#you're a talented writer and an incredible dev
speakergame · 1 year
hi!!! sorry to bother but i was wondering how you did the interactable buttons in the middle of the passages? for example, choosing your hair and eye colour in the beginning of the game!
those are called <<cycle>> choices, and are one of my favorite things about using Twine versus choicescript
you set it to a specific variable and list out your options, and then whenever you click on the word it cycles through them and automatically saves whichever result you've picked when you go to the next passage
so if you were using it for something like eye color it would be like:
Your eyes are <<cycle "$eyecolor" autoselect>> <<option "blue">> <<option "brown">> <<option "green">> <</cycle>>
so clicking on the cycle twice would set the $eyecolor variable to "green"
you can also use a second set of quotes inside the <<option>> tags to change the flavor text. so changing up that above example a little:
You have <<cycle "$eyecolor" autoselect>> <<option "blue" "blue eyes">> <<option "brown" "brown eyes">> <<option "green" "green eyes">> <</cycle>>
with that, the sentence reads "You have blue eyes" but the $eyecolor variable would only be set to "blue"
@idrellegames does a wonderful job of explaining it in this tutorial here and goes into a lot more detail about the different uses for it, I highly recommend checking it out! I've learned a lot about coding from their tutorials
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awalkoflife-arc · 7 months
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bradley 'rooster' bradshaw + avigail 'karma' baker.
( ft. @awalkoflife and @ltkarma )
A STUDY IN ; soulmate separation / trauma fuelled by the grief of love and loss / a life of service and a legacy to fulfil / the unyielding force of the ocean / the vastness of the sky / the serendipity of showing up just in time / trusting that your wildest dreams will find you again / realising that the ghosts of your past aren't meant to haunt you forever / the process of healing your heart.
© @multi-royalty
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romance-club-daily · 8 months
A little bit late, but I'm gonna jump in on the recent "RC uses AI art" bandwagon. I understand where you're coming from — I'm an aspiring translator and even before the whole AI craze I had no idea how tf I'm gonna look for a job once I'd graduate, but now the situation's even more dire. That being said, I think we really really REALLY shouldn't jump to conclusions about in this case because
do we actually have any proof that it's AI generated art besides "it looks like that"? Because AI... doesn't really have a "style", it's literally gonna look like the art you feed to it/what it finds on the web. I've already seen at least one instance of artists being told that their art is actually AI generated just because it looks similiar. CGs in all stories are usually more realistic-looking, imo, and showcase the biggest differences between different artists' styles. All of this is speculation is conjecture, but like, so is the whole thing about RC using AI art in the first place. So I'll just move on to more solid argument
just last month, on August 4th, RC announced an open call for hiring artists. I guess this vacancy was targeted at CIS countries since as far as I'm aware they didn't crosspost it to Facebook or Twitter or anywhere besides VK and Telegram channel. On 28th they stopped accepting applications from artists and are, most likely, currently continuing the tryouts. My point is: what kind of company would resort to using free AI and then go and hire real humans you actually have to pay? It just doesn't make sense
Here is my translation of these posts about the whole hiring business and screenshots. I'll send you links via another submission or ask because I'm afraid tumblr might nuke this one
translation, if anyone knows russian and thinks I made a mistake of some sort feel free to correct me, after all there's a lot of artist argot I'm not too sure about:
august 4th:
2D artist vacancy
Friends, we announce that we started hiring artists to Romance Club team. ❤
We're YSI, an independent game development sudio from Moldova, that creates interactive visual novels. We're looking for people who may become a part of our big family.
If you're a talented character and/or game locations 2D artist (or you're just great at drawing), then you're exactly who we're looking for!
✅ What do we want from the applicants?
- creativity and rich imagination;
- to be professionaly versed in 2D graphics softwares (experience with Adobe Photoshop is necessary);
- to be able to draw by hand using a graphic tablet;
- your portfolio is necessary.
❗All of the applicants will be given a test assignment❗
✅ Why you should choose Romance Club:
- friendly young team as well as modern office in the capital of Moldova;
- to work with experienced professionals in informal and inspiring environment;
- opportunity to realize your own creative ideas;
- exciting long-term projects;
- fair wage + bonuses;
- possible career development;
- game dev is cool!
If you're interested, send us your portfolio at jobs @ yourstoryinteractive. com and briefly tell us about your skills
August 28th:
2D artist vacancy, applications closed
Friends, we finished the hiring process for artists❗
Huge thanks to those who sent us their resume. Everyone turned out to be incredibly talented and interesting.
✅ Candidates that received an e-mail from us move on to the next stage of tryouts
Our apologies for not being able to reply to everyone personally. We received a great deal of applications and, unfortunately, couldn't possibly contact everybody.
Thank you for showing interest in Romance Club and working for our company!
With all due respect,
Your Story Interactive
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As a side note, it is possible that some of the artists may use AI without their hire-ups and writers and so on even knowing that — unlikely, I don't have any proof of that, but it's a possibility. But I feel that the only thing we're doing here is treading muddy waters of conspiracy theories. I'm repeating myself, but it just seems unlikely that there's actually any AI involved when the company in question just started hiring new artists. You may argue that they had to use AI for the most recent update because of the staff shortage but once again: let's not dive into conspiracy theories. Okay, I took longer than I needed to, but I rest my case
I agree with you on some points, it could be the artist using it without the company knowing and it is a possibility (although I think would be naive of them). But I believe that hiring artists and using AI is something that can happen simultaneously, in the beginning. One thing may not have to do with the other either. That said, it has caught our attention because the style has changed drastically from one update to the next and is very similar to how AI-generated images look. The public used to complain that the characters didn't have realistic poses and out of nowhere they change some to something ultra-realistic (without being able to see a real evolution until reaching this point), almost like a painting which happens to be very similar to how the AI works with images. It's something to be suspicious of, we shouldn't straight accuse them, but being suspicious and sharing our distrust is valid, given that many companies have recently been doing this. And if an employee is using AI and they know about it, It has to be approved by someone at the company, and it carries the company name. I don't think they're that naive (an artist's style changes suddenly and no one wonders why).
Since when they see that using AI is cheaper (or costs almost nothing) and it's fast, they have to make a decision, ethical or not.
Let's see what will happen, but I hope for a good outcome! I love RC stories and would be shame if they go for this path.
And of course, this is absolutely my opinion on this, you can agree or not and that's ok for me.
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cyancherub · 3 years
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LILIIIII i love u so very much THANK U SO McUCH I WILL DIE !!!!
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