#you(you) dont need to forgive people! anti kids show message
teeth--king · 9 months
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Working a tiny bit on my own story and this image popped in my head so I had to draw it. Moral of my story is people are not owed forgiveness and be yourself(gay and trans).
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my-lunaberg · 1 year
Okay, Im pretty sure Ive reached the point at which I originally stopped watching so. yay
To celebrate this occasion I thought I should talk a little about some of the complaints Ive seen about the finale in my for you tab because yeah, I just cant resist looking at it so Ive been spoiled pretty severely and also been dealt a good amount of psychic damage. But hey, its about the journey, not the destination and Im already in Advanced Therapy for my mental illnesses anyway
The two most complaints Ive seen are, it wasnt cathartic and it sends a terrible message. Now, I cant comment on the catharsis bc I havent watched it yet and also Im not even sure if that would be a deal breaker for me. Like, anti-climaxes can be very powerful, Schlatts death is one of my favorite moments in the entire dsmp düfor that exact reason. But that all depends on the execution so I'll save my more detailed thoughts for after Ive actually watched it
The complaint that I wanted to talk about in more detail now is the one about it 'sending a terrible message'
I spend a lot of time watching and analyzing kids shows specifically on the basis of "is this a good show for kids?" Like, kids will watch anything you put in front of them bc they dont know any better so I think its important to put something in front of them that encourages creativity, critical thinking and sends messages of compassion good and other things I cant think of off the top of my head. When analyzing kids shows like this its very important to keep that target demographic in mind because what kids like and need is often different from what teens and adults would consider well-written and thats fine. Theres plenty of kids media that can be enjoyed by teens and adults as well, but its perfectly fine for kids media to only cater to kids and even be actively boring for older demographics.
Keeping the fact that kids media should be analyzed differently than more mature media because its written differently, I dont think it controversial of me to say that, unlike kids media, media for teens and adults doesnt need to teach anything. The way I see it, kids media has messages while adult media has themes. Obviously theres a bit more nuance to this, but Im not trying to write an essay here, Im trying to complain about fandom shit
And I know this might be a hard pill to swallow for some people bc this is the internet where 7 year olds and 17 year olds are basically the same because theyre both "minors" with absolutely no nuance, but teenagers arent children and theyre not so impressionable that seeing a character in a minecraft roleplay be sympathetic towards their abuser is gonna suddenly make them forgive their own abusers if they didnt want to do that before or make them blind or to IRL abuser or whatever man, I dont even really know what exactly the concern is. Like, idk how to tell you this but the line between fiction and reality is not that thin and if the media someone consumes affects them that much theyre either very young or there are some underlining issues that storytellers are not obligated to account for.
Not to mention that dsmp is a story told from a bunch of different perspectives by a bunch of unreliable narrators who are all varying levels of shitty. Like, in kids shows the protagonists and the non-anatgonist supporting characters are role models and vehicles to teach messages, that doesnt fucking apply here, theyve literally made jokes about everyone being an unreliable narrator i dont know why anyone would think this is the kind of series where theyre actively trying to impart some kind of lesson, its literally Fucked Up Shit Happens feat, Fucked Up People: The Minecraft Roleplay
To end this weird long rant, Id like to say that I do understand why people would be upset with the ending (from the details I was able to gleam anyway) and as much as I think complaining about the 'bad message' is invalid and frankly kindof weird, being upset is still totally fine and valid.
Also, if you'd like to discuss this with me I'd appreciate it if you didnt spoil me any further. Like yeah, I already know the broad strokes but I'd still like to have a semi-'organic' experience watching this yknow
Anyway, have a nice day
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nerdygaymormon · 5 years
Lately I have been feeling very worried about my sister's kids. They are getting older and I want to be able to let them know they can talk to me about things they aren't comfortable asking their parents about. This is especially true about queer issues. I want to let them know that being queer is normal and beautiful. The problems is, I'm sure if I even told them that queer people exist I'd be cut out of their lives. My sister is very homophobic. (Continued)
When another sister (B) came out to her as gay, she literally told her that she didn't know if she wanted her around the kids any more. These kids adore her and before that, sister A would gush about how good she was with them. Sister B told her to think about what sort of message that would send the kids if one of them was gay and that's all I heard from that. Sister A has not cut off sister B and has been happy for her to gonin trips/spend weekends with them (continued)
But I still worry. Before this, Sister A would go on very long anti-queer rants it seemed every time we got together. I don't know what sort of things she is teaching her kids but she is very hard and fast with mormon teachings, to the point where she refuses to get a job even though she is more qualified than her husband, and he can't hold one and they are constantly going on assistance because "the church teaches that the woman's place is in the home" (continued)
So even though she hasn't cut off my other sister for being gay, I dont think she would be understanding/forgiving/anything but furious if I told my nieces/nephews about lesbian, gay, bi, ace people in a positive way. I can't imagine the storm I'd go through if I said anything about trans, non-binary or intersex people! I've been educating myself on queer issues (though I have a long way to go and I still dont understand most of it) but i worry for them. (Continued)
My oldest nephew especially already has a lot of severe emotional and social problems, and I really, really qorry that if any of these nieces/nephews are queer, they won't be able to tell anybody in the family without fear of abandonment. Having sister B out helps but I am darn sure that sister A hasn't told the kids/won't tell the kids. With the suicide rates of queer youth, especially in the chuch, I am worried if one or more of them are queer. (Contined)
I'm bi so I would have a pretty darn good opening to talk to sister A about these things. Maybe show her statistics. I dont know if she would listen to me. And I dont know how much I could actually push and still be welcomed in their lives. I have a very, very strained relationship with her husband which had strained my relationship with her too. I just dont know what to do. I dont want these kids to feel so alone like I did as I came to terms with my sexuality. (Continued)
It's just messy and complicated and I dont know how much trust to give my sister. I don't know how much of my fear is valid. I've talked with sister B about it and she agrees with me, that talking to the kids about queer issues would be a fast track to being cut off. But as I was writing this, I think I've realized that I need to talk with sister A about it. Try to teach her. I don't know. Do you have suggestions? (End)
I appreciate the concern and love you have for your nieces and nephews. 
Also, I don’t think sneaking around your sister’s back is a good move, either. If she finds out and feels you were trying to undermine her parental role, that’s a fast track pass to being cut out of the life of her kids. 
The way Sister A adjusted when Sister B came out is positive. 
I think Sister A would appreciate a more open, honest approach. Let her know that you’re bi. As part of that you can share how hard it was to come to terms with this in a household where these topics were not discussed. 
I wouldn’t do this in the same conversation where you come out, but it’s worth finding out if her kids know that Sister B is gay. And you can also express your desire that they know you are bi, and ask permission to share that, or if she has some other preference in how to let her kids know. 
One thing you could share is how Elder Christofferson’s parents reacted when his older brother came out as gay. The circle of family’s love was unbroken. His brother Tom and partner were included in family gatherings. The message the kids got is that there is nothing that will stop their parents from loving them. They can talk about hard things and still be embraced. 
Simply by being honest, your nieces and nephews will know they can talk with you about hard things. 
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