#which crypto is best for staking?
How To Make A Million Naira Staking Crypto On Bybit
How To Make A Million Naira Staking USDT On Bybit -Crypto Staking Explained! -A brief overview of Bybit -Staking On Bybit: A Step-by-Step Guide @Bybit_official #bitcoin #staking #crypto #FOMC #Ponmo
It is a known fact that the value of the Naira is depreciating by the day. So, in this post, I will show you how you can make a million naira through staking on Bybit. Bybit is a renowned crypto exchange that ranks among the top 10 on Coinmarketcap. Currently (September 2022), it is offering the biggest crypto-staking APY and up to 12% on USDT. Read this post to the end if you want to learn…
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simplyfy9 · 20 days
Best Bitcoin Alternatives: Exploring Top Cryptocurrencies for 2024 by Simplyfy
Bitcoin, the pioneering cryptocurrency, has long been the standard-bearer in the world of digital currencies.
However, the crypto market has grown exponentially, and several preferences to Bitcoin now provide special points and benefits. This article, promoted via Simplyfy, targets to information you via the fantastic Bitcoin choices for 2024, supporting you make knowledgeable choices in the evolving panorama of digital assets.
Introduction to Bitcoin and Its Alternatives
Bitcoin, introduced in 2009 by the pseudonymous Satoshi Nakamoto, revolutionized the financial world by introducing a decentralized form of currency.
Its meteoric upward shove in fees and massive adoption have paved the way for lots of different cryptocurrencies. These alternatives, frequently referred to as altcoins, serve a number of purposes, from improving privateness and enhancing transaction speeds to imparting revolutionary structures for decentralized purposes (DApps).
Why Look Beyond Bitcoin?
While Bitcoin remains a cornerstone of the crypto market, there are several reasons why investors and enthusiasts might seek alternatives:
1. Scalability: Bitcoin's transaction speed and scalability have been points of contention.
​Some selections provide quicker and extra scalable solutions.
2. Transaction Fees: As Bitcoin's network becomes busier, transaction fees can rise.
​Some altcoins supply less expensive transaction costs.
3. Utility: Many altcoins are designed with specific use cases in mind, from smart contracts to privacy features.
4. Investment Diversification: Diversifying one's portfolio with multiple cryptocurrencies can mitigate risk and potentially increase returns.
Top Bitcoin Alternatives in 2024
1. Ethereum (ETH)
Overview: Launched in 2015 by Vitalik Buterin, Ethereum is more than just a cryptocurrency.
It’s a decentralized platform that allows builders to construct and set up clever contracts and decentralized purposes (DApps).
Key Features:
Smart Contracts: Self-executing contracts with the terms of the agreement directly written into code.
Decentralized Applications (DApps): Applications that run on a decentralized network.
Ethereum 2.0: The ongoing improvement to Ethereum goals to enhance scalability, security, and sustainability via a shift from Proof of Work (PoW) to Proof of Stake (PoS).
- Highly versatile platform with numerous use cases.
- Strong developer community.
- Continuous improvement and scalability through Ethereum 2.0.
- High transaction fees (gas fees) during network congestion.
- Complex for new users compared to simpler cryptocurrencies.
2. Binance Coin (BNB)
Overview: Binance Coin is the native cryptocurrency of the Binance Exchange, one of the largest cryptocurrency exchanges in the world. Initially launched as an ERC-20 token on the Ethereum blockchain, BNB has since transitioned to the Binance Chain.
Key Features:
Exchange Utility: Primarily used to pay for trading fees on Binance, offering discounts to users.
Binance Smart Chain (BSC): Supports smart contracts and is known for its low transaction fees and high throughput.
- Strong backing and integration with the Binance Exchange.
- Low transaction fees on BSC.
- Continuous development and use cases expanding beyond the Binance platform.
The centralized nature of Binance raises concerns among decentralization purists.
- Regulatory scrutiny due to its association with Binance.
3. Cardano (ADA)
Overview: Cardano is a third-generation blockchain platform founded by Charles Hoskinson, a co-founder of Ethereum. It aims to provide a more balanced and sustainable ecosystem for cryptocurrencies.
Key Features:
Proof of Stake (PoS): Uses the Ouroboros PoS protocol, which is energy efficient.
Research-Driven: Development is backed by peer-reviewed academic research.
Scalability and Interoperability: Designed to improve scalability and interoperability compared to previous generations of blockchain.
- Strong focus on security and sustainability.
- Continuous updates and improvements.
- Active community and developer involvement.
- Slow development process due to its research-driven approach.
- Still in the early stages compared to some competitors.
4. Solana (SOL)
Overview: Solana is a high-performance blockchain supporting builders around the world creating crypto apps that scale today. It aims to provide decentralized finance solutions on a scalable and user-friendly blockchain.
Key Features:
Proof of History (PoH): A unique consensus algorithm that provides high throughput.
Low Transaction Fees: Designed to offer low-cost transactions.
Scalability: Capable of handling thousands of transactions per second.
- Extremely fast and scalable.
- Low transaction costs.
- A growing ecosystem of DApps and DeFi projects.
- Relatively new and still proving its stability.
- Centralization concerns due to the small number of validators.
5. Polkadot (DOT)
Overview: Founded by Dr. Gavin Wood, another co-founder of Ethereum, Polkadot is a heterogeneous multi-chain framework.
It approves a number of blockchains to switch messages and fees in a trust-free fashion.
Key Features:
Interoperability: Connects multiple blockchains into a single network.
Scalability: Enables parallel processing of transactions across different chains.
Governance: Decentralized governance model allowing stakeholders to have a say in the protocol's future.
- Focus on interoperability and connecting different blockchains.
- High scalability potential.
- Strong developer and community support.
The complexity of the technology might pose a barrier to new users.
- Competition with other interoperability-focused projects.
6. Chainlink (LINK)
Overview: Chainlink is a decentralized oracle network providing reliable, tamper-proof data for complex smart contracts on any blockchain.
Key Features:
Oracles: Bridges the gap between blockchain and real-world data.
Cross-Chain Compatibility: Works with multiple blockchain platforms.
Decentralized Data Sources: Ensures data reliability and security.
- Unique and crucial role in enabling smart contracts to interact with external data.
- Strong partnerships with major companies and blockchains.
- Growing use cases and applications.
- Highly specialized use cases might limit broader adoption.
- Dependence on the success of the smart contract ecosystem.
7. Ripple (XRP)
Overview: Ripple aims to enable instant, secure, and low-cost international payments.
Unlike many different cryptocurrencies, Ripple focuses on serving the desires of the monetary offerings sector.
Key Features:
RippleNet: A global network for cross-border payments.
XRP Ledger: A decentralized open-source product.
Speed and Cost: Provides fast transactions with minimal fees.
- Strong focus on financial institutions and cross-border payments.
- Low transaction fees and fast settlement times.
- Significant partnerships with banks and financial institutions.
- Centralization concerns due to Ripple Labs’ control.
- Ongoing legal issues with regulatory authorities.
8. Litecoin (LTC)
Overview: Created by Charlie Lee in 2011, Litecoin is often considered the silver to Bitcoin’s gold.
​It targets to supply fast, low-cost repayments by way of the usage of a one-of-a-kind hashing algorithm.
Key Features:
Scrypt Algorithm: Allows for faster transaction confirmation.
SegWit and Lightning Network: Implements advanced technologies for scalability.
Litecoin Foundation: Active development and community support.
- Faster transaction times compared to Bitcoin.
- Lower transaction fees.
- Active development and widespread adoption.
- Limited additional functionality beyond being a currency.
- Competition from newer and more versatile cryptocurrencies.
9. Stellar (XLM)
Overview: Stellar is an open network for storing and moving money.
Its aim is to allow monetary structures to work collectively on a single platform.
Key Features:
Stellar Consensus Protocol (SCP): Allows for faster and cheaper transactions.
Anchor Network: Connects various financial institutions to the Stellar network.
Focus on Remittances: Facilitates cross-border payments and remittances.
- Low transaction fees and high speed.
- Focus on financial inclusion and connecting global financial systems.
- Strong partnerships and adoption in the financial sector.
- Competition from other payment-focused cryptocurrencies.
- Centralization concerns regarding development control.
10. Monero (XMR)
Overview: Monero is a privacy-focused cryptocurrency that aims to provide secure, private, and untraceable transactions.
Key Features:
Privacy: Uses advanced cryptographic techniques to ensure transaction privacy.
Decentralization: Emphasizes decentralization and security.
Fungibility: Every unit of Monero is indistinguishable from another.
- Strong privacy and security features.
- Active community focused on maintaining privacy.
- Continuous development and improvements.
- Privacy focus attracts regulatory scrutiny.
- Not as widely accepted as other cryptocurrencies.
The cryptocurrency market affords a plethora of options to Bitcoin, every with its special features, advantages, and viable downsides.
​ Whether you're looking for faster transaction speeds, lower fees, advanced functionalities like smart contracts, or enhanced privacy, there is likely a cryptocurrency that meets your needs. Ethereum, Binance Coin, Cardano, Solana, Polkadot, Chainlink, Ripple, Litecoin, Stellar, and Monero are among the top contenders worth considering in 2024.
As with any investment, it is quintessential to behavior thoroughly lookup and reflect on consideration on your monetary dreams and hazard tolerance. The crypto market is quite risky and can be unpredictable. Diversifying your investments and staying knowledgeable about market tendencies and technological developments can assist you navigate this.
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fournierrichards99 · 3 months
Governance Tokens DeFi: Empowering Decentralized Finance
Decentralized Finance, or DeFi, is a quickly growing industry of the blockchain sector that is revolutionizing traditional financing. It uses a variety of economic solutions, such as borrowing, trading, and also borrowing, without the requirement for intermediaries like financial institutions. However, to make certain the smooth functioning of DeFi methods, administration is crucial. This is where Governance Tokens enter into play.
What are Governance Tokens?
Governance Tokens are digital possessions that grant their owners the right to get involved in the decision-making procedure of a DeFi method. They permit token owners to suggest, vote, and implement changes to the protocol's procedures and also regulations. Governance Tokens are important for the decentralized governance of DeFi methods, as they allow an autonomous decision-making procedure without the requirement for centralized authorities.
How do Governance Tokens function?
Governance Tokens work with a Proof-of-Stake (PoS) consensus mechanism, which means that the more tokens an individual holds, the more ballot power they have. This makes sure that those that have a larger stake in the procedure have a greater say in the decision-making procedure. Governance Tokens are typically dispersed with Initial Coin Offerings (ICOs) or airdrops, where users can get them by staking other cryptocurrencies or by holding a specific quantity of symbols.
What are the advantages of Governance Tokens?
Governance Tokens supply numerous advantages to both DeFi procedures as well as token holders. Firstly, they supply a device for decentralized decision-making, ensuring that the protocol holds to its decentralized nature. This likewise makes certain that the method can adjust to altering market problems and also user demands, making it a lot more resistant and also sustainable over time.
Secondly, Governance Tokens incentivize active participation from token holders, as they have a direct risk in the success of the method. This ensures that token owners are more probable to participate in the decision-making procedure, causing even more informed and autonomous decisions.
Finally, Governance Tokens additionally supply a potential roi for token owners. As the method grows and also comes to be extra effective, the worth of the Governance Tokens may increase, resulting in resources gains for token holders.
What are the challenges of Governance Tokens?
While Governance Tokens offer several advantages, there are also some difficulties that need to be dealt with. https://manocoin.net/category/crypto-exchanges/ Firstly, the circulation of Governance Tokens might not constantly be fair, as those that have much more sources may be able to obtain a larger risk in the protocol. This can result in a focus of power, which might not be preferable in a decentralized system.
Secondly, the decision-making process might be sluggish and inefficient, as token owners might not always settle on the very best strategy. This can bring about hold-ups in implementing adjustments and might hinder the method's growth and also advancement.
Finally, Governance Tokens might also go through regulatory analysis, as they may be considered securities in some jurisdictions. This can cause legal challenges as well as might restrict the fostering of Governance Tokens in particular regions.
Governance Tokens are a crucial part of decentralized financing, making it possible for democratic decision-making and also incentivizing active engagement from token owners. While there are some challenges to be attended to, the benefits of Governance Tokens far surpass the drawbacks. As DeFi continues to grow and expand, Governance Tokens will certainly play a progressively essential function in ensuring the sustainability as well as durability of these methods.
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gwenjasmine · 1 year
How Much Does It Cost To Start a Crypto Exchange Such As Binance?
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Cryptocurrencies are new-age virtual currencies that work on blockchain technology, which is completely decentralized. Cryptocurrency is becoming more popular in the fintech world. Simultaneously the demand for crypto exchange is rapidly expanding because people use these exchanges to trade cryptos. So, many startups and entrepreneurs wish to create crypto exchange platforms. Various crypto exchange business models are available in the current crypto market. Among them, the Binance crypto exchange model has fastly gained popularity. This has led many entrepreneurs to start crypto exchange businesses like Binance.
When stepping into a crypto exchange business like Binance, the first thing which comes to everyone’s mind is, How much would it cost to start a crypto exchange business like Binance? Now let me give you the proper solution for it in this blog.
Factors That Induce The Cost To Start A Crypto Exchange Like Binance
The cost of creating a crypto exchange like Binance depends on various factors like the development type which you choose to create, features you wish to integrate into your crypto exchange, and the exchange software solution providers.
Development Types
Creating It From Scratch
Creating a crypto exchange platform like Binance from scratch will cost you nearly $50k to 100k. Apart from this, it will take a large amount of time to create your crypto exchange platform like Binance. You will need advanced technology tools to integrate additional benefits and add-on features, which will cost you even more. You should also put extra work into securing your crypto exchange.
Using A Pre-Developed Binance Clone Script
If you opt for a Binance clone script for creating your crypto exchange like Binance, it is way more effective as it would cost you only $4k to 12K. The most exhilarating thing is that You can create your own crypto exchange platform instantly within a short period, say a week.
Since this way of creating a crypto exchange like Binance is more budget-friendly, I shall take you through the overview of a Binance clone script, and guide you on how to get it.
Binance Clone Script — an Overview
Binance clone script is a pre-developed software that is a complete package of all essential and advanced features which is present in the Binance exchange. It is also not copyright infringed as it has its add-on options and unique features. It is completely customizable, and you can modify the software as per your business demands. It ensures the security of your exchange. It also takes very less time to launch your crypto exchange like Binance.
Integrating Additional Features
The cost of crypto exchange also depends on the features that you wish to integrate into your cryptocurrency exchange platform. If you create from scratch then every feature requires a certain amount But in the Binance clone script, you will be having the basic features by default and even if you wish to integrate additional features and functionalities in your exchange it will be under the budget-friendly side.
Some Of The Additional Features
Margin trading
IEO launchpad
Crypto derivatives & more.
Apart from this, there are even more additional features that you can add to your crypto exchange platform. Even though the cost varies for incorporating additional features, it won’t exceed the cost of a scratch method.
How To Get A Binance Clone Script?
After knowing the best method to create a crypto exchange like Binance is by getting a Binance clone script, You can get the exchange clone script from a reliable and budget-friendly script provider. Several Binance clone script providers are available in the current market. Not all Binance clone script providers charge you the same price and give you good-quality products. So the cost of creating a crypto exchange like Binance also depends on the script provider you choose. 
You should do some research on the script provider’s portfolio, reviews, ratings, and the cost of their Binance clone script. After serious research on the above criterion, I came to know that Kryptobees offers the best Binance clone script for your crypto business, thereby helping you to build your own P2P crypto exchange like Binance right away. According to your business needs, they assist you to kickstart your crypto exchange platform at an affordable cost of $4k — $12k. So, why wait? Just visit their website, get a free demo, and kickstart your crypto entrepreneurship journey with them.
For an Instant Free Demo, Check Here >>> Binance Clone Script
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mariacallous · 1 year
A group of activist shareholders in the world’s largest bitcoin investment trust, GBTC, is plotting a coup. The unlikely patchwork of hedge funds, asset managers, and amateur investors is trying to unseat Grayscale Investments, the steward of the trust, whose management they claim has cost them billions of dollars.
Since 2015, GBTC has been marketed as a simple way for regular people to invest in bitcoin without having to deal with an exchange, send crypto between wallets, or figure out how to store it safely. The value of GBTC shares is linked to the price of bitcoin: For every new share created, a fraction of a bitcoin is added to a pot, anchoring its value.
In a series of adverts targeting the general public, some of which aired on major US TV networks, Grayscale described bitcoin as “the future” and the ideal investment for retirees and other investors that “deserve the best.” Now, GBTC shares are owned by hundreds of thousands of amateur investors. 
At the start of 2021, the shares, which had consistently traded at a higher price (sometimes even double) than the underlying bitcoin for years, slumped to 52 percent of the value of bitcoin in mid-December, meaning that for every $1 in bitcoin that shareholders own through the trust, they can only claim back $0.52 by selling their GBTC shares on the market. In aggregate, the discount created a multibillion-dollar hole in investors’ pockets.
“Investors are in limbo,” says Christian Galíndez Beltrán, a shareholder who claims to hold around $200,000 in bitcoin via the trust. “I’m really worried about not being able to redeem the totality of my money.”
Another investor, who asked not to be named for fear of repercussions from the brokerage at which he works, says he purchased roughly $30,000 in bitcoin through GBTC with the goal of hedging against inflation as he prepares for retirement. Although his financial situation has not been too badly damaged, he says the performance of the trust has “ill-affected” his marriage; his wife, who “fears the loss is permanent,” has taken to calling him a “bitcoin bozo.”
Thousands of GBTC shareholders like these have registered their support for the activist campaign, according to David Bailey, founder of BTC Inc and hedge fund UTXO Management, and leader of one strand of the movement.
“That’s what makes this a unique situation,” says Bailey. “This product is sold on brokerage platforms in individual retirement accounts. This is your mom and dad thinking they are diversifying their portfolio.”
WIRED spoke to six GBTC shareholders, all of whom told similar stories. One person said they have the entirety of their savings tied up in GBTC, while another has taken on additional work to ensure he is able to sustain himself into retirement. 
Bailey claims that more than 50 institutions, some of which hold several hundred-million-dollar stakes in GBTC, are also involved in the rebellion to unseat Grayscale, representing a total of at least 20 percent of GBTC shares. He claims to be unable to provide proof, citing investor privacy and legal considerations, but supplied WIRED with web traffic and form submission data that suggests at least 2,000 investors have joined the campaign.
Michael Sonnenshein, Grayscale CEO, says his firm is going nowhere. “We have absolutely no intention of stepping down from our role,” says Sonnenshein. “Our trust agreement explicitly states that we would have to voluntarily step down—and our work is not done.”
But the activists are unperturbed. “Our expectation is that, through the pure groundswell of people that want to get out of this thing, pressure is going to be put on,” says Steven McClurg, chief investment officer at asset management firm Valkyrie, another ringleader of the campaign to overthrow Grayscale. “There are a lot of ways to affect change.” He refused to elaborate on what he meant. McClurg describes this information as “secret sauce.”
Crossed Wires
The group spearheaded by Bailey, called RedeemGBTC, wants Grayscale to reduce its 2 percent management fee, which it describes as “predatory,” because it’s calculated against the trust’s bitcoin reserves, not the price of the severely discounted shares. The group also wants Grayscale to allow investors to exchange their shares directly for the underlying bitcoin—in a process known as redemption—as soon as possible.
The nature of the trust’s fee structure, lawyers representing Bailey’s hedge fund have claimed, creates a “perverse incentive” for Grayscale to maximize the number of shares in the trust and restrict redemptions: They argue that the greater the number of shares in the trust, the larger the pot of bitcoin, which swells the revenue generated by management fees. 
McClurg describes this arrangement as a “hostage” situation: Investors cannot exit without absorbing a large markdown on the price of bitcoin.
However, the demands mapped out by Bailey and RedeemGBTC are an unhelpful oversimplification of the situation, suggests Grayscale, which claims to be doing everything in its power to do right by its investors.
Namely, Grayscale has entered into a legal battle with the US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) over its campaign to convert the trust into an exchange-traded fund, or ETF, which would let investors cash in their shares for the bitcoin in the pot. 
On June 29, 2022, the SEC announced it would not grant permission to convert the trust, citing fraud and market manipulation concerns. Grayscale has sued the SEC over the decision, which it calls “arbitrary and capricious.” The two parties are scheduled to present their respective cases to a judge on March 7 and Grayscale expects a final decision to be reached by the autumn. The firm is bullish about the prospects of an ETF of this kind coming to market: “It’s a matter of when, not if,” says Sonnenshein. 
Although Grayscale could reduce its fees in the meantime, Sonnenshein argued in a recent interview with crypto journalist Laura Shin that the funds are best directed toward the ongoing legal battle with the SEC. Once the trust has been converted into an ETF, Grayscale promises to reduce its fees immediately.
There has also been a “meaningful misunderstanding,” Sonnenshein tells WIRED, among frustrated investors, who say that Grayscale could apply to the SEC for exemption from rules that prevent them from cashing out. The only way to apply for exemption, says Sonnenshein, is to pursue conversion to an ETF.
Bailey’s lawyers have also argued that Grayscale could allow investors to cash out without dealing with the SEC at all. But it’s not that simple either, says Sonnenshein, because of a cease and desist letter issued by the SEC in 2016 that prevented the trust from issuing new shares and allowing shareholders to cash out simultaneously.
The complexity of the securities laws that apply to trusts like GBTC creates opportunity for disagreements of this kind. “It’s a spider’s web,” says Andrew Parish, a veteran crypto founder with close relationships to parties across the industry. “It’s a mess that can hardly be understood by anyone other than accountants and lawyers.”
Pretenders to the Throne
Contenders to take over from Grayscale have emerged from the ranks of the rebellion, including McClurg’s Valkyrie. Bailey also has skin in the game: Not only does his hedge fund hold $2.5 million in GBTC shares, but his companies also have a combined $113,000 stake in Valkyrie. If Valkyrie were to succeed in its bid to take on the management of GBTC, it would absorb hundreds of millions of dollars in annual management fees, and Bailey would profit indirectly.
But Bailey also says he holds a stake in DCG, Grayscale’s parent company, that’s greater in value than his Valkyrie position, so he also stands to lose if Grayscale is forced out. “This started because we were frustrated our fund had lost some money on its [GBTC] investment,” says Bailey, “But once we started to receive comments from people about how they had been affected, it became something else. [We realized that] people need immediate relief.”  
While Sonnenshein says Grayscale is always willing to hear investors out, he has reservations about the credibility of the RedeemGBTC campaign, which is run almost exclusively through Bailey’s personal Twitter account and a simple website.
“We always appreciate the opportunity to engage with any and all of our investors,” says Sonnenshein. “[But] it’s tough to take seriously a Twitter account as a standalone, as compared to the nearly 1 million investor accounts we have across the US … Anyone could go to the website and say they have one share or 10 million shares—and there’s no verifying it.”
But RedeemGBTC is not the only group Grayscale has to contend with. In December, investment firm Fir Tree filed a lawsuit against Grayscale in an effort to force the firm to hand over information that might assist in an investigation into potential mismanagement and conflicts of interest. The lawsuit asserts that Grayscale’s “shareholder-unfriendly actions” have harmed Fir Tree customers that hold GBTC shares, many of which are pension funds.
This was followed in late January by a lawsuit filed by asset management firm Osprey Funds claiming Grayscale made “false and misleading statements in its advertising and promotion” that gave investors the impression that GBTC’s conversion into an ETF was a “foregone conclusion.” Osprey also claims Grayscale’s approach to advertising has made it impossible for competitors, including itself, to accrue meaningful market share.
Like Valkyrie, Osprey has called on Grayscale to step down as sponsor and put itself forward as a replacement. In an open letter, Osprey CEO Greg King promised to cut the management fee by 75 percent, seek immediately to implement a redemption program, and collaborate with regulators instead of pursuing litigation.
The Fir Tree and Osprey lawsuits were described by Jennifer Rosenthal, vice president of communications at Grayscale, as “baseless” and “frivolous,” respectively. “We remain steadfast in our belief that the conversion of GBTC to an ETF is the best long-term product structure for investors, and are 100 percent committed to that endeavor,” she says.
As it stands, the various parties are locked in a stalemate; Grayscale says it’s not going anywhere and remains confident in the strength of its case against the SEC, while the activists are scratching their heads over how to remove the firm.
In the meantime, the situation threatens to devolve into a mud-slinging contest, says Parish, as Grayscale tries to ride out this difficult period.
It is not necessarily in Grayscale’s interest for the conversion to an ETF to take place too quickly, he says, because the recent negative press around DCG and its subsidiaries (the lending unit of one subsidiary, Genesis, filed for bankruptcy in January) would likely cause investors to run for the exit at the earliest opportunity, taking millions of dollars in management fees with them.
“The entirety of Grayscale’s strategy here is to limit redemptions and then PR, PR, PR. And to fight legal battles on whatever field they have to fight,” claims Parish.
Sonnenshein contests the idea that activating redemptions would trigger a customer exodus, arguing that the “regulated, battle-tested” ETF structure will attract an even larger audience and an even greater amount of capital into bitcoin. He also says that converting the trust into an ETF has been the plan from the outset. “This is something that investors want and deserve,” he says.
If the courts were to rule against Grayscale and the company exhausts all remaining legal avenues of appeal, Sonnenshein says it would pursue a tender offer whereby a portion of shareholders are bought out of their shares at a price established with “investor fairness” in mind.
But RedeemGBTC and Fir Tree do not share Grayscale’s conviction in the strength of its case against the SEC, which is described by the pair as “doomed” and “wasteful,” respectively, and point to the need for an urgent resolution to the situation.
“If we thought Grayscale was going to be successful [in converting GBTC to an ETF], we wouldn’t try to stop it. We just don’t think it’s going to happen—so something has to be done,” says Bailey. 
Three other shareholders say they believe it is unlikely for an ETF to be approved while Gary Gensler, sitting chairperson of the SEC, remains in charge. (Gensler’s term is due to end in 2026.) The SEC declined to comment.
“They [Grayscale] are going to dig their heels in and fight to the very end, but it’s not going to bode well for them,” says McClurg. “Financial services is a confidence game; when your clients lose faith, you’ll never get them back. In the long run, I think they’re done.”
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millenniunspacex · 1 year
Hi Isber cesar,
1/ A number of Unicoin holders have asked us if they could attend our Annual Shareholder Meeting to participate in our discussion regarding our 2023 Strategy and Objectives. 
Normally, only shareholders are invited to participate in shareholder meetings. However, we recognize that Unicoin holders are also stakeholders interested in the success of Unicoin, and we've been doing our best to keep them informed about our plans and progress. In this spirit, we will send invitations to participate as guests in our Annual Shareholder Meeting to everybody who invested $25,000 or more in unicoins or holds our Options for $25,000 or more.
All other registered Unicoin or Option holders will be sent a Zoom link through which they will be able to watch the meeting in real time.  We will also distribute the video report about the shareholder meeting. 
The meeting will take place in Miami Beach at 9 AM on February 23rd. The details will be provided by our Legal Department in the formal invitation. As per our By-Laws, only shareholders will be able to vote.
2/ We voided the early-reported purchase of 1,700 acres of coastal land for $60M worth of unicoins as our due diligence research discovered that the ownership rights for that parcel were contested. This decision, however, does not negatively impact our sales numbers as we've added other real-estate-backed deals. 
3/ Bitcoin is 38% up this year, so it is clear by now that the current crypto rally is not a short-term price fluctuation. The renewed investor interest in crypto is one of the reasons we terminate our discounted pricing at the end of this month:
2/ Our strategic objective is to turn Unicoin into a major crypto brand. To do it in the most efficient manner, we are relying on partnerships with major media companies.
As an example, here's a new article published in Expansion, one of the largest Mexican media companies on their Unicorn Hunters channel:
With very best wishes,
Alex Konanykhin             
CEO,  Unicoin Inc.   
P.S.: My updates focus on our journey towards becoming a publicly-traded company and on our efforts to turn our Unicoin into a major cryptocurrency. These updates are not intended to serve as financial advice or to replace our official reports filed with the SEC. Please note that I cannot possibly answer all the questions myself, so your response to this message may be processed by members of our Investor Relations team.  My past updates can be found at kmgi.us/updates  
You can update your preferences or unsubscribe from this list.
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ownsfare · 2 years
Why India is still largely untapped for NFTs
Despite ranking as one of the highest adopters of cryptocurrency among emerging markets, the majority of the Indian market is yet to embrace nonfungible tokens (NFTs).
In an interview with Cointelegraph, Totality Corp Founder and CEO Anshul Rustaggi explained that social and cultural barriers, as well as anti-crypto regulations, are holding back NFTs from mass adoption — particularly in some of the lower-tier cities in the country.
India has a population of 1.38 billion people and is the second-most populous country in the world sitting just behind China. Last month, the United Nations forecast the country to overtake its competitor sometime in 2023.
However, Rustaggi explained that crypto trading and NFT collection are seen as speculative investments — "Speculation and India have a strong love-hate relationship. India really enjoys speculating, as does the rest of Asia. But morally, we always prefer to criticise it," he remarked.
Even his own mother at the time considered his stint managing hedge funds in London to be "essentially gambling with other people's money," according to Rustaggi.
However, some collections can be viewed as a "signal" for wealth and status, as in the case of the Bored Ape Yacht Club NFT collection, which counts a long list of famous people and influential figures in the cryptocurrency industry among its hodlers. Surveys have shown that most NFTs are purchased due to their speculative nature.
Rustaggi claims that despite the heavy emphasis on "social standing" in Indian society, this idea hasn't gained much traction there.
"In India, social prestige is extremely important, and marriage is the biggest expense we have. The costs of your life, on average, are incurred for your children's weddings. Because it's such a social occasion, you want to put your best foot forward. hence, social standing is important-
Late in 2021, Totality Corp unveiled their first "Lakshmi NFT" that was named after the goddess of fortune and wealth. Rustaggi said that with a total collection of $561,000 from a collection of 5,555 NFTs, this was "by far" the greatest NFT drop in India.
Rustaggi claimed that the decrease was effective because it advertised USD Coin (USDC) staking incentives as a reason to hold the NFT, making it a "assured return" rather than "speculation." Overall, though, Rustaggi thinks that as long as there is legislative uncertainty, crypto adoption in India will continue to be difficult.
Since 2013, the Indian government has maintained a staunch anti-crypto position. Two cryptocurrency tax policies that were proposed and enforced by the government earlier this year have caused trade volumes to collapse and the exodus of numerous crypto unicorns.
"There is no doubt that the Indian government no longer wants cryptocurrency […] The administration has stated unequivocally that it prefers blockchain technology to cryptocurrencies. However, it's a little ludicrous.
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fengecy · 2 years
How I Found And Started Using S-Wallet.
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S-Wallet was introduced to me by an admin @charliecodes in a telegram group chat DeFi Crypto Hub. He also told me about the SWP(S-Wallet Protocol) which is S-Wallet unique token. I visited swallet_ai to get an account with S-Wallet and later downloaded the S-Wallet app on playstore. I showed alot of interest and got some details about the project. After following S-Wallet on Twitter and joining the telegram group chat I heard of the ambassadorship program. I applied and joined the S-Wallet ambassadors telegram group with the link I got from an email a few days later. Since then I've done everything possible to make S-Wallet known on social media and in my community.
S-Wallet offers a wide range of services which include sending and receiving cryptocurrency, staking SWP(unique to S-Wallet) bank top-up, quick and simple currency exchange and it also allows you to store both crypto and fiat currencies. Security of your funds is a top priority on S-Wallet. You should use S-Wallet too as it is the best financial aggregator allowing transactions to be done worldwide. Download the mobile app on Google Play Store for Android and Apple Store for iOS devices. Or simply visit s-wallet.ai to get started.
Follow S-Wallet on their social media handles for more.
Facebook | Twitter | Instagram
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czlabs · 24 hours
Top 5 Benefits of Using Spider Swap for Your DeFi Needs
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Decentralized Finance (DeFi) has transformed the financial landscape by offering innovative ways to manage and grow your assets without relying on traditional banking systems. Among the numerous DeFi platforms available, Spider Swap stands out for its robust features such as crypto staking, swapping and a user-friendly interface. In this blog, we’ll explore the top five benefits of using Spider Swap for your DeFi needs and how it can help you optimize your crypto portfolio.
1. Cross-Chain Swapping Bridge
Seamless Asset Transfers
One of the most compelling features of Spider Swap is its cross-chain swapping bridge, which allows users to transfer assets seamlessly between different blockchain networks. This functionality provides significant advantages:
Flexibility: With cross-chain support, you can easily diversify your portfolio across multiple blockchains, taking advantage of unique opportunities and reducing dependency on a single network.
Cost Efficiency: By enabling direct asset transfers, Spider Swap reduces the need for multiple transactions across various exchanges, saving you time and transaction fees.
Accessibility: Cross-chain capabilities enhance your access to a broader range of DeFi services and assets, increasing your investment potential.
2. High-Yield Staking Opportunities
Maximize Your Returns
Staking on Spider Swap is designed to be both rewarding and straightforward, making it an excellent choice for earning passive income:
Competitive APYs: Spider Swap offers attractive annual percentage yields (APYs) on various staking pools, helping you maximize your returns on staked assets.
Diverse Options: With multiple staking pools available, you can choose the ones that best align with your investment strategy and risk tolerance.
User-Friendly Interface: The platform’s intuitive design ensures that even beginners can easily navigate and participate in staking, making it accessible to a wide audience.
3. Efficient Crypto Swapping
Low Fees and Fast Transactions
Crypto swapping is a core activity for many DeFi users, and Spider Swap excels in providing an efficient swapping experience:
Low Transaction Fees: Spider Swap’s competitive fee structure ensures that you keep more of your profits, making frequent trading more cost-effective.
High-Speed Transactions: The platform’s robust infrastructure supports quick transaction processing, enabling you to take advantage of market opportunities promptly.
Wide Asset Selection: Spider Swap supports a broad range of cryptocurrencies, allowing you to swap and manage a diverse portfolio easily.
4. Robust Security Measures
Protecting Your Assets
Security is paramount in the DeFi space, and Spider Swap takes it seriously by implementing comprehensive security protocols:
Advanced Security Features: The platform uses multi-signature wallets, encryption, and regular security audits to safeguard your assets against potential threats.
User Education: Spider Swap provides educational resources to help users understand best practices for maintaining security and protecting their investments.
Transparent Operations: By maintaining transparency in its operations and security measures, Spider Swap builds trust and confidence among its users.
5. Innovative Rewards System
Earn While You Trade
Spider Swap’s innovative rewards system offers multiple ways to earn additional income, enhancing the overall value of using the platform:
Liquidity Provider Rewards: Earn rewards by providing liquidity to the platform’s pools. The more liquidity you provide, the higher your rewards.
Yield Farming: Participate in yield farming opportunities to earn high returns on your crypto assets. Spider Swap’s yield farming pools are designed to maximize your earnings.
Referral Program: Spider Swap’s referral program incentivizes you to invite others to the platform. By sharing your referral link, you can earn a percentage of the rewards generated by your referrals, creating an additional income stream.
Spider Swap stands out in the DeFi landscape by offering a comprehensive suite of features designed to enhance your investment experience. From seamless cross-chain swapping and high-yield staking opportunities to efficient crypto swapping, robust security measures, and an innovative rewards system, Spider Swap provides everything you need to manage and grow your crypto portfolio effectively. Whether you’re a seasoned DeFi enthusiast or a newcomer, Spider Swap offers the tools and benefits to help you succeed in the dynamic world of decentralized finance. Embrace the future of finance with Spider Swap and take your DeFi experience to the next level.
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elsa-technology420 · 6 days
Why Should I Create a BEP-20 Token?
Creating your own cryptocurrency token might seem difficult, but with the right help, it can be a fun and exciting project. One popular option for developers and business owners is the BEP-20 token. But why should you create a BEP-20 token? Let's take a look at what BEP-20 tokens are, their many benefits and uses, and how to create one.
What is a BEP-20 Token?
On the Binance Smart Chain (BSC), BEP-20 is a token standard that builds upon ERC-20, the most widely used Ethereum token standard. This means BEP-20 tokens can function similarly to ERC-20 tokens but operate on the Binance Smart Chain, offering unique advantages. If you're interested in making your own BEP-20 token, you might want to connect with a token development company in India to guide you through the process.
Benefits of BEP 20 crypto token:
High Compatibility and Cross-Chain Functionality
BEP-20 tokens are made to work smoothly on both the Binance Chain and Binance Smart Chain. This means they can be used in many different places and for various purposes, making them very flexible.
Integration with Binance Smart Chain
By connecting with Binance Smart Chain, BEP-20 tokens can be part of a lively ecosystem including DeFi apps and NFTs. This link ensures that your BEP-20 token can be used in lots of innovative and popular ways.
Cost Efficiency
Lower Transaction Fees
One big advantage of BEP-20 tokens is that they have cheaper transaction fees on Binance Smart Chain compared to Ethereum. This makes it much more affordable to do transactions and use smart contracts.
Economical Token Deployment
Creating a token on Binance Smart Chain usually costs less than on Ethereum. This lower cost makes BEP-20 tokens a good choice for startups and small businesses wanting to join the blockchain world without spending too much.
Enhanced Security
Strong Security Measures
BEP-20 tokens benefit from the solid security of the Binance Smart Chain. BSC uses a security system called Proof of Staked Authority (PoSA), which combines the best parts of proof of stake and proof of authority. This ensures a high level of safety and trust in the network.
Community Trust and Adoption
Binance Smart Chain is trusted and widely used in the crypto community. This widespread trust makes it easier for BEP-20 tokens to gain acceptance, as people are more likely to engage with tokens on a platform they trust.
Conclusion In conclusion, partnering with a BEP-20 crypto token development company offers numerous benefits, from lower transaction fees and high compatibility to enhanced security and diverse use cases. Whether you're looking to venture into DeFi, gaming, or payments, a BEP-20 token can provide the foundation you need to succeed in the blockchain space.
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Best Strategies to Boost Profits in the 2024 Cryptocurrency Market
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The cryptocurrency market is rapidly evolving, bringing both challenges and opportunities for investors. As we approach 2024, it’s crucial to master strategies for maximizing profits in this volatile environment. This guide explores effective methods to help you succeed in the ever-changing crypto landscape 2024, the crypto market is shaped by technological advancements, regulatory changes, and increased mainstream adoption. Important trends like decentralized finance (DeFi), bringing blockchain into different areas, and non-fungible tokens (NFTs) are leading to growth and new ideas. Staying updated on these developments is essential for making smart investment decisions.Diversification is a key strategy, spreading investments across different assets like Bitcoin Mining, Ethereum, and promising altcoins. Using technical analysis tools such as moving averages and Relative Strength Index (RSI) helps identify market trends, while fundamental analysis focuses on evaluating the potential of different projects.Risk management strategies, like setting stop-loss orders and managing investment sizes, are crucial for protecting your capital. Additionally, exploring passive income opportunities through staking and yield farming can increase your returns.
Understanding the 2024 Crypto Market Landscape
Market Trends and Predictions
In 2024, the cryptocurrency market is expected to grow significantly, thanks to advancements in technology, changes in regulations, and more widespread use. Key trends driving this growth include the rise of decentralized finance (DeFi), which allows people to borrow and lend without traditional banks. Additionally, blockchain technology is being used in various industries, from supply chains to healthcare, making processes more efficient and secure. Another major trend is the expansion of non-fungible tokens (NFTs), which are unique digital assets representing ownership of items like art, music, and virtual real estate. These developments are set to transform the crypto landscape, offering new opportunities for investors and users alike.
Regulatory Environment
Understanding regulations is crucial for making profits. In 2024, many countries will have stricter rules, especially for anti-money laundering (AML) and know your customer (KYC) requirements. Keeping up with these regulations can help you avoid legal issues and find good investment opportunities.
Diversification: The Key to Reducing Risk
Spreading Investments Across Various Assets
Diversification is a great way to manage risk in the cryptocurrency mining market. By investing in a mix of assets like Bitcoin, Ethereum, promising altcoins, and stablecoins, you can reduce the impact of market ups and downs.
Including Different Types of Cryptocurrencies
Diversify not just by different coins, but by different types of cryptocurrencies. This can include utility tokens, security tokens, and NFTs. Each type has its own risks and growth potential, helping to balance your investment portfolio.
Leveraging Technical Analysis
Understanding Chart Patterns and Indicators
Technical analysis is important for crypto investors. It involves studying chart patterns and indicators to predict future price changes. Key tools for this include moving averages, Relative Strength Index (RSI), and Bollinger Bands. They help you figure out when to buy and sell, making your trades more profitable. 
Using Automated Trading Bots
Automated trading bots make trades automatically based on set rules, letting you seize market chances anytime. They're handy for using technical analysis strategies without watching constantly.
Staying Informed with Fundamental Analysis
Evaluating Project Fundamentals
Fundamental analysis means looking at what makes a cryptocurrency valuable, like the team behind it, its technology, what it's used for, and how much demand it might have. Understanding these basics helps you make smarter investment choices in cryptocurrencies.
Monitoring News and Developments
To succeed, keep up with the latest news in the cryptocurrency industry. Follow reliable sources, join online communities, and engage in forums to stay informed about market trends, rules, and important project news.
Risk Management Strategies
Setting Stop-Loss Orders
Use stop-loss orders to safeguard your investments. They automatically sell a cryptocurrency when it hits a specific price, limiting your losses and preserving your money when the market drops.
Managing Investment Size
Only invest money you can afford to lose. By controlling how much you invest and spreading it out across different things, you can lessen the effect of any one loss on your whole investment.
Taking Advantage of Staking and Yield Farming
Earning Passive Income Through Staking
Staking means locking up your cryptocurrency in a network to help it work. In exchange, you get rewards in more cryptocurrency. It's like earning a regular income while possibly making your holdings worth more over time.
Exploring Yield Farming Opportunities
Yield farming means lending or staking your cryptocurrency in DeFi platforms to earn interest or rewards. It can give you more returns than regular staking but also has more risks. Before joining, check the platform's security and how much you might earn.
Capitalizing on Emerging Trends
Investing in Metaverse Projects
The metaverse is a new trend in crypto, focusing on virtual reality, augmented reality, and digital worlds. Investing in tokens related to the metaverse could lead to big growth as these projects become more popular.
Exploring Web3 Innovations
Web3 is the next step for the internet, focusing on giving users more control and decentralization. Investing in Web3 projects, like decentralized apps (dApps) and protocols, could lead to big profits over time as the technology gets better.
Utilizing Tax Optimization Strategies
Understanding Crypto Tax Laws
Cryptocurrency taxes can be tricky and differ depending on where you are. It's important to know how your trades and investments affect your taxes to keep more of your profits. You might want to talk to a cryptocurrency tax expert for help.
Implementing Tax-Loss Harvesting
Tax-loss harvesting means selling cryptocurrencies that have lost value to balance out gains in other investments. Doing this can lower the total amount of taxes you owe, which means you keep more of your profits in the end.
To make the most money in the 2024 cryptocurrency market, you need to make smart choices, spread out your investments wisely, and manage risks well. Use both technical and fundamental analysis, keep up with what's happening in the market, and try new things like staking and yield farming. Stay informed, adjust to changes, and only invest what you can afford to lose.
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pishopping · 20 days
top 10 oldest and most widely used coins
The cryptocurrency world is constantly changing, every second, every minute, with the ups and downs of various coins always happening unexpectedly. Over the past 10 years of cryptocurrencies, many new types of coins have emerged to serve various purposes.
The market sees hundreds of thousands of meme coins being created. However, surviving in this fierce market is not easy.
Today, we will present the top 10 oldest and most widely used coins, which the crypto community uses and invests in the most.
Top Oldest and Most Used Coins
10, Cardano (ADA)
Cardano is a coin that uses a public blockchain platform, as well as a source code and is decentralized, agreed upon by the community using proof of stake.
Cardano is a coin that can facilitate peer-to-peer transactions with its internal cryptocurrency. The current value at the time of writing is $0.4578.
Development and Formation History
Development of Cardano began in 2015 and was led by Ethereum co-founder Charles Hoskinson. The project is overseen and monitored by the Cardano Foundation in Zug, Switzerland. When it was launched in early 2017, it was the largest cryptocurrency and used blockchain proof of stake, considered the best and greener alternative to proof of work protocols.
9, Toncoin (TON)
What is The Open Network?
TONcoin, also known as The Open Network (TON), is a Layer 1 blockchain platform powered by the Proof of Stake (PoS) consensus mechanism to improve user experience by processing transactions quickly and with extremely low fees. TONcoin was launched in early 2018 by the Telegram messaging app development programming team with the goal of mass adoption for all users to easily access and use digital currency.
And of course, the current value at the time of writing is $5.48.
History of The Open Network – Toncoin (TON) In 2018, the Telegram Open Network, the parent company of The Open Network, launched a project whitepaper with the GRAM token. Initially, Telegram raised funds for the project through ICOs and raised a whopping $1.7 billion. From there, the Telegram Open Network quickly became known to the crypto community, being the fastest-growing project among many cryptocurrency projects.
Next, in March 2020, the Telegram Open Network began preparations for the next ICO. However, they unexpectedly received a ban order from the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). And then they sold the entire project to The Open Network.
8, Dogecoin
As you know, Dogecoin is the darling of Elon Musk. Created by former IBM engineer Billy Markus in Portland, Oregon, it was created as an experimental coin, caught the attention of billionaire Elon Musk, and its price has risen rapidly. However, after nearly 8 years, the price of Dogecoin has never reached $1. And its current value at the time of writing is $0.1387.
7, XRP
If you are a crypto enthusiast, you surely cannot miss XRP. It is the third-largest cryptocurrency in the world by market capitalization, created by Ripple Labs.
USD Coin (USDC) is a stablecoin that is probably not unfamiliar to many investors in the crypto world, with the second-largest market capitalization in the world after USDT in the stablecoin segment.
According to you, what is USD Coin (USDC)? USDC is a type of digital asset, a stablecoin centered around a 1:1 Fiat-backed Stablecoin, specifically backed by USD. Each USD coin in circulation and traded on the market can be converted to $1 in traditional US dollars or equivalent assets such as short-term U.S. Treasury bonds managed by Circle – the company issuing USDC.
5, Solana (SOL)
As you know, in the world of cryptocurrencies, there are many ecosystems or wallets that store coins belonging to those ecosystems.
Solana (SOL) is also a separate ecosystem and was launched in 2020 by Solana Labs. The Solana (SOL) blockchain has experienced many disruptions due to hacker attacks. In 2021, Solana was hacked for an amount of up to $65 million. The market downturn caused the coin to plummet. However, from 2023 until now, it has seen remarkable growth. The SOL community is very large, and its current value is $141.35 USD.
4, BNB
The current price of BNB is also quite high at $578.7. If you are considering investing, this coin is worth noting.
3, Tether USDT
Tether USDT is a digital currency pegged to the US dollar, and its market capitalization is probably at the top due to its widespread conversion with other coins.
2, Ethereum ETH
This coin stands only behind the king coin and has been around for a long time, experiencing many market fluctuations. While the halving cycles of other coins have seen significant declines, Ethereum has remained virtually stable. There have been times of decline, but not significant. Ethereum (ETH) is a decentralized, public computing application platform, an open-source based on Blockchain technology. It features and uses smart contracts (scripts), facilitating online contract agreements and transactions. This platform includes many fully Turing-complete virtual machines – Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM), which can execute various scripts using an Ethereum computer network. Ethereum also provides and supplies a cryptocurrency called “Ether,” which can be transferred between different accounts and used for rewards and fees for miners to help with computations. “Gas fees” are an internal smart transaction fee mechanism used to minimize spam transactions and allocate resources on the network.
Ethereum (ETH) was proposed and launched in late 2013 by Vitalik Buterin, a disciple of Dr. Nicolas, the creator of Pi Network, a cryptocurrency researcher, and programmer. The development of Ethereum was initially funded and sponsored through crowdfunding during July and August 2014. The system was officially launched on July 30, 2015, with 11.9 million pre-mined ethers sold back to the sponsors. This amount accounted for about 13% of the total circulating ether.
1, The first position is Bitcoin (BTC)
BTC was officially released in 2008, distributed freely, marking the beginning of the emergence of other cryptocurrencies, also based on blockchain technology. However, Bitcoin mining requires powerful computer configurations and enormous energy sources. Over 10 years since its launch, BTC has become the number one cryptocurrency in the market. Like other cryptocurrencies, its initial value was virtually negligible. However, its current value is very high, at over $61,000 USD. If you intend to invest, you need to carefully consider and have a huge capital. Above is a compilation of the top 10 coins to watch. If you want to invest for profit, consider investing in 8 out of these 10 coins. Wish you success. Visit our Pi shopping mall for more useful information.
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neamulhaqueblog · 21 days
Exploring High-Risk Opportunities in DeFi Yield Farming
A new method for earning rewards in the crypto world is yield farming. By providing liquidity to a pool of assets on a DeFi platform, users can earn rewards in the form of tokens. This offers passive income, and it can be a great way to diversify your portfolio. However, it comes with risks that must be carefully considered before diving into the arena. These include impermanent loss, smart contract risks, and liquidity risks.
While the details of how to execute a yield farming strategy vary from protocol to protocol, most involve depositing cryptocurrencies into a smart contract on a DeFi platform. The platform then programmatically rewards users with tokens for meeting certain conditions. Typically, the tokens earned from yield farming are trading fees and farm rewards.
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Because DeFi protocols do not rely on centralized infrastructure or institution intermediaries, they do not have the financial resources to provide seed capital. This means that if you deposit your assets in a pool and the platform is forced to close, you can lose some or all of your assets. To mitigate this risk, you can consider leveraging risk management tools. These can help to minimize your losses in case of a price decline or other unforeseen incident.
In addition, yield Who are techogle? farming requires a significant amount of tokens to be locked up as stakes, which reduces the overall token velocity. This can make it difficult to sell your holdings if you need the funds. To avoid this, you can search for yield farms that allow you to withdraw your stakes after a defined period. This way, you can redeposit your funds in a new pool to earn the maximum reward potential.
As the popularity of yield farming grows, developers are experimenting with ways to make it more profitable and accessible. One such approach involves the use of a layer 2 solution that allows for faster transactions and lower fees. This can greatly improve the profitability of yield farming strategies and allow more people to participate in the crypto space.
Another option is to utilize a Yield Aggregator, which automatically scans the DeFi landscape for the best yield opportunities and dynamically shifts your assets to maximize returns. This is a good choice for those who want to take a hands-off approach and have a higher risk tolerance, but be aware that there are still inherent smart contract risks and platform fees involved.
Finally, flashbots and technology news MEV strategies offer exhilarating returns for those willing to undertake a higher level of risk and technical expertise. These high-frequency maneuvers exploit arbitrage opportunities and transaction ordering complexities, but they require substantial technical knowledge and significant capital to execute. It is important to do your research before pursuing these strategies and to carefully assess your own risk tolerance before diving into the world of yield farming.
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seoadmin · 25 days
The Best Way to Win Online Bitcoin Slots
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When choosing a Bitcoin dice site, it’s important to find one that is provably fair. This way, players can check the hash of each roll and make sure that it’s not rigged. This is not possible with a regular casino, which has to rely on luck and chance. In a provably fair game, each player’s results are independent of each other, and players can develop strategies to increase their chances of winning.
More info surya 777
Trust Dice is a provably fair Bitcoin casino site that offers players a variety of games and bonuses. It was launched in 2018 and is a Curacao-licensed online crypto casino. It is owned by Satoshi Gaming Group NV and operates on the EOS blockchain to maintain transparency. The site also allows players to earn TXT tokens, which they can claim and stake to earn passive income every day.
In addition to the casino games, Trust Dice also features a number of live dealer tables. These games allow players to wager on a variety of sports and leagues, and the odds are usually good. The live dealer tables are available in multiple languages, including Spanish, Turkish, and English. There are a number of promotions and bonuses offered by the site, including a free Bitcoin wallet and risk-free bets on your first few games.
The inverse Martingale is a popular strategy for winning at TrustDice, and it works by increasing your bet amount after each loss. This process helps you recover from your losses and minimize future losing streaks. In contrast, the D’Alembert dice strategy is a more conservative approach to the Martingale strategy. This strategy uses the breakeven method to help you win more often than a Martingale strategy.
There are a variety of payment options at Trust Dice, including credit cards and PayPal. However, there are certain restrictions, such as deposit and withdrawal limits and fees. Moreover, withdrawals may take up to 24 hours to process. However, deposits are processed immediately.
In addition, the Trust Dice website offers a weekly wagering tournament that lets you compete against other players to win a large cash prize. This bonus can be used to place bets on any casino games, except slots. In order to qualify, you must earn loyalty points from real money wagers. The rewards program has eight-tier levels, and the higher you climb the ladder, the more exclusive perks you’ll receive.
In addition to the casino, Trust Dice also offers a variety of other provably fair crypto gambling games, such as dice, poker, and roulette. Its poker rooms feature a wide range of betting limits, and its sportsbook has excellent odds for major football matches. It also has a Bitcoin faucet, where you can claim free BTC or ETH every six hours. In addition to these offers, the website also features a free BTC lottery and free spins. You can claim all of these offers by logging in with your account. Lastly, you can use the website’s chat feature to ask any questions or concerns that you might have.
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ecosmining · 1 month
Best Crypto to Buy in 2024
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Best Crypto to Buy in 2024
2024 seems to be a good time to invest in cryptocurrency. The global economy is expected to remain unstable, which means investors should diversify their portfolios. But what is the best crypto to buy in 2024? In this article, we’ll turn your attention to noteworthy crypto assets that have the potential to become more expensive in the foreseeable future. Plus, we’ll share our traders’ insights and inform our readers about the handy ECOS instruments that you might want to rely on as an investor.
For 15 years of its existence, Bitcoin BTC remains the most obvious investment choice. It boasts a huge audience and record-breaking market adoption. It introduced blockchain technology and the proof of work consensus concept that other crypto projects later adopted. In 2023, its price significantly recovered after a lengthy decline – and it’s projected to noticeably increase after April 2024 when the halving will take place. Another important point is that recently, the SEC approved Bitcoin ETF transactions, which paves the way for multi-billion investments in cryptocurrency markets.
A large ecosystem of dApps is thriving on the Ethereum blockchain. These include marketplaces for non-fungible tokens, publishing platforms, lending services and many more. Users can benefit from smart contracts and release their own tokens that will circulate within the whole blockchain. In 2024, the Dencun upgrade is planned for Ethereum ETH. The advantages that it will bring include upgraded staking, an advanced concept of sharding, decreased gas costs for complex transfers and the potential for price growth. The reasons for buying ETH sound solid enough, don’t they?
The price of the SOL token plummeted in 2022 but is quickly recovering and people are actively trading it – so why don’t you join them? This coin has showcased good potential for overcoming crises. Investors love it for its powerful technological advantage. It managed to solve the problem that most of its competitors failed to cope with – to couple extremely cheap transactions with the outstanding speed of their execution. This blockchain enables users to build smart contracts, which is another important brick in the foundation of its positive perspectives.
Binance Coin BNB
It’s the native token of one of the major crypto exchanges. Its holders can enjoy various benefits on this trading platform, such as paying cheaper fees. Plus, it enables developers to launch dApps in the BNB blockchain. One of the optimal variants of using this token is through the Launchpad and Launchpool programs at Binance. Their conditions and offers can change rapidly, so we’ll draw just one example here. If you stake BNB in Launchpool, it will let you earn the assets from the new blockchain projects that this pool helps to launch. Compared to other coins, BNB is likely to deliver a better yield in this case. You’ll be allowed to unstake it whenever you wish, which means your risks will be low. In the near future, Binance can announce some more exciting projects – and this news will drive up the price of its asset.
This one was conceived to build new blockchains, using a modular approach. This method simplifies the development process, enhances collaboration, allows parallel consensus across networks and supports sovereign rollups. It becomes easier to prove data availability and detect fraud. You may consider purchasing the Celestia’s TIA token because of its decent staking yield, planned airdrops and the exciting technological concept that will keep attracting numerous developers.
This blockchain was built on the layer of the ETH network, which grants exceptional security to it. Compared to its predecessor, Arbitrum offers faster and more affordable transfers. Networks that run on its blockchain have the opportunity to release custom gas tokens. Some projects that were initially launched on the ETH infrastructure moved to this advanced alternative – such as SushiSwap or Aave. The amount of total value locked in Arbitrum is among the highest in the whole DeFi segment. This project distributes grants among developers who built apps of various types, be it social media, NFT or games. Summing up all these facts, we can state that the ARB token seems to be a promising investment.
It’s a decentralized trading platform whose own token, which is used for governance, is called UNI. This cryptocurrency exchange gained prominence thanks to pioneering the automated market-making concept. It lists new coins earlier than its centralized counterparts, which expands its audience and ensures a steadily large trading volume. Many entities in the industry rely on Uniswap services, so it’s deeply integrated into the sector. The platform has proved its ability to process enormous amounts of money in spite of chaos in the market. Soon, it hopes to deliver a non-custodial wallet for smartphones. The project is rapidly evolving and might open great perspectives for its token holders.
Mina Protocol
Mina became famous for being a remarkably lightweight blockchain. It’s perfectly compatible with smartphones, even if they’re not too powerful. The dApps built on this platform were dubbed zkApps because they’re developed on the zero-knowledge principle. It means an individual can confirm that the data belongs to them without revealing any meaningful details about themselves to third parties. Experts predict that this principle will generate a high demand in the industry, that is why it would be wise to invest in the Mina token right now.
This project was launched to facilitate interoperability between different blockchains. If you stake its native token ATOM, you’ll be able to participate in governance, earn your fractions of the transaction fees and reap staking rewards. Apart from the appeal of its initial concept and the gained popularity, this project has one more advantage. Its community is voting to decrease the ATOM inflation rate – and one of the possible options is reducing it to zero. The results of this decision can make the project more appealing for investors from multiple viewpoints – for instance, they won’t have to pay more than the minimum necessary limit for blockchain security. 
Its vital merits are quick and affordable transfers as well as a custom consensus protocol. XRP is an element of the On-Demand Liquidity product that enables exchanges to carry out cross-border transactions. People’s interest in this coin has been recently backed up by several meaningful events. For instance, the SEC used to have claims to the top executives of this cryptocurrency – but they’re not relevant anymore. The Dubai International Financial Centre approved this coin to use. The team behind XRP helps Georgia to launch the digital analog of its national currency. If renowned organizations and governments support a coin, investors should keep an eye on it.
It’s a BTC-based asset that has been around nearly just as long as its prototype. Compared to BTC, LTC features faster data transfers. SEC seems to have nothing against this asset and hasn’t mentioned it recently when talking about suspicious cryptocurrencies. The next halving is scheduled for August 2024, after which LTC is forecasted to become more expensive. If you manage to buy it earlier, you can expect to make a nice income on it.
Shiba Inu
It’s the second-largest meme coin by market capitalization. It operates on the ERC-20 standard and has been around for approximately four years. Its popularity is unlikely to decline soon because its team has very serious intentions. They want to acquire the .shib top-level domain to use it for websites, emails and personalized usernames. This domain will ensure cross-compatibility of various services, which was previously unprecedented for the industry. It can take the team up to 5 years to get the approval for .shib and even more time to put their ambitious plans into practice – so consider it as a mid-term investment.
This blockchain was launched as an alternative to the existing ones, with an emphasis on efficiency, sustainability, scalability and interoperability. To put it simply, its founders strive to make it more user-friendly, high-performing and environmentally safe than its competitors. Cardano ADA is traded not as actively as many other cryptocurrencies from our list but its market capitalization is high. It makes sense to invest in it because its team specializes in profound research instead of craving immediate profits. 
Our Traders’ Opinion
Above, we listed some of the most in-demand coins on the crypto market. However, selected lesser-known digital assets showcased excellent performance in 2023. For instance, BONK grew by +4850%, INJ by +2780% and TRB by +1450%. 
Our experts continuously monitor the market for timely signals. They constantly create indexes for our clients to reveal coins with the highest probability of earning money and the highest possible risk. Throughout the last year and especially since midsummer, our indexes have become very popular among our audience. For example, XmasFortune, Fast Move and Yesterday Low are our favorites among the indexes. Of the coins that made up the indexes, our audience particularly appreciated SOL, SUI, ARB, SEI, LTC, TIA, WLD, LINK and DOT. Our team is already working on several new products for investors and will be ready to offer them to you soon.
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kezexofficial · 2 months
Best Decentralized Crypto Exchanges
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Decentralized exchanges, or DEXs, are starting to emerge as the pinnacle of security and innovation in the rapidly evolving world of cryptocurrencies. These platforms, which provide unmatched autonomy and transparency, are completely changing the way traders interact with digital assets. Here, we explore the leading players influencing the decentralized cryptocurrency exchange market.
Uniswap: Pioneering Decentralized Finance (DeFi)
In decentralized finance (DeFi), Uniswap is a trailblazer best known for its automated liquidity protocol. With the use of Uniswap's smart contracts, users may easily trade a wide variety of ERC-20 tokens. Its permissionless design and user-friendly interface have helped it rise to the top of decentralized cryptotoken.
Balancer: Empowering Liquidity Providers
Balancer offers a distinct perspective on decentralized exchanges through its automatic portfolio management feature that can be customized. Thanks to this technology, liquidity providers can establish and maintain token pools by their preferred allocations. Balancer encourages liquidity provision while facilitating efficient trade through dynamic liquidity management.
SushiSwap: Yield Farming and Beyond
SushiSwap has drawn notice for its cutting-edge characteristics, such as decentralized governance and yield farming. SushiSwap began as a fork of Uniswap and has developed to include features like crypto token awards and staking. SushiSwap epitomizes innovation and decentralization with its community-driven methodology.
Curve Finance: Optimized Stablecoin Trading
With a focus on stablecoin trading, Curve Finance provides traders with minimum costs and little slippage. For fans of stablecoins, its special algorithm, which maximizes efficiency when switching between stable assets, makes it a top option. Curve Finance is a perfect example of the possibility for niche decentralized exchanges catered to particular asset classes.
1inch Exchange: Aggregating Liquidity Across DEXs
As a decentralized aggregator, 1inch Exchange sets itself apart by getting liquidity from other DEXs to provide the best pricing. 1inch Exchange maximizes trades over several protocols with its clever routing algorithms, guaranteeing that users receive the best results. Because of its dedication to effectiveness and openness, it has a devoted user base.
Conclusion: Embracing Decentralization in Crypto Trading
In light of the ongoing evolution of the Bitcoin landscape, decentralized exchanges signify a paradigm shift toward resilience and autonomy. These platforms promote efficiency and innovation while giving users unmatched control over their assets. Investigating decentralized exchanges opens doors to a world of possibilities for traders of all experience levels. Experience the future of crypto token trading firsthand by becoming a part of the decentralized cryptotoken.
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