#with secrets sprinkled throughout that encouraged you to watch the whole thing
dr3amofagame · 3 months
hot take but I think a very large factor in why c!ranboo was so popular was that a lot of people projected on him and turned him into their self-insert of sorts. though I’ll be generous and grant that perhaps they weren’t really aware of the extent to which they did so.
this is just true of every dsmp character like to be fair dsmp kind of was projection central
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seoabudhabi · 7 months
7 SEO Tips You Need to Implement Right Now for Results
If you're venturing into the fascinating realm of online visibility, you've probably heard the buzzword SEO Sharjah thrown around quite a bit. But fear not, fellow digital wanderer! Search Engine Optimization might sound intimidating, but it's essentially your secret weapon to conquer the vast landscape of the internet and make sure your website doesn't get lost in the virtual wilderness. 
In this post, we're going to break down 7 fantastic SEO tips that will help you boost your website's ranking, drive traffic, and shine like a star on the search engine stage.
Keyword Kingdom: Rule with Relevant Keywords
The SEO journey begins with keywords – those magical little phrases that connect searchers to your content. Boldly identify keywords that match your content and your audience's queries. Remember, it's about quality, not quantity. Sprinkle those chosen keywords naturally throughout your content, in headings, and even in image alt texts. But a word of caution: avoid keyword stuffing like the plague. Google and other search engines are smart enough to spot that trickery!
Craft Captivating Content: The Crown Jewel of SEO
Content is king, queen, and the whole royal court of SEO. High-quality, informative, and engaging content is what will keep visitors on your site and encourage them to explore. Shareable blog posts, informative infographics, and captivating videos are all part of this royal repertoire. Remember, the longer visitors dwell in your digital kingdom, the better your chances are of climbing those SEO Sharjah ranks.
Speedy Steeds: Galloping Towards Fast Loading Times
Ever clicked on a link and waited...and waited...and finally gave up? That's the last thing you want your visitors to experience. Site speed is crucial for both user experience and SEO. Compress images, leverage browser caching, and choose a reliable hosting provider. Your site should load faster than a caffeinated cheetah for the best chance at a favourable SEO Ajman outcome.
Tumblr media
Link Magic: Spells of Internal and External Linking
Imagine your website as a web, with various threads connecting different sections. That's exactly what internal linking does – it weaves a web of connections within your site, making navigation easier and distributing SEO juice efficiently. And don't forget about external links! When credible websites link to yours (and vice versa), search engines view your site as a trustworthy source, giving your SEO efforts a solid boost.
Mobile Enchantment: Casting the Responsive Spell
In the enchanted land of SEO Ajman, mobile compatibility isn't just a feature – it's a necessity. With mobile devices ruling the digital realm, your website must be responsive and visually appealing on various screen sizes. Boldly cast the responsive spell, and your site will not only please visitors but also gain favour in the eyes of search engines.
Slay the Technical Dragons: Conquer Site Structure
Behind-the-scenes dragons, like site structure and navigation, might not be glamorous, but they're crucial for a victorious SEO quest. Organize your content into logical categories, use descriptive URLs, and create an XML sitemap to help search engines explore every nook and cranny of your digital domain.
Analyse and Conquer: The SEO War Strategy
No kingdom was built without a solid strategy. Regularly analyse your SEO efforts using tools like Google Analytics and Search Console. Discover what's working – and what's not – and adjust your tactics accordingly. Boldly march forward armed with data and insight, and watch your SEO results flourish.
So, there you have it – 7 SEO tips that are your trusty companions on this digital adventure. Remember, SEO isn't a one-time spell; it's a continuous journey of improvement. By following these tips and staying up-to-date with the ever-changing SEO Agency Dubai landscape, you'll be well on your way to conquering the search engine realm and reaping the sweet rewards of online visibility. 
Onward, brave SEO explorer! Your destiny awaits.
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some-flyleaves · 7 years
tonight on spontaneous media thoughts with a-flyleaf, some rambles on Paranoia Agent because yours truly just went and binged another old anime maybe two people and a paperclip have ever heard of!
so a few weeks ago I somehow got into the mini habit of watching videos on the side while drawing, splitting my desktop between art on one half and youtube on the other. somehow the videos of choice ended up being anime reviews, because I... I don’t know, really. :V I’ve watched like 5 anime now, this one included, and wasn’t particularly planning on adding any more to that little lineup. (keep meaning to check out cowboy beepboop but EH.) the lack of investment helps with the “wait did I just miss something” multitasking mood I guess...?
anyway it was a short-lived habit if only because I ran out of stuff that needed drawing aka Image Comic Process but I digress. Paranoia Agent first came to my attention indirectly through... something completely different! \o/
in entirely unrelated circumstances, stumbled upon this article a few days ago and the “realistic portrayal” example caught my attention. a brief comment dig later and the name was identified, and it... features a weird cartoon dog? the wikipedia premise intrigued me but it ended up on my hypothetical neverending list of stuff to check out.
I mention the review thing because, while procrastinating on everything earlier today, I found this video and it immediately caught my attention. and hey, looks like the whole dub is up on youtube, only 13 episodes so might as well!
...not that I’d. necessarily recommend the youtube dub upload. it lacks subtitles for the writing which is actually pretty damn essential.
go watch that review if you haven’t already, because it sums up the show better than I ever could and talks about what hooked me: a basis in psychology and experimental art.
AND NOW FOR MY ACTUAL THOUGHTS ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ (to be formatted in bullet points later probably, again tfw mobile) edit 11/21: done, plus some additional thoughts after reading a few reviews/analyses around the web
it practically starts with a bang via baseball bat, and imo the first four episodes are the strongest of the series. in addition to the clever toying with art style as the video describes, we’re introduced to an ensemble cast of not necessarily likable but no less complex characters, and I always appreciate it when media doesn’t seem to be hitting you over the head (harhar) with LIKE THIS PERSON DAMMIT.
while I don’t have dissociative identity disorder and thus can’t speak to accuracy in its portrayal or weirdness in the subplot’s resolution, episode four three* also had one of the first examples I’ve seen of a character with “multiple personalities” that didn’t lean on the tired but one of them... is a MURDERER schtick.
*I initially got the numbering messed up here; the episode with the character who has DID is third, not fourth.
the entire series explores the idea of fiction and reality - no, this is neither the time nor place for the Shipping Debacle(TM), moreso in how fiction is a form of escapism both destructive yet necessary in just about everyone’s lives. the experimental elements play with this well, forcing the viewer to think about why the art is changing the way it does.
until around the end of episode 4*, it’s relatively clear when we’re getting a glimpse into a character’s psyche vs seeing what’s actually going on. and then the next installment hits, and it honestly wouldn’t surprise me if a lot of people bail at this point. it’s not bad necessarily, but the line between fantasy and reality isn’t just blurred - save for a few quick cuts, said line is utterly trampled. symbolism runs rampant and it can be tricky to figure out exactly what’s Actually going on, if anything at all - more on this later.
*e: this time I actually do mean the fourth episode.
on the topic of symbolism, there’s definitely something symbolic going on with the crows/ravens (death?) and to some extent color (namely gold/yellow, green, and red) but I haven’t quite put my finger on it.
you know that thing the video says about Lil Slugger being a manifestation of mass hysteria and destructive escapism? (if you don’t, what are you waiting for >:V it’s about 10 minutes long if you skip the spoilery part.) turns out, he really truly is, and it’s not just metaphors.
spoilers ahead; I’d recommend going in blind but use your best judgment, I know I might not have been so intrigued if not for reading the entire wikipedia plot synopsis in advance. why do I keep getting into media by knowing the Big Reveals first.
on one hand, I really like Lil Slugger being both symbolic and a literal supernatural threat. what I’m much less sold on, however, is how the less explained aspects are incorporated, namely towards the end. (big spoiler warning again, last chance!)
so what exactly DID happen to Harumi with the weird clownish smile makeup? what’s all this prophetic babbling from an old dude who really likes chalk (and whose ramblings admittedly might’ve made more sense if I could actually read his stuff), and how does he know it? what’s the deal with the otaku dude and his magical talking figurines? who knows! who cares, I guess. it’s all in the name of thematic significance - or to put it ironically, ~it’s media~
I can respect that as an artistic direction but it can feel a bit stranger than necessary, and I wasn’t a huge fan of the ending. so, what, suddenly chief’s 2d dream world is an actual real place he goes to? the “darkness closing in” is an actual black blob? holy shit, I really must emphasize the otaku dude’s weird voodoo sculptures and bascially everything else about him. th... the ex-“good cop” is now a wannabe superhero?? you do have to read between the lines to an extent to really Get the characters at times, which I actually like, but imo this was pushing it.
actually even before the climactic sequence I was... less than thrilled with the wife’s monologue. for the most part the show is good about not talking down to the viewer, obligatory exposition sprinkles aside, but just in case you weren’t sure what the themes were yet, here they are ft. odd visual echoing that doesn’t seem particularly relevant to the speaker’s state of mind!
there’s a bit more thematic narm towards the finale, especially from local sidekick-turned-video game hero, but at that point I was too busy wondering what the hell was going on to be too bothered.
e: several analyses and a rewatch later, the end of Harumi’s episode seems less nonsensical. it still doesn’t quite explain when she found the time to throw on all that makeup, but as with many other aspects of the series I was left baffled by at first (up to and including weird old math man), it makes much more sense thematically. Paranoia Agent is not a show meant to be taken at face value and trying to understand it all literally is an exercise in futility - not for everyone, but if you are willing to reconsider how you’re parsing it, it’s worthwhile. ...I’m still confused by otaku dude’s figurines, though >:V
/endspoilers (for now)
DESPITE the spoiler-loaded nitpicking above, overall I found it a solid watch - and the irony of bingeing it to procrastinate on school isn’t lost on me, especially after an all-too-relatable vignette featuring a student in the throes of quadratic equations.
while it definitely includes some darker themes, up to and including an episode about three internet friends meeting up to carry out a sort of suicide pact (which again probably would’ve been clearer if the version I watched had subtitles for text), the tone never feels particularly hopeless. it deals with the self-detrimental effects of overindulging in escapism, sure, but isn’t exactly MEDIA IS BAD TECHNOLOGY IS SCARY THE NEW GENERATION SUCKS. (one character has a similar attitude but it’s based more in nostalgia than hatred of the modern.)
reality sucks but you gotta face it and own up to your fuckups, pal, sorry! but rest and respite are important, too, lest you end up like the animation monkey whose very animation becomes rougher as the sleep deprivation really kicks in.
yes, monkey. not literally but definitely in design (no sameface \o/) and arguably behavior. there were a few comedic moments throughout the show, albeit often dark and/or satirically based so YMMV on how much they actually lighten the mood. for what it’s worth, the episode with the aforementioned suicide pact was probably the overall funniest.
overall I would recommend it as a good thought-provoking series, although if you’re having trouble at the fifth episode I won’t blame you for not sticking it to the end. personally, I kept watching because A) I wanted to see just how the murderous baseball kid mystery turned out & B) the art and symbolism shenanigans up to that point, definitely including the intro, had already given me a few Ideas(TM) and I wanted to see what else was in store. worth it? sure, but don’t expect too many explanations on the supernatural parts.
okay one more spoilery detour - and it’s a VERY BIG spoiler that I am actually going to encourage you not to read if you plan on watching. seriously. (e: format isn’t a mistake, I think it works better connected in paragraphs.)
sooo after skimming the plot synopsis and watching that entire review video, I already knew the thing about Maromi being based on a dead dog and Lil Slugger being the mystery assailant. what I did not expect was even that being a lie, in a way that I won’t specify because I’ve said too much already. and while I question the use of what I’m guessing was pms of all things, I actually really liked that twist.
HOWEVER. given that it all comes back to Tsukiko, she was fucking robbed in the character arc department. I get that she’s quiet and secretive so we don’t get any real details on her past until last second, which imo was a really forced reveal (seriously what is WITH those anime girls and their magic prophetic video game), and again I do like how she pretty much has a victim complex and that basically causes everything.
what I don’t like is that we needed cop superhero dude to lay it all out for her in terms of Big Realization Moments. everything only really gets “resolved” because she finally comes to terms with & takes responsibility for her mistake, but what leads her to this action? guys yell at her for fucking up and everyone gets consumed by inexplicable black ooze? EHHHHHHH I don’t buy it.
the chief’s mini-arc with his wife, which unfortunately was more told than shown (sensibly, so we could get Slugger’s reactions to the story, but it doesn’t mean I’m happy with it), was predictable but IMO believable. I definitely don’t think every story has to have clearly-defined protagonist/antagonist characters, especially with the “antagonist” here being a man vs society type of setup, but the end sequence seemed confused on who the real “hero” was supposed to be.
Ikari got the Big Moments of realizing he couldn’t live a lie forever, of smashing his dream world. Tsukiko... gets to go back in time and hug her dog, I guess? where was her moment, however subtle, of realizing she actually doesn’t NEED this little pink dog to save and protect her from reality. if that was supposed to be conveyed when her younger self started making stuff up it... lost me, unfortunately. as far as I registered it went straight for the dog and apology.
e: and you know, after all the aforementioned reading, I’m still inclined to agree with my initial thoughts - HOWEVER. this is a show that lives, breathes, thrives on thematic significance. character development and miniature arcs happen, absolutely, but they’re not the focal point. I can appreciate the ending’s direction much more if I kick conventional thoughts on character progression to the curb.
oh, and the intro? with everyone laughing with chaotic and/or destructive backgrounds while the random mysterious old people get a fancy restaurant and the goddamn moon? guessing the latter is because ~universal themes~ or something but the formal setting after a series of Heck is a moment of fridge logic - the woman’s homeless. she’s probably no stranger to more ravaged settings.
e: oh yeah, and something else I noticed about the intro - everyone is laughing, yes, but Tsukiko’s doesn’t seem... real. everyone else (minus Lil Slugger I guess but his eyes aren’t shown) has the characteristic squint of a genuine smile, but she’s wide-eyed as ever. maybe foreshadowing how she’s the one behind all this...? hrmm.
alrighty no more spoilers For Real This Time, just some miscellaneous notes that didn’t really fit elsewhere
one side character has the same voice as my favorite character from Urasawa’s Monster so that was neat. turns out detective #2 also shares actors with Monster’s protagonist, which took me longer to catch onto but was VERY amusing once noticed.
there’s no overt fanservice, minus like one or two questionable angles that aren’t even in the spotlight. a couple episodes have some Unfortunate Closeups but they’re entirely in service of the story; you’re definitely not supposed to be comfortable with it.
e: actually, for various spoilery reasons, I would not be the least bit surprised if this influenced OFF to some extent. but that’s another ramble for another time.
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swelldomains · 7 years
Donald Trump Latest News: 5 Reasons Why It Will Improve Your Internet Marketing
Whether you like him or you despise him (and there seems to be no space for resting on the fencing), Donald Trump is the star of the 2016 presidential campaign. He huges, vibrant, and also much more enjoyable than a Jerry Springer marathon. He says exactly what he wants, tosses play area disrespects at his opponents, and also generally deals with the race to the White Residence as just an additional company venture. Simply put, Donald Trump is both interesting and also horrible, in equivalent action. There's greater than a few factors that you must be keeping up to this day on Donald Trump Most recent News!
As you can see, staying on top of Donald Trump Most recent News is not only a lot more vital than ever ... it's likewise remarkable entertainment!
Even for proud Trump supporters, some of his even more over-the-top comments as well as ordeals have triggered consternation. In December 2015, business magnate made headings (once again) after he declared that Muslims must be protected against from traveling to as well as entering the United States. He has also reviewed strategies to 'revive something even worse than waterboarding,' if made president,' as well as described Mexican immigrants as 'crooks as well as rapists.'
So, the inquiry needs to be, just how did this radical guy, with these extreme ideas, find his way into one of the most essential political competitors on the planet?
The Indisputable Genius of Donald Trump
The solution is a simple one. Donald Trump is a PR master. No, really - you only have to look at his constant presence within the media for evidence that all promotion readies attention. Whether you sustain him or otherwise, this amazing governmental prospect could educate your company a lot about efficient web marketing.
Is Staying on top of Donald Trump Latest Information Important For Your Web Marketing?
For all businesses, favorable protection is the goal. Plainly, nobody desires to be slated by the press or the basic public. The irrepressible power of Donald Trump could be found in the fact that he doesn't much care either method. Positive or unfavorable, coverage represents success, due to the fact that it implies that eyes are on him.
There is absolutely a lesson to be found out right here for internet marketing business, though it is one that ought to be managed with caution. Making the sort of libellous declarations that Trump does, often, might win your business focus, but it will not mean more clients over time. On the various other hand, advertising and marketing commercial properties can take advantage of a somewhat more brave approach.
You could see an example of why you should be seeing every little bit of Donald Trump Latest News by seeing this video clip below ...
Just take a look at exactly how he speaks to his target market. It resembles he's understood them all his life! There's a beneficial marketing lesson in there somewhere!
5 Web marketing Instructions to Pick up from Watching Donald Trump Most current News
This guide to a few of the most essential advertising lessons that can be learned from Donald Trump will clarify why this questionable number is a lot more media savvy compared to he appears. And to capitalize on them, all you need to do is tune into Donald Trump latest news.
1. Understand Your Audience
For most businesses, advertising techniques concentrate on getting to as lots of people as possible with the brand as well as company values. The problem with this is that it lacks instructions. It may provide you the broadest level of direct exposure, however in order to interest such a varied target market, you're going to need to supply an extremely general, sprinkled down version of the brand.
You could, rather, choose to target your advertising efforts at hardcore fans as well as customers. You'll get to a whole lot much less individuals, but the ones that you do will be incredibly devoted as well as dedicated to the business. This is specifically just what Donald Trump has constructed his project on, the idea that nobody however his fans matter anyway, so that cares exactly what outsiders think?
It is a suggestion that could help advertising and marketing firms, yet only if they could recognize and also populate a clear particular niche. This approach will not work if you don't have a noticeable audience to target. This niche target market has to be tiny sufficient to really feel 'unique,' however huge enough to represent a profitable marketing opportunity.
The secret to comprehending your target market is to watch exactly how he speaks, observe his body language, his tone, exactly what he does to keep people engaged. The an increasing number of that you keep watch Donald Trump Most current News, the much more you will certainly be able to under
2. Know Your Brand Inside and Out
If there is one point that the Trump people does much better compared to anything else, it's consistency. While the race to the White Residence may really feel like an insane action for the business tycoon, he's not really acting any kind of differently compared to he has for the last thirty years or even more. His viewpoints have actually altered little therefore have his methods, the only difference is the having fun field.
In a world where politicians turn flop regularly compared to a European traveler in a Croc factory, it is easy to see why Trump stands for security for numerous citizens. His views could be severe, yet they are reputable. He can't be implicated of deceptive or misstating himself to get to his current placement, since he's always been this controversial.
While online marketing commercial properties do not actually wish to be courting debate, they absolutely do want to be offering customers security as well as dependability. You require to recognize your brand name throughout, to ensure that, in twenty years, you could provide potential consumers the same needs to pick you as you provide now.
3. Don't Hide From Your Audience
To state, commercial properties are not encouraged to run around criticizing experts or making plans to build a huge anti-immigration wall. You absolutely can, but you do this at your risk. Nonetheless, what need to extract from Donald Trump and also his numerous media gaffes is the power of presence. Whether positive or negative, all limelights has one constructive characteristic, it gets you observed by the general public.
The objective is, certainly, to make on your own a positive and long-lasting media presence. But, points could really effortlessly fail for companies, as far as creating controversy online. This is the essential bit, so listen up. If you do take place to find yourself on the wrong end of public attention (for something that your business has done or said), the impulse will certainly be to conceal. However, the best point to do is stay visible.
These days, customers value social media presence so highly that even quite severe PR mishaps could be smoothed over with a cautious as well as calculated reaction. This is something that the most significant brand names on the planet are currently learning how to do. As opposed to scarpering at the initial indication of problem, they engage with on-line areas. This might imply releasing an online apology, offering offsetting rewards and also rewards, or perhaps simply having a little a joke concerning it.
Keep an eye on Donald Trump Newest News to see that he doesn't hide!
4. Learn how to Trust fund Your Instincts
Donald Trump doesn't make use of marketing study to assess viewpoints on his policies and also it's not difficult to see why. As there is little center ground, in relation to his popularity, there wouldn't be much point. You would certainly just get hardcore Trump fans saying with just as hardcore Trump haters - and also we obtain enough of that already.
The lesson to be learned right here is that success can not be earned entirely though brilliant sales line of gab. You can hold all of the marketing study that you want, but if your brand does not mean something, it will not attract anyone. To puts it simply, you have to locate the best balance in between pleasing your audience and also offering them something valuable.
This can be really tricky, particularly when it pertains to things like marketing research. Even if Donald Trump asserts not to require it, this sort of information is a vital part of accumulating an image of your reader. It is your starting point, your harsh prepare for exactly what has to be done. What it should not be is an excrescences as well as all plan. Usage marketing research as an exploratory device, but don't enable it to suppress all of your personal concepts and also creativity.
5. Be Polite, But Don't Be a Doormat
And, finally, one of one of the most important lessons that internet advertising and marketing companies can discover from Donald Trump is that self-confidence is useful. There are numerous thousands of companies around, all with different characters as well as personalities. Your task is to offer customers what they want, while also being an interesting as well as engaging company to work with. This indicates that 'cookie cutter' responses typically aren't always the best policy.
Once once more, this is a complicated problem, especially when it concerns the idea of claiming sorry to clients. Donald Trump does not ask forgiveness to any person, for anything, as well as this is not the finest way to do company. Just since you are a company, it does not suggest that you have an obligation to bow down to all consumers, no issue what their demands.
It is up to you to determine what comprises appropriate communication with your brand. Beyond those criteria, you have a right to respond any way you please. Ultimately, there will always be individuals that aim to capitalize or who make spurious issues. Knowing the best ways to recognize and quickly manage these people is not just a great way to reveal that your brand name has an individuality, it additionally lets devoted clients know that their actions is appreciated.
So, there we have five essential (as well as useful) marketing lessons from one of the unlikeliest people in America. It simply mosts likely to show that also one of the most disorderly of media projects can be rather innovative listed below the surface. As well as your commercial property can learn something from this, particularly, that individuality and also self-confidence can take a brand name a long way.
Modern consumers don't desire to be spoon-fed details or given sugar coated advertising spiel, designed especially for mass charm. They desire brands that they can support, since they determine with their ideas, viewpoints, desires, or principles. These days, it is not nearly enough for net companies to be glossy and untouchable - ironically, they also need to be 'human.'
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motivationsuccess · 5 years
                           The Secret of Happiness
“To allow Yourself to be Happy is the Greatest Wisdom There is.” Since we have been discussing happiness in the last chapter, I thought I would just toss in the ultimate secret of happiness for you as a sort of free bonus! Yes, that holy grail that has eluded wise men throughout the ages, is yours, free in the closing pages of this book! You might prefer to apprehend that the key of happiness can be explained in just eight words and is, in fact, quite mundane. It does not involve meditation, drugs or self-flagellation. Tomorrow, Today, Live For Better Working a Whilst What? You can’t make sense of that? I gave you the words for free, but the right order is going to value you plenty...
Pause, whilst the anagram-freaks try to work it out for themselves....
Got it? No? Okay you’ll have to read on...
Now the price for my arranging the words for you is about ten minutes of your time to read this section carefully, because it has important implications for your happiness. The first thing I want to say is that the human psyche - your psyche- is a very delicate thing indeed - and can be badly broken,particularly throughout your early years, by what would outwardly appear to be ‘not very much.’Put in a different way, your mind is an incredibly delicate and subtle mechanism - a finely tuned and highly sensitive instrument. So delicate is this wondrous apparatus, that it is flat-out impossible to grow up without some damage to its mechanism. Moderate damage is normal and severe damage is common.Please read that last sentence again. I would say that 100% of people - that’s everyone - has moderate damage to their psyche, and about one in three have severe damage. I am talking about damage caused by a normal upbringing, not an abused upbringing. Thankfully abuse is not the norm, but more importantly, the psyche is damaged by numerous small incidents throughout your childhood where you didn’t get exactly what you needed, exactly when you needed it.Parents are, after all, people. They are neither omniscient nor telepathic. they do their very best, working from the basis of their own damaged psyches. And so the cycle continues... Now the point here is that because everyone is damaged, this means that everyone exhibits symptoms of ‘mental disturbance’during, and often throughout, their lives. I’m talking 100% of people here. Such symptoms include: 1. Anxiety. 2. Depression. 3. Sleeplessness. 4. Irrational fear/panic attacks. 5. Feelings of worthlessness, insecurity, pointlessness. 6. Suicidal thoughts. 7. Substance abuse (particularly alcohol which is a wonderful anaesthetic for the harshness of life). 8. Irrational anger/impatience/irritation. 9. Worry. Because everyone experiences some or all of these on a scale of mild to severe, everyone pretends that they don’t experience these things and {we|and that we} all play this ridiculous game within which we pretend it’s just other people who have problems, not us.I have talked to hundreds of people from paupers to billionaires.Scratch the surface and what do you get? The same old human-being we all are. The damaged psyche resulting in some or all of the negative symptoms I have listed.I find this immensely comforting. The real problem about feeling down on life is when you think it’s only you who feels like this, and that everyone else has a good time counting their loot. If you can really take on board what i'm telling you here, that everyone is a seething mass of insecurity, angst, loose end and emotional turmoil, then I think that helps a great deal.It’s called ‘the human condition’ and comes about as a result of us all having such an immensely delicate psychology. We are about as equipped psychologically to handle the ‘slings and arrows’ of life as a butterfly is to handle a force ten storm.Every human on the earth is brave on the far side live. Forget‘bravery in the face of enemy fire.’ That’s just one sort of bravery and anyway, most troopers didn’t have a choice about going over the top.I’m talking real bravery of the sort you show every morning. You get up and face the world again. You against the world. And it’s as much a battle today as it ever was. Labour-saving devices make very little difference. do you have lots and lots of leisure time as a result of you own a ‘fridge, a washing machine and a dishwasher? No? I thought not.It’s an equivalent old struggle by an equivalent old human beings.There is a danger in writing (and reading) a motivational, go-get-’em, kick-ass 'secrets of the millionaires' book as a result of it encourages the sort of polarisation I was talking about earlier. You can easily think something like: “Yeah, it’s as I suspected, everyone else is happy and making great money, it’s only me who cannot achieve anything of note. I’m all alone. Everyone else is so happy and well adjusted...” I’m telling you now, in as plain a way as I can say, that everyone on the earth is more or less screwed-up due to the method we are,and the way the world is. You just cannot avoid the damage.You have to simply accept it, patch up what you can and live with the rest.So what can you do to increase your chance of happiness? Live Today The first a part of the key to happiness is to live today.That means you need to try to live in the present moment,experiencing what is happening right now to you, good or bad.This is it. This is your life. This is not a dress-rehearsal. But the twist here is to set this in the context of everything I have just said. Recognise that angst and upset are part of the human condition,experienced by everyone. This is just what it is to be a human being. We are all like this. Why? Because from baby to adolescent we had thousands of desires,most of that were met, many of which were not. Each time a need was not met (particularly from early childhood) it caused psychological damage, sometimes mild, sometimes serious.The brain is highly adaptive and most damage can be routed around in order to allow the organism to continue functioning, albeitat a slightly reduced capacity. We develop coping strategies the most effective of which is just good old-fashioned, plain avoidance - we simply avoid the individuals and situations that cause the emotional pain and this stops us living life in all of its full color.When I say "live today" I’m not talking about some blissed-out,tree-hugging hippie who tries permanently to empty his mind in order to contact the ‘now.’ I’m talking about experiencing today with all of its upsets, angers, joys and sorrows. Just riding the wild bronco of life and not letting that sucker kick you off.And when, as I often do, you experience a moment of intense pleasure, I want you to think to yourself: “This is as good as it gets.”And it’s true. These moments are as good as it gets.Life is hard. Just as hard today, in its own way, as it ever was.Perhaps not as hard on us physically, but a lot harder on us mentally.That’s why we’re not a lot happier now than in 1400 - to pick a year at random.
So i would like you to snatch happiness when it comes to you, like a drowning man or woman seizing the proverbial straw. This is what it means to 'live today. ' The alternative is to ignore the minor day-to-day happiness and always be thinking some version of: “I’ll be happy tomorrow,when...” (I have money, I get a girlfriend, I move from this bad area, I get myself a new car...) You won’t. Or to think: “How can i possibly be happy now when...” - and then insert your own unique bit of current misery, angst, depression,anxiety, panic or fear. The error here is to think that one day you’ll be totally free of these things, and then you can be happy.You won’t. It’s how we all are - riddled with this stuff. It’s what makes us all human. It’s what it means to be human. I’d go so far as to say that a person without a smattering of these things would be a flat, lifeless and intensely boring automaton. It is the degree of your angst which is important. Zero makes you dull as ditch water. A sprinkling makes you human and still allows for a lot of happiness. A moderate level makes you interesting, quirky and able to cope mostly with life, but like a semi-active volcano, side-shoots of lava keep erupting and causing turmoil in your life - you need to spend some time fixing the damage, otherwise you may erupt one day. A lot, and you are mostly immobilised in life and unable to function. Happiness is denied to you and all of your efforts ought to be expended in therapy to repair the worst of the damage, before you can
go on. You are constantly depressed, frightened and anxious.As an analogy, imagine a football team in immaculate, Persil-white strip, nancying around the field avoiding getting grass-stains on their clean white socks. They would be a bit of a disappointment, really.They don't want to get too involved in the game in case they get mud on their shorts or a bruise from that big, nasty old ball. Who wants to watch them? Who cares? They are not fully engaged with the game.A football team whose players are muddied, bruised and riled are an altogether more interesting spectacle. They’ll be fighting with passion and determination, taking daring risks, sometimes winning some ground, sometimes losing some ground, but always entirely absorbed in the game and playing right now in the present moment.But a team who are injured, demoralised, cold and wet need to do one thing - retire from the field, get some serious rest, bandage their cuts and recuperate. There is no point in their playing any longer. In fact, they can’t play. Their minds don't seem to be on the sport, but fully absorbed with their pain and humiliation.So, you see, the trick is to grab the happiness, now, in spite of any current misery from your worry list
A Brighter Future The final a part of the key to happiness is: “Whilst working for a better tomorrow.” So the whole secret is: “Live Today Whilst Working For A Better Tomorrow.” Why not write this out on a 3” x 5” card and put it somewhere you will see it each day? It’s not a bad idea.First, you grab every single morsel of happiness that comes your way, despite your perfectly normal negative feelings that you now know are a part of the human condition and which everybody experiences.
Next, you must realise that everything you are today and everything you own today is a direct results of your past decisions.Decisions that you took, either consciously, or by default. Nobody else is to blame here. But once again I find this immensely comforting, as a result of the power is in your hands to change the future,you don't have to wait for someone else to change it for you.If your present life is a results of your past decisions, then the future is created by your present decisions, and boy is that true!
So you should be constantly working and scheming so that your future (which will come around soon enough) will be even better than your present. And you do this in spite of any angst and turmoil you might be feeling, just as you do it in spite of the fact that you have to breathe air and sleep seven hours each night.Now if you recognise yourself in the ‘moderate’ or ‘severe’category of emotional turmoil, then part of the process of planning for a better tomorrow involves working on yourself, perhaps through therapy, counselling or talking to trusted friends. By the way, you cannot do this alone or through introspection.Think of this as urgent repairs to the ship’s hull, without that the boat is in danger of going down. Only a fool would attempt to sail in such a boat without spending some time in dock to patch things up.Perhaps you’ve been in denial about the condition of this leaky old tub? Have you been bailing like a demon for the last few years whilst battling on through stormy seas, just about keeping afloat? This is a judgement only you can make.
But apart from the psychological work, there remains the real down and dirty work required right now, today, to make your future better for you and your family. I guess this is what separates the winners from the losers. Winners know they have to work now in order to get ‘lucky’ several years down the line and reap the rewards.Losers want the rewards right now and cannot make the link between now and the future. They have what I have often described as a‘Bunteresque’ view of life (from Billy Bunter), hoping that something will turn up. You can’t live like that and be successful. You have to live your life on purpose, not by random chance. I cannot stress enough the importance of working for a better tomorrow despite any strong reasons why you feel you can’t, such as: 1. The terrible state of the world. 2. Your deep emotional scars. 3. Your age (you feel it’s too late).Work gives direction, meaning and engages the brain. Idleness rots you from deep within. I feel this is one of the most important issues and one of the hardest for me to write about. I guess the reason you bought this book is as a result of I’m just a few steps ahead of you on the path to wealth,happiness and freedom, and through my writings, I pass along my views of the scenery, what you can expect and how to negotiate the obstacles you are about to meet.The final thing in Pandora’s box was... hope. And when you are working for a better tomorrow. Conclusion Immense wealth is within your grasp - but it won't be a simple ride.Millions of individuals are wealthy and although it is not an easy thing to get rich it is far from impossible.Many chatter that they want to be wealthy, but few people have researched the factors required to achieve this. There are, indeed,several 'secrets' known to those who have fought their own way to the top of the mountain. If you have some aptitude and are willing to listen, you can learn these secrets for yourself and follow those 'lucky'ones to the dizzy heights.
The first thing you need to have is a firm belief that being wealthy is okay. If you harbour any socialist leanings, then these will eventually sabotage your wealth-creating efforts, ensuring that you remain poor.You must have a dream to act as a guiding beacon to lure you on when the going gets tough and the way ahead is dark. You cannot get rich by randomly selecting a field of endeavour for which you have no aptitude and even less interest. This is a ten or twenty year project;it cannot and must not be a ten or twenty year prison sentence. So you must do whatever it takes to unlock your secret dreams and passions. Hopefully others will share your passion and you can engage in commerce with them and make your fortune whilst having the time of your life. One very little trick used by all highly successful individuals is to have a battle-plan, sometimes called an action list or goal list. Life dreams are usually massive and unwieldy and so the wise person knows how to break up these dreams into bite-sized chunks of an acceptable size for our limited minds. Winners set goals, losers never set goals. It's that simple. Despite reading this recommendation fifty or a hundred times, still some people will not write down their goals. Having written your goals and broken the massive tasks down into simpler steps, now you require discipline to keep you on track,working through the list. Winners have this discipline. Losers wander aimlessly, become bored or distracted, have low frustration tolerance,give up easily and drift away. If I had to choose one single secret as the most important, it would be to cultivate a sense of discipline because from this, many other things follow.When setting your goals, make sure you keep firmly in mind that everything you obtain in this world has a price tag connected. You must be willing to pay the price, otherwise you are only window shopping and this means you are not serious about life, just browsing.Until this point, mostly this is theory. Now it is time for action.Above all, successful individuals are men and women of action. They get their sleeves rolled up and get on with the task at hand.Unsuccessful people procrastinate and always want to do it'tomorrow.' Of course, tomorrow never comes. The two main reasons for non-action are laziness and fear. The fear is usually fear of success or fear of change. We are all lazy, we all fear change. Winners are able to push through these negatives. Losers succumb to them. Before you start out on this journey, you need to have a clear idea about how much is enough, otherwise you have no destination and your search becomes an endless quest. If you are not clear about your destination, how can you ever know when you have arrived?Also, making money, no matter how enjoyable, has a price tag associated with it. Ideally you want to minimise the time you spend doing this and so you must have a clear idea of how much you want.There is no point any in amassing riches, never enjoying the fruits of your labours, and dying a wealthy man or woman. Money is an enabling force, not an end in itself. Finally, the journey is everything as there's only one, macabre destination which we all share. The last stop on the line is Grim Reaper Halt. Life is a process, not a product. So no matter what your current level of wealth, it is time for you to start mastering one of life's most difficult lessons which is to be happy right here, right now whilst working towards a better tomorrow. This book has been an attempt to get you to decide which of two paths in life you want to follow, and then for you actively to choose that path and live with your decision. One path is hard and stony. It rises steeply above of} you towards a distant mountain top. There is no guarantee of happiness on that mountain, but something calls you to it. The second path is not so steep. It meanders through the valley,taking in some interesting scenery on the way. It leads nowhere inparticular, but the journey is an interesting and pleasant one. There is no right or wrong path. Legend has it that both paths eventually converge in a mysterious dark valley from which no traveler has ever returned...but that's just a legend. Choose your path wisely. But do choose, do not drift. I wish you the best possible in your journey.
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