#wowim tired
clumsyclifford · 4 years
Yup! Apology on twitter girl is still me. I tend to overthink especially bc I’m older than most stans so thank you for the patience. And no worries about the going off Twitter. I think that’s an incredibly healthy thing to do. Have a great day. -Spidey Anon
thank you yes i know the healthiest thing of all would be to delete twitter entirely but i have fomo so instead i just check it occasionally at least i dont agonize over missing things i also have no idea how the algorithm of the timeline works on twitter no clue but whatever 
i also dont really know what im saying rn since its 3am and im wicked tired like im just. saying words. so if im being incoherent or vague thats because my brain is just. entirely shut off sorry lmao
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