#which is a part of asajj's self doubt
jewishcissiekj · 2 months
spinning the co-parents AU (Anakin and Jedi!Asajj are both Ahsoka's Masters because of a misunderstanding) in my mind like all the time. the potential is endless.
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scarletjedi · 7 years
My wife, gentlepersons
Brig was already aboard the boat when Gimli and Legolas arrived, attending the rigging for the simple sail and making ready to depart.@brydylcai​: All of the writing asks because I worry you don't have enough to do
all the ones I haven’t answered yet. Behind the cut because long
1. Tell us about your WIP!
Heh, which one? I’ve started writing chapter three of We Are Made Wise because I’m finally getting over my block (I think there was a little burnout). I’ve just updated Old Man Luke, and Pineapple 2 is next. I’m almost finished with my next original short, I’ve figured out where to go next in my novel, and...yeah. :)
2. Where is your favorite place to write?
Where it’s quiet and I can focus. Sometimes that’s the living room. Sometimes it’s my office. Sometimes it’s the Starbucks on the corner. 
4. Do you have any writing habits/rituals?
Depends on where I am. I have to have some sort of ritual to get focused. In my office, I light candles. In the living room, I put on music. At the coffee shop, I have a snack. 
6. Favorite character you’ve written?
My original character, Jamie, from my book is a HOOT. He’s a gay Jewish teen whose convinced that *he* will be the one to capture definitive proof of the Jersey Devil. He’s the non-magical pov in the fic, and his voice is fun. 
7. Favorite/most inspirational book?
Well, on the one hand, I re-wrote the Hobbit, so that’ book is clearly an inspiration. 
8. Do you have any writing buddies or critique partners?
@brydylcai is my in-house sounding board, the same way I am for her. I don’t have a regular beta, but I’ve worked with several depending on the project/story, and they’re all lovely people. 
9. Favorite/least favorite tropes?
I love revelations/coming out stories. I hate deliberate misunderstandings. 
10. Pick an author (or writing friend) to co-write a book with
@brydylcai and I have discussed writing a book together already, so Imma go with her :)
11. What are you planning to work on next?
I have the doc with We Are Made Wise open, so either that or my next short, depending on if I write more tonight or wait until tomorrow. 
12. Which story of yours do you like best? why?
Comes Around Again is the one that earned me what little notoriety I have, and Old Man Luke is doing the same in Star Wars, but I’m most proud of Drowned in Moonlight. That fic was written to excise some grief over Carrie Fisher, and I think I did her proud. 
13. Describe your writing process
I’m tempted to say “Incoherent screaming into the void” but that’s a joke that’s been made before. My process. Hmm. 
I tend to write by the seat of my pants. I like to see what develops and grows naturally. Once I get to a certain point, I’ll stop and make a plot sheet/note page, but I usually have the rough shape figured out before I start to write. 
Once I have a draft, I’ll edit. Sometimes I’ll print and edit on paper. Sometimes I edit online. My original works tend to get more editing than my fanworks. 
14. What does it take for you to be ready to write a book? (i.e. do you research? outline? make a playlist or pinterest board? wing it?)
ha ha ha ha - My original novel has been 15 years in the works, and has gone through many drafts. It’s working now, but I need familiarity. So, I think what I need is research for context and an outline for plot, and a good enough knowledge to feel like I’m winging it. 
15. How do you deal with self-doubt when writing?
I put it down. If I’m not confident on one project, I’ll put it down and turn to another. (This usually means putting down my original work in favor of fanfic, because I’m more confident with that overall, but...). I know what sounds right to my ear, and if I’m not hearing it, there’s usually a reason. Distance/time often lets me see it. 
17. What things (scenes/topics/character types) are you most comfortable writing?
I’m a Jersey Girl, so I tend to set things in Jersey. I love dramatic conversations, so I’m comfortable there. Queer characters. 
18. Tell us about that one book you’ll never let anyone read
That I wrote? Or that I read? Twilight/50 Shades. 
19. How do you cope with writer’s block?
I beat it with a hammer unitl it’s writer’s pebbles. 
20. Any advice for young writers/advice you wish someone would have given you early on?
Write what you love. Write the truths that you know, and research to write the things you don’t know. Don’t be afraid to break your characters; you can put them back together in new and interesting ways. You’ll be given a lot of advice over the years--read enough to recognize what you like. Develop your taste. Take the advice that helps taylor your work to your taste. Reject the advice that changes it away. 
21. What aspect of your writing are you most proud of?
Subtle meanings and implications. 
22. Tell us about the books on your “to write” list
Here are 3:
a) The Lesbian Werewolf Romance Novel. 
b) The Teenage Zombie Novel. 
c) The American-Teenager-Falls-Into-Fantasy-Realm-and-there-are-also-dragons novel
23. Most anticipated upcoming books?
Jer Keene’s next book. I read the first as fic, and then read the novelization, and now I REALLY want to know what comes next. 
The Kingkiller Chronicles book 3
25. What’s your worldbuilding process like?
Seat. Of. My. Pants and flailing. Seriously, I write something because it sounds right, and then figure out how it works after. 
26. What’s the most research you’ve ever put into a book?
I wrote parts of CAA with the hobbit, the lotr, the unfinished tales, and the moves on and open in front of me. 
I became a pagan, and my research for that has influenced my writing of my book. 
27. Every writer's least favorite question - where does your inspiration come from? Do you do certain things to make yourself more inspired? Is it easy for you to come up with story ideas?
I mentioned I was pagan? My patron, Brigid, is among other things, a muse. She pokes, and I start thinking (or I think, and she eggs me on. I’m not sure of the order. could be either or both). But, most of my ideas come from things I read. When I want inspiration, I read. 
Ideas don’t come as easily as I would like, but the fact that I have several projects at once means that it comes easily enough. 
28. How do you stay focused on your own work and how do you deal with comparison?
I have a hard time focusing period, so that’s a challenge. I have put effort into being less jealous because it’s ultimately a useless exercise. 
29. Is writing more of a hobby or do you write with the intention of getting published?
I want to be published like JK Rowling or Stephen King - one thing that gives my financial security, or with enough frequency to do the same. 
30. Do you like to read books similar to your project while you’re drafting or do you stick to non-fiction/un-similar works?
tbh, i read mostly fanfic these days. Most Genre fic makes me angry because there’s something missing from the text. it’s usually women/gay people. 
31. Top five favorite books in your genre?
a) American Gods - Gaiman
b) Foundation/Elijah Bailey mysteries - Assimov
c) The Hobbit
d) Guards!Guards!
e) Years of Rice and Salt
32. On average how much do you write in a day? do you have trouble staying focused/getting the word count in?
Depends. There are days i can’t get a word out. There are days I’ve written about 10k. It depends on if I’m having a good focus day. 
33. What’s your revision/rewriting process like?
34. Unpopular writing thoughts/opinions?
....like what?
35. Post the last sentence you wrote
““The things I do for the greater good,” Gimli grumbled, his frown softening as Legolas’s laugh rang out to echo through the cavern. “
36. Post a snippet
from Old Man Luke, chapter 11 (probably):
Obi-Wan stood just to the left of the closed door, hand stroking his beard ad the sight of those assembled. It took all of his focus to keep his eyes from growing wide, or let his hands tremble the way they wished to.
Before him, sitting at a conference table, was Asajj Ventress (scowling at the table like a chastised Padawan, though she had submitted to the indignity of the locking cuffs easily enough), and the adult twinned children of Anakin Skywalker.
Luke sat much as he had before, calmly and with no outward signs of concern, reminding Obi-Wan uncomfortably of his own master. Leia sat back from the table, her arms crossed and her expression sardonic. She, too, was apparently unconcerned, if outwardly exasperated, and Obi-Wan knew that if hadn’t already been told, he would be able to see the resemblance between father and daughter in a heartbeat.
Still, Obi-Wan had the distinct and uncomfortable sensation of not quite living up to her expectations.
The bulk of her resentment, however, was aimed directly at the only other occupant of the room—Anakin.
Their father.
Obi-Wan needed a drink.
37. Do you ever write long handed or do you prefer to type everything?
I write long-handed when I’m having focus issues. It’s slow enough to make me focus. 
38. How do you nail voice in your books?
I talk to myself. Out loud. Constantly. 
39. Do you spend a lot of time analyzing and studying the work of authors you admire?
When I read, I’m known to stop and think “that was a perfectly crafted sentence!” or “How did they do that?” 
40. Do you look up to any of your writer buddies?
all of them. They’re all awesome, though in different ways. 
41. Are there any books you feel have shaped you as a writer?
Harry Potter. I’m not sure how, but I’m sure it has. 
42. How many drafts do you usually write before you feel satisfied?
Depends on how fully formed the story was in my head before I started. Fanfic gets 2 - rough and beta. Original fic gets rough, first, second, etc
43. How do you deal with rejection?
Badly at first. Then it evolved into a desire to prove them wrong. 
45. First or third person?
46. Past or present tense?
47. Single or dual/multi POV?
Depends on the needs of the plot. 
48. Do you prefer to write skimpy drafts and flesh them out later, or write too much and cut it back?
the first is what I do. The second is what I’d like to do. 
49. Favorite fictional world?
A Galaxy Far, Far away. (Then Middle Earth). 
50. Do you share your rough drafts or do you wait until everything is all polished?
depends on the fic. I like to show things to @brydylcai, but only in the fandom’s she’s in. I have been known to invite friends into docs as I’m writing, so...
51. Are you a secretive writer or do you talk with your friends about your books?
I’m more open than I used to be about fanfic. I’m less talkative about my original works. 
52. Who do you write for?
She knows who. 
53. What is the first line of your WIP?
Of this chapter: “Brig was already aboard the boat when Gimli and Legolas arrived, attending the rigging for the simple sail and making ready to depart.”
54. Favorite first line/opening you’ve written?
my book begins with a ghost hunt. that’s fun?
55. How do you manage your time/make time for writing? (do you set aside time to write every day or do you only write when you have a lot of free time?)
I try to set aside time while not working, but i also tend to write in whatever little moments I have. Between classes, standing in line, etc. 
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dreadedloreenkid · 7 years
I want to know all of the star wars asks, but I don't think you'd appreciate them all at once... so 1-10? or all, I don't mind :)
@ct-hardcase​​ also asked me for some of these, so here goes. Sorry it’s late! Long post, so it’s under the cut.
1. Favourite Star Wars movie? (Episode 1-R1)Episode III: Revenge Of The Sith
2. Favourite Star Wars era? Rise Of The Empire, but I’ve recently been getting into the Empire (19BBY-0ABY) a lot.
3 Favourite Star Wars trilogy? (Originals, Prequels, Sequels)Look, I love them all, but I’ll have to say Prequels, even though it’s pretty even, because I have a lot of nostalgic memories attached to them.
4. Jedi or Sith? I think Sith, from the point of view that I love learning about them and their history and doctrines. The Jedi are super interesting too, especially when delve deep into the political aspect of the Order. Idk, they’re both interesting in different ways.
5. Empire or Rebellion?Well, if you’d asked me this a few years ago I would have said Empire without hesitation, but now that I know and care more about the Galactic Civil War era, I have to say Rebellion.
6. Bounty Hunter or Clone/Strom/First order Trooper? CLONE TROOPERS!
7. Rebels or Clone wars? Clone Wars
8. Favourite Star Wars book?I must confess, I haven’t read many Star Wars books; of those I have, I’d probably say Aftermath: Empire’s End? 
9. Favourite Star Wars Comic? I’ve never actually read any of the comics
10. Favourite Star Wars game? Star Wars: Battlefront 2 (the original from 2005, obviously). What an iconic game. I wish I still had a working PS2 to play it on, because I will never ever be bored of it. Empire At War is a close second, I really wish they had done a Clone Wars era edition of it.
11. Top 5 favourite female Jedi?Ahsoka Tano (who is not a Jedi anymoer and I strongly support that decision)Shaak TiAayla SecuraRey SkywalkerDepa Bilaba
12. Top 5 favourite male Jedi?Obi-Wan KenobiLuke SkywalkerQui-gon JinnKit FistoPlo Koon, 
13. Top 5 favourite Bounty Hunters?Jango FettAsajj VentressJas EmariEmboBoba Fett 
14. Top 5 favourite Sith?Darth MaulDarth SidiousAsajj VentressDarth VaderDarth Bane
15. Top 5 favourite Droids? Individual droids: -Mister Bones-C1-10P-R2-D2-General Kalani-C-3POModels: -OOM-Series Battle Droid-P-Series Droideka-HMP Droid Gunship-Vulture Droid-OG-9 Homing Spider Droid
16. Top 5 favourite Troopers? Fives (ARC-5555) Rex (CT-7567) Keeli Tup (CT-5385)Gregor (CC-5576-39)
7. Top 5 favourite Senators? Padmé AmidalaMon MothmaBail OrganaRiyo ChuchiLeia Organa (NR)
18. Top 5 favourite Republic/Rebellion shipsVenator-Class Star Destroyer (GR)LAAT/i Gunship (GR)ARC-170 Starfighter (GR)T65-B X-Wing Starfighter (RA/NR) Mon Calamari Star Cruiser (RA/NR)
19. Top 5 favourite Separatist/Imperial shipsRecusant-Class Light Destroyer (CIS)Imperial I-Class Star Destroyer (GI)TIE-series Starfighters (GI)Lucrehulk-Class Battleship (CIS)Providence-Class Star Dreadnought (CIS)
20. Top 5 favourite planets? NabooGeonosisCoruscantKashyyykMandalore
21. Where would you live in the Star Wars universe?Naboo, no question
22. Who would you be in the Star Wars universe?In terms of occupation, I think I’d be happy as a public official on Naboo tbh, nothing too fancy, but high enough to go travelling as part of diplomatic entourages. 
23. What ship would you own?I think I would like to own nice Naboo yacht, something like what Padme had at the start of Episode II; otherwise, something reliable and reasonably comfortable, like a Corellian light freighter or similar. A customised Sheathipede class shuttle or Lambda class shuttle would be nice too.
24. What Droid would you own?I’m not sure that I’d own a droid, but I guess they’re useful so probably an astromech or a repurposed OOM-series or B1 battledroid.
25. Would you have a team, or would you work alone? Well, ideally I’d love to have a team of friends that I could trust and keep me company.
26. If you where a Jedi, would you be a Knight or a Master?I think I’d be a Knight. My disdain for the Council and their dogmatic doctrines would make them disinclined to grant me the rank of master, I should think.
27. If you where a Jedi Master, would you have a Padawan?Maybe? I doubt it, but alternatively I might be able to give them a better, more honest and open view of the galaxy than a more orthodox master.
28. If you where a Sith, would you be the Master or Apprentice? Oh, the apprentice for sure. I don’t have it in me to be a Sith master; I wouldn’t be a very good Sith. I mean, I can see myself using the Dark Side maybe, but I would never subscribe to the Sith Creed or doctrines.
29. If you where a Sith Lord, would you have an Apprentice?No, given that the Rule Of Two dictates that the apprentice only becomes master by killing theirs.  
30. Married, in a relationship, or single? Well, it’d be lovely to have a hubby or two, but you know, that’s down to the circumstances. I wouldn’t actively avoid or search for relationships, though.
31. Top 5 favourite species?GeonosiansZabrakWookiesTwi’leksMon Cala
32. What species would you be? Probably human tbh.
33. What species is your type? Uhhhhh………that’s an interesting question. Do Mandalorians count as a species? But that’s just because of Jango and the clones. Maybe Nautolans?
34. Who would your best friend be?I don’t know, I’ve never thought about this sort of thing. 
35. Would you customise your ship? Someone who I trust, because I’m not very good at mechanics and engine things. If I’m honest, I probably wouldn’t customise at all.
36. Would you customise your Droid? Again, someone I trust and who knows their stuff.
37. What colour skin/eyes would you have?I really have no idea. Given I haven’t even thought about being a different species, I think I’ll have to pass on this one.
38. If male, beard or no beard?Beard if I can. Love facial hair. 
39. 1 lightsaber, 2 lightsabers, double lightsaber, or 2 double lightsabers?Look, I’d love to go for double lightsabre (sabrestaff), but I would probably end up killing myself with it, so I think in reality I would keep it safe with a single sabre. 
40. What colour would your lightsaber(s) be?BLUE! Even though in Legends canon (and possibly current canon?) blue represents a warrior, someone who about taking action, whilst green represents thinking and analysing (which is more me). I’ve also been told by online quizzes that I should have orange, but no thanks.
41. If you’re a Bounty Hunter, what armour would you have? Phase 1 Clone armour with kama, pauldron, and all that jazz. 
42. Would you customise your armour? Definitely. Gotta look snazzy.
43. What colour scheme would your armour/robes be? I’m not sure. I think white, green, and blue would look good. Although, I might go for white, purple, and black.
44. If you where a Droid, what Droid would you be? I mean, I’d like to be something intelligent but also powerful and capable of looking after itself. Maybe a super tactical droid?45. What colour would your droid self be? Purple, blue, yellow…those sorts of colours I guess.
46. Pod racing or ship racing? I don’t have a death wish, so ship racing.
47. Space battle or ground battle?? Ooh, that’s a tough question. In Star Wars there are lots of cool things about both, but I’ll go with space, because I think my naval strategy would be a little better than my surface strategy, and it’s easier to escape if it all goes tits up.
48. Would you have survived order 66?Almost certainly not.
49. Where would you go after order 66? Probably a small, peaceful world on the edge of the known regions (if I could find one)
50. What would you do after order 66? Probably just hide, maybe try to resist if I encountered a rebel cell. I think these are the sorts of things that people always say “well, this is what I would have done”, but noone really knows exactly how they’ll react until they’re actually in these situations.
51. Do you have any Star Wars Pop Vinyls?Yes! I have a Queen Amidala one.
52. Do you have any Star Wars collections?I have a lot of Star Wars Lego.
53. Do you have any Star Wars art? I have some BTS prints from Episode V and Episode VI, otherwise no.
54. Do you create any Star Wars art?Nope, can’t draw at all, never really been interested that much in the visual arts. I used to try to copy the technical drawings in Incredible Cross Sections when I was a kid though.
55. Do you like/read any Legends/non canon stuff? I loved the young Boba Fett books (the ones that took place between Episodes II and III), and I loved the storyline of Battlefront II until Disney decanonised it. There’s also a lot of non-canon information in Incredible Cross Sections that was super fascinating. Having said this, I still support the decision to redo the EU canon and clean it up, because imo there was way too much crap in the EU that was just plain rubbish.
56. Top 5 favourite Legends character? I’m sorry, I don’t know enough for this.
57. Who is your Star Wars role model? It has to be Padmé Amidala. She is resilient, skillful, intelligent, principled, and compassionate. When I was a kid I used to pretend to be her.
58. Top 5 saddest Star Wars deaths? The entire Order 66 sequence in ROTSFivesSatine KryzePadmé AmidalaHan Solo
59. If you could bring any Star Wars character back to life who would it be? Padmé Amidala
60. If you found out the Star Wars universe was real, would you move there or stay here? Stay here, obviously. Have you watched Star Wars?! Sith, pirates, bounty hunters, crime lords, totalitarian regimes, corporations that have official political representation and own entire planet systems?! I think I’ll stay put, thanks.
61. On a scale of 1-10 (1 being very little, 10 being an absolute know it all) how well do you know the Star Wars universe? 8.5, maybe a 9?
I hope those answers were satisfactory! Thanks for the asks!
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kuwaiti-kid · 4 years
The 15 Best Star Wars: The Clone Wars Episodes of All Time
With the final season of Star Wars: The Clone Wars airing on Disney+, it seems like the perfect time to take a look back at the past episodes, story arcs, and characters that led to its success.
Set in the three years between Star Wars: Attack of the Clones and Star Wars: Revenge of the Sith George Lucas’ animated creation had a theatrical debut in 2008 before airing on Cartoon Network for six years.
In 2013, the series moved to Netflix for what was believed to be its sixth and final season following its cancellation and a set of unfinished episodes known as “Clone Wars: Legacy” were released by Dave Filioni, the series’ supervising director in an attempt to wrap up unfinished arcs.
At San Diego Comic-Con in 2018, Lucasfilm surprised fans with the announcement that the series would return for a seventh and final season, wrapping up the loose ends on its new home on Disney’s streaming service. 
While every episode of Clone Wars is arguably the best episode of Clone Wars, this list breaks down the 15 episodes that made the series a fan favorite. 
The 15 Best Clone Wars Episode of all Time
“Rookies” (Season 1, Episode 5)
“The best confidence builder is experience.” 
This list would not be complete without the inclusion of at least one episode from the first season. Faced with the threat of a droid commando invasion, a unit of five rookie clones must work together to prevent disaster. The episode introduces audiences to Fives and Echoes, clone troopers that eventually become an integral part of the story.
Up until this point in time, Star Wars hadn’t addressed the human element behind the clone trooper helmets, and the episode goes to great lengths to show the effects of war on the clones, and it explores their individual personalities.
Tragically, only Fives and Echoes survive, and the loss of their fellow troopers weighs heavily on them when they’re inducted into the 501st Legion at the close of the episode. 
“Senate Spy” (Season 2, Episode 4)
“A true heart should never be doubted.” 
This is an excellent episode for fans of Anakin and Padmé’s relationship, especially those who enjoy how complicated their relationship is. Their time alone is interrupted by the Jedi Council requesting that Padmé spy on a fellow senator, Rush Clovis.
She initially refuses their request, but ultimately chooses to follow through with the plan out of anger when Anakin acts jealous about her past relationship with Clovis. During her meeting with Clovis on Cato Nemoidia, Padmé is poisoned by Trade Federation, Senator Lott Dod.
Despite being poisoned, Padmé is able to steal a holodisk with plans for a droid factory and get them to Anakin. Clovis forces Dod to hand over the antidote, and Anakin and Padmé leave. This mission sets up a great arc throughout the season with the tension between Clovis, Anakin, and Padmé. 
“Weapons Factory” (Season 2, Episode 6)
“A gift is more precious than trust.” 
Ahsoka Tano is arguably one of the best additions to the Star Wars universe, and this episode showcases her perseverance when faced with a challenge. Anakin and Jedi Master Unduli fend off droids, while their Padawans Ahsoka and Barriss attack the droid factory.
When the factory explodes, Ahsoka and Bariss are trapped under the debris, and Unduli believes them to be dead, but Anakin doesn’t give up hope. 
“The Mandalore Plot” (Seasons 2, Episode 12)
“If you ignore the past, you jeopardize the future.”
The first episode in a three-part storyline surrounding Duchess Satine, leader of the New Mandalorians. Her pacifistic beliefs in the face of the war between the Grand Republic and the Separatists, have led to her being the target of the rogue Mandalorian group, the Death Watch.
Obi-Wan Kenobi travels to Mandalore to discover the truth behind the rumors, working alongside Satine to unravel the plot. It is revealed that Governor Vizsla, an associate of Count Dooku, is the leader of the Death Watch and behind the plot to overthrow Satine’s pacifist regime.
Brandishing a Darksaber, Vizsla is ultimately defeated by Obi-Wan, who escapes with Satine at the close of the episode. 
“Voyage of Temptation” (Season 2, Episode 13) 
“Fear not for the future, weep not for the past.” 
Aboard Satine’s ship, the Coronet, Obi-Wan Kenobi, and Anakin Skywalker brief the clone troopers on the situation and the importance of protecting the Duchess. As Anakin watches interactions between Obi-Wan and Satine, he discerns that they were once close.
Later on in the episode, Satine confesses that she loves Obi-Wan, and he admits that he would’ve left the Jedi Order for her. This revelation is one of the most exciting parts of the arc, especially in juxtaposition to Anakin and Padmé’s secret relationship. 
The plot continues as Senator Tal Merrik takes Satine hostage, rigging the engines of the Coronet to explode if Obi-Wan tries to rescue her. Amid a moral quandary — if Satine kills Merrik, she is not a pacifist, and if Obi-Wan kills Merrik, he loses Satine’s respect — Anakin attacks the senator from behind and kills him, as Darth Vader’s theme plays in the background, an ominous ode to the future. 
“Clone Cadets” (Season 3, Episode 1) 
“Brothers in arms are brothers for life.”
This is another excellent episode exploring the lives of the clone troopers and is a prequel to the episode “Rookies.” It also introduces 99, a malformed clone that leads to the creation of Clone Force 99 (or the Bad Batch), who play a crucial part in the final season of Clone Wars.
The story follows the Domino Squad as they prepare for graduation from their training on Kamino, but the team is dysfunctional, and they fail their tests. CT-782 (later known as Hevy) attempts to go AWOL but is stopped by 99, who reinforces the importance of brotherhood among the Clones.
It’s this interaction that ultimately leads to Hevy sacrificing himself in “Rookies” to save his team. 
 “Nightsisters” (Season 3, Episode 12)
“The swiftest path to destruction is through vengeance.” 
Darth Sidious plots with Count Dooku to destroy Asajj Ventress, fearing that she has grown too powerful. Ventress is enraged when Dooku refuses to offer assistance when she faces off against Obi-Wan and Anakin.
Left alone with a malfunctioning ship, she is taken by a scavenging crew who she ultimately kills when she commandeers their vessel to return home to the Nightsisters. The episode delves into Ventress’ backstory — how her mother sold her to slavers, and she was rescued by a Jedi Knight, how his death led to her path to the Dark Side when Count Dooku had taken her in. 
“Overlords” (Season 3, Episode 15)
“Balance is found in the one who faces his guilt.”
In the first of a three-part arc, Obi-Wan, Anakin, and Ahsoka are sent to investigate a mysterious Jedi distress signal. During their journey, the power and communications are cut off on their shuttle, and they awake on an unfamiliar planet where the Force seems to radiate. Only Anakin can hear the disembodied voice of the Daughter who desires to take him to her Father.
The episode focuses on Anakin’s path to the Dark Side and his fate as the “Chosen One.” Strange visions visit the three Jedi — Anakin’s mother Shimi appears, revealing his guilt over her death and his relationship with Padmé; Obi-Wan is visited by the Force Ghost of Qui-Gon Jinn who warns him that the planet will corrupt Anakin; Ahsoka is visited by a vision of her future self who warns that she should cut herself off from Anakin’s dark path.
The Father forces Anakin to face a test to decide who will live, as the Son and Daughter have taken Ahsoka and Obi-Wan. Ultimately, Anakin uses the Force to free both of his friends. The “Imperial March” plays as Anakin attempts to leave the planet with Obi-Wan and Ahsoka, yet again alluding to his future path to the Dark Side. 
“Altar of Mortis” (Season 3, Episode 16)
“He who surrenders hope, surrenders life.” 
Still, on Mortis, the Son attempts to lure Anakin to the Dark Side through a nightmare. When Anakin awakes, the Son attacks and takes Ahsoka prisoner within a cell in the tower of the monastery. When Ahsoka refuses to give up hope in Anakin, the Son bites her and infects her with the Dark Side of the Force.
Anakin sets out to rescue Ahsoka but arrives too late — finding her corrupted by the Son. Obi-Wan and Anakin face off against the Padawan, who is eventually killed by the Son when she proves to no longer be useful to him. Now in possession of the Mortis Dagger, the Son attempts to kill the Father, but the Daughter is stabbed instead, which upsets the balance of the Force. 
Anakin begs the Father to save Ahsoka, and the Daughter sacrifices the last of her life to revive her. As the Jedi retreat, the Father warns them that the imbalance in the Force will lead to the Sith gaining control of the galaxy.
“Crisis on Naboo” (Season 4, Episode 18)
“Trust is the greatest of gifts, but it must be earned.” 
Obi-Wan goes undercover to thwart Count Dooku’s plan to kidnap Chancellor Palpatine when he visits Naboo for the Festival of Lights. Palpatine does not seem concerned with the threat against him and proceeds with his plans. Anakin assigns Ahsoka to watch over Padmé and the Queen of Naboo, while he and Windu protect Palpatine.
Obi-Wan manages to obtain vital information about the plot and relays it to Windu — but Dooku is listening. It is revealed to the audience that the entire scenario was set up by Palpatine to turn Anakin against the Jedi Council, fueling his anger and frustrations.
The episode is an excellent example of how Palpatine is a master puppeteer in his manipulation of Anakin. This plot point is even more relevant to Palpatine’s role in The Rise of Skywalker. 
“Brothers” (Season 4, Episode 21)
“A fallen enemy may rise again, but the reconciled one is truly vanquished.” 
Savage Opress locates a clue in the search for his lost brother Darth Maul, leading him to Lotho Minor. Using an amulet gifted to him by Mother Talzin, Opress scours the planet looking for Maul. In the tunnels beneath the planet’s junk lands, Opress is stalked by a half spider-like cyborg who turns out to be Darth Maul.
Having survived his death at the hands of Obi-Wan Kenobi in The Phantom Menace, Maul vows vengeance against the Jedi, who left him in his half-mad state. When a disturbance in the Force is felt, Yoda reveals to Obi-Wan that his foe has returned from the dead. 
“The Gathering” (Season 5, Episode 6)
“He who faces himself, finds himself.” 
Ahsoka escorts a new class of younglings to The Gathering on Ilum, which is a rite of passage for younglings to find their own kyber crystal. They are given a short period to retrieve their crystal or be trapped behind the frozen doors within the Crystal Caves.
Each youngling is faced with their insecurities, whether its self-doubt or overconfidence. The true test, Yoda later reveals, was not to get out of the caves before the doors froze, but to face their fears and find trust, courage, and compassion within their hearts and minds.
This episode provided audiences with a rare look into the early training of Jedis and introduced them to the rambunctious group of younglings. 
“To Catch a Jedi” (Season 5, Episode 19)
“Never become desperate enough to trust the untrustworthy.” 
After an attack on the Jedi Temple, Ahsoka finds herself on the run after she is accused of murder. Anakin and Plo Koon are the only members of the Jedi Council who are skeptical of her guilt, and Yoda sends them to track her down. Asajj Ventress manages to capture
Ahsoka, but she convinces the new bounty hunter to help prove her innocence in return for Ahsoka requesting a pardon for Ventress. With help from her friend Barriss, Ahsoka and Ventress locate a warehouse where the nano-droids behind the attack were obtained.
Before Ahsoka has a chance to investigate thoroughly, she is captured by Anakin and Plo Koon and returned to the Jedi Temple. 
“The Wrong Jedi” (Season 5, Episode 20)
“Never give up hope, no matter how dark things seem.” 
As Ahsoka is set to be put on trial, Anakin works to prove her innocence. Following Ahsoka’s lead, he sets out to track down Asajj Ventress. After a brief fight, Ventress reveals what she knows about Ahsoka’s situation.
While she had intended to turn Ahsoka in for the bounty on her head, she chose not to because she saw herself in the Padawan. She accuses Anakin of abandoning Ahsoka, just as Ventress’ Master abandoned her. She ultimately explains to Anakin what happened at the nano-droid warehouse and that Barriss had been helping them.
Anakin confronts Barriss and discovers that she was behind the attack on the Jedi Temple. Just as Chancellor Palpatine is set to deliver the conviction against Ahsoka, Anakin arrives with the real criminal, and the charges dropped against Ahsoka. This situation leads to Ahsoka’s devastating decision to abandon the Jedi Order. 
“The Unknown” (Season 6, Season 1)
“The truth about yourself is always the hardest to accept.” 
During a mission, clone trooper Tup falls into a strange trance-like state and murders Jedi Master Tiplar while stating that “Good soldiers follow orders.” When they are unable to identify what happened to Tup, Anakin suggests sending him back to Kamino for a full medical check.
Count Dooku is alarmed to discover that a clone has killed a Jedi and contacts Darth Sidious, concerned that their plan is starting prematurely. Dooku sends droids to destroy the transport carrying Tup, leading Anakin and the clones to believe Tup’s malfunction is a Separatist plot. 
There are a lot of really great poignant moments throughout this episode between the clones, particularly when Fives promises to share a drink with Tup when he returns from Kamino. It drives home that the clones are brothers and friends, not just comrades at war. 
Watch Star Wars: The Clone Wars
The final season of Star Wars: The Clone Wars is airing weekly on Disney+. The series has so much to offer audiences and with only thirty-minute episodes — it’s the perfect show to binge.
The post The 15 Best Star Wars: The Clone Wars Episodes of All Time appeared first on Your Money Geek.
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kuwaiti-kid · 4 years
The 15 Best Star Wars: The Clone Wars Episodes of All Time
With the final season of Star Wars: The Clone Wars airing on Disney+, it seems like the perfect time to take a look back at the past episodes, story arcs, and characters that led to its success.
Set in the three years between Star Wars: Attack of the Clones and Star Wars: Revenge of the Sith George Lucas’ animated creation had a theatrical debut in 2008 before airing on Cartoon Network for six years.
In 2013, the series moved to Netflix for what was believed to be its sixth and final season following its cancellation and a set of unfinished episodes known as “Clone Wars: Legacy” were released by Dave Filioni, the series’ supervising director in an attempt to wrap up unfinished arcs.
At San Diego Comic-Con in 2018, Lucasfilm surprised fans with the announcement that the series would return for a seventh and final season, wrapping up the loose ends on its new home on Disney’s streaming service. 
While every episode of Clone Wars is arguably the best episode of Clone Wars, this list breaks down the 15 episodes that made the series a fan favorite. 
The 15 Best Clone Wars Episode of all Time
“Rookies” (Season 1, Episode 5)
“The best confidence builder is experience.” 
This list would not be complete without the inclusion of at least one episode from the first season. Faced with the threat of a droid commando invasion, a unit of five rookie clones must work together to prevent disaster. The episode introduces audiences to Fives and Echoes, clone troopers that eventually become an integral part of the story.
Up until this point in time, Star Wars hadn’t addressed the human element behind the clone trooper helmets, and the episode goes to great lengths to show the effects of war on the clones, and it explores their individual personalities.
Tragically, only Fives and Echoes survive, and the loss of their fellow troopers weighs heavily on them when they’re inducted into the 501st Legion at the close of the episode. 
“Senate Spy” (Season 2, Episode 4)
“A true heart should never be doubted.” 
This is an excellent episode for fans of Anakin and Padmé’s relationship, especially those who enjoy how complicated their relationship is. Their time alone is interrupted by the Jedi Council requesting that Padmé spy on a fellow senator, Rush Clovis.
She initially refuses their request, but ultimately chooses to follow through with the plan out of anger when Anakin acts jealous about her past relationship with Clovis. During her meeting with Clovis on Cato Nemoidia, Padmé is poisoned by Trade Federation, Senator Lott Dod.
Despite being poisoned, Padmé is able to steal a holodisk with plans for a droid factory and get them to Anakin. Clovis forces Dod to hand over the antidote, and Anakin and Padmé leave. This mission sets up a great arc throughout the season with the tension between Clovis, Anakin, and Padmé. 
“Weapons Factory” (Season 2, Episode 6)
“A gift is more precious than trust.” 
Ahsoka Tano is arguably one of the best additions to the Star Wars universe, and this episode showcases her perseverance when faced with a challenge. Anakin and Jedi Master Unduli fend off droids, while their Padawans Ahsoka and Barriss attack the droid factory.
When the factory explodes, Ahsoka and Bariss are trapped under the debris, and Unduli believes them to be dead, but Anakin doesn’t give up hope. 
“The Mandalore Plot” (Seasons 2, Episode 12)
“If you ignore the past, you jeopardize the future.”
The first episode in a three-part storyline surrounding Duchess Satine, leader of the New Mandalorians. Her pacifistic beliefs in the face of the war between the Grand Republic and the Separatists, have led to her being the target of the rogue Mandalorian group, the Death Watch.
Obi-Wan Kenobi travels to Mandalore to discover the truth behind the rumors, working alongside Satine to unravel the plot. It is revealed that Governor Vizsla, an associate of Count Dooku, is the leader of the Death Watch and behind the plot to overthrow Satine’s pacifist regime.
Brandishing a Darksaber, Vizsla is ultimately defeated by Obi-Wan, who escapes with Satine at the close of the episode. 
“Voyage of Temptation” (Season 2, Episode 13) 
“Fear not for the future, weep not for the past.” 
Aboard Satine’s ship, the Coronet, Obi-Wan Kenobi, and Anakin Skywalker brief the clone troopers on the situation and the importance of protecting the Duchess. As Anakin watches interactions between Obi-Wan and Satine, he discerns that they were once close.
Later on in the episode, Satine confesses that she loves Obi-Wan, and he admits that he would’ve left the Jedi Order for her. This revelation is one of the most exciting parts of the arc, especially in juxtaposition to Anakin and Padmé’s secret relationship. 
The plot continues as Senator Tal Merrik takes Satine hostage, rigging the engines of the Coronet to explode if Obi-Wan tries to rescue her. Amid a moral quandary — if Satine kills Merrik, she is not a pacifist, and if Obi-Wan kills Merrik, he loses Satine’s respect — Anakin attacks the senator from behind and kills him, as Darth Vader’s theme plays in the background, an ominous ode to the future. 
“Clone Cadets” (Season 3, Episode 1) 
“Brothers in arms are brothers for life.”
This is another excellent episode exploring the lives of the clone troopers and is a prequel to the episode “Rookies.” It also introduces 99, a malformed clone that leads to the creation of Clone Force 99 (or the Bad Batch), who play a crucial part in the final season of Clone Wars.
The story follows the Domino Squad as they prepare for graduation from their training on Kamino, but the team is dysfunctional, and they fail their tests. CT-782 (later known as Hevy) attempts to go AWOL but is stopped by 99, who reinforces the importance of brotherhood among the Clones.
It’s this interaction that ultimately leads to Hevy sacrificing himself in “Rookies” to save his team. 
 “Nightsisters” (Season 3, Episode 12)
“The swiftest path to destruction is through vengeance.” 
Darth Sidious plots with Count Dooku to destroy Asajj Ventress, fearing that she has grown too powerful. Ventress is enraged when Dooku refuses to offer assistance when she faces off against Obi-Wan and Anakin.
Left alone with a malfunctioning ship, she is taken by a scavenging crew who she ultimately kills when she commandeers their vessel to return home to the Nightsisters. The episode delves into Ventress’ backstory — how her mother sold her to slavers, and she was rescued by a Jedi Knight, how his death led to her path to the Dark Side when Count Dooku had taken her in. 
“Overlords” (Season 3, Episode 15)
“Balance is found in the one who faces his guilt.”
In the first of a three-part arc, Obi-Wan, Anakin, and Ahsoka are sent to investigate a mysterious Jedi distress signal. During their journey, the power and communications are cut off on their shuttle, and they awake on an unfamiliar planet where the Force seems to radiate. Only Anakin can hear the disembodied voice of the Daughter who desires to take him to her Father.
The episode focuses on Anakin’s path to the Dark Side and his fate as the “Chosen One.” Strange visions visit the three Jedi — Anakin’s mother Shimi appears, revealing his guilt over her death and his relationship with Padmé; Obi-Wan is visited by the Force Ghost of Qui-Gon Jinn who warns him that the planet will corrupt Anakin; Ahsoka is visited by a vision of her future self who warns that she should cut herself off from Anakin’s dark path.
The Father forces Anakin to face a test to decide who will live, as the Son and Daughter have taken Ahsoka and Obi-Wan. Ultimately, Anakin uses the Force to free both of his friends. The “Imperial March” plays as Anakin attempts to leave the planet with Obi-Wan and Ahsoka, yet again alluding to his future path to the Dark Side. 
“Altar of Mortis” (Season 3, Episode 16)
“He who surrenders hope, surrenders life.” 
Still, on Mortis, the Son attempts to lure Anakin to the Dark Side through a nightmare. When Anakin awakes, the Son attacks and takes Ahsoka prisoner within a cell in the tower of the monastery. When Ahsoka refuses to give up hope in Anakin, the Son bites her and infects her with the Dark Side of the Force.
Anakin sets out to rescue Ahsoka but arrives too late — finding her corrupted by the Son. Obi-Wan and Anakin face off against the Padawan, who is eventually killed by the Son when she proves to no longer be useful to him. Now in possession of the Mortis Dagger, the Son attempts to kill the Father, but the Daughter is stabbed instead, which upsets the balance of the Force. 
Anakin begs the Father to save Ahsoka, and the Daughter sacrifices the last of her life to revive her. As the Jedi retreat, the Father warns them that the imbalance in the Force will lead to the Sith gaining control of the galaxy.
“Crisis on Naboo” (Season 4, Episode 18)
“Trust is the greatest of gifts, but it must be earned.” 
Obi-Wan goes undercover to thwart Count Dooku’s plan to kidnap Chancellor Palpatine when he visits Naboo for the Festival of Lights. Palpatine does not seem concerned with the threat against him and proceeds with his plans. Anakin assigns Ahsoka to watch over Padmé and the Queen of Naboo, while he and Windu protect Palpatine.
Obi-Wan manages to obtain vital information about the plot and relays it to Windu — but Dooku is listening. It is revealed to the audience that the entire scenario was set up by Palpatine to turn Anakin against the Jedi Council, fueling his anger and frustrations.
The episode is an excellent example of how Palpatine is a master puppeteer in his manipulation of Anakin. This plot point is even more relevant to Palpatine’s role in The Rise of Skywalker. 
“Brothers” (Season 4, Episode 21)
“A fallen enemy may rise again, but the reconciled one is truly vanquished.” 
Savage Opress locates a clue in the search for his lost brother Darth Maul, leading him to Lotho Minor. Using an amulet gifted to him by Mother Talzin, Opress scours the planet looking for Maul. In the tunnels beneath the planet’s junk lands, Opress is stalked by a half spider-like cyborg who turns out to be Darth Maul.
Having survived his death at the hands of Obi-Wan Kenobi in The Phantom Menace, Maul vows vengeance against the Jedi, who left him in his half-mad state. When a disturbance in the Force is felt, Yoda reveals to Obi-Wan that his foe has returned from the dead. 
“The Gathering” (Season 5, Episode 6)
“He who faces himself, finds himself.” 
Ahsoka escorts a new class of younglings to The Gathering on Ilum, which is a rite of passage for younglings to find their own kyber crystal. They are given a short period to retrieve their crystal or be trapped behind the frozen doors within the Crystal Caves.
Each youngling is faced with their insecurities, whether its self-doubt or overconfidence. The true test, Yoda later reveals, was not to get out of the caves before the doors froze, but to face their fears and find trust, courage, and compassion within their hearts and minds.
This episode provided audiences with a rare look into the early training of Jedis and introduced them to the rambunctious group of younglings. 
“To Catch a Jedi” (Season 5, Episode 19)
“Never become desperate enough to trust the untrustworthy.” 
After an attack on the Jedi Temple, Ahsoka finds herself on the run after she is accused of murder. Anakin and Plo Koon are the only members of the Jedi Council who are skeptical of her guilt, and Yoda sends them to track her down. Asajj Ventress manages to capture
Ahsoka, but she convinces the new bounty hunter to help prove her innocence in return for Ahsoka requesting a pardon for Ventress. With help from her friend Barriss, Ahsoka and Ventress locate a warehouse where the nano-droids behind the attack were obtained.
Before Ahsoka has a chance to investigate thoroughly, she is captured by Anakin and Plo Koon and returned to the Jedi Temple. 
“The Wrong Jedi” (Season 5, Episode 20)
“Never give up hope, no matter how dark things seem.” 
As Ahsoka is set to be put on trial, Anakin works to prove her innocence. Following Ahsoka’s lead, he sets out to track down Asajj Ventress. After a brief fight, Ventress reveals what she knows about Ahsoka’s situation.
While she had intended to turn Ahsoka in for the bounty on her head, she chose not to because she saw herself in the Padawan. She accuses Anakin of abandoning Ahsoka, just as Ventress’ Master abandoned her. She ultimately explains to Anakin what happened at the nano-droid warehouse and that Barriss had been helping them.
Anakin confronts Barriss and discovers that she was behind the attack on the Jedi Temple. Just as Chancellor Palpatine is set to deliver the conviction against Ahsoka, Anakin arrives with the real criminal, and the charges dropped against Ahsoka. This situation leads to Ahsoka’s devastating decision to abandon the Jedi Order. 
“The Unknown” (Season 6, Season 1)
“The truth about yourself is always the hardest to accept.” 
During a mission, clone trooper Tup falls into a strange trance-like state and murders Jedi Master Tiplar while stating that “Good soldiers follow orders.” When they are unable to identify what happened to Tup, Anakin suggests sending him back to Kamino for a full medical check.
Count Dooku is alarmed to discover that a clone has killed a Jedi and contacts Darth Sidious, concerned that their plan is starting prematurely. Dooku sends droids to destroy the transport carrying Tup, leading Anakin and the clones to believe Tup’s malfunction is a Separatist plot. 
There are a lot of really great poignant moments throughout this episode between the clones, particularly when Fives promises to share a drink with Tup when he returns from Kamino. It drives home that the clones are brothers and friends, not just comrades at war. 
Watch Star Wars: The Clone Wars
The final season of Star Wars: The Clone Wars is airing weekly on Disney+. The series has so much to offer audiences and with only thirty-minute episodes — it’s the perfect show to binge.
The post The 15 Best Star Wars: The Clone Wars Episodes of All Time appeared first on Your Money Geek.
from Your Money Geek https://ift.tt/2JbgkLk via IFTTT
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