#you make up a billion fucking random npcs for them to talk to
jrwiyuri · 1 year
Thinking <_<
#stupid snake talk#haven’t cared enough to post about the gr1zzly situation#but like.. 😭#idk maybe it’s because I’m black and queer#but I just really don’t think it’s THAT hard to just say someone is black or queer#even in a dnd setting where it’s like a focus on different shit and it’s not a character sheet where you can spell everything out#even IF Lizzie won’t be black (which like.. why not?) why is one of the only black ppl a fucking fan character 😭#it’s not that hard#you make up a billion fucking random npcs for them to talk to#is it so hard to just say they have darker skin?#I feel like it’s rlly not. if you can describe fantasy monsters u can describe a person who isn’t white..#idk man#and like queer rep is so not an issue too#Ik hes like trying a little bit but idk#let’s maybe not make all non-binary characters white androgynous ppl#idk idk#it’s frustrating because I feel like we literally aren’t asking for a fucking lot#and again. maybe it’s cause I’m am a poc and I am queer but it really doesn’t seem hard 😭😭#I used to draw only white ppl too#and then I was like ‘hm I don’t like this actually.’#and I just fuckin started to stop doing that#and I tried my best to be respectful and I did research into other cultures to represent ppl properly#like!! it’s all it takes brother#but he’s like digging in his feet to not even not include rep in the FUTURE#but take back rep he’s already implied 😭#like WHAT?? why would you do that.#why is ur first stance when a bunch of ppl are so happy to see a black lesbian to be angry and go ‘that’s not how I imagined her’#why is ur mind palace so much more important than diversity man. i don’t get it quite frankly#I’m probably over exaggerating a little. don’t have the best memory especially not for npcs#but either way. idk seems weird!!!~
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voxblade · 2 days
You seem to reblog a decent amount of Skyrim from me now so I need you to give me your fav random piece of lore or knowledge or anything about any elder scrolls anything (I fully expect you to just make something up entirely)
Make that pieces, because I can't answer anything short form to save my life and there's a lot I've scrambled together overtime. Uhhh...
- I half-remember reading that apparently the dwarves were SO ATHEIST that when they found proof that gods existed, they went "fuck that" and yeeted themselves out of the continuity and into another dimension or something
- the dragonborn's power is shouts. I understand that they are divine or some shit and taken from an ancient draconic language or w/e but I refuse to believe at least one of those shouts isn't them screaming
(Or that at least it isn't a mod)
- there are some dudes called the nords and they collectively are the CEOs of racism. the whole of the nords. All of them.
- you can kill a dragon voiced by super mario himself. given that Italians are inherently evil, killing him appears to be the correct moral choice.
- The jester man you like is a mama's boy and the MILF in question is basically a weird shriveled raisin thing that lives in a coffin. #Hotgirl-goals. He also feeds cats to rats?? According to another mutual??? which as a fan of cats makes me sad, but as an even bigger fan of rats I find oddly cathartic, in a juvenile way. My babies have long been overdue for revenge for the billions of beautiful lives lost to cruel nature and cruel fate. Yes. Reverse the food chain. I hope they eat humans next. (Assuming this is even real.)
- there's some fucking guy you hate named Jason or something who wants to be a big deal but he's an absolutely terrible companion and he dies to fucking everything. He's not even cute in a pathetic meow meow way? Which sounds like me to be honest. Maybe I kin him without realizing. You don't know. I don't know.
- There is a long and arduous side quest not many players know about. In Whiterun, if you leave the Bannered Mare, there's a 1 in 76 chance you will find a strange NPC called Thes waiting by the door. If interacted with, Thes will ask the player a series of strange questions to try to get to know their character. Should the player answer to Thes's liking, he will say "ah. You've also lost the use for truth. This will serve you well". Thes will leave after saying this and the player will unlock the Kindred Spirit quest. It's a bit clunky from this point on, but essentially, you have various markers on your map to track down, each promising something "new", but whenever you get close to them, the positions will move and cannot be found, even through cheats. What the player must do is try for the same rolling chance that summoned Thes in the first place by entering and leaving the Bannered Mare over and over again, except when they succeed the roll this time, Thes will be replaced by a new identical character with a new name, insisting his name is Da. Da will ask the player if they are having any trouble meeting the objectives and the player has the option to call him out. This will learn a laugh ("but they just work! What's the commotion?"), and Da eventually adds a new marker to the map, this one leading towards the Den of Falsehoods (this is commonly confused with the Liar's Retreat). To make a long story short, this is also bullshit but I'm getting tired of summarizing. After a bunch of bullshit, at the end of the quest, Da will be waiting for the player in the core of the den, this time named "Beth". When confronted this time, "Beth" will talk to the player about the nature of truth and falsehood and the player can ask for them to reveal their true name. "Beth" will comply, but only after asking if you would ever love a liar like him. If you say no, "Beth" will nod and say he understands and also will tell the player to be excited for Fallout 76. This is very curious, and possibly reference to Bethesda's other franchise, Fallout, and its entry Fallout 76, which wasn't in development when Skyrim was first released. "Beth" will then leave the game and cannot be found again. If the player says yes, "Beth" thanks them and reveals their true face: a curious npc named Todd Howard. Todd Howard apologizes for his lies but curiously will not give the player any sort of reward for having done the quest. It is also possible from this point to marry him if the player is so inclined. This is ill advised, because Todd Howard will keep all of the money from whatever business he opens and he never sleeps, which some players reportedly find creepy.
- I like that little freak the adoring fan and how you can make him run off a cliff
- there is a mod (???) that lets you summon Santa Claus like a primordial ancient demon and I think it works for him. Santa really served cunt in that mod.
- Sheogoraths line of "CHEESE, FOR EVERYONE!!!" may be indicative of the fact he likes cheese.
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khorren · 4 years
 ty @morgrenth​ for the ding <3
— Personal
  Is it your first Animal Crossing game? Nope. I played the one on the Gamecube, New Leaf, Pocket Camp, and now New Horizons!
   Do you listen to the game music or put some of your own? Usually have the game music on! Not often very loud, just enough for some ambient background noise.
   What are your 8 reactions?
The ?, the !, clappy hands, glee, doze, and the other 3 i change around a lot. I’m missing so many. Want more!
   Do you use them a lot? For photo ops with villagers and around friends, sure!
   How many rooms do you have in your house? All 6 of them!
   What are they? (Kitchen, bedroom, etc) Main room is just a collection of stuff that I like, some tables and chairs, and then some useful things like mirror, crafting bench, switch, and some trinkets from in-game mom. My top room and right-side room are currently just holding items for a friend. She's planning on restarting her game, but some items she didn't want to lose. So it's just a junk graveyard right now. The right side room was initially a craft room with sewing machines and stuff, and then the bottom bit was the fathers day mug, some tea, and a set of golf clubs. It was going to be a little room dedicated to my irl mum and dad. But yeah. It's holding junk right now. Left side room is a sort of bathroom. Upstairs is a bedroom/study. Also pet cat room. Has cat food, cat tower, cat nip, kitty litter, etc. And a paper tiger acting as the cat.
   What’s the main purpose of your storage? To hold all the crap I might need one day.
   Do you time travel? Why?Nah. I have plenty to do in game each day, I don't need to leap ahead. Even now when I'm making cat-town, it sure would be quicker to skip ahead, but the 3 days gives me time to do other things. I'll get there in the end.
   Do you have a list of dreamies? I hate this phrase. :D
I am currently working on my all cat village (plus the wolf, Skye, cos she's a sweetie and I can't get rid of her), and I'm moving in a lot of my favourite cats / villagers in general. But there are definitely villagers I like more from other species. I've never really sat down and looked at all billion villagers to decide my ultimate favourites. There are lots of cute bunnies out there. Who knows, maybe 3 months down the line I'll make a bunny village. Since it's taking me like 3 weeks to move in all the cats, I want them stuck around for a while.
— Island    What’s the meaning of your island name? Haven! Haven is one of the key locations in a story I've been "writing" for the past 20 years. It tends to be my go-to place of things to name in games where I build a settlement.
   A picture of your island before vs now?
Tumblr media Tumblr media
   Do you have all the fruits? I do! Nom nom.
   Do you have all kind of trees? It's mostly fruit trees, and I have about 6 normal trees, and about 3 or 4 cedars. Although I've not had to shake my fruit trees for money for a while now, I like that the option's there. I have just enough non-fruit trees for furniture and wasp needs.
   Do you have bushes? Which is your favorite? A few, but I don't think I have them all. A few of the currently flowering ones, but mostly out of season ones. They make cute borders.
   What flower is the most prominent? Tulips are probably the most prominent in my village.
   Which flower is your favorite? And what color? I love the hyacinths. The orangey ones are my favourite, but I like blue too. I think I only have like 2 blues though.
— NPCs
   Do you commission Flick? Have had one thing made by him in the past. I should do more now that I don't really need the money. But honestly I haven't seen Flick in forever, and the days I do see him, I'm busy doing something else.
   Do you interact a lot with your villagers? Yep! I try to talk to all of them each day, but I'm sure I miss a couple, especially if they're hiding in bum-fuck egypt. I miss the Megaphone from ACNL :(
   What kind of gifts do you give them? If I've got some junk lying around, they'll get that. I totally gift back ugly clothes. Every few days I'll gift some of them a wrapped ironwood clock. They seem to like that.
   Favorite & least favorite personality? Normal and Peppy are my faves. Jock probably my least fave.
   Which visiting NPC is your favorite? Probably Flick. I like catching bugs, it's pretty chill.
   Which is your least favorite? Redd. BECAUSE HE NEVER COMES HERE. I WANT MY ART YOU SHIT.
   Do you always help Wisp? Yes <3 Love that little goober.
— Random
   Do you buy or craft tools? Bit of both? If I'm lazy, I'll just go to the shops. If I'm stocking up on something then I'll craft. I need to make a bunch of nets for the bug-off in a few days! :D
   Do you have any gold tools? Recently got the recipe for the gold watering can. But since it still breaks, eh, I'll just stick to my tier 2 can.
   Do you recover a hole with your feet or the shovel? I try to just use my feet, but if it's in the middle of other flowers I'll use the shovel for precision, so I don't accidentally pluck a flower.
   Do you buy fake paintings/statues? I WOULD IF REDD CAME TO MY ISLAND. I'll generally buy the real ones, but if there's a fake I really like I'll nab it for myself.
   Do you buy a lot of clothes? Yas!
   Do you buy a lot of wallpapers/floors/carpets? I do, but there's so few I end up liking :( I'll buy the fancy stuff from Saharah when I see them, but all I've been getting recently is gross floors and the goddamn lava/volcano wall.
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applegelstore · 7 years
@neodiji tagged me (actually with the main account, but since I’ll be talking about games of course, let’s post this on the JRPG blog)
RULES: Choose any three fandoms (in random order) and answer the questions. Then tag some friends.

I told Neodiji that I could talk for days about any Tales/Final Fantasy and Kingdom Hearts game that I’ve ever played, and some other things are almost as bad, but we settled for this setup, so get a seat and grab popcorn while I talk about JRPGs.
We’re gonna roll with: Tales of Zestiria Kindgom Hearts The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker (because I think this game deserves much more love than it gets. We all love Ocarina of Time and Breath of the Wild, but I sometimes think Wind Waker and Minish Cap are underrated :,))
In case you’re curious, I’m still open for this (and also THIS MEME) for basically any JRPG I’ve ever played, so feel free to drop asks! Okay, let’s get on with this. Actual Meme is under cut for length!
The first character you loved:

Probably because I just saw her pretty dress and immediately recognized her as a mage type character, and I like the mage types. Obviously, I didn’t try to draw that damned dress at first.

It is a fucking Disney/Final Fantasy crossover, I was biased for the entire supporting crew from the start
I’m so glad the koroks have returned in Breath of the Wild, they’re very neat
The character you never expected to love so much: TOZ:

I mean, I was excited to learn more about them and stuff when the characters were announced, but like, nothing prepared me for how amazing this bunch of nerds is. Rose is not a nerd but still amazing. Every single one of them surprised me in some pleasant way or the other, so they all count, I guess.
Sora is my spirit animal, except he’s an extrovert. Anyway, I didn’t expect that (did I mention I usually dislike JRPG protagonists? Here, have another example of an exception). Also Kingdom Hearts Squall, whom I like a hundred billion times better than his original game self. Although that’s not particularly difficult.
Link, in every single Zelda game actually. Because I strongly dislike silent protagonists. But he’s so smol and helpless and confused, help him
The character you relate to the most: TOZ:

I mean I also want to adopt all the kids
, also everybody and their dogs ship Sormik, so I totally see her point there
That bit being said, I guess I share a few things with Sorey actually, namely:
-doesn’t know how to human

-can’t hide feelings to save a life

-genuinely convinced that icecream is a proper meal

-excitable squirrel and will fangirl to the moon and back

-frequently gushes how amazing their best friend is


-overthinks way too much
-the one person you have to explain sex jokes to (although I’ve become infinitely more perceptive ever since my best friend is my best friend and since I got to know my singing teacher, and I blame her that I ever only get the dirty musical jokes and no others)
-just wants peace and kittens and rainbows
I also used to be the moodmaker in my friend group. Plus I more or less successfully taught myself some Irish in school and have been fascinated with ancient and medieval history and more importantly, myth and legend, so I guess my school days self would have gotten along with him very well. Nowadays it’s pretty much gone and I feel and act more like an Edna, though, snarking and dealing out deathglares.

Anyway, the main difference between me and Sorey is probably that I don’t bang my best friend. Okay, actually the main difference is that I’m as introvert as you can get, and a troubled bundle of nerves 24/7. I still don’t bang my best friend, though.

Sora in Pridelands: we can be the new kings :DDDDDDDD

Everyone else: SORA NO

Sora in Port Royal: I wanna be a pirate, too :DDDDDDDDDDDD
Everyone else: SORA NO

See a pattern?

Still Link, I’m also constantly unable to function and I just wanna release wordless screams into the abyss as I fall into it. Anyway I wish the NPCs could stop hitting on him in every single game for like, 5 minutes, it’s disturbing
The character you’d slap: TOZ:
Sorey whenever he’s mean to Mikleo, but most of the time he’s really sweet, so I guess I’ll let it slide and punch Symonne instead BECAUSE YES PLEASE LET ME BURN HER DOWN TO A PILE OF ASHES
I’ve already got the chance to punch Xemnas, it was very satisfying
(every Zelda game ever) ALL THE OCTOROKS
Three favourite characters (these are in order of preference): TOZ:
Edna, Mikleo, Rose or Lailah (send help) (but honestly, I love the entire playable party so, so much, and Sorey is hands down one of my favourite JRPG protagonists; although that is not particularly difficult because I have an annoying tendency to dislike the heroes and heroines in these)

Sora, Riku, Axel or Demyx (you said 4, didn’t you? Clearly you said 4, see, I just always give you 4, please don’t punch me)

Makar, Medli, Link
A character you liked at first but don’t anymore: TOZ:
They’re still my babies, all of them
Don’t think that happened
same, that’s a fruitless question for me in most cases
A character you did not like at first, but they’ve grown on you:

I had a rough start with Rose because genki girls can be quite annoying, but she had won me over quickly after joining the party, and now I adore her. Go forth and kill, my child. I love Rose and I want her to get a fucking shepherd’s cloak, goddammit
Saix is an asshole but for some reason I can’t bring myself to hate him.
again, no changes I can think of
3 OTPs:
Have I mentioned that Sormik embody all the relationship goals I ever had, and happen to hit pretty much all the romance tropes I love? Have I? HAVE I???  I want to give them my blessing and oversee their wedding vows. I swear somebody must have invaded my mind before writing this game because they wanted to know for sure what would make me week in the knees. I swear I said goodbye to my heart halfway through the game. I generally suspect that somebody in the writing department must have been spying on me because the game in general uses a bit too many of my favourite tropes to not have done this on purpose.

Other than that, I non-romantically ship the entire party because they’re one wonderful slightly dysfunctional family and they make me cry. They’re basically bestest friends on a classtrip with romantic lighting. In case you haven’t gathered that yet because I totally don’t mention that daily, Rose and Sorey are my brotp and I live for platonic male/female relationships because there are too many people out there and too many instances in media that don’t recognize that boys and girls can be really, really good friends without being romantically or sexually involved. Like, wow. WHAT A SHOCKING DISCOVERY.
Can’t really choose a third one, but I do enjoy romantic Rosali (though not as much as Sormik because they don’t hit the right tropes, and because they don’t have much time for proper development; but I’ll never say no to an arguably canon lesbian couple), and other platonic relationships within the party are also wonderful and good and great and please more. Daddy Dezel and Rose, Edna and Lailah, Edna and Zaveid, Edna and Meebo, Zaveid and basically everyone, Sorey and Sergei, you name it. All is good and fine.
Clearly you meant to say like 9 OTPs
I see where the Sora/Riku comes from. Damn, do I see where it comes from (KH II, D3, I’m looking at you). I don’t mind Kairi in the mix, though. I’ll just accept whatever Squeenix comes up with, yo. Terra/Aqua/Ventus are a fine platonic brotp.
Is like, really not a shippy game. I mean, all the protagonists are kids. Yes, I know that also applies to KH, but it’s not that bad.
Not tagging because I very often don’t tag, but feel free to do this and have fun and force your friends to join you ;)
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