#you probably won’t get to area five right away even though you theoretically could fairly early. i believe
goldensunset · 3 months
amazes me that people can remember information about routes in pokémon games. like ‘i loooove route 217 ❤️’ ‘route 209 has such a banger theme!!!’ ‘have you made it to route 225?’ ‘you can find this rare pokémon on route 210!’ bestie those are numbers. those are just numbers to me how do you remember which area is which. i think i have a general idea of most of them but i still have to look them up every time i need to refer to them in conversation
19 notes · View notes
alittledizzy · 6 years
in the strangest locations rating: pg word count: 3k Summary: Dan's first week on the job. (A prequel to Celebration.) Notes: Written for @waveydnp for my thirty minute fics for charity fundraiser to benefit PhandomGives. 
[read on ao3]
The basement office smells of stale air and weirdly sweet, like the smell of Dan's grandmother's car when he'd leave a bag of sweets open in the summertime and they'd all melt together into a sticky sugar lump.
"Hello?" Dan calls out. His heart is tap-tap-tapping fast in his chest, the queasy beat of anxiety he can't shake in situations like this. His whole life so far has been about pushing past and working around this feeling, trying not to let it defeat him. It's the voice in the back of his mind and the sweat underneath his collar and the butterflies in his stomach. He's wondering if maybe this is the wrong office after all, or maybe it's the right office but his new partner isn't around, or maybe he-
"Oh, hi! You must be Dan!" A person pops out from behind a closed doorway. He's wearing a suit but there's a stain on his tie and one leg of his pants are rucked up enough that Dan can see a bright green sock, definitely not bureau standard. "Howell, I mean. Dan Howell?"
"Yeah," Dan says, holding out a hand. "And you're Lester?"
"Call me Phil," his new partner says, and closes Dan's fingers in the grip of his own. "It's nice to finally meet you."
Phil Lester is also British.
Dan had known that going in. He'd read Lester's - Phil's - file and then done what any millennial worth his salt does, and googled the fuck out of him. He knows where he's from and that he's got dual citizenship and that he likes leaving sometimes scathing hotel reviews.
He knows that Phil's last partner requested a transfer away from him, but the part of the file that listed why had been redacted. He's intensely curious; was being stuck with someone fresh out of Quantico a punishment for Phil?
Or was it a test for Dan?
If it was, he's not really sure what it's mean to accomplish because he's known Phil Lester for all of a day and all he has to show for it is a full belly - Phil values his lunch break and also values company while he takes it - and a growing sense of admiration for a man who seems to have been given the total shit end of the stick in terms of bureau assignments and still seems happy as a fucking clam about it.
It only takes two days for reality to settle in, consequently the same amount of time it takes for them to be given their first assignment as partners.
"We got a case!" Phil seems elated. "And I think this one got sent down to us especially for you?"
He slides Dan a folder. Dan picks it up and flips through it. "Phishing? We're investigating... an email fraud scam?"
"Yep." Phil still looks far too delighted. Dan doesn't get it. "Pacific Northwest. Oregon, I think?"
"Yeah," Dan mutters a confirmation, still skimming the file. "I don't get it. Shouldn't this be easy to shut down? This looks like your average Nigerian prince bullshit."
Phil shakes his head. "Keep reading."
Dan can feel his own brow wrinkling in confusing the more he gets into the file. "What?" He mutters, then a few seconds later more loudly, "What?"
"Yep." Phil grins. "It's fun, isn't it?"
"I mean, not if you're one of the people getting ripped off, but... how are they doing this?" Dan flips back to the start to see if he missed anything. "How did manage to phish seventeen high ranking cyber crimes assigned agents?"
Phil shrugs. "That's what we're supposed to figure out."
"So why us?" Dan asks, clipping the buckle of the airplane seatbelt together.
They're in economy. He's not sure why he's disappointed. When Phil said they were flying out that evening he'd pictured in his head some kind of Mission Impossible scene where they donned full suits and strode into business class wearing their sunglasses.
Instead Phil's in jeans and a hoodie and Dan feels overdressed in the button up and the same trousers he wore to the office.
"Because we won't be targets," Phil says. "I've not had any cyber crimes cases, and you're brand new so no one's going to have heard of you. The last three agents they put on the case of this guy all had their security breached before they checked into the motel in Oregon. They think we'll be able to go undetected. We're not technically undercover. We're just - not... overcover? Either? So... you might want to dress a bit less..."
Phil seems to flounder for a word.
"No worries," Dan says, face going hot as he feels every bit of his comparative youth and inexperience. "I brought some stuff."
He didn't actually bring some stuff.
He sits on the edge of his motel bed, staring at a stain on the carpet.
("Not much of a budget of us, I'm afraid," Phil had said, standing in the lobby area. It's an open plan, two long flat buildings parallel with doors all facing open air.
Everything about it feels seedy and cheap. It's not even properly in town, it's on the fringes where things begin to look a bit worn down.)
He's not sure what the protocol is now. Phil said goodbye to him in the car park, but - what happens next?
It's only half six. Does he get dinner on his own?
Does he meet back up with Phil tomorrow?
Is he meant to be doing something with the case file?
Why hadn't he fucking asked?
He has the strange urge to ring his mum just to hear a familiar voice, but he refuses to be the person who needs his mum to tell him that it's alright on his first week of being an actual employed theoretically functional career adult.
He could go get some clothes so he doesn't look like an idiot when he and Phil meet back up. He's got the keys to the rental car - which Phil, for some reason, put entire trust and faith in Dan to drive even though Dan's only six months past being old enough to legally hire a car to begin with. But what if Phil looks outside and sees the car gone? Should he just take an Uber instead, or call for a taxi? But then what if Phil came to his room and Dan wasn't there but the car was? What if Phil saw him being picked up, or dropped back off? What if-
He stands and starts to pace around the room. His heart is hammering too fast and he's got that queasy-sweaty feeling that he gets when everything starts to become just a bit too much.
He jumps at the knock on his door. When he opens it, Phil's standing there - still in the same soft looking hoodie with his hair pushed back off his forehead and glasses on, and fuzzy pajama pants from the waist down. "I can't believe it but we forgot to exchange mobile numbers. Also, do you fancy a pizza?"
"Pizza?" Dan asks.
Phil's smile falters a bit. "Unless you just wanted to do dinner on your own. I just thought-"
"No, pizza's good," Dan quickly says. "We could... talk about the case, too?"
They hadn't on the plane, of course. Sensitive, classified material.
Dan assumes.
"Great!" Phil says, shooting Dan one of those bright smiles. "I'll be back in a few minutes."
Dan changes into his own pajamas quickly before Phil comes back.
He can't be sure, having never actually had a partner before, but he's fairly sure pajama pizza parties aren't standard operating protocol on assignments.
But then Phil is sat cross-legged on the full sized bed chewing on what appears to be half a slice of pizza he just shoved into his mouth in one bite. "Sorry," he says, looking sheepish when he sees Dan staring. "I was really hungry, and this pizza's good."
It is good, actually, and if Dan can just relax for five goddamn seconds he might enjoy it. Instead his body feels full of jittery energy still. He folds one foot underneath him while the other rests on the floor, foot tap-tap-tapping away.
Phil pulls out the case files after a few minutes. There's not that much to talk about; they're here to monitor the situation and close in on the suspect once the bureau can get a lock on him.
"They wanted you," Phil says again, sounding almost proud.
Dan's not sure why that makes him feel so nice. "Why?"
"Your computer background," Phil says. "You specialized in profiling hackers, didn't you?"
"I specialized in whatever meant I got to spend most of my time alone," Dan says.
It's a bit of unintentional honesty, but it makes Phil laugh so he doesn't think it's that bad.
"What about you?" Dan asks, taking a bold step forward into casual conversation territory. "What's your specialty?"
"Linguistics," Phil says. "But I don't do much with it. Translations sometimes, but I'm sort of... I get the cases no one else wants."
"Like what?" Dan asks, settling back against the headboard.
"I had to investigate a comedian last year," Phil says. "Because someone reported one of his stand up bits. I had to track him for six months."
"Was he funny?" Dan asks.
Phil shakes his head. "Dead boring. All his jobs were about like, sleeping with women and disappointing his mum and sport."
"Not a fan of sport?" Dan asks.
"Or disappointing my mum," Phil says. "She gave birth to me, why would I want to call her stupid in front of people? Also she's not stupid. She probably heard me say that, using her mum senses. I wouldn't call you stupid, mum.."
Dan laughs. "I don't think she can hear you, but I believe you."
He thinks about the third thing Phil said the comedian talked about, and how Phil hadn't mentioned that at all.
But Phil's probably into women. Most guys are into women. Dan's really got to learn how to stop trying to project non-straightness on every man that talks to him for more than three seconds.
Especially his new partner at this job that, if all goes well, he'll be at for a very long time.
The rain starts around midnight.
Phil's been gone for an hour, the pizza demolished and the case discussed and almost another hour of random conversation layered on top of and in between the two.
It was nice. Like - proper nice, in a way Dan hadn't expected.
Phil's funny, and kind, and talking to him already makes Dan feel less scared.
The rain can fuck off, though. It's pounding against the windows, only drowned out every few minutes by massive cracks of thunder.
He can't take his eyes off the silhouette of trees across the way when the lightning strikes to accompany it. Framed by tall trees and threatening clouds, it looks like the setting of a horror movie out.
He hates storms at night. He won't sleep much, he already knows. He keeps the light turned on and his laptop up, distracting himself with music until he can't focus anymore and then watching youtube videos of fluffy animals.
It's fine - it's working. He'll be exhausted the next day, but he lives half his life deprived of adequate sleep. Adrenaline will save the day. It's fine, he's fine.
And then the power goes out.
He's shivering in front of Phil's hotel room, soaking wet from the dash across the half-full parking lot.
He doesn't even know what he's going to say when Phil answers.
That he's a fucking child and he's afraid of the dark?
He should just pack his shit up right now, go back home and tell everyone he couldn't do it. None of them thought he'd really be able to anyway. Even his nana, his biggest supporter and fan, made sure to tell him at least twice a year that failure's not the end.
They won't be surprised that he couldn't even hack it a week.
He feels sick and scared and ridiculous but self preservation kicks in two seconds after he knocks. His stomach lurches and he takes a step back, then another, and starts to walk away. He wishes there were a corner to turn, some way to hide.
Phil catches him before he gets too far. "Dan?"
He sounds sleepy. Of course he was asleep. It's fucking one in the morning.
"Uh." Dan turns around. "The power's out."
"Oh - wow." Phil frowns and looks behind him. "You're right. I slept through it."
"Sorry," Dan mumbles. "I'll just-"
He waves a hand, but just as he starts to walk away again thunder crashes. It's chased by lightning only seconds later, shockingly close.
Dan shrieks and drops his phone. "Fuck. Fuck!"
Phil steps out into the rain and grabs Dan's phone for him. There's naked concern in his eyes. "Come inside."
Dan stands dripping in front of Phil's door until Phil comes over with a towel.
What a fucking mess. He's a fucking mess.
"Here," Phil says, handing him a bundle of dry clothes. "You can change in the toilet. I always bring extras, anyway."
Dan slinks into the toilet. Every bit of him is drenched, hair and shirt and pants and socks. He leaves them in a soggy pile on Phil's floor, only keeping his pants on. He can live with that level of dampness.
When he steps back out, he's got apologies on his tongue but Phil speaks for he even has the chance.
"It's awful out there." Phil peers out the window. "It's probably good you came over here. My phone's almost dead, I'd only just plugged it in before I slept. Here's yours, by the way. You've got a bit of a scratch in the corner but I tried to clean the mud off."
"Oh," Dan says. He'd forgotten he'd even dropped it. He takes it from Phil. "Thanks."
"Did you-" Phil starts to ask something, then stops. "Are you alright?"
His face looks so, so kind. It's almost enough to break Dan.
"I'm okay," Dan says, nodding more to himself than Phil. "It's just a lot."
"It is," Phil agrees. He sits down on the bed and pats the spot beside him. "Come on, have a seat. Keep me company until the power comes back.
Phil wants Dan to keep him company. Phil, who surely can see the state that Dan is in, who can surely see how much Dan is struggling, is asking Dan to keep him company.
There's not much in the world that he's got any faith in, but in that moment he suddenly finds he has faith that Phil Lester is not going to make him feel as awful as most of the people he suffered through his Academy years with always did.
Dan wakes up with an ache in his neck from sleeping half propped up against the pillow. He's cold - body on top of the blankets of Phil's bed, still wearing Phil's pajamas.
He looks over. Phil's properly in bed, having apparently gotten under the bedding some time after Dan fell asleep.
He can't remember how many hours they stayed up talking, but by the time Dan's body did wear itself out the storm had faded off into a light patter of rain and the sun was threatening to come out. They didn't even talk about anything important - their respective childhoods in England, Quantico stories, Phil's seemingly endless recollections of strange and esoteric cases that have been given to him. The last thing he recalls if Phil grilling him on what his mum's dog Colin is like.
Apparently Phil really, really likes dogs.
Dan gives him one more look then gingerly gets out of bed and walks into the bathroom, collects his wet clothes, and retreats back to his own motel room.
He gets another three hours of sleep in his own bed before Phil's knocking wakes him up.
He's prepared for some kind of awkwardness, but instead Phil's fully dressed and smiling brightly. "I hope you've enjoyed our fantastic stay in Oregon."
"What?" Dan's confused.
Phil just shrugs. "They got him. They want us back home today."
"I can't believe we didn't even have to do anything," Dan says.
Local police made the arrest, and higher ranking field agents descended to take him in. Now he and Phil are sat on a plane back to DC.
Dan's full of restless energy, but in a different way than before in the motel room. Now he's just sort of disappointed that this was his first real case and the actual case part was... non-existent. All that hype and nothing to show for it. He wants a refund on the amount of emotional energy he's spent anticipating this.
Phil shrugs. "Sometimes assignments are just like that. It's not really like it is on television. Sometimes the agent who saves the day is behind a computer on the other side of the country. Is that... what you wanted, though? Excitement and like, guns and stuff?"
"Not really," Dan admits. "The guns freak me out."
He's still wearing Phil's extra hoodie from the night before. It's cozy, and he firmly pushes away that faintly giddy feeling inside that comes with wearing the clothes of an attractive man that he is rapidly realizing he mind find himself liking quite a lot.
He also pushes away the memory of Phil asleep in bed beside him. He's probably straight, Dan thinks. He probably thinks Dan is straight too. He's only got room in his head for one crisis, and not being an embarrassment as a special agent has to take precedence right now.
Phil is giving him one of those pleasantly surprised looks. "Me too," he says. "I'm also really bad at them. I'm a horrible shot. My last partner - he requested off me. Thought I was, I believe the exact words were, a fucking weirdo who has no place in the bureau."
Dan looks at Phil. He can see right away that Phil's struggling a bit with what he's saying.
"Jesus," Dan says.
Phil shrugs a bit, just a lift of one shoulder. "I don't try to be, but I suppose maybe I am. So if you want... if it doesn't end up... working out. It's alright. You do have options, they won't - they wouldn't question it, I think, if you wanted to transfer away."
"No." The pang of emotion Dan feels is as solid as a punch. He meets Phil's gaze directly and says, with almost a note of defiance in his voice, "I think this is going to work out just fine."
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scottmapess · 4 years
What’s up, guys? Welcome back to another video. So in today’s video, we have some very important news. Bitcoin must break above this specific price. If we want to remain bullish, I’ll be covering that in today’s video. We’re going to be taking a look at the exact price action where Bitcoin has to reach if we need to and want to remain bullish. Right now, we’ve pretty much been going sideways for quite some time. Definitely on the four-hour charts. We’re going to be talking about that price. We need to break. We’re also going to be taking a look at a theorem and how that has actually gone ahead and crossed the 200-day moving average and how that is very, very bullish for a theorem. We’re going to be taking a look at what would happen if Jeff Bezos, the owner of Amazon, would, in fact, go ahead and buy all the bitcoin in circulation. It’s a really interesting article. And yes, he can afford to buy every single bitcoin in circulation. We’re then going to be taking a look at bitcoin to the rescue as the U.S. Fed fake economy has to burn or burst at some point. So all that good stuff will be coming up in today’s video. Guys, as always, sit back, relax and get ready for the video. All right, guys, so welcome back to another video. Thank you for joining me again today. I really appreciate it. If we can hit that one key like target, that will be absolutely excellent. And if you do enjoy my content and you haven’t already subscribed, consider subscribing and taking that notification. Bill should get notified when I post my next upload. As always, guys, drop your comments down below. If you did want to enter into a win that trades a storage device takes two seconds and you can win something. So just drop a comment down below. So let’s get into today’s video and take a look at the bitcoin price. Right now, we saw that breakout from this channel here up to around about the highs of seventy-seven sixty dollars, which is really, really nice to see. Unfortunately, though, we immediately almost got rejected and came back below this seventy-six hundred dollar line. Now this seventy-six hundred dollar line is a major, major level of resistance we see here. It was a major level of support and now is becoming a major level of resistance. I really, really, really want bitcoin to break above this seventy-six hundred dollar line if we are to continue to remain bullish. I think it’s a must if we don’t break up of this line and we keep testing it and keep rejecting it. Well, we could either come down to this sloping level of increasing support and B, the seven thousand dollar range, which we know is a strong level of resistance or even worse, we could break and for lower than that. If we go on to the daily chart right now and take a look at what’s going on there, we can see that we’ve overall of the past month or so had a very nice growth and performance on the bitcoin price. If we can manage to break this seventy-six hundred dollar range, I do think we will be going up to this area here around the eighty-five hundred dollar level. That was a previous level of support after we came down from these kinds of ten thousand four hundred dollar peaks up here. We did come down to this level and I do think that will be a rather large level of resistance or the next step up if we were in fact to break this seventy-six hundred dollar level. If we go ahead and take a look at the 50 and the 200-day moving average, once we are in fact on the daily chart, we can see again, I’ve mentioned this before, we had a nice bounce from that 50-day moving average which is in blue, and we are currently below the 200 days moving average, which is in yellow here. I do think if we can break above this seventy-six hundred dollar range, we will come into contact with his 200 days moving average, which we all know plays a major, major, major level and a major key into the price of bitcoin. If we take a look back, basically anytime we are above the 200-day moving average and we see nice, good bullish price action and anytime we are below it, we see negative and bearish price action. That’s the basis of the 200-day moving average throughout the massive market cycle here back in June and July of last year. All that time we were above the 200-day moving average. We were producing higher highs in halo’s. And just overall being bullish. Then we dropped below the 200 days moving average here, came to test it multiple, multiple times, broke above it heavily, got rejected. And then we saw the massive downturn here, which we weren’t too pleased with. Again, we dropped below this 200-day moving average when we had this massive crash back on around the early March 8th, the 10th of March. We then saw a massive price reduction. And that’s currently where we are with current currently coming back up to test this 200-day moving average. Hopefully, we can test above it and show some nice bullish signs. As we all know, the halving now is less than 20 days away, which is absolutely crazy. I really, really hope we can see some bullish things for bitcoin coming up. I do want to quickly mention, guys, there’s only 13 hours or as you’re watching this, maybe less than 10 hours left on the Bitcoin blueprint sale. This is the final day of the sale. So if you were interested in picking up the Bitcoin blueprint at $100 off and learning more about these trading tactics, it could make you a profitable trader. Check out the link down below. So let’s go ahead and take a look. The area, this is actually a really nice theory as we can see the yellow mark here. We’ve actually crossed the 200-day moving average. We crossed this on the 22nd of April. So, yes, we did cross it a few days ago. However, we have continued to close 1 two, three, four times now above the 200-day moving average. Now, this does not necessarily mean theory and is going to be absolutely shooting up to 250, 300 dollars. No, it doesn’t. We currently are testing around this $200 range, which is here. It will be exciting to see if this kind of state does, in fact, go ahead and touch this 200 day moving 200 days. Sorry, the $200 price, not 200 days too many to hundreds if we do, in fact, test this $200 price level or do we come back down and find support at this 180, $790 range and then go back up and test this $200 level? We do come down and we do get rejected on the theory in price. We do have this very strong level of support here at the 200 days, which we’ve seen here, and we’ve seen this as resistance. And what we did, in fact, break and go below it, we were fairly bearish. So again, guys, a 200-day moving average is pretty much the industry standard in what people use to determine if something is bullish or bearish, we’re currently above it. That doesn’t mean we could pump up crazy levels because as we’ve seen here in the past, we’ve been above it for quite a few days and still continue downwards. Again, we’ve been above it for quite a few days, still continued downwards. We need a real break and a good amount of time of Buffett’s to confirm a complete trend reversal for a theorem. But I do want to bring you this analysis as a theory has been doing really, really well recently. It was actually a trade call on theory this morning where some people made a lot of money due to this pump. That’s very, very nice. As always, guys, I did want to talk to you about a Phoenix. I pretty much is my number one recommended exchange right now. I’m really enjoying trading on there. You see my trades in the past. And you know what Phoenix is about. If you did want to join, if you deposit 0.2 bitcoin to your trading account using my link below, you’ll actually get a free $112 bonus. And it’s really simple to do. Simply click the link down below deposit, sign up, deposit 0.2 bitcoin to your trading account and then within 24 to 48 hours the support will actually go ahead and manually add that bonus for you if you see a 72 dollar bonus on the website. That’s if you just join the website. Normally if you join using my link, you actually get that extra bonus and if you deposit that 0.2 to your trading account, I really like it as many great features. It’s got good leverage and it has the ability to have sober counts as well as you can trade long on one trade show on the other, which some leverage exchanges don’t offer. Of course, guys, if you are a new trader, I don’t recommend leverage trading. It’s mainly for the more experienced traders. So let’s take a look at this article, which is actually really, really interesting, Jeff. If Jeff Bezos bought all the bitcoin in circulation now, I first want to point out two things. One, yes, he can afford to buy all the bitcoin left in circulation and still have a very sizable net worth left, too. Could he really buy all the bitcoins in circulation will? Probably not, because it would be very, very hard. And the second he starts buying up all the older books on the exchanges, people would not really want to be selling their bitcoin because they would see the price skyrocketing as the supply would the available supply it would be reducing. So he could potentially do. But really how you’re going to get 18 million bitcoin, OPEC, it’s just not practical. You’re never going to do it. Some people won’t want to sell. So it’s just a bit of a fun article. I thought it would bring you to I would bring you this anyway. Hoarding a network of about 140 billion dollars. Jeff Bezos could theoretically afford to buy all the bitcoin in circulation. Of course, he could only buy the liquid BTC on exchanges, massively driving up prices in the process. Bitcoin has a current circulating supply of around eighteen point four million. We know there’s a total supply of 21 million. At least some of the supply has been lost by the early adopters and miners who are not any longer able to access their original stashes. If you didn’t know the total supply, 21 million is actually probably all the available supply which we currently have. When we do in fact mine every bitcoin, there won’t be 21 million bitcoins available because yes, there’ll be existence, but a lot of them will be lost in our wallets and they’ll be stolen and lost. And just a lot of stuff like that will happen. So the total supply when everything’s mined will not be 21 million or the available supply. Sorry. Will not be 21 million as a lot of it will be lost. Additionally, the BTC, which is currently for sale on exchanges also called liquid bitcoin, is only a small fraction of the coins in circulation. It’s hard to say how many coins for sale right now and at which price level investors would stop holding them to sell their coins. I don’t think you could buy a large percentage of BTC this way because when the price starts going up, people will not want to sell their coins. Is very true. If they just float the BTC markets with buy orders, all the liquidity would rapidly disappear. With surging prices blocking out all the buying. It goes on to say oh, as well as picking up stocks from coins from miners. It would be difficult to buy. OPEC wouldn’t really be practical at the press time of them then writing this article. Bitcoin. Seventy-one hundred dollars. We’re now at about seventy-six hundred dollars. The entire market caps it’s 130 billion, which is crazy. And his current net was a net worth basis. Could theoretically afford all the BTC and still have about 10 billion spam which is crazy. Majin owning all bitcoin is still having 10 billion spent. So a bit of a silly article, but I thought I would bring it to you as it is fairly interesting. Moving on to the final article of the day now, bitcoin to the rescue. As Ron Paul says, U.S. Fed a fake Fed fake economy has burst. As you know, I’ve been telling you mostly every video. I do think the economy and specifically, the traditional markets like stocks and stuff will in fact burst at some point and will tank in price when that will be. I don’t know. I’m just simply waiting for that day. The United States Federal Reserve fake economy has. First, former presidential candidate Ron Paul has announced as a money printing takes his balance just to six point six trillion, which is crazy, according to the pro-Bitcoin retired politician. Neither coronavirus nor the brief uptick in stocks can hide the impact of the Fed’s actions. The Fed’s fake economy has burst the stock market. Even if it rises, it cannot hide the damage that has already been done. He goes on here to say that on American ideas of government micromanage and micromanagement and the Fed central planning of the economy have failed and will continue to fail as long as they clung to the time to rebuild with the American ideals of liberty and sound. Money has arrived, and of course, Bitcoin is hopefully going to be very, very popular. Paul’s common as come as the Fed’s balance sheet reached the highs of 6.6 trillion purely due to money printing and associated economic bailout measures. It goes on here to say how there’s a lot of similarity about the 1930s Great Depression and the stock’s current rise from last month’s crash merely echoes the behaviour after the 1929 Wall Street crash. Sleep well tonight. We are all lucky to be living in an era or in an age when the Fed will bail us out, which is absolutely crazy. It goes on here to say they tell us the government can spend on more spending without taxing at all, that it could continue to pile up debt without ever paying it off because we owe it to ourselves. A really interesting article here, guys. I definitely want to know your thoughts down below in the comments that will also enter you, too, in that transit storage device. So, guys, that’s pretty much it for today’s video again. I really want Bitcoin to break above this level here, above the seventy-six hundred dollar level for us to remain bullish and test this eighty-five hundred dollar level. If we don’t, we could be coming down to sloping levels of support here. First of all, coming down to around 70, 300 and then down to seven thousand dollars. The worst-case scenario, as always, guys. Don’t forget the bitcoin Leuprecht sale is literally nearly over only 13 hours left if you did want to get your hands on that hundred dollar discount. The link will be down below. And don’t forget to join fee using my link. If you did want to use leverage trading to get that extra hundred and twelve dollar bonus if you deposit 0.2 bitcoin or more. So thanks for watching today’s video guys, and I’ll catch you in the next one.
source https://www.cryptosharks.net/bitcoin-must-break-this-price-now-to-remain/ source https://cryptosharks1.blogspot.com/2020/04/watch-out-bitcoin-must-break-this-price.html
0 notes
jeffrmayhugh · 4 years
What’s up, guys? Welcome back to another video. So in today’s video, we have some very important news. Bitcoin must break above this specific price. If we want to remain bullish, I’ll be covering that in today’s video. We’re going to be taking a look at the exact price action where Bitcoin has to reach if we need to and want to remain bullish. Right now, we’ve pretty much been going sideways for quite some time. Definitely on the four-hour charts. We’re going to be talking about that price. We need to break. We’re also going to be taking a look at a theorem and how that has actually gone ahead and crossed the 200-day moving average and how that is very, very bullish for a theorem. We’re going to be taking a look at what would happen if Jeff Bezos, the owner of Amazon, would, in fact, go ahead and buy all the bitcoin in circulation. It’s a really interesting article. And yes, he can afford to buy every single bitcoin in circulation. We’re then going to be taking a look at bitcoin to the rescue as the U.S. Fed fake economy has to burn or burst at some point. So all that good stuff will be coming up in today’s video. Guys, as always, sit back, relax and get ready for the video. All right, guys, so welcome back to another video. Thank you for joining me again today. I really appreciate it. If we can hit that one key like target, that will be absolutely excellent. And if you do enjoy my content and you haven’t already subscribed, consider subscribing and taking that notification. Bill should get notified when I post my next upload. As always, guys, drop your comments down below. If you did want to enter into a win that trades a storage device takes two seconds and you can win something. So just drop a comment down below. So let’s get into today’s video and take a look at the bitcoin price. Right now, we saw that breakout from this channel here up to around about the highs of seventy-seven sixty dollars, which is really, really nice to see. Unfortunately, though, we immediately almost got rejected and came back below this seventy-six hundred dollar line. Now this seventy-six hundred dollar line is a major, major level of resistance we see here. It was a major level of support and now is becoming a major level of resistance. I really, really, really want bitcoin to break above this seventy-six hundred dollar line if we are to continue to remain bullish. I think it’s a must if we don’t break up of this line and we keep testing it and keep rejecting it. Well, we could either come down to this sloping level of increasing support and B, the seven thousand dollar range, which we know is a strong level of resistance or even worse, we could break and for lower than that. If we go on to the daily chart right now and take a look at what’s going on there, we can see that we’ve overall of the past month or so had a very nice growth and performance on the bitcoin price. If we can manage to break this seventy-six hundred dollar range, I do think we will be going up to this area here around the eighty-five hundred dollar level. That was a previous level of support after we came down from these kinds of ten thousand four hundred dollar peaks up here. We did come down to this level and I do think that will be a rather large level of resistance or the next step up if we were in fact to break this seventy-six hundred dollar level. If we go ahead and take a look at the 50 and the 200-day moving average, once we are in fact on the daily chart, we can see again, I’ve mentioned this before, we had a nice bounce from that 50-day moving average which is in blue, and we are currently below the 200 days moving average, which is in yellow here. I do think if we can break above this seventy-six hundred dollar range, we will come into contact with his 200 days moving average, which we all know plays a major, major, major level and a major key into the price of bitcoin. If we take a look back, basically anytime we are above the 200-day moving average and we see nice, good bullish price action and anytime we are below it, we see negative and bearish price action. That’s the basis of the 200-day moving average throughout the massive market cycle here back in June and July of last year. All that time we were above the 200-day moving average. We were producing higher highs in halo’s. And just overall being bullish. Then we dropped below the 200 days moving average here, came to test it multiple, multiple times, broke above it heavily, got rejected. And then we saw the massive downturn here, which we weren’t too pleased with. Again, we dropped below this 200-day moving average when we had this massive crash back on around the early March 8th, the 10th of March. We then saw a massive price reduction. And that’s currently where we are with current currently coming back up to test this 200-day moving average. Hopefully, we can test above it and show some nice bullish signs. As we all know, the halving now is less than 20 days away, which is absolutely crazy. I really, really hope we can see some bullish things for bitcoin coming up. I do want to quickly mention, guys, there’s only 13 hours or as you’re watching this, maybe less than 10 hours left on the Bitcoin blueprint sale. This is the final day of the sale. So if you were interested in picking up the Bitcoin blueprint at $100 off and learning more about these trading tactics, it could make you a profitable trader. Check out the link down below. So let’s go ahead and take a look. The area, this is actually a really nice theory as we can see the yellow mark here. We’ve actually crossed the 200-day moving average. We crossed this on the 22nd of April. So, yes, we did cross it a few days ago. However, we have continued to close 1 two, three, four times now above the 200-day moving average. Now, this does not necessarily mean theory and is going to be absolutely shooting up to 250, 300 dollars. No, it doesn’t. We currently are testing around this $200 range, which is here. It will be exciting to see if this kind of state does, in fact, go ahead and touch this 200 day moving 200 days. Sorry, the $200 price, not 200 days too many to hundreds if we do, in fact, test this $200 price level or do we come back down and find support at this 180, $790 range and then go back up and test this $200 level? We do come down and we do get rejected on the theory in price. We do have this very strong level of support here at the 200 days, which we’ve seen here, and we’ve seen this as resistance. And what we did, in fact, break and go below it, we were fairly bearish. So again, guys, a 200-day moving average is pretty much the industry standard in what people use to determine if something is bullish or bearish, we’re currently above it. That doesn’t mean we could pump up crazy levels because as we’ve seen here in the past, we’ve been above it for quite a few days and still continue downwards. Again, we’ve been above it for quite a few days, still continued downwards. We need a real break and a good amount of time of Buffett’s to confirm a complete trend reversal for a theorem. But I do want to bring you this analysis as a theory has been doing really, really well recently. It was actually a trade call on theory this morning where some people made a lot of money due to this pump. That’s very, very nice. As always, guys, I did want to talk to you about a Phoenix. I pretty much is my number one recommended exchange right now. I’m really enjoying trading on there. You see my trades in the past. And you know what Phoenix is about. If you did want to join, if you deposit 0.2 bitcoin to your trading account using my link below, you’ll actually get a free $112 bonus. And it’s really simple to do. Simply click the link down below deposit, sign up, deposit 0.2 bitcoin to your trading account and then within 24 to 48 hours the support will actually go ahead and manually add that bonus for you if you see a 72 dollar bonus on the website. That’s if you just join the website. Normally if you join using my link, you actually get that extra bonus and if you deposit that 0.2 to your trading account, I really like it as many great features. It’s got good leverage and it has the ability to have sober counts as well as you can trade long on one trade show on the other, which some leverage exchanges don’t offer. Of course, guys, if you are a new trader, I don’t recommend leverage trading. It’s mainly for the more experienced traders. So let’s take a look at this article, which is actually really, really interesting, Jeff. If Jeff Bezos bought all the bitcoin in circulation now, I first want to point out two things. One, yes, he can afford to buy all the bitcoin left in circulation and still have a very sizable net worth left, too. Could he really buy all the bitcoins in circulation will? Probably not, because it would be very, very hard. And the second he starts buying up all the older books on the exchanges, people would not really want to be selling their bitcoin because they would see the price skyrocketing as the supply would the available supply it would be reducing. So he could potentially do. But really how you’re going to get 18 million bitcoin, OPEC, it’s just not practical. You’re never going to do it. Some people won’t want to sell. So it’s just a bit of a fun article. I thought it would bring you to I would bring you this anyway. Hoarding a network of about 140 billion dollars. Jeff Bezos could theoretically afford to buy all the bitcoin in circulation. Of course, he could only buy the liquid BTC on exchanges, massively driving up prices in the process. Bitcoin has a current circulating supply of around eighteen point four million. We know there’s a total supply of 21 million. At least some of the supply has been lost by the early adopters and miners who are not any longer able to access their original stashes. If you didn’t know the total supply, 21 million is actually probably all the available supply which we currently have. When we do in fact mine every bitcoin, there won’t be 21 million bitcoins available because yes, there’ll be existence, but a lot of them will be lost in our wallets and they’ll be stolen and lost. And just a lot of stuff like that will happen. So the total supply when everything’s mined will not be 21 million or the available supply. Sorry. Will not be 21 million as a lot of it will be lost. Additionally, the BTC, which is currently for sale on exchanges also called liquid bitcoin, is only a small fraction of the coins in circulation. It’s hard to say how many coins for sale right now and at which price level investors would stop holding them to sell their coins. I don’t think you could buy a large percentage of BTC this way because when the price starts going up, people will not want to sell their coins. Is very true. If they just float the BTC markets with buy orders, all the liquidity would rapidly disappear. With surging prices blocking out all the buying. It goes on to say oh, as well as picking up stocks from coins from miners. It would be difficult to buy. OPEC wouldn’t really be practical at the press time of them then writing this article. Bitcoin. Seventy-one hundred dollars. We’re now at about seventy-six hundred dollars. The entire market caps it’s 130 billion, which is crazy. And his current net was a net worth basis. Could theoretically afford all the BTC and still have about 10 billion spam which is crazy. Majin owning all bitcoin is still having 10 billion spent. So a bit of a silly article, but I thought I would bring it to you as it is fairly interesting. Moving on to the final article of the day now, bitcoin to the rescue. As Ron Paul says, U.S. Fed a fake Fed fake economy has burst. As you know, I’ve been telling you mostly every video. I do think the economy and specifically, the traditional markets like stocks and stuff will in fact burst at some point and will tank in price when that will be. I don’t know. I’m just simply waiting for that day. The United States Federal Reserve fake economy has. First, former presidential candidate Ron Paul has announced as a money printing takes his balance just to six point six trillion, which is crazy, according to the pro-Bitcoin retired politician. Neither coronavirus nor the brief uptick in stocks can hide the impact of the Fed’s actions. The Fed’s fake economy has burst the stock market. Even if it rises, it cannot hide the damage that has already been done. He goes on here to say that on American ideas of government micromanage and micromanagement and the Fed central planning of the economy have failed and will continue to fail as long as they clung to the time to rebuild with the American ideals of liberty and sound. Money has arrived, and of course, Bitcoin is hopefully going to be very, very popular. Paul’s common as come as the Fed’s balance sheet reached the highs of 6.6 trillion purely due to money printing and associated economic bailout measures. It goes on here to say how there’s a lot of similarity about the 1930s Great Depression and the stock’s current rise from last month’s crash merely echoes the behaviour after the 1929 Wall Street crash. Sleep well tonight. We are all lucky to be living in an era or in an age when the Fed will bail us out, which is absolutely crazy. It goes on here to say they tell us the government can spend on more spending without taxing at all, that it could continue to pile up debt without ever paying it off because we owe it to ourselves. A really interesting article here, guys. I definitely want to know your thoughts down below in the comments that will also enter you, too, in that transit storage device. So, guys, that’s pretty much it for today’s video again. I really want Bitcoin to break above this level here, above the seventy-six hundred dollar level for us to remain bullish and test this eighty-five hundred dollar level. If we don’t, we could be coming down to sloping levels of support here. First of all, coming down to around 70, 300 and then down to seven thousand dollars. The worst-case scenario, as always, guys. Don’t forget the bitcoin Leuprecht sale is literally nearly over only 13 hours left if you did want to get your hands on that hundred dollar discount. The link will be down below. And don’t forget to join fee using my link. If you did want to use leverage trading to get that extra hundred and twelve dollar bonus if you deposit 0.2 bitcoin or more. So thanks for watching today’s video guys, and I’ll catch you in the next one.
source https://www.cryptosharks.net/bitcoin-must-break-this-price-now-to-remain/ source https://cryptosharks1.tumblr.com/post/616584609053933568
0 notes
heatherrdavis1 · 4 years
What’s up, guys? Welcome back to another video. So in today’s video, we have some very important news. Bitcoin must break above this specific price. If we want to remain bullish, I’ll be covering that in today’s video. We’re going to be taking a look at the exact price action where Bitcoin has to reach if we need to and want to remain bullish. Right now, we’ve pretty much been going sideways for quite some time. Definitely on the four-hour charts. We’re going to be talking about that price. We need to break. We’re also going to be taking a look at a theorem and how that has actually gone ahead and crossed the 200-day moving average and how that is very, very bullish for a theorem. We’re going to be taking a look at what would happen if Jeff Bezos, the owner of Amazon, would, in fact, go ahead and buy all the bitcoin in circulation. It’s a really interesting article. And yes, he can afford to buy every single bitcoin in circulation. We’re then going to be taking a look at bitcoin to the rescue as the U.S. Fed fake economy has to burn or burst at some point. So all that good stuff will be coming up in today’s video. Guys, as always, sit back, relax and get ready for the video. All right, guys, so welcome back to another video. Thank you for joining me again today. I really appreciate it. If we can hit that one key like target, that will be absolutely excellent. And if you do enjoy my content and you haven’t already subscribed, consider subscribing and taking that notification. Bill should get notified when I post my next upload. As always, guys, drop your comments down below. If you did want to enter into a win that trades a storage device takes two seconds and you can win something. So just drop a comment down below. So let’s get into today’s video and take a look at the bitcoin price. Right now, we saw that breakout from this channel here up to around about the highs of seventy-seven sixty dollars, which is really, really nice to see. Unfortunately, though, we immediately almost got rejected and came back below this seventy-six hundred dollar line. Now this seventy-six hundred dollar line is a major, major level of resistance we see here. It was a major level of support and now is becoming a major level of resistance. I really, really, really want bitcoin to break above this seventy-six hundred dollar line if we are to continue to remain bullish. I think it’s a must if we don’t break up of this line and we keep testing it and keep rejecting it. Well, we could either come down to this sloping level of increasing support and B, the seven thousand dollar range, which we know is a strong level of resistance or even worse, we could break and for lower than that. If we go on to the daily chart right now and take a look at what’s going on there, we can see that we’ve overall of the past month or so had a very nice growth and performance on the bitcoin price. If we can manage to break this seventy-six hundred dollar range, I do think we will be going up to this area here around the eighty-five hundred dollar level. That was a previous level of support after we came down from these kinds of ten thousand four hundred dollar peaks up here. We did come down to this level and I do think that will be a rather large level of resistance or the next step up if we were in fact to break this seventy-six hundred dollar level. If we go ahead and take a look at the 50 and the 200-day moving average, once we are in fact on the daily chart, we can see again, I’ve mentioned this before, we had a nice bounce from that 50-day moving average which is in blue, and we are currently below the 200 days moving average, which is in yellow here. I do think if we can break above this seventy-six hundred dollar range, we will come into contact with his 200 days moving average, which we all know plays a major, major, major level and a major key into the price of bitcoin. If we take a look back, basically anytime we are above the 200-day moving average and we see nice, good bullish price action and anytime we are below it, we see negative and bearish price action. That’s the basis of the 200-day moving average throughout the massive market cycle here back in June and July of last year. All that time we were above the 200-day moving average. We were producing higher highs in halo’s. And just overall being bullish. Then we dropped below the 200 days moving average here, came to test it multiple, multiple times, broke above it heavily, got rejected. And then we saw the massive downturn here, which we weren’t too pleased with. Again, we dropped below this 200-day moving average when we had this massive crash back on around the early March 8th, the 10th of March. We then saw a massive price reduction. And that’s currently where we are with current currently coming back up to test this 200-day moving average. Hopefully, we can test above it and show some nice bullish signs. As we all know, the halving now is less than 20 days away, which is absolutely crazy. I really, really hope we can see some bullish things for bitcoin coming up. I do want to quickly mention, guys, there’s only 13 hours or as you’re watching this, maybe less than 10 hours left on the Bitcoin blueprint sale. This is the final day of the sale. So if you were interested in picking up the Bitcoin blueprint at $100 off and learning more about these trading tactics, it could make you a profitable trader. Check out the link down below. So let’s go ahead and take a look. The area, this is actually a really nice theory as we can see the yellow mark here. We’ve actually crossed the 200-day moving average. We crossed this on the 22nd of April. So, yes, we did cross it a few days ago. However, we have continued to close 1 two, three, four times now above the 200-day moving average. Now, this does not necessarily mean theory and is going to be absolutely shooting up to 250, 300 dollars. No, it doesn’t. We currently are testing around this $200 range, which is here. It will be exciting to see if this kind of state does, in fact, go ahead and touch this 200 day moving 200 days. Sorry, the $200 price, not 200 days too many to hundreds if we do, in fact, test this $200 price level or do we come back down and find support at this 180, $790 range and then go back up and test this $200 level? We do come down and we do get rejected on the theory in price. We do have this very strong level of support here at the 200 days, which we’ve seen here, and we’ve seen this as resistance. And what we did, in fact, break and go below it, we were fairly bearish. So again, guys, a 200-day moving average is pretty much the industry standard in what people use to determine if something is bullish or bearish, we’re currently above it. That doesn’t mean we could pump up crazy levels because as we’ve seen here in the past, we’ve been above it for quite a few days and still continue downwards. Again, we’ve been above it for quite a few days, still continued downwards. We need a real break and a good amount of time of Buffett’s to confirm a complete trend reversal for a theorem. But I do want to bring you this analysis as a theory has been doing really, really well recently. It was actually a trade call on theory this morning where some people made a lot of money due to this pump. That’s very, very nice. As always, guys, I did want to talk to you about a Phoenix. I pretty much is my number one recommended exchange right now. I’m really enjoying trading on there. You see my trades in the past. And you know what Phoenix is about. If you did want to join, if you deposit 0.2 bitcoin to your trading account using my link below, you’ll actually get a free $112 bonus. And it’s really simple to do. Simply click the link down below deposit, sign up, deposit 0.2 bitcoin to your trading account and then within 24 to 48 hours the support will actually go ahead and manually add that bonus for you if you see a 72 dollar bonus on the website. That’s if you just join the website. Normally if you join using my link, you actually get that extra bonus and if you deposit that 0.2 to your trading account, I really like it as many great features. It’s got good leverage and it has the ability to have sober counts as well as you can trade long on one trade show on the other, which some leverage exchanges don’t offer. Of course, guys, if you are a new trader, I don’t recommend leverage trading. It’s mainly for the more experienced traders. So let’s take a look at this article, which is actually really, really interesting, Jeff. If Jeff Bezos bought all the bitcoin in circulation now, I first want to point out two things. One, yes, he can afford to buy all the bitcoin left in circulation and still have a very sizable net worth left, too. Could he really buy all the bitcoins in circulation will? Probably not, because it would be very, very hard. And the second he starts buying up all the older books on the exchanges, people would not really want to be selling their bitcoin because they would see the price skyrocketing as the supply would the available supply it would be reducing. So he could potentially do. But really how you’re going to get 18 million bitcoin, OPEC, it’s just not practical. You’re never going to do it. Some people won’t want to sell. So it’s just a bit of a fun article. I thought it would bring you to I would bring you this anyway. Hoarding a network of about 140 billion dollars. Jeff Bezos could theoretically afford to buy all the bitcoin in circulation. Of course, he could only buy the liquid BTC on exchanges, massively driving up prices in the process. Bitcoin has a current circulating supply of around eighteen point four million. We know there’s a total supply of 21 million. At least some of the supply has been lost by the early adopters and miners who are not any longer able to access their original stashes. If you didn’t know the total supply, 21 million is actually probably all the available supply which we currently have. When we do in fact mine every bitcoin, there won’t be 21 million bitcoins available because yes, there’ll be existence, but a lot of them will be lost in our wallets and they’ll be stolen and lost. And just a lot of stuff like that will happen. So the total supply when everything’s mined will not be 21 million or the available supply. Sorry. Will not be 21 million as a lot of it will be lost. Additionally, the BTC, which is currently for sale on exchanges also called liquid bitcoin, is only a small fraction of the coins in circulation. It’s hard to say how many coins for sale right now and at which price level investors would stop holding them to sell their coins. I don’t think you could buy a large percentage of BTC this way because when the price starts going up, people will not want to sell their coins. Is very true. If they just float the BTC markets with buy orders, all the liquidity would rapidly disappear. With surging prices blocking out all the buying. It goes on to say oh, as well as picking up stocks from coins from miners. It would be difficult to buy. OPEC wouldn’t really be practical at the press time of them then writing this article. Bitcoin. Seventy-one hundred dollars. We’re now at about seventy-six hundred dollars. The entire market caps it’s 130 billion, which is crazy. And his current net was a net worth basis. Could theoretically afford all the BTC and still have about 10 billion spam which is crazy. Majin owning all bitcoin is still having 10 billion spent. So a bit of a silly article, but I thought I would bring it to you as it is fairly interesting. Moving on to the final article of the day now, bitcoin to the rescue. As Ron Paul says, U.S. Fed a fake Fed fake economy has burst. As you know, I’ve been telling you mostly every video. I do think the economy and specifically, the traditional markets like stocks and stuff will in fact burst at some point and will tank in price when that will be. I don’t know. I’m just simply waiting for that day. The United States Federal Reserve fake economy has. First, former presidential candidate Ron Paul has announced as a money printing takes his balance just to six point six trillion, which is crazy, according to the pro-Bitcoin retired politician. Neither coronavirus nor the brief uptick in stocks can hide the impact of the Fed’s actions. The Fed’s fake economy has burst the stock market. Even if it rises, it cannot hide the damage that has already been done. He goes on here to say that on American ideas of government micromanage and micromanagement and the Fed central planning of the economy have failed and will continue to fail as long as they clung to the time to rebuild with the American ideals of liberty and sound. Money has arrived, and of course, Bitcoin is hopefully going to be very, very popular. Paul’s common as come as the Fed’s balance sheet reached the highs of 6.6 trillion purely due to money printing and associated economic bailout measures. It goes on here to say how there’s a lot of similarity about the 1930s Great Depression and the stock’s current rise from last month’s crash merely echoes the behaviour after the 1929 Wall Street crash. Sleep well tonight. We are all lucky to be living in an era or in an age when the Fed will bail us out, which is absolutely crazy. It goes on here to say they tell us the government can spend on more spending without taxing at all, that it could continue to pile up debt without ever paying it off because we owe it to ourselves. A really interesting article here, guys. I definitely want to know your thoughts down below in the comments that will also enter you, too, in that transit storage device. So, guys, that’s pretty much it for today’s video again. I really want Bitcoin to break above this level here, above the seventy-six hundred dollar level for us to remain bullish and test this eighty-five hundred dollar level. If we don’t, we could be coming down to sloping levels of support here. First of all, coming down to around 70, 300 and then down to seven thousand dollars. The worst-case scenario, as always, guys. Don’t forget the bitcoin Leuprecht sale is literally nearly over only 13 hours left if you did want to get your hands on that hundred dollar discount. The link will be down below. And don’t forget to join fee using my link. If you did want to use leverage trading to get that extra hundred and twelve dollar bonus if you deposit 0.2 bitcoin or more. So thanks for watching today’s video guys, and I’ll catch you in the next one.
Via https://www.cryptosharks.net/bitcoin-must-break-this-price-now-to-remain/
source https://cryptosharks.weebly.com/blog/watch-out-bitcoin-must-break-this-price-now-to-remain-bullish-jeff-bezos-buying-bitcoin
0 notes
cryptosharks1 · 4 years
What’s up, guys? Welcome back to another video. So in today’s video, we have some very important news. Bitcoin must break above this specific price. If we want to remain bullish, I’ll be covering that in today’s video. We’re going to be taking a look at the exact price action where Bitcoin has to reach if we need to and want to remain bullish. Right now, we’ve pretty much been going sideways for quite some time. Definitely on the four-hour charts. We’re going to be talking about that price. We need to break. We’re also going to be taking a look at a theorem and how that has actually gone ahead and crossed the 200-day moving average and how that is very, very bullish for a theorem. We’re going to be taking a look at what would happen if Jeff Bezos, the owner of Amazon, would, in fact, go ahead and buy all the bitcoin in circulation. It’s a really interesting article. And yes, he can afford to buy every single bitcoin in circulation. We’re then going to be taking a look at bitcoin to the rescue as the U.S. Fed fake economy has to burn or burst at some point. So all that good stuff will be coming up in today’s video. Guys, as always, sit back, relax and get ready for the video. All right, guys, so welcome back to another video. Thank you for joining me again today. I really appreciate it. If we can hit that one key like target, that will be absolutely excellent. And if you do enjoy my content and you haven’t already subscribed, consider subscribing and taking that notification. Bill should get notified when I post my next upload. As always, guys, drop your comments down below. If you did want to enter into a win that trades a storage device takes two seconds and you can win something. So just drop a comment down below. So let’s get into today’s video and take a look at the bitcoin price. Right now, we saw that breakout from this channel here up to around about the highs of seventy-seven sixty dollars, which is really, really nice to see. Unfortunately, though, we immediately almost got rejected and came back below this seventy-six hundred dollar line. Now this seventy-six hundred dollar line is a major, major level of resistance we see here. It was a major level of support and now is becoming a major level of resistance. I really, really, really want bitcoin to break above this seventy-six hundred dollar line if we are to continue to remain bullish. I think it’s a must if we don’t break up of this line and we keep testing it and keep rejecting it. Well, we could either come down to this sloping level of increasing support and B, the seven thousand dollar range, which we know is a strong level of resistance or even worse, we could break and for lower than that. If we go on to the daily chart right now and take a look at what’s going on there, we can see that we’ve overall of the past month or so had a very nice growth and performance on the bitcoin price. If we can manage to break this seventy-six hundred dollar range, I do think we will be going up to this area here around the eighty-five hundred dollar level. That was a previous level of support after we came down from these kinds of ten thousand four hundred dollar peaks up here. We did come down to this level and I do think that will be a rather large level of resistance or the next step up if we were in fact to break this seventy-six hundred dollar level. If we go ahead and take a look at the 50 and the 200-day moving average, once we are in fact on the daily chart, we can see again, I’ve mentioned this before, we had a nice bounce from that 50-day moving average which is in blue, and we are currently below the 200 days moving average, which is in yellow here. I do think if we can break above this seventy-six hundred dollar range, we will come into contact with his 200 days moving average, which we all know plays a major, major, major level and a major key into the price of bitcoin. If we take a look back, basically anytime we are above the 200-day moving average and we see nice, good bullish price action and anytime we are below it, we see negative and bearish price action. That’s the basis of the 200-day moving average throughout the massive market cycle here back in June and July of last year. All that time we were above the 200-day moving average. We were producing higher highs in halo’s. And just overall being bullish. Then we dropped below the 200 days moving average here, came to test it multiple, multiple times, broke above it heavily, got rejected. And then we saw the massive downturn here, which we weren’t too pleased with. Again, we dropped below this 200-day moving average when we had this massive crash back on around the early March 8th, the 10th of March. We then saw a massive price reduction. And that’s currently where we are with current currently coming back up to test this 200-day moving average. Hopefully, we can test above it and show some nice bullish signs. As we all know, the halving now is less than 20 days away, which is absolutely crazy. I really, really hope we can see some bullish things for bitcoin coming up. I do want to quickly mention, guys, there’s only 13 hours or as you’re watching this, maybe less than 10 hours left on the Bitcoin blueprint sale. This is the final day of the sale. So if you were interested in picking up the Bitcoin blueprint at $100 off and learning more about these trading tactics, it could make you a profitable trader. Check out the link down below. So let’s go ahead and take a look. The area, this is actually a really nice theory as we can see the yellow mark here. We’ve actually crossed the 200-day moving average. We crossed this on the 22nd of April. So, yes, we did cross it a few days ago. However, we have continued to close 1 two, three, four times now above the 200-day moving average. Now, this does not necessarily mean theory and is going to be absolutely shooting up to 250, 300 dollars. No, it doesn’t. We currently are testing around this $200 range, which is here. It will be exciting to see if this kind of state does, in fact, go ahead and touch this 200 day moving 200 days. Sorry, the $200 price, not 200 days too many to hundreds if we do, in fact, test this $200 price level or do we come back down and find support at this 180, $790 range and then go back up and test this $200 level? We do come down and we do get rejected on the theory in price. We do have this very strong level of support here at the 200 days, which we’ve seen here, and we’ve seen this as resistance. And what we did, in fact, break and go below it, we were fairly bearish. So again, guys, a 200-day moving average is pretty much the industry standard in what people use to determine if something is bullish or bearish, we’re currently above it. That doesn’t mean we could pump up crazy levels because as we’ve seen here in the past, we’ve been above it for quite a few days and still continue downwards. Again, we’ve been above it for quite a few days, still continued downwards. We need a real break and a good amount of time of Buffett’s to confirm a complete trend reversal for a theorem. But I do want to bring you this analysis as a theory has been doing really, really well recently. It was actually a trade call on theory this morning where some people made a lot of money due to this pump. That’s very, very nice. As always, guys, I did want to talk to you about a Phoenix. I pretty much is my number one recommended exchange right now. I’m really enjoying trading on there. You see my trades in the past. And you know what Phoenix is about. If you did want to join, if you deposit 0.2 bitcoin to your trading account using my link below, you’ll actually get a free $112 bonus. And it’s really simple to do. Simply click the link down below deposit, sign up, deposit 0.2 bitcoin to your trading account and then within 24 to 48 hours the support will actually go ahead and manually add that bonus for you if you see a 72 dollar bonus on the website. That’s if you just join the website. Normally if you join using my link, you actually get that extra bonus and if you deposit that 0.2 to your trading account, I really like it as many great features. It’s got good leverage and it has the ability to have sober counts as well as you can trade long on one trade show on the other, which some leverage exchanges don’t offer. Of course, guys, if you are a new trader, I don’t recommend leverage trading. It’s mainly for the more experienced traders. So let’s take a look at this article, which is actually really, really interesting, Jeff. If Jeff Bezos bought all the bitcoin in circulation now, I first want to point out two things. One, yes, he can afford to buy all the bitcoin left in circulation and still have a very sizable net worth left, too. Could he really buy all the bitcoins in circulation will? Probably not, because it would be very, very hard. And the second he starts buying up all the older books on the exchanges, people would not really want to be selling their bitcoin because they would see the price skyrocketing as the supply would the available supply it would be reducing. So he could potentially do. But really how you’re going to get 18 million bitcoin, OPEC, it’s just not practical. You’re never going to do it. Some people won’t want to sell. So it’s just a bit of a fun article. I thought it would bring you to I would bring you this anyway. Hoarding a network of about 140 billion dollars. Jeff Bezos could theoretically afford to buy all the bitcoin in circulation. Of course, he could only buy the liquid BTC on exchanges, massively driving up prices in the process. Bitcoin has a current circulating supply of around eighteen point four million. We know there’s a total supply of 21 million. At least some of the supply has been lost by the early adopters and miners who are not any longer able to access their original stashes. If you didn’t know the total supply, 21 million is actually probably all the available supply which we currently have. When we do in fact mine every bitcoin, there won’t be 21 million bitcoins available because yes, there’ll be existence, but a lot of them will be lost in our wallets and they’ll be stolen and lost. And just a lot of stuff like that will happen. So the total supply when everything’s mined will not be 21 million or the available supply. Sorry. Will not be 21 million as a lot of it will be lost. Additionally, the BTC, which is currently for sale on exchanges also called liquid bitcoin, is only a small fraction of the coins in circulation. It’s hard to say how many coins for sale right now and at which price level investors would stop holding them to sell their coins. I don’t think you could buy a large percentage of BTC this way because when the price starts going up, people will not want to sell their coins. Is very true. If they just float the BTC markets with buy orders, all the liquidity would rapidly disappear. With surging prices blocking out all the buying. It goes on to say oh, as well as picking up stocks from coins from miners. It would be difficult to buy. OPEC wouldn’t really be practical at the press time of them then writing this article. Bitcoin. Seventy-one hundred dollars. We’re now at about seventy-six hundred dollars. The entire market caps it’s 130 billion, which is crazy. And his current net was a net worth basis. Could theoretically afford all the BTC and still have about 10 billion spam which is crazy. Majin owning all bitcoin is still having 10 billion spent. So a bit of a silly article, but I thought I would bring it to you as it is fairly interesting. Moving on to the final article of the day now, bitcoin to the rescue. As Ron Paul says, U.S. Fed a fake Fed fake economy has burst. As you know, I’ve been telling you mostly every video. I do think the economy and specifically, the traditional markets like stocks and stuff will in fact burst at some point and will tank in price when that will be. I don’t know. I’m just simply waiting for that day. The United States Federal Reserve fake economy has. First, former presidential candidate Ron Paul has announced as a money printing takes his balance just to six point six trillion, which is crazy, according to the pro-Bitcoin retired politician. Neither coronavirus nor the brief uptick in stocks can hide the impact of the Fed’s actions. The Fed’s fake economy has burst the stock market. Even if it rises, it cannot hide the damage that has already been done. He goes on here to say that on American ideas of government micromanage and micromanagement and the Fed central planning of the economy have failed and will continue to fail as long as they clung to the time to rebuild with the American ideals of liberty and sound. Money has arrived, and of course, Bitcoin is hopefully going to be very, very popular. Paul’s common as come as the Fed’s balance sheet reached the highs of 6.6 trillion purely due to money printing and associated economic bailout measures. It goes on here to say how there’s a lot of similarity about the 1930s Great Depression and the stock’s current rise from last month’s crash merely echoes the behaviour after the 1929 Wall Street crash. Sleep well tonight. We are all lucky to be living in an era or in an age when the Fed will bail us out, which is absolutely crazy. It goes on here to say they tell us the government can spend on more spending without taxing at all, that it could continue to pile up debt without ever paying it off because we owe it to ourselves. A really interesting article here, guys. I definitely want to know your thoughts down below in the comments that will also enter you, too, in that transit storage device. So, guys, that’s pretty much it for today’s video again. I really want Bitcoin to break above this level here, above the seventy-six hundred dollar level for us to remain bullish and test this eighty-five hundred dollar level. If we don’t, we could be coming down to sloping levels of support here. First of all, coming down to around 70, 300 and then down to seven thousand dollars. The worst-case scenario, as always, guys. Don’t forget the bitcoin Leuprecht sale is literally nearly over only 13 hours left if you did want to get your hands on that hundred dollar discount. The link will be down below. And don’t forget to join fee using my link. If you did want to use leverage trading to get that extra hundred and twelve dollar bonus if you deposit 0.2 bitcoin or more. So thanks for watching today’s video guys, and I’ll catch you in the next one.
source https://www.cryptosharks.net/bitcoin-must-break-this-price-now-to-remain/
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acoolguyscoollife · 5 years
Chapter 12: Prep Time
Cool Guy
Seeing the rebels gearing up for the war was a worrying situation, to say the least. A lot of weapons were being grabbed, crudely made swords and clubs being most of what they could make. Some of the higher-up colours had magic weapons, barely able to maintain them for extended periods, but still preparing to use them, training by attacking trees and other objects. The entire village had geared up, and now it was just the leader who they were waiting on. The leader who, at this exact moment, was talking to use while glancing sideways at them.
“I’m not sure if they realise how unlikely it is for us to win this battle.” He said simply, once again looking back at them. “I don’t want to lead them to their deaths.” As much as part of me wanted to help, the reality of Tabitha’s explanation of the simulation made it incredibly difficult to act.
“People die in wars. You need to reconsider what you’re going to do here, before it becomes too late to act.” I said, with Seth nodding next to me.
“What do you propose I do? They’ve purposefully cast us out, in order to benefit nobody but themselves. We can’t do anything here.” The leader clearly wasn’t happy, but I had to admit, there wasn’t much of an alternative. Civil discourse had long since stopped being an option. “Our people don’t intend to fight to kill, and neither will theirs. People will die, yes, but not as many as other wars will cause.” The leader said, but I could tell nobody believed it. Seth turned to me, making sure that the leader wouldn’t be able to hear us speaking.
“Remember Peacekeeper, that game where you play as a riot cop?” Seth asked me, and I nodded. It had been a VR game, nowhere near like what I had thought the simulation had been, but according to the reviews, it had been pretty damn close to reality. “We 100%ed that game on the hardest difficulty, do you think it’d be as easy to do here?” I had to think for a moment. I mean, there had been no weight to our movements in the game, since there was no haptic feedback, one downside of virtual reality. That being said, Seth had a habit of working out, and I had been doing Kendo for a while. In theory, it was possible, but I didn’t think we’d be much more than just two more fighters.
“I’ve not seen any other guns down here, weirdly enough, so you’d have a distinct advantage. But I probably wouldn’t.” I replied, taking a quick look at my sword. Sheathed, it’d be quite close to the wooden blade I was used to using, and those things could hurt like hell if used right. “You can’t shoot to kill, though, and I thought people were trained to shoot at center mass?” I pointed out, and Seth thought for a second.
“I was never trained, all I know about shooting I got from video games. Doesn’t really translate very well, but…” Seth paused. “Wait, that does mean shooting the bigger target would make more sense. Shit.” He grasped his chin, eyes looking off at nothing in particular. They widened slightly as he started to pay attention again, glancing around and stopping someone who was walking past. “Hey, if I gave you something, would you be able to replicate it in bulk, but with different materials?” The man Seth had stopped thought for a moment. He was one of the builders, doing things very similar to what Amy had been doing, except at a much slower pace.
“I believe so, why?” The man asked, and Seth took the magazine out of his gun, removing a round and handing it over, as well as the magazine itself. It was a standard 7 round magazine, chambered in… god, I had seen the gun before but I couldn’t tell you what it was.
It was a Colt 1911, .45 ACP chambered. Worn, old, but reliable, modified with a custom grip and finish. It felt versatile in my hand, and was easy to unload and reload, as well as unholster.
“I need as many of these bullets, except made entirely from rubber, as you can. I also need as many magazines as you can make, but those can be made out of whatever, as long as it’ll fit the gun and won’t break anything.” I told the man, and he nodded, taking the items off of me.
“It’ll be a few hours, but I’ll get them to you before the battle begins.” The man responded, and I gave him a nod before turning back to CG. It was go time, now or never, and I had a few ideas.
“Okay, game plan time. As much as you’re the de-facto leader of our group, I think I should be the one to plot out what we’re going to do.” I spoke before CG could interrupt, and while he objected slightly and pouted, I knew that he preferred not to responsible for this. I’d known him long enough to know that the less responsibility he took, the less he’d be blamed when shit inevitably went south. I looked around for a sheet of paper or something, and settled with a piece of tent that nobody was using anymore, grabbing a piece of charcoal and beginning to scrawl on it.
“Judging from how long we took to get over here on foot from the castle, I would say that the two groups, if they set off at the same time, would meet in the forest.” I began, doodling a forest, a tent, and a small castle at specific points. “But that’s assuming we all leave at the same time, which I have my doubts about. The castle guards seem keener to hold out their position than actually advance on the rebellion, which, honestly, is kinda strange.” CG stepped forward then.
“It’s preventative measures to protect the castle itself, literally. If the rebels reach the king, he’ll fight back, and when he does, the entire land’s going to be razed.” CG said, and I couldn’t help but scowl at him.
“And this is info you chose to only tell me now?” I said, exasperated.
“Well usually the protagonist takes him down, but this is the course of one of the bad endings. The player wins, but at the cost of a lot of lives.” CG replied, taking his own tent piece and charcoal and drawing on it. “There’s five separate paths that can be taken for a unique ending, and right now we’re on the second worst.” He had drawn five lines, all branching off from one main line. “We could only have done worse if we’d actively been trying to kill everyone.”
“So we’re screwed?” I asked, but he shook his head.
“Not necessarily.” CG replied, drawing a line that linked two of the other lines. “There are parallels between this ending, and the second-best ending. In that ending, the King unleashes his power, but the rebels and the palace dwellers have united, and take him down with minimal casualties.” CG grinned as he looked up.
“When do we make the choice to unite the two?” I asked him.
“Oh, way sooner than this.” CG said, completely deadpan. It took all of my energy to not make him eat a piece of charcoal.
“Then why bring it up?” I questioned, and he grinned again. It was kind of getting annoying.
“Basically, the war keeps going because you can’t convince them to stop after one side kills a member of the other side. Despite the player’s best efforts, it’s impossible to do. Specifically coded that way.” He said, still grinning, though I wasn’t seeing why yet. He was awfully chipper, making it clear he knew something I didn’t.
“I’m confused, how is that a good thing?” I said, not able to really ask much more. It was tiring playing 20 Questions.
“Because one person alone can’t stop them.” CG began, drawing a stick figure on his paper. “But we don’t have just one person.” He doodled three more stick figures, then added additional features. Multiple dots on the face of one, and a crude little gun in his hand. Another had wide-rimmed glasses that expanded past the face. The third had a small ponytail, and the fourth had very intricate looking sunglasses.
“Do you think we’ll be able to do it? Even magic and guns aren’t much of an advantage against a LOT of people with guns.” I asked, and he nodded, and I had to admit, this time the grin was infectious. I was actually starting to believe we could do this. There was just one small problem.
“Where the hell are we!?” Tabitha yelled, and I couldn’t answer. The skeletons had ended up getting us way more lost than I thought they would, and apparently, we were walking in circles now, according to Tabitha’s thingymajigger that pointed us in the direction of the guys.
“I dunno, man.” I replied, because what else could I do? “Can’t you magic us over there or something?” For a moment, Tabitha glanced over, as if to respond. Then she paused. I was beginning to think she had actually become a computer at some point, one which had now frozen after years of working fine, but she blinked and I knew that at the very least, background processes were running.
“Theoretically.” She replied finally, tapping away at her watch. “In fact, it should be fairly easy to shift our positions in the world. We just need to make sure we’re not going to teleport into anything.” Tabitha was barely paying attention to me at this point.
“Can you survey the area?” I offered. Quick shake of the head in response. Seeing no other choice for me, I sat down on a rock and began to contemplate existence. The important questions, like why are we here and why have we still not eaten anything yet? Looking down at the plant life, I had a thought about my powers, and decided to swap sitting on the rock for using it as a kind of workbench. I grabbed a random assessment of different objects, trying to think back to what I remembered from science classes. See, I knew that everything, at its core, is made up of the same base elements. Or something like that. So, in theory, I could turn these basic things into more advanced stuff, potentially food. I placed my hands over them, watching the energy dance in the space between the two. Now, to change them into something I knew. Bread was simple enough, just yeast and… stuff. Eh, plants had to be the same on some level, right? I closed my eyes, partially to be either surprised or disappointed, and partially because seeing dirty ground sticks turn into delicious bread would be kinda gross.
“Whoa, that was… impressive.” Tabitha said, causing me to open my eyes. When I focused my energy, I lost track of time a little bit, but when I opened them again, I was surprised by what was in front of me. It wasn’t just one loaf, but multiple. They were even steaming, which was a surprise. “Cooked and everything, that’s… wow. You’re a natural at this.” Usually, Tabitha would respond to surprise with a single raised eyebrow. Right now, both were raised, along with her mouth open. It was like, the greatest positive affirmation that I could have ever gotten. We both took one in our hands, biting into them, and thankfully the taste was as good as the look. Freshly baked, with a hint of spices and sweetness.
“What do now?” I asked, mouth full of bread. Tabitha raised her free hand in response, shooting a giant flare of fire into the air. I glanced up at it, and watched as it exploded into the words rebels please come get us.
“Might seem like a trap, but screw it, I’m completely willing to throw caution to the wind.” She responded casually. “This is some good-ass shit.”
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