#yeah sorry religious followers. im not a fan of religion at all. as you can see.
tchaikovskym · 1 year
My work friend wants to become Christian. I've failed as a person. My influence has not been enough.
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glasswinggames · 5 months
ooohhh!!! i see i see! i had a feeling that it was something to do with magical stones! ive been around the isekai manga/manhwa/manhua scene to pick up on some common tropes for those (clearly. not the same as this game but like. u know theres been the whole. what i am saying is that i recongnize the magic stone as a power source thing from multiple fantasy settings, this game has NONE of those isekai story vibes minus everyone being soooo hot amen) but i also find it hilarious that helios is the one who basically launched idols into being more readily accessible, cold duke is the reason you can watch your babygirl trip on stage on that note, I am SO curious about Noah- he seems like the most overtly sweet out of all the interests so far and I am so damn curious about his actual religious views- the world believes the saints to be chosen by the gods right? does Noah believe that the Saint has been chosen by the Gods? or is there another reason Noah has such faith in the temple and/or the saint? (if u cant answer this without spoilers that is) im also just curious about any religious facts of tidbits you could give me! i love exploring religion in fantasy settings
I'm so sorry for the delay in answering this!! Things got super hectic over the holidays and I ended up using social media very little! 😅🙏
I'm also a huge fan of the isekai manhwa scene (I've literally just finished reading the latest chapter for Villains are Destined to die) which honestly thinking of it, has probably inspired certain elements of the world! I definitely do try to make it different though as much as I can and create something new! But yeah I love the idea of magic stones as a power source it's just neat! /insert the meme here
It's also so funny that Helios, the man who swears by only classical and serious music (who is also secretly a theatre kid at heart) essentially propelled the idol scene 😂 it's his secret internal grumble.
There is only so much I can say about Noah but I'll do my best to answer as much as I can! His route is one of the two locked routes, and religion, or at least the God's play a huge part!
For his actual religious views, he does believe in the God's, and believes that you, the MC, has been brought over by the God too. Though he believes and has incredibly strong faith, he doesn't enforce or follow the doctrine as closely as others do though, so he's not very strict and is happy to help you with whatever you need and want to do, even if it bends the rules, because he can relate to your situation in a lot of ways!
Some religious facts!!
> The church is split into sectors, each following a different God, There are three main sectors, each for the three Supreme Rank Gods: Caitel (The God of Materia), Yuliana (The Goddess of Anti-Materia - my physics nerd is showing with her haha) and Tenebra (The God of creation). Noah is under the God Caitel, but he believes in all the God's. There are smaller sectors for the High Rank God's and for medium and lesser God's these are worshipped on a personal level.
> It's not just people who are brought over! Occasionally, different items come over from other worlds, which church scholars can spend decades trying to figure out how they work! The otherworldly travellers can help answer a lot of those questions 😂
> The church used to be equal to the throne, however, due to Helios work developing health care, the increased mercenaries who can be hired for protection, and a sudden appearance of new religions, they have lost power with the people which they desperately want to gain back. Some sectors believe the MC can do this for them, other sectors believe the MC will simply make it worse.
A long answer! But hope this all makes sense!! ☺️🙏 💕
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a-menagerie · 2 years
hello!! ive been a silent reader (and lover) of your blog since like late 2021, and so i finally decided to pop-in and say something. love your writing!! all you CR content makes me so so happy and we all appreciate you endlessly. but, if you’re still doing those D&D characters submissions…i’d like to submit mine as well :D
my character’s name is Lyon (pronounced Leon) and she’s a 15/16 year old human warlock who’s gotten in way over her head with her “patron.” her patron is a sourceless/bodiless entity who represents the rejection of death and strives for eternal life—aka the enemy of both the Raven Queen and The Wildmother—who is worshiped by a widespread church, however Lyon was lucky (unlucky?) enough to be hand-chosen by this entity to be their sole acolyte. the warlock deal was for Lyon to travel and grow stronger so that she would be able to later ascend and act as a physical representation and leader of this warped and twisted religion.
her stats: 10 STR, 15 DEX, 8 CON, 15 INT, 11 WIS, and 19 CHA
she’s a naive young girl who’s trying to help people and become stronger—but she’s far too trusting of people due to her lack of experience in the world. there’s lots of opportunities where someone could take advantage of her naivety. she’s from a smaller town and this is her first time adventuring ever. Lyon is obviously too young to be romantically involved with anyone from any campaign, but she’s a phenomenal listener and is incredibly kind. i would really like to know how she would fit into Vox Machina, but i personally imagine she’d really look up to Vex and Keyleth as older sisters.
again, as a decently long term fan of your blog (im one of your followers, but you probably won’t figure out who hehe) i wanted to say that i really do appreciate all your writing so very much!! thank you for the endless content and i hope you can find some more motivation soon <33
-shakes fist at sky- who are youuuuuuu ;P
but also hi lovely thank you for the super kind message and the fun character! <3 sorry this has taken so so long but i hope you enjoy!
okay first off though i think most everyone in Vox Machina is in "must protecc" mode for Lyon. she's a capable person sure, but she's still young and naive
Grog, Vex, and Scanlan are the ones most likely to let Lyon do the whole "learn by trying" thing. Yeah she's gonna fall for that con-artist but how will she learn otherwise?
The others are various shades of "wrap her up like a burrito and put her in your pocket"
Lyon sounds a lot like Keyleth - kind, empathic, big-hearted. so it's no wonder she'd look up to Keyleth...which just really flusters Kiki, but in a good way! Keyleth is really not used to people looking to her in that way. She tries to be a good example for Lyon, about how you can be kind and strong
Vex, on the other hand, maybe not so outwardly kind. She definitely cares, just in her own way. but maybe to Lyon, she sees Vex as what she could grow to be - not so naive, whip smart, and independent. Vex is also not used to having someone look up to her like that but she slides into the roll much easier than Keyleth
Scanlan I think would find it hard to not treat Lyon like the kid she nearly is (especially after meeting Kaylie). He doesn't necessarily treat her that way in an obvious manner, but he'll check in on her after a tough fight, offer some jokes if she seems down. Nonchalant dad things.
Pike looked after Grog, traveling with and looking after Lyon is easy peasy. assuming Lyon shares who her patron is, Pike is gonna keep a super close eye on her and offer the opportunities to discuss more spiritual/religious topics.
Grog...just thinks its the best to have a "little kid" following them around that he can mess with. He doesn't really see Lyon as someone who needs to be looked after...so he doesn't. He does make sure no one gets close to her in a fight tho. And he'll order her a beer, go "oops youre not old enough!" and drink it himself
Vax tries so hard to let Lyon learn her own lessons. Very hands-off approach. Until he falls under the Raven Queen's wing (and again assuming they know about Lyon's patron). then he gets really worried. this entity is the enemy of the RQ, and he worries that She will try to make him deal with Lyon
Percy feels like he's got another little sister. In the early days, he'd sometimes get Lyon conflated with Cassandra in his head - maybe treating Lyon too harshly for mistakes she'd made. over time though, he falls naturally into his big brother role; her naivety can make it fun to mess with her, tho he knows not to take it too far
None of Vox Machina would like her position as the Entities acolyte, and I think they'd really try to find a way to relieve her from her pact (if she was agreeing or not, tbh). if Lyon decides that she wants out, great! She's got VM on her team willing to do whatever it takes to free her from that thing. If Lyon decides she wants to continue working with the Entity, and eventually become that group leader, i think VM would try very hard to dissuade her and lead her down a different path. but they'd never abandon or give up on her
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arkus-rhapsode · 5 years
(Was gonna send this as an ask but it got too long)
Hi, I read your analysis on Edelgard and the Church and thought they were really well thought out. I'm personally a huge fan of Edelgard so I disagree on some elements but that's really just a matter of perspective. However, while reading your Church of Seiros analysis I feel like you glossed over two details which I personally believe are pretty important to Edelgards motivation against the church. (Disclaimer, while im spoiled on most relevant plot points, Ive only played Edelgard and the Church routes so far and havent seen every support so my understanding may be incomplete)
The first one being that Rhea has essentially made a Cult of Personality. The Fire Emblem games are no strangers to having random NPCs and minor characters lionizng and deifing their leaders, but with 3houses newer takes on perspective and gray morality and all that, the worship of Rhea comes off as really skeevy at times. The most obvious example of this is probably Cyril, who is probably the most textbook example of a child solider in a game where most of the units are technically child soldiers, but it even extends to a lot of NPC chatter, and characters like Catherine. The issue with the Church in its current state is that aside from having WAY more power than it should, all that power is pretty much centralized on ONE person, who in the eyes of most of her followers, can essentially do no wrong. I get the distinct impression that the church being called "The Church of Seiros" rather than "The Church of Sothis" was very intentional on the part of the writers for more than just the whole "Sothis" reveal. I think this is why Edelgard specifically says that she's "not declaring war on the faith, but on [Rhea]", because Rhea has fostered an enviroment where for a lot of her followers, Rhea IS the church, and her word is the word of the Goddess. Granted, she does step down and let Byleth run the church in a lot of endings but this brings me to my next, arguably more important point.
Rhea is fucking batshit insane.
This is probably more of my interpretation than anything, but I think what sets Rhea apart from some of the other antagonists is that I wouldn't really call her "Evil", at least no in the same way that I would call Thales "Evil" or Edelgard (as much as I love her) "Evil". Rhea's character strikes me as more of a case of just having an EXTREMELY warped sense of morality, which basically expresses itself as "Mother and Family Good, Others Bad", so if someone agrees with her and does what she says then she will show them the utmost kindness and warmth (which is how she's amassed such a large following), and if they disobey her or do something she percieves as a betrayl of her or her mother, then they're filthy heretic who will burn in hell forever (the church route also heavily implies that this is in large part due to the Classic Fire Emblem lore of "Dragons Don't Get Old They Just Get Crazy"). So when Byleth sides with her, she essentially sees it as her mother coming back (in some shape) to reclaim her rightful place as ruler of Fodlan, and steps down to let them take over again. This was one of my issues with the Church route, where instead of humanizing Rhea and exploring her character like Edelgards route did for her, I kinda left with the impression that Rhea just got what she wanted (or close enough for her) and therefore never had any reason to lash out like she did in Edelgards route.
Obviously this is a matter of perspective and I doubt this would really change your mind about Edelgard at all, but I do feel like its a pretty important of Edelgards motivations and why she does what she does. But this is just how I saw things and I felt the need to point this out after reading your analysis.
Okay so this is my response, sorry f its not as coherrent as my others because I’m honestly writig this off the top of my head. Now I’m glad you read both of those (seriously, i’m really happen when people read my work) and hey I don’t expect everyone to fully agree with me. I mean a big point I made with Edelgard is character perspective, but it also involves perspective of the player.
So if you feel certain way about Edelgard that come from a place personal view point that disagrees with my own, I’m not going to take umbridge. I don’t really think there is a “wrong stance” on Edelgard. But onto my own mistakes.
Yeah when writing the Edelgard post I do admit to leaving out more of the personal connections to the church and spent more on observing it as a whole. Kinda looking at the effect of the world and narrative on Edelgard. But I do believe that Edelgard’s own feelings towards Rhea are a factor in her rebellion. Just not as big a factor as the church’s effect on socuety and its crest structure and how it related to her own personal tragedy.
Yes, Rhea has a presence that can basically be seen as her literally making herself an envoy of a higher power, and while there are people who would likely die for her like Catherine and Cyril, I don’t think that position is that different from other instances of religion both in game and out of game. Now in the case of someone like Emmeryn, they are actually incharge of a sovereign power. It would make sense that their reverence goes beyond religious. People like Cyril seem to revere Rhea and not the church likely because they grew up in just this generation where the figure was that all encompassing. That is defintly dangerous, but is someting that comes with the territory if this large an operation. I can see where Edelgard would have a problem with that, but its very likely the same thing would develop with Edelgard as emperor. Listening to her companions speak about her and what she’s doing for the emperor can be seen in a similar vain of worship for the figure and not message.
Now onto the amount of power the church has, the church is continental in scale, but it is still divided among the 3 branches and when you consider the Empire, Faerghus, and Alliance need to live in relative harmony, it doesn’t surprise me on the size or influence of the church. Assuming we went with an ending that was no Rhea and but still a church, I highly doubt that in size it would decrease, but follower count would. So as an organized religion, that I don’t see as out of the ordinary. And if the one in charge of the central church was someone who did believe in the best parts of the teachings of Sothis and prioritized those, then I wouldn’t have a problem. I think the biggest over reach of the church is their right to execute. Not on the battlefield, but taking a prisoner and then killing them. It feels like that should be done with people like Kostas or Kronya who don’t hail from a territory or sovereign state. But with Lonato and the western church, it feels like the punishment or order of execution should’ve come from Faerghus as that’s where their associated with.
But then we have Rhea herself and yeah I did leave out talking about Rhea’s personality. I more talked about her actions. But I agree, this woman is crazy. Like I don’t know if its the dragon deterioration, though I kinda assumed Rhea shows signs of split personalities. There’s a clear difference in states of Seiros, Rhea and the immaculate one. I don’t know if it is actually personality disorder, but I picked up on it.
But in short I do agree with you on Rhea. Though I feel as though I didn’t gloss over the clearly evil shit she did such as experimentation and the preservation of the Golems. And I agree, she’s not “evil” nor really an antagonistic force like Edelgard (in most routes) but that doesn’t mean her hands aren’t clean. I would say the most morally black individual is Thales.
SO yeah, I still stand by everything I’ve said and think most of what I wrote is satisfactory, but I can understand that I didn’t mention everything that I probably should’ve
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