Team Ultra Force
Chapter 1
1/30/18 at Arizona it was the day of a great heroes who save million people and the heroes name is
Team Ultra Force; “Defender of Light”. It began after a day in school, where a boy was getting picked up by his bodyguard/usher. His name was Geno, and he was on his way to see his father, Professor Static it’s been to long to have a father and son time. And it was his birthday that’s why he Is going to see his father.
He was a genius professor he invented a electroninano crom but Geno was not smart he always slack off and skip school and lots of reports from the school that he’s been getting into fights. When Geno is at his father companing building Professor Static had a assistance name Kaden. Mr Kaden help Geno to walk with him to see his
Father, Professor Static invented something that a power runs through of all systems. When Geno see his father face he was happy to see him but professor wasn’t happy to see him he was unpleasant he just wanted him to go away.
Mr. Kaden told Professor Static that it was his son’s birthday and he just forgot so he talked to his son and he made a promise to him that tomorrow he will hang around with him but Geno had to go delivered these incredible light bulb and mix with chemical and others too and he warned him that it gonna rain and before he left professor static introduce his old friend name was Mr. Singletary, Eugene was happy to see him before he about to walk away Professor Static told Geno “Geno, Wait!” shouted he said “There’s gonna be a thunderstorm lighting so be careful.” he said
When Geno was driving he got a call from his friend name Ian he told Geno “DUDE WHERE ARE YOU.” He yelled. “OW Ian what the heck man.” Geno said
I: “Well let’s see you have forgot did you.”
G: “No (chuckles)  I remember…..it’s….um…..it’s your birthday.”
[In case you don’t know who kayla is it’s Geno crush they have been friends when they were in 4th grade.]
G: “1. OW and 2. OH MAN i totally about ok when i get back tomorrow give me the gift you do have it don’t you.”
I: “Yes I do have it it’s completely safe with me”
G: “(sigh) ok thanks”
I almost forgot Ian and Geno they are best friends they knowed each other from high school Geno was going to his class on first day of freshman Ian was getting picked on when he was playing a violin and the jerk was name Nelson so when Geno was just standing and doing nothing he just ran in and punch Nelson and they had a fight and that’s why Geno get’s reports from his father. Anyways Geno was still delivering something it was 1:45 am he was tired it was raining really hard he closed his eye’s to relax them a great big lighting sound appear he woke up and was about to get a car wreck and the packages were opening he looked back and try to get the light bulb he saw other chemicals that he didn’t knew and things couldn’t get any worse..oh wait I was wrong the worst part is that Geno was a stuck lighting front of him.
He was knocked out and badly injured in a car wreck the lighting, the  light bulb, and the chemical were mixed together and it went to Geno’s heart, eye’s, and his mind including legs. He was knocked out for three days, he woke up in the hospital the nurse ask “Are you ok.”
Geno replied “Yes in fact I feel great, FYI why am I seeing electrical circuits around through the wall”.  The nurse didn’t see what he’s seeing so she called the professor Singletary. He went to the hospital to see eugene as soon he get’s there Geno was making a Ionized gas manipulation: (creating a force field).Professor told him to stop it
 G:Singletary boy am i glad to see you what’s happening to me.
S: I’ll explain later for now I need to test on you real quick.
G: ok sure how hard can it be.
 after that professor Singletary tested him about 5 hours Geno was tired after they were done then professor Singletary was talking about what happen to him.
S: After you were pasted out for 3 days the company of your dad’s place was shut down and then Mr Kaden took the company was remodel. When your father was fired he went missing the police was finding him day at night
G: I don’t believe you my father never disappear NEVER!!
S: I wish the same thing Geno but he’s really gone i’m sorry…….
[Door opened]
K: Well if it ain’t frankenstein and the dummy professor i’m glad that you’re still breathing….
(Geno punch Kaden’s face)
K: Why you little…….
[singletary use a big sound and big flash gadget]
   S: Sayuri kill the lights now
 SY: On it [lights off] ok the lights are off your.good to go
Professor Singletary and Geno were running down the stairs Geno felt electric pulse through his blood vain when he felt it he starts running really fast as a bullet speed Professor Singletary told Geno to stop when he did they didn’t know where there are
S: Hey sayuri where can you locate where me and Geno are at
SY: Sure [locates where Geno and Singletary are at] oh……um…y'all are at South America from Brazil
S and G: SAY WHAAAT!!!
After a day or two they were home from Arizona
Geno finally got in touch with Ian
I: Dude where have you been I was worried sick
G: Sorry I was in a *wrong direction* looks like we have changed plans for Kayla
I: Uh……about that kayla is dating someone actually
G: Wait…….who is she dating?
N: (fake trumpet) It’s me you piece of crap i’m dating Kayla and to tell you the truth she is better off dating me than you
When Geno was about to punch Nelson of his rage of anger all of the sudden there was a big explosion Geno, Nelson, and Ian ran to the place where the explosion happen and it was at a building it was in fire and for some reason on the ground there were ice on the ground nobody knew what happened, the fire men and the police told them
Police: Stay back the area is not safe please stay back Firemen 1: Get the fire clear out hurry!!
Firemen 2: The place is about to go down we might not safe people from the inside
G: (inside his head:crap what should I do come on think Geno think)
I:(inside his head:please please please let there one dead i wish there was a hero to–)
(Ian and Geno) looks at Nelson running at the building
Nelson:(inside his head:Dang it i know it’s dangerous to go in there but like my hero says you have to save people even it kills you)
 When Geno was about to run and reach out he felt the electric pulse again through his blood vain as soon he run be started to look around he sees that everyone was slowing down he moved his feet and lighting was coming around him.
G:What the heck it happened again wait a minute this could be my chance to save these people now i gotta hurry i don’t think this power will last long.
Geno grabbed his headphones and phone and played sweet dream song as he ran fast and grabbed everyone person by person as soon he got everyone he put the fire out he didn’t want to burn his clothes so he grabbed a blue cloth and a black mask and put the fire out with water from inside, when it was done he ran back outside and then he tripped as soon as he did everything started to go back to normal everyone saw him know one knew him but they had there phones took picture and record him when he was running and the police told him to put his hands up in the air but as soon as they were about to shoot him there was can of smoke and everything was a big smoke Singletary grabbed Geno and started to drive away
G:Geez can you like not come out of nowhere at me
S:Well sorry but at least I saved your life you could atleast give a thanks you know
G:Whatever anyways where are we going
S:The place I liked to call home-based Sayuri open the gates
SY:Copy that (Sayuri opened the gates)
(Singletary and Geno come in to an old garage)
SY:(eating some candy) what took you so long
S:Sorry i was bringing some food for dinner…….
 where are my manners Geno would you like some food.
G: No thanks i’m not hungry (his stomach growled) I guess i could have some food
S:Wonderful Sayuri would you love to eat with us
SY:No thanks i’m good
G:HEY WAIT A MINUTE….you’re that brat who turn off the lights
SY:What did you called me
S:Oh no Geno don’t call her—
G:Little stinking BRAT!!!
(Sayuri fist turn into a missale machine and blast Geno face)
The Next Day
Mr.Kaden worker: Sir there is still no signed of Professor Singletary or Geno sir
M.K: Alright then take the day off…….you must find Singletary and that frankenstein brat and eliminated them do you understand
?:It will be my pleasure boss
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