#which was likely something reverse-engineered by twsitd and thw agarthans
missionkittyroyal · 2 years
replaying fe3h and i firmly firmly believe that it is a crime thay sylvain doesn't get more a-level supports--though i'm sure this has been said before
and yeah, something something analysis of his character and how he tends to keep most people at arm's length and has trouble with true sincerity (just watched sylvain and lysithea's b support where this is briefly addressed) but like...
maybe they could have added a mechanic after a certain support or an additional part 2 paralogue for sylvain where a supports could be locked off until they're completed because he's not mature enough, willing enough, responsible enough, etc to connect with the people he engages with. but after the paralogue or whatever (really keen on the paralogue idea though) he starts that growth that leads him to become margave gautier
listen...homie doesn't even have an a support with dimitri and he grew up with him, right? how messed up is that? surely the major beats of their relationship doesn't end with sylvain hiding dimitri from a girl???
hmm hmm anyway i've grown very attached to sylvain and his untapped narrative potential and also he's my dancer on this playthrough plus rng somehow managed to turn him into a magical dancing monster and he always ends up on the front lines because i know he'll wreck everyone
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