#yes those are Hawaiian pyjamas
mittenz-4-kittenz · 7 years
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When your coworker asks you to make her a sock monkey hat for her soon to be due baby, naturally the wheels start to turn! Making her this adorable matching blanket to go with it!
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orihara-infobroker · 4 years
Seclusion Day Four
"What are you wearing?" Izaya giggled at the sight of Shiki in a dress shirt and pyjama bottoms. 
"Work-at-home casual," Shiki replied as he stepped into the office. "Did you finish setting up the software?" 
"Yeah but I still think you need to upgrade."
"We'll see how it goes," Shiki replied with a shrug as he shooed Izaya out of his desk chair. Izaya hovered behind him as he settled into his seat. "Izaya."
"Yes, Haruya?"
"Find something else to do."
"But you might need tech support."
"Then I'll call you."
Izaya pouted but reluctantly left Shiki's office, snatching a random book off his bookshelf on the way out.
It took a bit of patience, mostly waiting for Aozaki to finally figure out how to turn his audio on. As soon as he did, Akabayashi was making fun of him, of course, and it was no different than every other meeting. As Izaya predicted, the call quality was shit. The only one who seemed to have no problems was Kazamoto. Mikiya complained about it every time someone cut out. Shiki passed along Izaya's recommendations. He actually seemed to consider it. 
Mikiya and Aozaki were wearing dress shirts like Shiki but Akabayashi hadn't even bothered and was instead sporting a brightly coloured Hawaiian shirt. Kazamoto refused to turn his video on, inserting a picture of a gecko sipping a margarita instead. 
The Awakusu businesses were fairly diverse so they weren't worried about losing money in the long run but some of their businesses couldn't operate. 
"I would recommend having Aozaki round up some of his men and put them on charity work," Shiki suggested. "There are many people who are unable to leave their homes because they are at high risk. Have them do grocery runs for those people."
"That's a good idea." Aozaki agreed. "It'll keep them from getting bored and doing something stupid like going to the bar." Aozaki's thugs weren't the most socially-minded guys. 
"Since the galleries are closed for the foreseeable future, I'd also suggest taking this opportunity to improve our online presence. We can potentially continue to make sales by featuring the art online." 
Anything that implied profit made Mikiya smile and he nodded agreement. "Wouldn't that still require staff to ship the packages?" 
"Just a single worker would be enough. Meets the social distancing requirement."
"Ah, that's good. Kazamoto has the real estate well in hand which just leaves the soaplands. I was thinking about house visits-" 
"No." All four executives immediately disagreed with Mikiya's suggestion. 
"Audio and video services." Akabayashi immediately followed up. "Let the girls work from home. They can do live streams or phone sex."
"We don't have the infrastructure for that…" Mikiya disagreed. 
"My informant is currently unemployed. I can put him to work on that problem."
"In the meantime," Akabayashi continued. "We need to make sure the girls are still getting paid."
"But they aren't working." Mikiya pointed out with a frown.
"And if they're afraid that they won't get paid, they will be more likely to try to work without our oversight." Kazamoto pointed out practically, backing Akabayashi's stance. "Better to continue to pay them until they can go back to work than to lose potential money and employees."
Mikiya did not look pleased but was also unable to provide a reasonable counter. "Fine," Akabayashi smirked at Mikiya's reluctant agreement. "Can you get your pet informant to upgrade this computer shit for us too while he's at it?" 
Shiki nodded. "I'll let him know."
With their work divided, they ended the call and Shiki made his way out to the living room where Izaya was lounging. He looked up from the book expectantly. 
"I have work for you," Shiki replied with a slight smile. 
Izaya sat up. "Do I get to re-equip the Awakusu with actually relevant technology?" 
"Yes. I've promoted you to tech support."
Izaya looked pleased then suspicious. "What do you mean by tech support?" 
"Aside from helping the executives upgrade their computers, you're also going to help Akabayashi figure out how to let our girls do their work from a distance.”
Izaya grew thoughtful. “That’s a complicated problem. I assume you mean phone sex and videos?”
“Yes, Akabayashi suggested it as a way to get the girls working. Mikiya didn’t want to pay them while they’re in isolation, cheap ass. So the sooner we can get them doing something, the better for everyone. I’d rather he didn’t get it in his head to try to fire them all or something equally stupid.”
“I thought they issued a labour law amendment to make sure people couldn’t be fired right now.”
Shiki gave Izaya an amused look. “Because the yakuza are so very concerned about labour law violations.”
“Ah, yes, of course,” Izaya smirked. “You do know that Al Capone was taken down for tax fraud, don’t you? I don’t think you want to start drawing the eye of any government body.”
“I’ll be sure to pass that piece of advice on to Mikiya. Do you think it’s something we can manage?” 
“Well, it will really depend on the girls and what they can do from home. If they don’t have a suitable… workspace, it won’t work. Tell Akabaka to ask them if they can manage it. I can look into what they’d need and put the figures together for Mikiya to cry over. You know it won’t be cheap, right? Unless you want to go for the amateur porn type of quality.”
“Give me a range of options and we can talk it through with Akabayashi. Once we’ve determined the best option, we’ll just give him one number.”
Izaya chuckled and sat up, reaching for his laptop. “I love how you manage your boss,” he purred. “So authoritative.”
Shiki eyed Izaya with a smirk. “Some people need a firm hand,” he replied pointedly.
Izaya’s grin widened. “Daddy I need the company credit card…”
“What you need is supervision,” Shiki replied with a snort as he settled on the couch beside Izaya.
“Micromanager.” Izaya pointed out with a smirk as he promptly cuddled up to Shiki. “For the executive’s laptops, I did some preliminary research the other day and priced out some options.”
“Of course you did.” Shiki smiled as he put an arm around Izaya’s shoulder. “Show me.”
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nalyra-dreaming · 7 years
HannibalCon RDC3 - day 2: personal recap
Day2: Hopefully with a few less spelling and typing errors (sorry!). So my inner clock woke me again at 5:30, making me extremely grateful that I actually went to my room, bathtub and bed yesterday evening after the truly astonishing, hilarious and fantastic FannibalMusical and the equally awesome Cosplay contest. My voice was nearly gone from all the squealing and whistling and cheering on :). More of that later. The hotel has english breakfast, which is yummy but I truly can't quite stomach it on not enough sleep so I stuck to croissant with fruit which is also quite alright^^. My first stop for the day was for my photoshoot with Aaron and Scott and I asked them to do bunny ears on me and I LOVE how their expressions turned out^^. (link further down) They are both very sweet and kind and it has been my honor to meet them here, hopefully will happen again (damn, I'm getting emotional and there is still one whole day ahead, geez). Anyway, small break after that, got my additional autograph vouchers and then went back to queue for Hugh. Probably the longest and fastest building queue.... ^^. They went through the queue to get to the room for the group photo (which I didn't take) and you know, it's something you have to say for Starfury: they're "near". Meaning, they don't just show up for two minutes of stage time and then get escorted back by heavy security as in other cons, but they're actually there, walking around. Of course they retreat after the various shoots and panels but they don't get hid away in a sense. You get to walk by Hugh Dancy in a corridor on chance. They walk right through the crowd to the shoot. They sit next at the table to you or at the contest at a table just over there. It's.... intimate :P. And very very precious and appreciated. There is like a feedback loop of energy that will buffet you for the days there, and, from experience, for the months to come. Anyway, I have to say Demore's calming me down the evening prior had helped and of course having seen them up close before I wasn't -quite- as nervous as at the last con anymore for the photos. Still ran little circles into the carpet and probably drove everybody around me nuts. I'm sorry guys (whoever stood around me). Hugh did something close to what Eddie Izzard did, he greeted you (with a smile) and then offered you an open embrace. I know other people asked for various poses (and got them, he said at the panel he even picked someone up^^ (which he apparently shouldn't have^^)), but honestly, that posing was just fine with me. I mean, I got to embrace Hugh?^^ (link farther down) Just noticing that you can't see my hand which was around his back and very lightly on his waist. Well you all know he is built from The Path. Just sayin'. I said thank you and he said you're welcome and 'I love your shirt'. Which is so nice because these little comments aren't prompted. And I love that the smile reaches his eyes. I think / hope he had a fantastic time this weekend, as we all did (imho). I had to go right to the next queue for Bryan and Bryan + Demore next. And you know Bryan probably had the time of his life (bless him). I asked him for a hug and I got a really tight one - not for the camera. *sniff* He asked how much I'd slept and laughed when I said 'not much, 3h'. Got another hug for the camera. It must have been hell for his back because he bent down and went slightly low with his legs all the time but... look at it.^^ (link below) He is taller than Hugh^^. Thank you, Bryan. I hate myself in here but I remember the feeling and that is the bestest ^^. Just a few minutes later was the pic with Bryan and Demore and I asked them for bunny ears as well and look. At. Their. Faces. *g* I love^^. (Pics here: https://twitter.com/allionne/status/835483248990044160 and https://twitter.com/allionne/status/835497370846695424) I went to the main hall after since Aarons and Scotts panel was up (Hughs and Bryans signing was moved through sheer fannibal queuing force^^ (another thing, Starfury does not cut the lines and I'm grateful for that... it just might take longer and things might get moved around a bit. I heard from the SDCC? that they cut the autograph lines for Hugh there and... imagine that. That sucks.) You can see the pics from the panel (you may take photos as you wish, but no filming) on twitter. It was -hilarious-. I mean, even Martha commented on it^^. Somebody brought Hannibals collar from Digestivo and "Margot" had a riding crop and... well. There were high heels involved as well and Aaron lost it on stage. Just.... read through the tag. They reaaaaallly love to play off each other. God I hope we get more of team Sassy Science. I admit I skipped Ellens and Demores talk after that because I needed food. We went over to the unhealthy but cheaper option and collected our autograph items for later. Hughs and Bryans panel was next. Only.... Bryan was still busy and so Hugh did the panel alone for the most part. And I think he was a bit ... not reserved exactly but careful as to how he phrased things? He did have a lot of fun though I think, some of it made him laugh in earnest and blush :P. He gives very honest and deep answers and that is fascinating to witness. Also, yes, his face is that mobile and it is astonishing^^. I had to go and queue for autographs close to the supposed end, I learned later that I just missed Bryan (though I did hear the cheering and surmised as much) and well. Go and read the tag. Bryan apparently almost opened the thing with telling everyone that Will&Hannibal would switch. And appently nobody even really asked the topping/bottoming question *g*. Anyway, I'm told it was a blast and that Hugh really was a bit relieved and Bryan called Hugh his crutch and that Will would stay part of Hannibal. They will give another panel today and I. Cannot. Wait. Signing was very nice and relaxed, I had he ad signed and I had to grin a lot when I saw that they had put Scott and Aaron on opposite sides of the line..... LOL. Anyway, went and collected photos inbetween and then went to the lobby to distribute more badges to their owner. At least I managed 3 (yay!) Also got to meet the lovely @vourer (Twitter) and I got my art book from @hanniwill (so beautiful!). Went to my room for an aspirin and a breather and then queued early in front of the door to the main hall because I wanted a seat at a table in front (and got it, yay!). The Hannibal musical was a riot, as mentioned before. And the booklet is extremely beautiful, made up with art and pics of the performers and I was so happy when 'they' joined and watched as well, and I think they had the time of their lives as well. Or I hope so, because we did^^. Hugh blushed with the final scene^^. (They were in my direct left side line of vision when I watched the stage, I ended up holding up my arm the whole time because I got distracted watching them^^^). Kudos to all those that made that happen, what a highlight. Cosplay contest was another one, topped off by Bryan coming in with -his- Hannibal suit (you know the red black one) and Hugh in pyjamas, slippers and Masons blue robe. Thank you gods^^. The cosplays were diverse and hilarious at times (Funko pop hawaiian murder husbands!!) but Kay blew them away with her Mason makeup. And yes, it was.... whoa. ^^ We sang happy birthday for Demore and I think he was really moved. Precious. I went to bathtub and bed after that because my inner clock sucks and I wanted to be able to be fit "enough" for the next day... because there's still one photoshoot coming up... Bryan and Hugh. *giddy* And their autographs^^. And panels. And lots of tears tonight.
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