#yeah yeah. im projecting majorly onto these stupid characters. just like i am w noelle
girlucifer · 3 years
obsessed with noelle & susie's relationship. with simeon & lucifer, i always wanted them to be like [hates each other viscerally except for those moments alone while the two stand idly on the balcony and look up at the stars that twinkle far above their heads and the world almost stops when the two meet gazes and their hearts thump in their chests and they aren't sure what to think anymore, all that they know is each other's names that fit so perfectly on their lips, almost like a wave of nostalgia that washes over them where the two are thrown back into time when they were the best of friends, best of lovers] OR maybe lucifer -> super obvious with his little crush on the angel vs simeon -> why is he staring at me like that. whatever. what's mc doing i wonder? ❤
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