#woee rpg
hiddenwashington · 5 months
@vcndetta said: Was that [JENNA DEWAN]? Oh no no, that was just [FREYA BEAUCHAMP], a [CANON CHARACTER] from [WITCHES OF EAST END]. They are [THIRTY] years old, use [SHE/HER], and [ARE] aware that they are not actually from Washington DC. Too bad they can’t stray from this city for long.{dee who had regrets about dropping instantly :( }
accepted! welcome to washington d.c. freya beauchamp [jenna dewan]! please send in your account within 24 hours! please be sure to take a look at the checklist now that you've arrived! we look forward to seeing you around the city! 
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clematys · 1 year
Hi can you please, please please elaborate on your OC stories. Please.
"woman has so many problems it effects the whole (small) continent" is about demoncores, and more specifically sapnya! who stops pretending to be human and it leads to her discovering the survivors of a lost kingdom, and eventually that the conditions that led to her not being human have been recreated and is a huge ethical problem.
"comedy horror adventure rpg that if it were popular there would be so many bad takes about" is about shines (which i havent updated anything in so long woee) but it is a game im hoping to make thats inspired by chulip and moon rpg and has a dualistic sort of gameplay but ive only got about half of it drafted out so far fjkdsl
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edgewood-promo · 5 years
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Welcome back to Edgewood. Welcome home.
   Edgewood was founded over 300 years ago as a sanctuary for the supernatural community. Through cooperation and magic never seen before, the world’s most powerful protection spell was cast on the settlement. Drawing its power from ley lines beneath the settlement, the Veil protected the town from evils it knew of, and evils it didn’t. But as Edgewood grew, so too did the Veil, and the amount of magic it drew from the ley lines. It was too much, and in 1919, the Veil was restructured.
   Today, evil walks the earth in ways the original founders never could’ve imagined, and the worst is yet to come. The ley lines continue to heal, but Veil is needed now more than ever to protect those unable to defend themselves against the oncoming storm.
   Can Edgewood count on you for help? Or should they beware of your intentions?
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indieareyoutheone · 6 years
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the ultimate love experiment is back!
ten men, ten women, ten perfect matches, ONE million dollars.
the game ;;
Every girl and guy are matched together through a process based on compatibility. Though no one knows who these matches are, other than our lovely hosts (@lodgeicaltmand @alphabadass ). Each week there will be a ceremony held, where everyone ‘locks’ in with the partner of their choosing and we find out how many perfect matches we have—but we will not know which pairs those perfect matches are. The only real way to figure that out, is based on the Truth Booths, which are held the day before the ceremonies. One pair gets voted in, and will be told if they are in fact a perfect match or not. If you are? You get the royal treatment, get sent off to the honeymoon suite, and away from the house while the others figure out the other matches—but if you aren’t, it’s back to the drawing board.
Men and Women share a large house on the beautiful island of Anguilla. Men share one side of the house while women are in another. Double rooms mean you have a roommate through the season and a living area for everyone to interact and mingle. There will be more dates and more connections to be discovered. The challenges will be harder and more emotionally taxing. You will be pushed to new limits that we haven’t seen on this show before.  One million dollars doesn't’ come without a price.
You only get ten ceremonies and ten shots to win both love and the ONE million.
the info ;;
This is going to be very much like the actual show ( with a few of our own tweaks), which means that we will pair you all up ahead of time based on the application you send in and you will not know who your matches are.
This verse will have a presence on discord as it’s the best way to communicate with everyone at once.
WE WILL NOT PLAY FAVORITES. We won’t participate in any prize challenges so that it’s fair to everyone else and again we will be matching according to the applications.
Every week on ‘ceremony day’ we will make a post in the tag asking who you choose to lock in with, or send you an ask about it, and after everyone has replied there will be another post saying how many perfect matches you have found. Also, on ‘truth booth nights’, we will make a post asking who you all would like to send to the truth booth. Majority rules. Another post will be posted saying if they are a match or not.
There will be little tasks assigned here and there to delve deeper into your character. They won’t be hard or mandatory. It may sometimes be a partnered thing though so the characters can develop connections.
the rules ;;
Be open to anyone. All fandoms are welcome
We don’t start until we get all 20 applicants. ( we may increase this number depending on the number of apps we get)
Characters must be between the ages of 21 and 30.
BE ACTIVE!!!! This is a must, especially with this verse. You don’t need to be on 24/7 but ceremony days and truth booth days are needed because you have to vote. If you aren’t active it isn’t fair to your potential match or others who are. You need to be active to make connections.You may vote via discord to the mods. If you CAN’T BE ACTIVE, DON’T JOIN because it’ll compromise whoever your match would be.
No matter what fandom you’re in, all characters must be human in this verse.
NSFW will probably be present so the mun must be 18+. If we find out you’re lying you will be booted and blacklisted.
No ooc drama, but ic? BRING ALL THE IC DRAMA YO.
Don’t get angry about your match ooc. If you’ve seen the show, you’ll know that sometimes matches don’t even end up liking each other and form other relationships. You don’t automatically need to ship with your match.
You don’t have to stick with one person the entire ride. You can fight/choose other people, etc.
Track the tag: gv. ayto
Submit this app here.
the ladies ;;
Veronica Lodge (21) - @lodgeicaltm​
Hayley Marshall (24) - @pastshed
Elena Gilbert (21) - @graveyardiary
the gents ;;
Derek Hale (26) - @alphabadass​
Archie Andrews (21) - @archieekins
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