#wii deleted you jonathan x mike
Height Chart + Relationship Arrows
(AU stuff so please don't yell at me if it's not cannon)
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A little suggestive
Decided to do some traditional art lol
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Found something I made like a few weeks ago that I forgot to post.
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Original image:
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AU, where Mike was the one who killed Austin instead of Henry. Mike killed him because they never got along, plus he was in the way of Mike being with Jonathan <3
(TW Blood)
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New Home (WDY AU Fic)
Will is slouching on the couch looking up at the ceiling, thinking about many things. It's been a month since he first moved in,a month since his mother decided to kick him out because of her selfish reasons. He's been having a hard time adjusting to his new life in this new house, Will was lucky enough that his father, Mike, and Mike's husband, Jonathan let him move in. Will doesn't really know his dad well, all he know from his mother is that he's a cowardly man but he's now knows that not the case. Will is finding it hard to relate to his step-brother Kyle, they don't really like each other because of their different viewpoints and other reasons.
Kyle is trans and bisexual and Will was taught that being part of the LGBTQ+ community wasn't okay. He is slowly unlearning these things because he learned his father was gay and he doesn't wanna disappoint him. All he knows about his new family so far is that Kyle hates him and Mike loves him but is disappointment by Will's actions but there's just one person he doesn't know yet, Jonathan. He sure seems nice to everyone in the household, even Will which surprises him, he doesn't know why someone would bother being nice to him or care about him. He notices Jonathan is quite a goofy person, having weird energy bursts at random moments, he's very loving towards Mike and Kyle, John even takes time out of his day to see if Will's alright. It just doesn't make sense to him.
Will groans and covers his eyes with his hands. he crouches down and sighs.
"You okay bud?"
Will uncovers his eyes and looks to the right to see Jonathan. He just stares, uncertain what to say.
Jonathan sits next to Will on the couch and softly smiles.
"You look like you have a lot on your mind and I just wanted to check up on you."
Will quietly groans.
"You'd be right about that..."
"You wanna talk about it?"
Will looks at him confused then scoffs.
"Isn't that something you rather do with your own kid?"
Jonathan smiles lows slowly but he tries to keep it up.
"Well you are one of my kids, so why wouldn't I?"
"You're not my dad... Mike is my dad! Stop pretending that you care about me, I know you don't, no one does!"
Jonathan frowns hearing the last part and starts to feel concerned.
"Hey! Hey... Now why do you think that? You know that's not true! Mike and I care about you very very much!"
Will starts to get pissed off.
"Stop with the act John! You don't know me, You only met me a year ago!"
"I've know you since you were a little baby Will! Me and you dad were friends before we started dating, since before he even met you're mother!"
Jonathan crosses his arms.
"I do care about you! I know how much you mean to Mike, you're his son which makes you my step-son. And it's fine if you don't see me as your other dad. You can just see me as Jonathan!"
John takes a deep breath. Will thinks for a moment and slouches on the couch again.
"I'm sorry. Mike told me to control my anger, but I don't know how... No one ever taught me."
Jonathan looks at Will.
"It's fine, It can be hard to deal with those emotions, especially if your a teenager! I'd know, I was a teen once..."
Jonathan laughs slightly at his comment. Will's frown lowers.
"I think some of my anger comes from dad not being there when I was younger..."
Silence fills the room, things feel awkward. Will starts regretting saying that.
Then Will feels a hand on his shoulder.
"That's understandable. Mike tried really hard to get you back from your mother but he wasn't able to do anything after she moved away with you to Canada. I mean she won full custody of you some how!that was a really hard time for you father..."
"He could've called..."
"She changed her number, Will."
Silence fills the room again. Will turns his face as he tears up, trying to hide that he's crying but his sniffles gave it away.
"You don't need to hide how you feel to me, William You can always talk to me or you dad! we'll always be there for you, we promise."
Tears start to steam down Will's face. He can't hide it anymore.
"Just like Kyle, you're our son and we love you very much and that's never going to change."
Will covers his eyes and starts to sob, Jonathan leans close to him and rubs his back.
"It's okay, let it out..."
He continues rubbing Will's back as he tries to comfort him.
Mike walks into the living room.
"Hey what's going on I heard crying?"
"We were talking about the contact thing..."
Mike walks over and sits next to Will, putting his arm around Will's shoulder. Jonathan takes his hands off of Will's back.
"Hey William, you okay buddy?"
Will takes a sec to catch his breath.
"No! W-Why would I be okay!? I'm ob-bviously crying!"
"I can see that... Sorry for asking. But hey, it's okay now! We could do something together if you want? Would that make you feel better?"
Jonathan gets up from the couch.
"Yeah why don't you to spend some time together, do some father son bonding! I'll just-"
Will grabs on to Jonathan's hand.
"No.. please stay... I want both of you here...."
Hearing those words surprises Jonathan and Mike.
"Really? Aww! That's really sweet of you Will!"
Will wipes his tears with his jacket sleeve.
"Yeah, yeah whatever...."
Jonathan sits back now and is smiling wide. Will lays his head on Mike, he feels embarrassed. He's not use to this.
"So what do you wanna do kiddo?"
"I-I don't know what to do... I just don't wanna be without my...."
Will takes a deep breath.
Mike and Jonathan can see the discomfort on his face after saying that.
"You don't have to call me dad if you don't want too, I'm fine with you calling me by Jonathan or even John!"
"But not Johnny! That's my nickname for him~"
Jonathan laughs.
"Okay......? You guys are weird....."
Both Mike and Jonathan laugh from this. Will smiles for the first time in a long while.
He's starting to like his new home.
(This was just experimental, if you like it please do reblog it :D)
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hi you can do kyle Jonathan And mike as Spy x family please
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Random things Mike had to get used to once he started living with Johnathan, part 1 of ?
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Do the other bisexuals of the pool tell him when Mike arrives
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What about the A N C I E N T bisexual of the pool ? Legends say he'd only appear to a beautiful gay man with glasses.
It's Jonathan
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Headcannons lol
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Gem AU, but Jonathan is a gem while Kyle's a human. And Mike has to deal with their bullshit
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An active wdy blog AND a mike/johnathan shipper??? In THIS economy!???!?!??!?/pos
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My friend made this image btw but they don't have Tumblr so I can tag them (CRIES)
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Has Kyle ever been bullied for having 2 dads?
All the time at his old school. He tries to hide the fact he's trans and has two dads at his new school
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