stump-salsa · 2 months
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kaydenzzz · 10 months
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aeori-o · 6 years
Thanks for nothing
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rpritchardjournal · 3 years
The X-Collab Part 8: Re-Imagining Caitlan’s paintings, editing.
Having recorded my own footage, I then imported Caitlan’s images, and my footage into Premiere Pro.
The first thing I wanted to try and do was add some movement to Caitlan’s paintings. I wasn’t sure what I wanted the final result of the project to be- whether I wanted it to be a video or not, but I knew I wanted to create a sense of movement, and layering the images, so I began by editing together some footage. To add movement to the images, I first loaded the images into the sequence panel, then toggled the scale, so the video would slowly pan in on the images. I controlled the speed on the panning by experimenting with the scale, and seeing what speed I felt worked best to create the ethereal feeling I was trying to emulate with the work.
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I did this for each image individually, but then also wanted to create a transition that flowed between each image. To do this, I toggled the opacity- starting at 0% and building to 100% where I wanted the image to fully replace the previous one. These two toggling effects allowed me to create a very smooth and soft sense of flow and movement throughout the video that I felt captured the feeling of floating and weightlessness I was trying to achieve.
At this stage, pleased with the movement of the clouds, the panning inwards like being drawn into the work, moving closer to this utopic space of freedom. The next thing I did was to identify the piece of the arm footage that I liked and begin to find places where I felt they fit well together, this was quite an iterative process, testing where the clips fit together and where they worked best with the existing cloud footage. Once I had a rough cut of this that I liked- I knew I wanted to make it more transparent, cutting the hands out of the background. I thought about different ways of doing this- using the crop and toggling the crop with the movement as I had done when experimenting with moving dance colleges early on, but I knew this was very time consuming, and perhaps also wasn’t the effect I was trying to achieve. I wanted to create a sense of the arms being weightless, wisps almost, floating into the clouds. I thought about editing the opacity here, making them more transparent, however I knew then that the white background would create almost a screen over the clouds which I was also trying to avoid.
I realized then that the best way to achieve the effect I wanted was to use a Colour Key, selecting the colour of the background as they colour to key through.
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Experimenting a little with this, I found it really effective, and when combining it with a Luma Key on top, I found it gave the arm a really soft otherworldly quality- the form less important that the feeling of it- almost sliver and metalicised- tying back to my water zideo, but also the queer use of solarisation I had looked at last semester.
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I’m really drawn to this way of visualising the queer body, illuminated, with boarders softened. There is a José Esteban Muñoz Quote in Cruising Utopia, where he describes feeling the ‘warm illumination’ of queer potentiality- and I think in a sense that is something Im trying to reflect, that euphoric feeling of illumination, when you find a glimpse of the queer in the quotidian. I think that notion of having softened borders is also very queer, both in a more obvious way- relating to gender identity where the borders of femininity and masculinity for me, and any others, feel softer, hazey; but also in a broader queer sense- Eve Kosofsky Sedgwick description of queerness in Tendencies as ‘the open mesh of possibilities, gaps, overlaps, dissonances and resonances, lapses and excesses of meaning..’ coming to mind.
Overall I was quite pleased with this effect and I made sure to edit each clip applying first the colour key and then the luma key. What I realized once this was all put together however, was that it felt a little flat. I decided it would benefit from some layering- a suggestion that the arms are in the clouds, rather than sitting on top of them- I wanted to give the piece more movement and depth, so exporting what I had assembled so far as its own sequence, I decided I wanted to experiment further with the editing and layer.
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magiashley · 7 years
tmz = tapir music zideo
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boydlove · 7 years
I missed one of the best afternoons of zquad
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stump-salsa · 1 year
He’s so gay in this episode and for what
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stump-salsa · 10 months
Why the fuck did he do that
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stump-salsa · 10 months
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stump-salsa · 1 year
So how often do you think he thinks about stuff like this
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stump-salsa · 1 year
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Your wish is my command
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stump-salsa · 1 year
Ow :(
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aeori-o · 6 years
What you can’t hear is me screaming as I panic.
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aeori-o · 6 years
And then I rolled down a cliff and that was it.
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aeori-o · 6 years
Can confirm: BotW is not SotC
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aeori-o · 6 years
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