#yes I’m talking about Michelle Yeoh and Cate Blanchett
Tonight’s mood is crying to hozier because I feel very emotional about art and humanity
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dweemeister · 1 year
95th Academy Awards reactions
It’s late, probably won’t get much attention, but here goes it...
I came into the night thinking EEAAO the prohibitive frontrunner with All Quiet nipping at its heels because of BAFTA, and I certainly wasn’t mistaken. Seven from eleven nominations puts EEAAO in the realm of The Best Years of Our Lives (1946), The Bridge on the River Kwai (1957), Lawrence of Arabia (1962), Patton (1970), and Schindler’s List (1993). There are some less reputable movies  (that won or didn’t win Best Picture) that also won seven, but we won’t speak of those. I shouldn’t compare total number of Oscars across years because of the variance of how much or how little competition there was those years, but that is quite a bit. And I don’t think EEAAO matches the heights of any of those aforementioned movies. Still, I liked the movie and would’ve voted for it for Best Picture anyways.
As a Vietnamese-American kid, it was something else to see Ke Huy Quan - who is of ethnic Chinese descent but from Vietnam and knows Cantonese, Mandarin, and Vietnamese fluently - take home Best Supporting Actor. To see home speak of his refugee childhood near the beginning of his speech was enough to bring tears to my eyes. The comeback is complete. May he go on to have the career he wanted to have.
I was shocked to see Jamie Lee Curtis’ name come up for Supporting Actress. I thought this was going to Condon for Banshees, perhaps Angela Bassett for a valedictory Oscar for Black Panther: Wakanda Forever (I am of the opinion Bassett should’ve won by now, but we shouldn’t be in the business of giving valedictory competitive Oscars). Preferred Hsu and Condon myself. Also hearing bad things about Bassett’s reaction.
I’m not a fan of The Whale or Darren Aronofsky. But I will admit that I appreciated Brendan Fraser and Hong Chau in it. And though I wasn’t fully in Fraser’s court on this one (I thought his performance was as good as Bill Nighy’s in Living - Nighty was never going to win this), I am more than happy to see him a winner.
Michelle Yeoh was the slight personal favorite in Actress other than Cate Blanchett in Tár. An absolute stunning victory here in a performance that allowed her to be as fully-rounded as we’ve ever seen her. I hope to discover her earlier career when those films are more readily available to me some day!
Extremely happy for Sarah Polley and her screenplay win for Women Talking. Not the biggest fan of the film, but I thought it good enough to take its screenplay nomination home.
As someone who read the book in high school (not for class) and admires the 1930 Best Picture-winning adaptation immensely, the 2022 All Quiet on the Western Front was the one major player tonight I was actively rooting against. It overperformed, in my opinion, with Cinematography, Production Design, and that goddamned Original Score win. I understand the score is effective in the context of the movie (essentially three notes distractingly placed and amelodic background noise), but it’s placement and composition - to me - was anachronistic, metallic, ugly, and deeply offensive for the film it was in. I’d rather not expend any more emotional energy here. You can read my write-up to it.
Likewise, I was incensed with the Animated Short win for The Boy, the Mole, the Fox and the Horse. As someone who has been watching the animated shorts and all the other short categories for some time now, the evening was probably going a little too well with my co-favorite An Irish Goodbye winning for Live Action Short and my favorite The Elephant Whisperers winning for Doc Short. So there had to be something to bring me down to earth. And thus - imo - they chose the absolute weakest of the five Animated Short nominees. An insipid screenplay, despite impressive animation, and the money from Apple probably played a role. Unfortunately predictable, and the second-angriest I was on the night after Original Score.
Yes, I’m glad EEAAO did the business it did. But I don’t think it’s right to see Banshees, Fabelmans, and especially Tár all go home empty-handed. That just doesn’t feel right. And I don’t think EEAAO was necessarily the best in the categories all of these movies competed in. I think AMPAS and younger people especially take both Steven Spielberg and John Williams for granted (I think AMPAS in particular think both Spielberg and Williams have “won enough” and will never vote for them again despite being nominated - Spielberg hasn’t won Best Director since Saving Private Ryan (1998) and Williams since Schindler’s List (1993) - no matter how good their work is). And that’s simply not right.
I’m happy that after last year’s Disney live-action princess kerfuffle condescending towards animated film, Emily Blunt and especially The Rock gave animation its due. Beautifully introduced, both. And a deserving winner in Guillermo del Toro’s Pinocchio.
I didn’t see enough Documentary Feature nominees this year to offer much analysis, but I imagine Navalny won partly because it was the closest AMPAS voters got to voting against Vladimir Putin.
Jimmy Kimmel was fine on the night. Not too controversial, which I think the Academy very much wanted after The Slap. Because Tom Cruise and James Cameron weren’t in attendance, I probably would have had them roasted a little more but alas.
Does anybody have a link to RRR in the original TELUGU with English subtitles rather than a Hindi dub with English subtitles? Would be much appreciated, thanks!
I know that pop culture is being fragmented increasingly, and we’re losing the monoculture that made the Oscars a central, widely-followed event in our cultural life. But I hope - because of AMPAS’s daily mission to help foster newer filmmakers, educate the public on the movies, and especially the restoration projects and maintenance for its enormous film library - people can get past the very unmistakable flaws of this ceremony and realize some of the good it does. Cinema history, filmmaking, and the communal experience of seeing a movie (and not just the newest MCU, superhero, or action sequel, but also indie fare and the odd mid-budget movie that doesn’t go straight to streaming) are important. And the Oscars - perhaps less so than in the past - remain an important gateway for a ton of novice cinephiles.
Until next year, Academy Awards. And if you’re a follower, my “31 Days of Oscar” marathon continues through the end of this month (albeit probably with less intensity)!
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teex · 1 year
Ahhhhh!!! Movies!!!! okay I completely agree with your takes. Like all of them lol
I’d prefer Brendan Fraser for The Whale, but Colin Farrell for Banshees is also really great. That’s about where my best wishes for Banshees end.
I…did not enjoy Banshees lol. I understand everything behind it, I get the allegories that McDonagh was going for. But god it was so slow and boring and I really just didn’t enjoy it because it all felt pointless. (My hot take is that it should’ve been a play, that might’ve fixed a lot of my visual problems with it) But I loved the performances so much. Kerry Condon for Banshees would be a nice best supporting actress win, but I do love Jamie Lee Curtis for EEAAO. Angela Bassett will probably pull out the win though.
I did see TAR and honestly…I fucking loved it lol (it’s my secret hope for best picture) but Michelle Yeoh is the only choice for best actress. She’s so incredible and honestly she may not get many more opportunities like this — and she SHOULD get every fucking opportunity ever, especially after this. Cate Blanchett will probably get the win but I really really hope Yeoh pulls it out.
I also think that Everything Everywhere should get Best Pic. I hope hope hope Banshees doesn’t get it. Martin McDonagh will probably win best original screenplay, but I definitely hope he doesn’t win best director. Avatar and Top Gun will probably both be nominated and I’m mad about it. Agree that Avatar is the more egregious of the two, I’m okay with TGM being recognized because truly…it did get people more energized about theatres again.
That does being up for me though that Avatar and TGM will probably go head to head in all the technical categories and I gotta say… Avatar does not have these all locked. Cinematography could easily go to Babylon or TGM over Avatar. Sound mixing and editing will probably go to TGM and editing? Wow that’s gonna be tough!! Can’t wait lol
Hoping Sarah Polley gets best adapted screenplay for Women Talking but The Whale might get it instead. Jessie Buckley in Women Talking should DEFINITELY be nominated but it’ll probably be Claire Foy from that movie to be nominated.
My other huge category that I just love nerding out to is Original Score. In my opinion, Babylon has this by a long shot. Decision to Leave actually had a PHENOMENAL score. I think ultimately Babylon will take it.
Decision to Leave SHOULD win for international feature but yeah I agree, don’t know if they’ll win. I think Park Chan-wook will be nominated for best director though!! He’s incredible.
But yeah I’m a huge movie nerd and I don’t fully support the awards thing but gosh I get so caught up in it all, it’s so fascinating!
💕 thanks for nerding out with me!!
putting under a read more bc longg
i would def also accept brendan for the whale. he deserves so much <3 i think part of why i want colin is bc he was also so good in after yang
ahah i totally can see why a lot of people had that reaction to banshee. valid! it did feel a lot like a play, or a fable with doomed characters. and yes! kerry condon was so good. i agree tho, angela bassett will win. i dont think she needs to win for that, but she is incredible so im not mad about it
i WILL see tar. everyone loves it! and cate blanchett is just so damn good in everythinggg
i agree. EEAAO does deserve the best picture title. its really in a category all its own. mcdonagh is always a favorite for screenplay, which i think he deserves over director.
i havent seen women talking yet. i know people are obsessed but i hate the color palette of it and it looks So slow. jesse buckley is great in everything though
damien chazelle’s movie can have best score. thats fine. but i dont think it needs any major categories
i dont remember the DTL score... but isnt going to win best cinematography either which….is unjust. every park chan-wook film has the best cinematography of its year. some of the shots in DTL made me feel Insane. the dead guys eyeball???? the hole at the beach!
thank youuuu for nerding out with me!! my dms are always open to talk movies
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