#you have to pay to get her new cg too. like asra
thetreeturnedoff · 2 years
okay so from what i understand, the nadia tale's "good"/more complete ending is behind a paywall :/
i'm only getting it from the second paid option
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faustonastring · 4 years
About the new prologue
Here’s my two cents no one asked for, but quite honestly I’m tired of people shitting on it, (yes we can have our own opinions I’m not saying that, some people are a little...ruthless in my opinion? No hate though! Your opinion is valid I’m just a softy so-)
I quite honestly liked it. A lot. I feel like the characters seem much more life like, and better embody who they are in their routes. While replaying the prologue, you kind of need to look at it in the eyes of a new player, and then compare it too the other two, before you can really criticize it, but that’s Just how see it so please don’t kill me.
I liked how they changed your relationship with asra to be more friendly. In the original two his whole...mysterious type thing he got going on weirded me out. A lot. It made me feel uncomfortable, I like it now that the two of you seem to have more of a connection, that is noticeable earlier on, it feels more natural for the state of their relationship. I also have mixed feeling about the dream scene being gone, but I’m glad I got to experience it a couple times, but the new lucio one? Ohhh boy.
As for Nadia, I loved how they changed her character. She was so forceful in the first prologue, and for those who never got a chance to play it, she steals your tarot card and makes you chase guards in the hedge maze dressed as animals, in the second one I liked her more because she seemed more professional, and approachable and this one embodies her character so well,she seems more sympathetic, and more curious about the trial than how she was originally and if I was a new player personally she would be one of my top picks. I also like the scene with Portia, it isn’t perfect but I think it’s very cute and captures their relationship in such a positive light, which some fans seem to overlook.
I also like how Julian isn’t as forceful, which a lot of people are mad about? I don’t really understand why,,,julians character is very awkward, and melodramatic, well dramatic in general, it makes so much sense for him to have a grand entrance, and exit the shop as if nothing really happened, also the letter that Malak brings you suits him so well. Like Julian not thinking you would show up or even get the letter really brings into light his anxiety which is a main point of his route very early on, which I love (personally) but the thing with the wanted poster was a bit out of place I do agree, but they needed to put something for where the cg is, so why not a tangled reference? It’s cute,,, overal I feel like this new prologue fits Julian just a tad more, I’m also sorry too all the Julian stans that can no longer pat him down, but be glad you got to experience it because his new stans will never get the chance!
istg how are y’all complaing about portia in the new prologue???? the new prologue suits her so much better. It shows she has a lot more secrets than she lets on, the relationships she has with other people, which are both very big key points of her route. The scene where you go snooping with her is so cute. I’m neutral on the changed meeting, I feel like it makes more sense for Nadia to hire you an escort so there’s that.
Don’t get me started on Muriel. As a Muriel Stan I’m very bias so take what I say with a grain of salt but OHHH BOY. it was nice. He feels more human, and he gets more screen time which is a plus! I understand where people are coming from saying how he doesn’t like the Mc in all the other routes, which I agree, BUT. We can’t forget that Muriel himself is and LI, when I first played the prologue he was the least of my interest, I thought he was weird and creepy, and kind of heartless, now it shows he cares about the Mc, in my opinion he seems more attractive in the prologue. Yes the cg helps, but the fact that he cares is super sweet to me, and the pay option???? THE PAID OPTION?!?!!!?!? On god it was so cute, I understand where both sides are coming from but my slightly bias opinion is that this change was for the better.
Lucios dream sequence was *chefs kiss* exquisite. It captures his character so well as both a bad guy and a LI. He seems entitled, and narstitic, which is a great portrayal of his villainous side, but also lonely and childish side of him which is a great portrayal of his LI side. (If you tell him you’re name he asks to play a game, idk if he does that in the other options but when I tell you I let out the ugliest snort-) I just feel like it fits so much better with his character and the pacing of the scene was immaculate and you can’t change my mind
Some other details: I don’t really see a problem with asra and Julian being so open about their relationship, it kind of feels more natural to me, but I understand why some fans are upset, but remember, you have to play in the shoes of a new player. I just wish asra would of kept his mouth shut about some details for a litttle longer, being that his character is still mysterious and secretive. Also the whole sleep walking thing took me off guard and I feel like it was thrown in there to make more sense of how you got to the fountain,but it wasn’t that bad, in my opinion. Also I’m mildly upset valerius only spills a couple droplets of wine on me but I’m glad to see he has his alcoholism under control now.
(Also, also, I’m upset that they took out a many paid scenes being that I brought like almost all of them, I understand how frustrating it feels, but be happy you got to experience them atleast once! They’re now in the void.....) (also also also the new cgs were so cute, but we already knew that)
My final thoughts:
New prologue > other two
(I’d also love to hear you’re thoughts on it! )
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abysssanctum · 4 years
So about this prologue update. I understand why devs did that (though again, I think it is quite cheating when you change your story in hindsight), but I am sad that they decided to make balance between LIs not only by adding new scenes but also by removing old and loved ones (yes, I'm about The Pat Down scene, you're right. It was so vivid and we'll miss it so much T__T). And I really feel sorry about them replacing "sister's letter" scene with that new one with not-so-new joke (srsly, I'm sure that I saw that someone in fandom used that reference in their work, and I'm not sure saw that only once). But! I must admit that the whole Rowdy Raven scene looks more full, completed and sensible now. (And I headcanon now that Julian wrote his note to MC while he was quite drunk, like you know, people start to phone or text their ex when they are sotted? This it is. Except Julian is unique and accost not his ex (hmhmhm) but his future lmao. And after he send Malak he is like "I did whaaaat?? how the hell can I undo this? ugh. hope they will not come. hope this raven will lose his way. I need time machine, whatever it is") Julian really enlights his side of the story, and that looks much more pertinent in the displayed situation than abstract talks we saw in previous prologues.
On the other hand, Julians's first appearance in the shop became absolutelly illogical - he, fugitive accused for murder, secretly returned to the city, why the fuck does he need some random apprentice he never met before (not quite so, yeah, but a_m_n_e_s_i_a) to read his fortune in the middle of the night?? Not to speak about his attitude to all this magic shit and that he even not interested in listening the reading to the end after all (that was more or less expainable earlier, as it was not the thing he came for, but now it looks lame). The version "broke into the shop searching for the answers from Asra" seems more fitting to me. (Also I will be missing that underestimated pearl from dialog in *Negotiate* option in response of Julian's greetings. Something about "Master Asra is not here" - "Master? um.. *heavy blushing* ugh, well.. ok. I don't want to get into your personal affairs..." Oh sweet boy, do you have any other associations in your curly head?)
What I definetelly like in changings that is Muriel's part. Now his love line looks more vindicable (well for me at least). Because previously I always felt that MC is annoying him, he strongly doesn't want to interact with them and show it in a rather harsh way. So I was totally misguided by his personality and even didn't want to play his route (now it is my second favorite after Julian's). And now it is clear that he is tsundere withdrawn and shy and just cinnamonroll (but - unpopular opinion - I find his new CG too too much cute, it's a bit over the edge, looks sort of weird, sorry). Scenes with him is so warm and soft, you can feel what he cares and wants to protect MC, though he still doesn't want to let them get to close.
Also like how they made Nadia more soft and humane? I think that makes her route also more attractive to play. We can see her feelings and emotions now, not only her "wantings". And that previous payed choice "spoil me with riches"? Ugh, that was very uncomfortable. I wonder if someone chose it willingly, and not only for filling gaps in narration. For me, she is much more pleasable character to interacte now, and I am very glad with it.
And as said, I just love new Lucio's scenes. I so desperately needed them, lol. Well, I'm totally not impartial in this point, I just need more Lucio so I suppose I would be happy almost with every his appearance, but when I try to think with my brains and not my other parts, I still find his episodes very impressive. I like this haunted nightmarish dreams atmosphere that created (love that trope so much, right in kokoro!), I definetelly like this switching-between-forms flowing conversation, and I'm really glad that they left that moment with MC falling in his deathbed and breathing his ash (I'm sick bastard, but I find that very... thrilling and intimating), yet I know many people think that it is odd scene.
I feel a little strange that I can say about Portia's changings almost nothing. I just... feel that I know nothing new about her now? Unfortunately :( I even can say that her previous payed scene revealed us more details - for example about her interractions with other palace stuff that unveiled her personality. Now I feel that we have less such things. But we have new scene with Portia and Nadia, which is super nice and cozy and feelf almost like girls’ night out uwu (but I'm not sure whom that scene unveils more - Portia or Nadia)
Sorry Asra, but even less changes for you :( Almost only cutted scenes. But new warm domestic conversations in the very begining and the fact that Asra now speaks about Julian more kindly makes me pleased.
Aaaand. A small thing and may be just my imagination and wishful thinking but. Albeit Valerius is still the haughty asshole, he looks like... less humiliating to MC? I mean even the scene with him pouring his wine seems like an accident and not an offencive act. Maaaaaaybe just maybe that means that devs trying to make him more suitable as potential LI and we'll see his route one day? pretty please? *shrek_cat_eyes.jpg*
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