosthetics. The man didn't seem to notice Dream, too distracted by the onslaught of thunder that seemed to be originating from the top of the machine and-
Hold on, the creeper-cyborg-man-thing was FLYING?! How did fuck he-? The creeper man looked like he made a few comments to himself while looking to the top of the spider-robot-machine before turning around and flying down again. This time, Dream saw that the wings on the mans back were actually an artificial pair of wings which were capable of holding players in the air. They weren't grown into his back at all. Dream had never seen such a piece of gear before.
He also saw the place not-Sam flew towards: A large group of other people at a beach, many of which also had the wing-contraptions on their back. They seemed rather startled by the thunder machine. "This thing isn't exactly normal on this server either. Thank the fucking void" Dream commented in his mind.
He didn't know where he was, who these people (that could undoubtedly catch him easily if they saw him running away) were or why they decided to open a server rift, but he decided that he wanted to get away from this spot before anyone saw him and quick.
Using the fact that the creeper man and some other cyborg guy with dog ears were, what looked like, explaining the situation to the many confused and slightly scared people, Dream shakily got on his feet, ran as fast as he could and leapt off the edge of the scooped up dirt island.
During the fall he did what he forgot to do before he jumped off the edge with full force: His initial intention was to check how many potatoes he still had to plan for the next day or two but his eyes wandered to his hearts instead. He had 5 hearts. Definitely not enough to survive a fall this far.
It felt like slow motion when he looked down to see the ground approach.
In a moment that felt both like forever and as fast as lightning, he crashed into said ground.
As the blackness and pain of death surrounded him, out of habit he entirely expected to hear a piston, feel the sensation of falling and be soaked in water before he barely registered the respawn in the first place.
Instead, he just felt a hard wooden floor on his back. When his eyes slowly fluttered open, he was inside of a round building made mostly of birch planks.
Before properly looking around or even standing up, Dream saw the chat in the corner of his eyes and after seeing it, his entire body went into panic mode
"↸∷ᒷᔑᒲ ⋮𝙹╎リᒷ↸ ℸ ̣ ⍑ᒷ ⊣ᔑᒲᒷ "
"Dream hit the ground too hard whilst trying to escape DreamXD"
The message in enchanting table language was odd but could probably be seen as a glitch on its own.
Message two was technically an ordinary chat message. Sure, it had been a very long time since Dream last died of anything aside from lava or fire, it had been an even longer time since Dream last died of fall damage, but back in the normal days, nothing would be odd about the message.
However, this weren't the normal days anymore. This wasn't even the world these normal days happened in.
This mostly ordinary death message just informed every single player on this very unfamiliar server of his presence.
Whilst in prison, Dream experienced more fear than ever before in his life. Before, that feeling peaked when Quackity first came to visit him and he didn't think anything would even come close to driving this much fear into his body.
Oh how wrong he was. He needed to hide as fast as possible.
(I'm not sure if I want to continue this or not. Please tell me if you want to see more chapters of this!)
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