ranger-kellyn · 3 years
I haven't watched Miraculous or played Pokemon Ranger and Danganronpa so IDK anything about them. Only played mainline Pokemon games. So I'd like to see a WIP of one of your Zelda fics you're making. (Only if you want to share them, you don't have to.)
ask and you shall receive!!
I haven't properly started on this fic, but I have a few scenes here and there that I've actually written out, rather than just outlining the idea of what I want to happen.
Have a small wip from my Age of Calamity Epic
While there were probably worse things she could be doing with her time, there were still plenty of better things she could be doing with her time, Impa reasoned.
The better thing would maybe be continuing research with her sister and Robbie. While the combined eccentricities of the two would eventually drive her to insanity, it surely was the ‘better’ option.
She tried to think of what the truly worse option was, because sneaking around Hyrule Castle with the princess was pretty high on the list already.
There was zero chance of her saying no to the princess, however. Ever since being assigned to her, Impa had distinctly lacked the ability to tell her “no”.
Whether it was helping her sneak away to see Purah and Robbie so that she could indulge in research, or simply accompanying her on field research trips, Impa had never been able to say no. She had tried, and never succeeded. It wasn’t that she even wanted to say no. If she had her way, she would indulge the princess at every possible turn. It was her duty that demanded her to say no.
Deep down, Impa figured she had to be the worst royal advisor to date.
From where they were at in the castle’s interior network, Impa knew Zelda was leading them towards the library.
While she was more than happy to accompany her on a late night library trip, she knew there had to be some other motive. The library was one of few places His Majesty had yet to ban her from.
She kept waiting for Zelda to take a different turn, but they soon arrived at the tunnel entrance that would take them to the hall across from the library.
“Are there any guards out there?” Zelda asked, almost making Impa jump.
She had been terribly quiet the entire time, barely even saying a word when she met with her at the designated time.
With a nod, Impa closed her eyes, feeling out into the world around them.
As much as she hated to admit it, she wasn’t as good as, say, the Yiga when it came to being able to tell when people were in various rooms. At best, she could vaguely feel a few feet ahead of them, and the thick stone walls of the castle made it even more of a challenge.
The stillness of the castle at least aided her. No normal foot traffic in the floors above and below them to contend with.
“We should be good,” she concluded.
With a nod, Zelda carefully led them out of the tunnels, into the open air of the castle. All was still, apart from the flicker of some of the lanterns, every crackle of the flames putting Impa on edge.
Just before Zelda could round the corner, Impa felt it.
Two people on night watch down the hall turned around.
“I was wrong,” she said in a harsh whisper, reaching out to grab Zelda, pulling her in by the waist.
At least she had managed to swallow that anxiety by now, able to will herself to do so without a slew of apologies that Zelda never wanted to hear.
“Hold on tight,” she said.
The teleportation trick, however, she considered herself better at than any yiga.
Thankfully, they had a clear shot to the library, Impa getting them to one of the reading alcoves without anyone noticing them.
Zelda’s face was buried in her neck, hands in tight fists at her coat’s back.
“Sorry,” Impa said in a whisper. “I know you hate that.” She wanted to run a hand up her back to try and soothe her, knowing it sometimes made her dizzy, but stopped herself, figuring having hands around her was already taking more than she was allowed.
As a royal advisor, that allowance was already little to begin with.
Zelda grumbled, still holding on tight. “I don’t hate it,” she said.
“It’s not your favorite,” Impa said.
She didn’t refute that, getting a small laugh from Impa.
“When you’re ready,” she said.
Zelda took longer than she anticipated to finally pull away from her.
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