#when i watched serbian national semis i was like wtf you guys get semi-finals????
den-dumm · 1 year
i just wanted to vent out something that happened in Czechia this year after the ESC ended (and idk if this happens every year – this is my first year, like, really getting invested in the thing)
Our representing group Vesna managed to get through the semi-finals (what?!!) AND placed 10th in the finals (WHATT:?!??!!!!!), which is pretty fucking amazing for our little country and its unprogressive/dead music scene (yes, i wanna mourn it and change my surname to black too). i was looking forward to many people getting to know about this extraordinary song and band that scored this high at ESC despite many great songs from other countries not getting this sort of attention – but surprise surprise...
The song is not suited for radio broadcast. it's just too "unusual". Instead, local radios have decided to play RODAN and his song Introvert Party Club, which competed and placed 3rd (not even second, third out of 5 contestants) in the national finals. it's on radio all the time. and everyone around me knows RODAN, and knows nothing about Vesna...
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