#and istg its bc of stupid things like influencers
tchaikovskym · 1 year
My work friend wants to become Christian. I've failed as a person. My influence has not been enough.
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spiteless-xo · 7 months
Im so sorry this ramble is so long but here u go🙁
The absolute terror that came over me when i saw the email notification for the new chapter😭😭😭ok before i read im gonna put my final insights here,, ive literally been scrambling around my house procrastinating reading it bc im TERRIFIED and honestly im so sad its ending,, ive been reading since like february??? I think???Idk atp but i cannot express how much ive loved this story i wish it couldve just continued forever🥲🥲
Ok my predictions are that this will not be a one way path ik tiff is evil and likes to fuck w our feelings😞 i think smt twisted like reader picking eren but eren not picking reader could happen BC HE REALISED HIS SELF WORTH MAYBE😭😭but im not intricate enough to actually use that to decide but i honestly am at a loss i have no clue,, its an honest gamble but i do think eren is endgame??? Help i have no clue😭 but i do remember someone analysing the smells? Vanilla is more home and comfort so like a foundation? And citrus was for summer and things but i was thinking how summer is a temporary thing where people live out crazy activities for the sake of it but the whole thing abt it is that its temporary like we always have to go back HOME to our foundation aka vanilla aka eren????
Thing is ive been eren for endgame since DAYY ONEE i only almost switched up once during the arc with erens confession (idky😞) but other than that ive stayed loyal LMAO idk if im just being delusional tho convincing myself I think she'll end up with eren but
ALSO my other point right
I wanna take this back to tiff bc she IS the author😋 from what ive seen in her tumblr,, a lot of the reader owns resemblance to tiff?? She's mentioned a lot how the readers job is based off her irl experience in an office and some of the readers habits shes claimed to have herself i remember she was saying how people bashing the reader made her think like 'wait thats kind of me tho’ i remember it too vaguely to quote but ANYWAY off the basis that the reader is in some aspects (not all) a projection in some ways?? Its gonna influence,, we ALL know tiff is a strong jean girl😭 we love that and so u'd think jean would be picked BUT in between chapters i saw a few tumblr posts abt her growing liking for eren? I wont deny that she is DEFINITELY still a jean girl but i think for some form of variation in her work bc i think as far as i know she only has one other eren story on her ao3 and so i think her growing crush ok eren may be enough to win her over for just this fic even if jean remains her favourite?? I have like ten million other theories but i need to read the chapter now i will be back😋😋 (im so scared im shitting my pants)
Im back!! its been like 6 days since i read it but i just didnt have time to write out my reaction after bc i was so fucking immersed i lost track of time and was late to meet up w my friends💀💀💀anyway it was such rollercoaster omd😭 the letters from jean we’re honestly so cute and i think the year time skip made everything all the more realistic in her choice bc she frl needed that break😭 OMD AND THE WAY I WAS PANICKING when that girl came out the elevator istg i thought it was mikasa,, with all generic eren fanfics if theres ever a third party to make the reader jealous theres some unspoken rule to never use mikasa for some reason and i was dying thinking it was gonna be her😭😭 commonly people use historia so when even a mention of eren having a new gf came up my mind shot to historia i swear i was worrying just as much as the reader💀 anyway back to jeans letters i was honestly like getting a bit swayed that i wouldnt even be upset if reader ended up w jean and especially considering how offstandish eren was when reader went to see him at first he was like not following up on anything like he was rushing to see his stupid gf (it was armin🎉🎉🥳) AND THE READER WAS SO CUTE FOR THAT GUNDAM (tysm tiff its such a silly headcanon that eren collects those and builds them i can see it HELP) and i think it was so cute seeing the reader and sasha as bsfs more bc i think there was long periods of time that that relationship w sasha wasnt as strongly shown so its so nice AND OMGOGMOGM LEVI????? U made the dynamic w them so well how he has that small bit of warmth telling her she can work there whenever she needs its the cutest thing ever i love it more than ever and the way levi talks abt petra UGH u made everything so endearing, and istg the reader has never been real until this chapter bc she is so right saying that a bunch of paper doesnt change him bc I KNEW AS SOON AS HE SAID HE NEVER LEFT TITAN AND BECAME BASICALLY HIS DAD that he was not gonna be endgame,, i always had the theory that titan and the kirstein status is a metaphor for the status jean has from the reader bc shes loved him for so long thinking hes someone that hes really not,, jean was painfully aware how he could make any mistake at work and have no punishment similarly to how even if he hurts the reader she will always forgive him so if he couldnt avoid reaping the benefits of his kirstein status then it means he’d continue to take advantage of the reader but thing is this status dissolved when she took that year away from him which is why I appreciate how realistic it all is logic wise,, Eren evidently changed and omg i wanna know abt the pictures on his wall bc when reader was first there there was mention how there were no family pictures or any sign of him really living there but when she came back there were pictures,, i was trying to figure out the meaning but i cant get my finger on it😭 my guess is that he found more purpose in life?? Idk bc that seems so vague and farfetched i was wondering what ur intentions were with that🙆‍♀️ and i had a theory AGES AGO that piecks ‘bad bf’ before jean or smt was zeke?? Bc knowing how zeke was in that gc and stuff like that it sounded like smt was gonna link together? I just think the added details abt piecks past was left unfinished so i was also wondering abt that😋 anyway ugh the ending was also so cute usually i hate when characters dance in fanfics but it was so cute and fitting for the moment like THEM AT THE POINT omg i loved it i love u thank you SO MUCH tiff for an amazing story i hope u have a good day bb❤️❤️❤️
omg thank you for a such a lovely message 🥰💗🥰💗 i’ll hide my response under a cut here because it’s long
reading since february!! omg that’s like the beginning! i think i dropped the first chapter on valentine’s day
“tiff is evil and likes to fuck with our feelings” 💀💀💀 yes.
ugh the smells!!!!! that was my biggest slip up frfr 🙈 i said way too much when i responded to that ask because i was so excited someone asked!! and you guys were all right of course. eren was home and jean was just temporary (like the summer season)
lmao ok literally. i was still a hardcore jean girlie when i started writing tbaw and even after i decided it was gonna end w eren. so throughout writing tbaw….. i literally fell in love w eren jaeger 🙈 and i almost fell out of love w jean!!! tbaw!jean is so awful he almost ruined jean completely for me
hehehe yes yes you’re 100% right w jean. he’s so used to taking advantage and never getting punished (w reader and titan) that he doesn’t really see a point in changing because tbh his life is pretty good?? but then when reader spent time away from him, her blind infatuation w him wore off and then when he tried to pull that same shit again, she’s like nah bro.
ok this is probably not clear at all, but the deal w eren’s apartment is that in the beginning it’s very sanitized and show-homey because he feels distant and detached from his friends/family after the death of his mom and becoming close w zeke. he’s like internally ashamed of the way he’s acting because he knows he’s in the wrong so he’s almost punishing himself by distancing himself from everyone.
and then after a year when he’s changed and the pictures are on the wall, its because hes worked his way out of that hole of self loathing and is happy with the person he is now. so he’s able to feel more comfortable, even in the privacy of his own home, and having his mom “watch over him” in a sense, and cherishing his previous relationship w jean and his ongoing friendship w armin, etc etc.
yes!! pieck’s bad bf was zeke! i was originally going to have her have a bigger role in tbaw to show like how eren’s past behaviour can affect people, since she was a victim of that treatment when she dated zeke. but i scrapped it because it would’ve extended the story so much and also i didn’t really like writing pieck lol
so there are like lil bits and pieces about the pieck/zeke relationship and how the way he treated her makes her seek validation in men, but it’s super underdeveloped in tbaw.
thank you again for such a lovely comment!! i’m glad you enjoyed it 🥰💗
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butcherhog · 4 years
(dont reblog istg im venting)
yknow its valid to dislike travis for whatever personal reasons but it would be cool if yall take into account the guy has npd and making him out to be evil when he s actively trying to improve his actions despite struggling with a personality disorder is kinda. idk yall keep saying support ur fellow nd ppl but as soon as one gives uneasy vibes for whatever reason, even tho theyre actively trying to be a good person and positive influence, so many ppl seem to be out to cancel them before they do anything bad. and even then when they learn and dont repeat the same mistakes ppl will always keep bringing them back up. cancel culture is so fucking weird and uneasy and on top of that consider ur nd mutuals and friends! who may be struggling with npd or similar disorders/traits! some of whom might look up to how he s trying to set a positive example of how u Can be succesful and live happily and improve etc etc, can u rly say you love and support them no matter what and then turn around and make travis out for creepy and weird and evil for sounding overly supportive/disgenuine when thats literally smth ppl with npd struggle with. can yall grow some actual Real patience and understanding for ur fellow nd people
like maybe im speaking too much out of personal experience but bc of my adhd i also struggle a lot with for example giving the wrong answers, saying the wrong things on accident, sounding disgenuine, worrying extreme ammounts about whether i did sound as genuine as i was trying to convey and worrying even More abt whether i sounded overly supportive/genuine/etc
like, a lot nd ppl are already hyper analysing all of theyre own behaviour to a stupid degree which is, as u might imagine, very fucking anxiety inducing
i dont rly have a summary point to wrap this up with but if anyone reads this, hope u understand what im trying to say
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koishua · 2 years
I mean, it wouldn't be such a nuisance if it wasn't so hard to pronounce, I'm really conscious about my way of speaking so what really takes me back is the speaking part 😔 (the most important 😓)
Finally it wasn't so bad, I would've stayed more time if it wasn't for some things I have to do here, but after this experience I'm thinking of going there to at least start studying while I take care of my cousin. I have much to think about, I'll have to talk it out with my bed 💤
Would you know 👀 I'm actually on ep 8 of All of us are dead, but I'll talk about that in another ask...
Well actually, these last days HxH has been really fun, I like this exam arc, but I prefer watching it with my friend bc I like to say stupid shit and we end up laughing all the time. (Actually Hisoka's parts usually have that flamenco music so we always make fun of it dancing to it 😂) Domestic Girlfriend is... confusing, like 'why are you making an anime about this??? 🧐'. Yeah, I'll check out that one then, the only sports anime I've seen is Haikyuu and I loved it, I'd like to watch Yuri on Ice and Free! Have you watched them?
It's good to hear that, must really come in handy knowing a person in every school, I could never 😂 Then I've totally achieved my goal 😌‼️ I always have much love to give so anytime you need reassurance, I'm here 🕴️
ahh... I wouldn't know... As I'm an only child I only know I would give my life for my parents, but I don't actually know if I'd like to have siblings... My mother told me she wanted to have manyyy kids, like 6 or so, but due to reasons she decided not to, but damn, I wouldn't want to be oldest sibling out of that bunch 👀 I can't even imagine the pressure.
Well, the first Agatha's book I read was 'And then there were none' at 13-14 for school, and to this day it's the first that comes to mind when recommending one, it really has you on the edge all the time (the introduction is kinda long and a little boring but after the dinner it all escalates) and bombastic plot twist 💥. Murder in the Orient express is also a classic.
Yeah, now my mind is in ‼️All of us are dead‼️but I'll check their synopsis out.
Take care and get better angel <3 - 💐
oh so you CAN speak french‼️meh i say don't be too concerned over an accent or the way you speak or anything 💔 it's so stupid that we gradually feel more self conscious about it as we grow up tho and like, the concern is so common and yet <//3 idk kids generally have it so easy with learning languages and talking since they don't hold back like we might do smh
pls im glad you're in the fluffy and fun and adventure filled era of hxh for now 😭 hisoka is sick af, but the music just makes it better yeah lmao it gets gradually so so dark and the tension just makes your neck sore sometimes 💔💔 there are so many "wtf" animes so ig domestic gf is that kind too haha i haven't watched yuri on ice (at least not in full episodes, i do know what goes on tho) but free! is still on my tbw list... for the past years.... still haven't watched it bc so many new stuff are coming out 😭🤚
thanking my dad for the amount of ppl ik istg i still don't know how my memory is capable of that </3 thanks for being the reliable older sister (figure) i never had 💜💔
trust me. being the oldest isn't worth any of its very few advantages 😐 im the oldest of four and you have to be the second mother to everyone. just— no. i would never recommend being born first and im very serious about this oml. ppl might always complain about being lonely as an only child, but that's far better than being constantly surrounded by multiple gremlins at once 🥴 they look up to you for everything, so you never get to make mistakes (as my mom always tells me to behave or else you're being "a bad influence" and teaching them something bad 💔🙁). also bc you were your parents' first kid, they'll be harsher on you but the rules they once reinforced on you will lighten up so much more with your younger siblings. okay im done with my mini rant anyways you can see how done i am with this entire older sister life 💀💀
after i finish my recently bought books, i'll be checking out and then there wer none!!
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cielospeaks · 6 years
you have no idea how fking catharthic it is to draw the leggycrew in loid parody comics
like tbh theres way too much sadly in common between them both
-the people apart from the characters’ creator want them to fit an expectation based on visual and refuse to accept any depth or anything that goes against their visual expectation for them
-people who arent the creator of the characters or the writer of the story wanting to dictate what the characters are like, even (especially) when it goes directly against the canon and what the character’s creator has directly stated
-except the difference is one is self contained and has no influence from a very whiny side of the fandom that isnt even the audience, and the other is just a part of a larger thing and has to sit back and watch as said characters are absolutely torn apart and traumatized by other characters they have no control over
anyways i feel like theres way too many similarities unfortunately ahaha
like obvs virelai and schuu, but even anda and liszt have the similarity of people being kinda creepily interested in their physical appearance and not their actual personality (cept everything anda does ‘must be out of spite’ and ricchan can do no wrong bc shes got a nice set of abs)
and seiki and wa being grossly misinterpreted by the fandom based on what they want to see rather than what is, and dovo and ana being irrationally hated for something pretty much valid and warranted they did
leggy and moz are both reduced to the “uvu cinnamon roll can do no wrong” or at least the latter was (not so much anymore sighs this fandom istg)
idk coda and cho are a lil different bc people are pretty apathetic about coda besides being the “joke character” (imean to be fair i havent told the whole story about how it was programmed by a professional gamer whos sister was chronically ill and who made it an idol/vocaloid in order to help cheer her up but even without that directly ive hinted if these asshats ever paid attention to anyone but their character or what they wanted to see lmao) and id rather not he have the aggressive fanbase that cho has that refuses to see him as anything other than “uvu sad boy all alone i will be his only friend”
but all my salt aside i love this so much. i mean if it takes me drawing stupid 4komas to give my characters the happiness they deserve ill do it
reference for other comics
intro to season 2- “you thought we were the micchan and rapperbert based characters but it was actually the new loids!” seiki and ana pose but everyones just kinda like “.... you were made before those announcements even....” but these two are like the most extra and are completely unfazed
ep 5- virelai returns (as za greato?) with andrielle, the support squad. “im the reggae fairy and if youre mean to my best friend ill stab you!” “wasnt that the other-” “im the other reggae fairy and if you’re mean to my steed ill stab you too!” stabby is here too
ep 6- idk. canonically sev has a complicated relationship w his mom so i have no flippin idea whos gonna be himeka. maybe cesura. shes everyones mom basically
ep 7- everyones like “dude. dont force ships” and allegro says the same thing. “but youre supposed to be motes- give us a more motes-ey response.” “okay~ well as i was saying its not cool to force someone into a relationship-” “GOSH DANGIT CANON NONSHIPPING!”
ep 8- allegro getting excited about turning into a hippo. “ive definitely lied before! transformation sequence gooooo!” but nothing happens. also allegro babysitting provincelette bc shes the only one close enough in age to mari
ep 9- honestly i have no idea. probably coda being like “of course im merely an imitation and a rip off. i was modeled as one-” cue zhuan and virelai and practically everyone else bursting through the room and hugging codas screen like “ur not! dont say that! ur valid!”
ep 10- anda challenges some pretty boy to a fight. “shes just doing it out of spite!” anda takes a deep breath. “sorry risuto, ill have to put our fight on hold for a sec-” punches the fking joya bell out the window. risuto like “dont worry i totally support u”. moral of the story dont be a dick to liszt!anda. or any anda
ep 11- salcla. idk on this one either i still havent seen it subbed
ep 13- new years special! feng and sev in nice outfits! feng: too bad yall think japanese stuff isnt important or interesting bc now u dont get to see paddonson and andrea in sexy outfits(tm), also in the background anda and virelai punching the heck out of a joya bell. “this is for the worldly sin of being friends with someone only to tell them theyre wrong about what they think and like and exist!” “this is for the worldly sin of trying to get someone to date you by nearly killing yourself and their little brother!” everyone else like “.....why did this happen” idk dudes i feel that too
ep 14- andrea and ana on a shinkansen. “oh- i just finished my book and we’ve still got 4 more hours.” “were all out of avocados....” andressa and scherzo pop up from the seats behind them in little detective outfits. “a case!” and just give them the stuff. thanks?
ep 15- seiki getting unsure about doing sumo. but audrey and cowboy saotome for some reason are walking past “theres gonna be a sumo match here! isnt sumo awesome? weve gotta go!” “....yeah.... its pretty cool...” seiki: ill do it! so i can be pretty cool! notice me audrey senpai! and virelai just like “......this kid”
ep 17- i also have no idea
ep 18- plot? idk?
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