tech-good-health · 2 years
10 Best Poses of Yoga for Leg Pain
Yoga is the best way to boost your physical, mental, and spiritual health. It is important as it balances your aura and strengthens your body. Some yoga poses help to stretch the muscles of the legs. This is beneficial in reducing your physical pain by increasing flexibility as well as the balance of your body.
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Many reasons result in Pain in the leg. The painkillers available on market can cause temporary relief from pain. This can be replaced by yoga. Because it is the best way to cure your pain which is without any side effects.
Regular practice of yoga helps to give relief from leg pain by stretching muscles of the lower limbs. It also increases blood circulation. The yoga for leg pain at night is avoided by regular practice.
In this article, we are going to understand how yoga is helpful to reduce leg pain and yoga poses for legs and thighs to maintain the strength of the legs, knees, and calf muscles.
Here are some yoga poses that are beneficial for you to reduce leg pain.
So, let’s start!
Many people suffer from leg cramps appearing during the night time which occur due to involuntary muscle contraction of calf muscles. Yoga for leg pain at night is avoided by using yoga poses such as Uttanpasana, Anantasana, and Ardha chandrasana, out of which Uttanpadasana is yoga for calf muscle which reduces leg pain during the night. The important benefit of this pose is it helps to increase blood circulation in joints and lymph nodes. It involves stretching which helps to boost blood circulation in the legs and reduces leg pain. this is also yoga for sciatica leg pain.
Adho Mukha Svanasana
This is one of the best poses among yoga poses for legs and thighs. This is used to tone legs and arms by focusing on the hamstring. It also opens calves by stretching. Along with stretching it also help with muscle lengthening which is responsible for the flexibility of muscles.
Utkatasana is also known as chair pose helps to increase flexibility and strengthening of legs. It mainly focuses on the thighs and stabilizes your knees. Therefore, this is also used to improve your posture. Utkatasana is yoga for strong legs and knees. This yoga pose decreases the flat feet problem. Utkastasana is mainly focused on the lower body, especially the thighs, calves, spine, and ankles. This is yoga for leg strength helping to strengthen muscles and increase flexibility.
This is the side stretch pose of yoga for leg strength. it provides complete stretch to your legs and helps to open the glutes, calves, and hamstring by stretching. It stretches your legs from the back which also strengthens your front legs. This help to maintain strength, stability, and lengthening of your legs.
Virasana is also known as the hero pose. It is yoga for strong legs and knees as it stretches the meniscus of knees at the medial and lateral sides. This also helps to increase blood circulation in the lower limb. Apart from this, it provides complete stretch to quads and feet top which is helpful for strong legs. It is beneficial for athletes because it helps them to increase performance during their sport. The flat feet are relieved by Virasana.
Hanumanasana or splits pose yoga is the best yoga for legs. It is also known as monkey pose which is responsible for the complete opening of hips by quads stretching. It helps stretch strengthen and lengthen of hips, calves, and hamstring. This is beneficial as it reduces pain caused by sciatica. Therefore, it is responsible for increasing flexibility. It also opens the inner thighs by stretching muscles. It increases your feet’ flexibility which further increases your range of motion. Hanumansana is yoga for leg pain at night as it relieves pain caused by leg cramps at night.
Urdhva Prasarita Eka Padasana
This is also known as standing spilled which is most important as it involves a complete stretch of the back. This helps to stretch the adductors of the legs which are elevated. It also helps to stretch the flexor of the hips and groins of the inner part of the legs.
When the sciatic nerve from the buttocks is pinched leads to server leg pain in the back. This is responsible for muscle weakness of the lower leg. Bhujangasana is yoga for sciatica leg pain. Strengthening of muscle and flexibility of spinal cord increase by bhujangasana. This yoga for sciatica leg pain helps to treat sciatica.
Supta Padangusthanasana
This is also yoga for sciatica leg pain. It is also known as reclined hand to big toe pose. It reduces pain caused by the sciatic nerve by giving intense stretch to thighs, hamstrings, and hips. This help to treat your weak muscles by stretching. This yoga pose also helps to reduce stiffness of the lower back and reduces backache. This is yoga for strong legs and knees because it gives intense stretch and decreases arthritis in the knees on regular practice.
Trikonasana or triangle pose is yoga for legs. It is helpful to stretch and tone your legs by stretching your lower limb. That causes a decrease in stiffness in the spine and lower back part of the body. Trikonasana maintains flexibility of the lower limb by targeting adductors of the legs. As it helps to stretch a muscle, it is further responsible for the stability and flexibility of the lower limb. This yoga pose is responsible for the activation of the muscle present in the core. Therefore, it helps to maintain balance in the body. The intense stretching of Trikonasana opens quads.
Adho Mukh Svanasana
Urdhva Prasarita Eka Padasana
Supta Padangusthanasana
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tech-good-health · 2 years
6 Best Poses of Yoga for Chest Pain
As described in the Bhagavat Gita, Yoga is a long voyage to yourself and your mind by yourself. To know yourself is the best way. Our body and mind are interconnected. To maintain a balance between them yoga plays a major part.
This busy life schedule and 7-8 hours working desk job responsible for chest pain, and tightness. People are suffering from this problem in day-to-day life. Our mind and body are interconnected to each other which leads to major problems such as anxiety as well as tension. There are some breathing exercises for chest pain that can use to reduce the effect of such panic attacks.
The main cause of chest tightness is inappropriate posture. Sometimes if you feel pain in the area of the chest, then angina is the cause in that case. In this problem, can’t get enough oxygen in your heart muscle and you feel a sudden cramp in your heart. You can avoid this problem as yoga for chest tightness is also available.
There are different other reasons for chest pain. It is mainly felt in your upper abdomen and your neck region. Chest pain may trigger a severe problem such as a heart attack. To avoid this there is some yoga for chest pain that causes a different impact on our body as well as mind.
Yoga during chest pain mainly focuses on muscle activity. Due to the relaxation of your chest muscle, you can avoid problems related to chest pain. Many yoga poses can overcome the problem which is related to chest tightness. This problem can be avoided by enlarging the chest and stretching chest muscle
Yoga fixes the main cause of chest pain by decreasing the effect of muscle straining, inappropriate posture, and also overuse of muse. Hence yoga is necessary for health as well as wellness.
Also Read: 5 Best Poses of Yoga for Healthy Brain: Increase Blood Flow
Here are some yoga poses for chest pain
Let’s see!
Yoga for Chest Pain:
Bhujangasana or Cobra Pose:
If you search yoga for chest pain due to gas this pose may help you to overcome this problem, It mainly stretches the heart muscle which triggers the part of the lower abdomen and organs of the digestive system. It boosts your mood and helps to improve the circulation of blood and oxygen in your body.
Ushtrasana or Camel Pose:
This is mainly yoga for the chest and shoulders as it stretches chest muscles as opens up the back and shoulders. It also causes improvisation in your posture as it soothes your spinal cord. It is also responsible to open your Heart chakra. if you are facing menstrual pain this yoga pose helps you to fight it.
Chakrasana Wheel Pose:
It is the basic level of Ashtanga yoga asana which is also known as Urdhva Dhanurasana.In this asana whole body is involved as it opens the chest, arms, and abdomen as well as thighs. This is yoga for chest pain due to anxiety as it opens heart stretch. Due to this, you can release your sadness which results in a decrease in your depression.
Dhanurasana or Bow Pose:
During starting period of vinyasa yoga asana. It particularly focuses on your chest, neck, and shoulder region. The best part of this pose is its focus on the stimulation of adrenal glands. It helps to improvise the circulation of blood and oxygen in the body. It helps to correct your posture and kyphosis and reduces back pain.
Bitilasana or Cow Pose:
In Sanskrit, bitila is known as a cow. During the initial period of vinyasa yoga asana, bitilasana is involved. Mostly, it is performed with marjaryasana. It acts as an aid to gaining emotional balance to maintain harmony between mind-body. It also helps to improve focus and decrease your stress. Along with increasing mind power, it strengthens the spinal cord and stimulates the heart chakra. It comprises the circulation of blood, oxygen, and energy flow in your body.
Matsyasana or Fish Pose:
In this yoga pose, the shoulders are stretched which is important for posture correction. Matsyasana is responsible for the stretching of intercostals between ribs. It completely helps to stretch and strengthens muscles of the upper back as well as the neck. It provides complete stretch to your body and stretches organs also. Due to this, it is beneficial to cure menstrual pain, backache, and constipation. Also, it calms your brain by clearing the thought process. This is yoga for chest pain due to anxiety as it is responsible to balance your emotional health.
Pranayama for Chest Pain:
To control your breath pranayama is the best option! When you have control over your breath, you can control your body’s health. As body and mind are interconnected, a healthy body comprises emotional balance. So due to this, you can attain a higher level of consciousness. There is an increase in heart problems among people of different age groups which causes a major problem. Pranayama for chest pain help to overcome this problem as it is a simple cost-effective and safest way
.For chest expansion and contraction of chest thoracic breathing is important. During thoracic breathing, you have to focus on the expansion of your ribcage. Make sure that during this process avoid the use of a diaphragm. Clavicular breathing also starts with thoracic breathing and further you have to increase your breathing. On the second exhale you have to relax your upper body up to the ribcage.
Pranayam controls your breathing which enhances your breathing rate. It also affects the movement of the diaphragm which is helpful to maintain the good health of internal organs. As deep breathing is involved you can control your emotions by removing mind blocks.
In conclusion, the best poses of yoga for chest pain include:
Bhujangasana or Cobra Pose,
Ustrasana or Camel Pose,
.Chakrasana or Wheel Pose,
Dhanurasana or Bow Pose,
Bitilasana or Cow Pose,
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tech-good-health · 2 years
Emotional Eating: Causes, Symptoms and 6 Ways to Stop It
Human Beings need food to survive. We all love binging food when we are in a good mood or a bad mood. This is known as emotional eating. In other words, we do not always eat just to satisfy our physical hunger.
That is to say, sometimes people eat food for comfort, stress relief, or to reward themselves. Most of the time when we are upset, we reach for junk foods, sweets, or other unhealthy foods.
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When we talk about emotional eating, we refer to the act of eating food to make ourselves feel better and happy.
Emotional eating is a way to fade negative emotions. For example, stress, anger, loneliness, etc. Negative emotions may be evoked by daily life stress, competition, peer group pressure, etc. It leads to emotional eating.
However, you should not forget that emotional eating is not going to heal your issues. On the other hand, it will surely impart more issues such as obesity or overweight. So, you must stop emotional eating immediately.
Signs and Symptoms of Emotional Eating:
Eating abruptly due to stress.
Relief from stress after eating.
Gaining more and more weight due to overeating.
Haphazard eating without any regulation.
Starts eating to feel happy.
Eating without being punctual, i.e., having food at any time.
Even though the stomach is full, a person craves his/her favorite food.
How to Avoid Emotional Eating?
Rules to Follow to Avoid Emotional Eating:
You should not eat late at night. Eating late at night will only add problems to your lifestyle.
If you will continue to eat while being upset, you will end up being obese. As a result, it will increase your problems.
Eating unnecessary will not help you anyways. It will only add problems. Moreover, you now have the problem of feeling physically uncomfortable.
Additionally, you are going to ruin your appetite by taking more meals than your body needs.
Deal with Negative Emotions:
When It comes to food, negative emotions may lead to a feeling of emptiness or an emotional void. Food is believed to be a way to fill that space. As a result, it will create a false feeling of fullness or temporary wholeness.
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Causes of Emotional Eating:
No awareness about physical hunger vs. emotional hunger
That is to say, physical hunger develops slowly over time whereas emotional hunger comes about abruptly.
Emotional Eater may binge on food and not feel a sensation of fullness. On the other hand, physical hunger gives the feeling of fullness. So, the person will take it as a clue to “stop eating”!
A major difference between physical and emotional eating is that in physical hunger you have no negative feelings about eating. However, after emotional eating, you feel bad about eating abruptly.
How to Stop Emotional Eating:
Divert your mind away from food: 
Emotional hunger cannot be stopped by just eating. So, you need to discover another way to deal with negative emotions. It is often the first step toward overcoming this issue.
Reading a book, writing a journal, listening to music, and cooking your healthy meal may help to a greater extent. Or else, finding a few minutes, to relax from the long or hectic days.
It is not easy to engage yourself in alternate activities to burst your stress when comp[ared to binge eating. So, find different ways and experiment with a variety of activities that works to deal with this issue.
Exercise and Meditation:
Exercising is the best way to find relief and fight emotional eating.
Meditation aids to reduce stress. Also, it calms the mind and the soul. As a result, it leads to mindfulness.
In addition to meditation, simple deep breathing can be done. It is because deep breathing is the most convenient method to meditate.
Switch to Healthy Diet:
Make sure you eat a healthy diet. Get enough nutrients to fuel your body. If you eat well throughout the day, it may become easier to spot when you are eating out of boredom, sadness or stress.
Keep Track of Quantity of Food Intake:
You must pay attention to the quantity of food you are taking. That is to say, resist grabbing a whole bag of chips or other food to snack on. Also, measure the portions you eat. Most importantly, choose small plates.
Seek Support:
Resist isolation in moments of sadness or anxiety. Instead, talk to your parents, friends or cousins. Share what you feel and think with them.
Positive Self Talk:
Feelings of guilt are associated with emotional eating. In addition to guilt, loneliness and lack of self-confidence lead to a cycle of emotional eating behavior.
Food may help ease emotions initially. However, addressing the feelings behind hunger may critically affect the body. So, talk with yourself positively while keeping the above things in mind. This will surely help to stop emotional eating.
In the conclusion, emotional eating often manifests as a craving for high calorific or high carbohydrate foods with minimal nutritional value.
These foods are also known as comfort foods which include ice cream, cookies, chocolates, burgers, pizzas, noodles, and shakes. So, do not surrender yourself to negative emotions. As a result, you can avoid or stop emotional eating.
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tech-good-health · 2 years
CURD NUTRITION: All the Nutritional Information
Curd contains a high concentration of helpful microorganisms, making it a good stomach healer. Its probiotic characteristics increase immunity and may help your body fight everything from viral fevers to common colds and diseases. Curd is also helpful for a range of gastrointestinal issues, such as indigestion and bloating. Curd lowers the risk of coronary heart disease by removing and avoiding the accumulation of cholesterol in the arteries. It also helps to regulate blood pressure in the body. It's one of the healthiest things you can do for your heart and circulatory system. Curd is high in calcium, which is beneficial to your bones and teeth. It also contains elements like phosphorus, which stimulates bone growth when paired with calcium. Curd may help avoid diseases including arthritis and osteoporosis.
Curd (simple curd prepared from whole milk) includes 81% water, 9% protein, 5% fat, and 4% carbohydrates, including 4% sugars (table). A 100-gram meal has 406 kilojoules of energy (97 kcal). Curd has a high quantity of vitamin B12 (31% DV) and riboflavin (23% DV), as well as a moderate amount of protein, phosphorus, and selenium (14 to 19 percent DV; table)
                          Nutritional Information per 100 g
                                                      Energy 62 kcal From Fat 36.0 kcal
                                                                                                                                          Value per 100g
Total Fat
                                               4.0 g
Saturated Fat
                                               2.8 g
Total Carbohydrates
                                               3.0 g
Sugar (Added)
                                               0.0 g
                                               3.5 g
Vitamin A
                                        162 mcg
                                          243 mg
                                            89 mg
Curd is a high-protein, probiotic meal. It's used in several Indian dishes to make gravies, marinades, and raitas. It promotes healthy bacteria in the stomach and reduces antibiotic side effects, which aids digestion. When the curd is processed further, it forms hanging curd, a high-protein meal. Curd is a great source of protein, which is essential for weight loss. Protein is known to provide fullness and to help control the hunger hormone ghrelin, which keeps cravings at bay.
A high-protein diet is required for our bodies' growth and development. Because of the inclusion of dry milk during the curd preparation, commercially marketed curds might have a higher protein level than produced curd.
Curd has 11 g of protein per 100g. Curd is a high-protein food.
Plain yogurt provides 152 calories per 250 g serving (Whole Milk).
The following is a calorie breakdown: 47 percent fat, 30 percent carbs, and 22 percent protein.
                                                                                                                                                    Daily values%
Total Fat
Saturated Fat
Trans Fat-
    Polyunsaturated Fat
  Monounsaturated Fat
Total Carbohydrate
Dietary Fiber
Absorption of calcium and vitamin B alleviates hangovers and boosts fertility. Indigestion and bloating treatment Immune system enhancer It helps with digestion, nutrition, and general health. Calcium is present, and keepsakes are overflowing. Calcium aids in the maintenance of strong and healthy teeth. It gives you energy, lowers your body temperature, reduces inflammation, and boosts your immune system.
                     NUTRITIONAL INFORMATION (100g Curd)
Vitamin B12
Vitamin A
Curd is a kind of milk that contains lactose, some sugar, and casein, a protein. Lactobacillus bacteria consume lactose and produce lactic acid as a by-product of fermentation. Lactic acid causes the milk protein casein to curdle by lowering the pH of the milk. Homemade curd includes a variety of Lactobacillus species, including L. fermentum, L. acidophilus, L. confuses, and Leconostoc lactis. Curd is mostly composed of lactic acid bacteria that convert lactose to lactic acid. A probiotic, on the other hand, is a supplement containing a variety of beneficial bacteria. Curd, while not a genuine probiotic, provides many of the same health benefits as yogurt. The advantages of probiotics change depending on the bacterial strain. The health benefits of including probiotics in your diet include improved digestion, increased immunity, and the maintenance of calcium levels in bones.
                                         NUTRITIONAL VALUE OF CURD
3.5 g
4.7 g
4.7 g
0 g
3.3 g
Full-fat dairy consumers are not more likely to develop cardiovascular disease or type 2 diabetes than low-fat dairy consumers, indicating that full-fat dairy may be healthier than its reputation suggests. They may even be less likely to acquire weight.
                                          NUTRITIONAL VALUE PER 100g
Total Fat
Saturated Fat
Polyunsaturated Fat 
  Monounsaturated Fat
Total Carbohydrates
Dietary Fibber
Even if you are lactose intolerant or dislike milk, the curd is safe to consume. Curd absorbs all of the nutrients found in milk and benefits the body in the same way. Because of its added benefits, it is a must-have in your daily diet.
Curd, which includes minerals like zinc, phosphorus, and vitamin E, improves skin condition in a manner that no skin cream can. Curd does everything from hydrating your skin to preventing acne and pimples. Did we mention how it gives off a natural radiance?
Consuming curd or curd on a regular basis would greatly help you. This superfood may be used throughout the year, not only in the summer.
Curd tastes best when consumed during the day. According to Ayurveda, curd should be avoided at night. Curd can be eaten at any time of day or night by people who do not have a cold or a cough. Curd can be eaten plain or mixed with water.
People are becoming more conscious of what they consume, as well as the nutritional value. Because curd is such an essential component of any Indian diet, it's critical that people understand how many calories are in curd. 100 g of ordinary whole milk curd has the following nutrients:
Amount (100 Grams Of Plain Whole Milk Curd)
61 KCal
4.7 grams
3.5 grams
3.3 grams
0 grams
Homemade curd because the calories in homemade curd are nutritious additions to the diet. Homemade curd is very wonderful and fresh.
Curd is a nutrient-dense meal that tastes delicious. Curd is a milk product that is produced through the fermentation process. The curd, which is high in calcium and protein, is a vital element of our diet. The number of calories in curd varies depending on the kind of curd and the milk used to set the curd. Curd made with healthy and living bacteria is safe to eat. It has the potential to prevent some chronic diseases such as high blood pressure, osteoporosis, and obesity. Curd has a high nutritional value and should be included in your diet for a variety of health advantages. People with lactose intolerance should exercise caution, and curd should be avoided if they are allergic to milk.
Curd is a natural oxidizer and can be used for several purposes. You can use it on your hair to make the hair smooth and silky. Curd has nearly no side effects even if you consume it in a little excessive amount.
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tech-good-health · 2 years
5 Omega 3 Benefits and the Best Sources of Omega 3 Fatty Acids
In today's article, we are going to talk about the Omega 3 benefits. Omega 3 fatty acids provide many health benefits to our brain as well as the body.
In fact, few nutrients have been studied as extensively as they have. Let's talk about the top five Omega 3 benefits based on science. In addition to Omega 3 benefits, we will also discuss the optimum dose of Omega 3 fatty acids.
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Omega 3 Benefits:
Fights Depression and Anxiety:
Firstly, omega 3 fatty acids can fight depression and anxiety. Depression has become the commonest mental issue across the world in the past few years.
It is estimated in research that 16 million US citizens have experienced major depressive issues since 2012.
A study has found that fish oil, particularly EPA, a type of omega-3 fatty acid aided in treating depressive symptoms. Moreover, it has become more effective to treat severe depression.
The study included participants with severe depression. They were also being treated with conventional anti-depressant medication. As a result, it was concluded that fish oil could improve the effectiveness of conventional therapy.
That is to say, treatment response rates can increase exponentially up to 30% using combination therapy. In other words, anti-depressant drugs plus EPA supplementation work best.
Some evidence suggests that omega 3 benefits some other mental health issues such as bipolar disorder and dementia. However, more research is required to prove these theories.
Improves Vision:
Also, omega 3 benefit includes eye health. Docosahexaenoic acid (DHA), is one type of omega-3 fatty acid just like Eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA). It plays a crucial role as a structural constituent of the brain and retina of the eye. DHA deficiency leads to vision problems.
However, optimum nutrition containing omega 3 fatty acids aids in reducing the risk of macular degeneration. It is the most prominent cause of permanent eye damage and blindness.
Improves Brain Health:
Omega-3s can elevate brain health during pregnancy and early life. That is to say, omega-3s are crucial for brain growth and development in infants.
In other words, DHA makes up 40% of the polyunsaturated fats in the brain and 60% of those fats are in the retina of the eye.
According to the above point about eye health, studies show infants fed a DHA-fortified formula tend to have better eyesight than infants fed a formula without it.
Hence, the optimum amount of omega-3s during pregnancy provides various benefits to the child such as higher intelligence, better communication, and social skills. Also, it will help in fixing behavioral problems, autism, etc.
Prevents ADHD:
Omega 3 benefits in reducing the symptoms of ADHD in children. Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, or ADHD, is the most common neurodevelopmental problem in childhood.
Patients with ADHD have defects in the maturation of the frontal lobe and circuits connecting with other parts of the brain involved in regulating behavior.
But how Omega 3 benefits are linked here!!! Omega 3 fats play an important role in the early development of these circuits. As a result, there will be a decreased risk of ADHD and other mental disorders.
A study involving 699 children, proved that fish oil containing Omega 3 benefits is usually effective in ADHD treatment, particularly varieties rich in EPA.
Omega 3 fatty acids are not as effective as psychostimulants and other regular medications. However, they are useful when taken in addition to these conventional treatments.
Moreover, a research paper about different treatments for ADHD has claimed that fish oil supplementation with omega 3 benefits are effective treatments, alongside elimination diets.
Most importantly, omega 3 fatty acids have no side effects. Hence, it is advisable to try them once.
Also Read: 7 Best Health Benefits of Chia Seeds & How to Eat Them
Prevents Alzheimer's disease:
One of the best omega 3 benefits includes the prevention of age-related mental decline and Alzheimer's disease.
That is to say, a decline in brain function is one of the unavoidable consequences of aging. Numbers of studies have pointed out higher omega-3 intake as an effective treatment for reducing age-related mental decline and low risk of Alzheimer's disease.
In addition to that, many research studies claim that people who eat fatty fish tend to have more gray matter in the brain. In other words, gray matter in the brain tissue is responsible for processing information, memories, and emotions.
Hence, it is clear that additional omega-3 fatty acids may be protective. However, these research studies are in early-stage and yet to be proven.
Sources of Omega 3 Fatty Acids:
Now that the omega 3 benefits are clear, you will need to include omega 3 fatty acids in your daily diet. Here are some food sources of Omega 3 fatty acids.
Fatty Fish
You can include omega-3 fatty acids in your daily diet from whole food sources such as eating fatty fish. For the optimum amount, you need to eat fatty fish two times per week.
Omega 3 Supplements:
In case of you do not like to eat a lot of fish or a vegan, then omega-3 supplements are a very good alternative.
The optimal dosage depends on your reason for use. That is to say, for general health improvement, at least 1 gram per day is recommended. However, researchers see much better results using 2 grams per day.
Also, most fish oil pills are one to two grams. Most importantly, you must consult with your doctor first, especially if you plan to take three grams or more per day.
In the conclusion, omega 3 benefits include the prevention to various mental disorders and age-related problems such as Alzheimer's disease. Here are the omega 3 benefits.
Fights Depression and Anxiety,
Improves Vision,
Improves Brain Health,
Prevents ADHD, and
Prevents Alzheimer’s disease.
Here is the list of sources to enjoy the omega 3 benefits:
Fatty Fish, and
Omega 3 Supplements.
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tech-good-health · 2 years
5 Effective Ways to Lose 10 Pounds in a Month
Today we are going to talk about some easy ways, let’s say, some good ways to lose 10 pounds in a month. Also, this will help you to lose 5 pounds in two weeks.
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In short, we are going to discuss some healthier and simple ways to get a little bit of weight off (that is, lose 10 pounds).
However, to achieve the “lose 10 pounds in a month” goal you need to follow these five tips strictly.
That is to say, you can choose one of them or maybe two of them for getting the best results. You will see the weight come off in a month or less.
How to Lose 10 Pounds in a Month?
Firstly, choosing to lose 10 pounds in a month is good because it is a healthy number. On average, it is only two and a half pounds per week.
In other words, it is achievable and not just a dreamy thing for those who are going to work hard for it. Also, you are not going to feel starved or feel like you are missing out on something.
So, let’s start discussing the five ways to lose 10 pounds in a month.
No Food after 6:30 in the Evening:
Firstly and most importantly, you should not eat after 6:30 p.m. That is to say, avoid eating anything in the evening.
Moreover, it is better to extend this time to 6 O’clock gradually. The best way to achieve this is to close the kitchen at 7 on the first day. In other words, it is a good idea to stop eating at a certain time.
So, when you will stop eating in the evening and will go to sleep, you will get some time to digest your food. That is to say, if you are planning out your meals during the day, just plan on eating dinner a little bit earlier than you normally would.
This will immensely help you to lose 10 pounds in a month or less than a month.
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Heavy Breakfast:
Secondly, you must have a gigantic or heavy breakfast. This trick is a good one because you are supposed to eat like a king in the morning.
Hence, it will be like you are rich in the morning and poor at night as far as food-in-your-stomach is concerned.
So, eating a heavy breakfast will have a good impact on your body. It will provide you with energy all day. This energy will be utilized during the day. Also, you will feel full until the lunch. That is to say, it will make your day smooth. In addition to that, it will be easy to concentrate on your work or study.
Also, you will get to eat lunch and dinner. However, just make it smaller. In other words, you will not crave lunch or dinner when you will eat a heavy breakfast. It is because it will last in your belly all day long.
No Carbohydrate or Sugar after Noon:
This is the most underrated but effective way to lose 10 pounds in a month. You must follow the rule of “NO CARBS” after 1 p.m.
Choosing 1 p.m. as a boundary time is because of the lunchtime in the noon. That is to say, when you go to your work or school, you get the recess or break at 1 O’clock.
After a heavy breakfast, you will still need some carbs to get instant energy to do some work or study. So, during the break at noon, eat all the carbs you want.
From 1 O’clock until dinner time, you will be going to have some vegetables. Of course, they do have carbs but try to choose such vegetables like salad or green beans with no or negligible carbs in them.
Portion Control:
This way to achieve “lose 10 pounds in a month” goal is a tough one. The main reason behind this is that everybody loves to eat and we all eat a lot.
However, when we pay attention to our weight, we will have to cut our eating portions down by half at least.
That is to say, if you are out at a restaurant and you order something to eat, then cut your portions in half. In other words, cut your rice in half, cut your meat in half, and cut everything in half that you are going to eat.
Obviously, this is the most difficult task to follow if you are a foodie. However, to lose 10 pounds in a month, you must have to follow this way.
Drink More Water:
Lastly, drink a big glass of water before every meal. That is to say, you are supposed to drink water in the morning because it gets everything flowing. It gets your intestines moving and it will clear out your system.
So, when you will eat breakfast you will easily have a heavy breakfast. In other words, with an empty stomach and digestive system, you will have more space for food. This will allow you to eat a heavy breakfast in the morning.
On the contrary, drinking a big glass of water before lunch will make you feel full. As a result, you will not eat much food during lunch. Similarly, during dinner, you are supposed to drink water more.
Additionally, you should keep drinking water throughout the entire day. However, make sure that you drink a big glass before eating. This will make you fill full way faster and you will not eat as much.
This will help you to achieve the goal of losing weight.
In the conclusion, it will become an easier task to lose 10 pounds in a month if you will follow these five ways. These five ways will effectively help you to lose 10 pounds without any difficulty. You will start getting the results in a month or less than that.
So, here are the five ways to lose 10 pounds in a month.
No food in the evening,
Heavy breakfast,
No carbs after the noon,
Portion control, and
Drink more water.
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tech-good-health · 2 years
7 Best Health Benefits of Fish Oil: Good for Heart & Brain
We are always talking and concerned about a balanced diet. How our daily food can be defined as a balanced diet? It should contain all the necessary supplements such as carbohydrates, proteins, vitamins, fats, minerals, etc. in adequate amounts. Let's talk about good fats that can be derived from fish oil.
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Most people think that fats are bad for the body. That is to say, one must not consume foods that are rich in fats. However, there are some exceptions and some misconceptions about the health benefits of fish oil which are going to break by this article.
In this article, we will talk about the good fats that must be consumed in the daily diet and are necessary for the body. Also, we will discuss the importance and health benefits of fish oil. So, let's get started.
Health Benefits of Fish Oil:
Good Source of Omega-3 Fatty Acid:
Fish oil is one of the best sure of Omega-3 fatty acids. Also, World Health Organization (WHO) recommends one and a half fish per week. So, you can get enough amount Omega-3 fatty acids. But why is it so important to include Omega-3 fatty acids in our daily diet? Let's understand.
Good For Heart:
Firstly, fish oil supplement provides Omega-3 fatty acid which helps to reduce heart strokes. That is to say, it can greatly reduce the chances of heart disease. So, fish oil is good for your heart.
Secondly, it is proven that those who eat fish or intake fish oil in enough amount have a low incidence of heart disease.
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Regulates Cholesterol Levels:
Thirdly and most importantly, it increases the levels of HDL in the blood. In other words, good cholesterol levels increase after eating fish oil supplements. However, it does not regulate or lower the LDL (bad cholesterol).
Lower Triglycerides:
It is important to maintain and lower the concentration of triglycerides in the body. Fish oil can do this in a good manner.
In other words, it can diminish the levels of triglycerides by the margin of 15-30%.
Controls Blood Pressure:
In addition to triglyceride levels, it is also crucial to maintain the right levels of blood pressure.
It can maintain and regulate the blood pressure levels inside the body. That is to say, fish oil reduces blood pressure. Do you know how?
It loosens the plaques that cause the blood vessels or arteries to choke. In other words, it dissolves the plaques and allows the blood to flow through the arteries smoothly. Hence, by loosening and preventing the formation of plaque, it can maintain the blood pressure of the body.
Treats Arrhythmia:
The abnormal heartbeats can be treated by eating fish oil supplements. It makes the heartbeat at a rhythmic pace and allows the regulation of blood pressure.
Good For Brain:
Fish oil is good for the brain in the sense that your brain consists of 6% fat. Most of the fat is Omega-3 fatty acid. So, it is important to supply enough Omega-3 fats to the brain for its proper and normal function.
Prevents Mental Disorders:
The blood tests of mental patients have shown low levels of Omega-3 fats. That is to say, low levels of Omega-3 fats affect mental health in a severe manner.
Also, it is proven by some researchers that fish oil can prevent mental disorders and regulate its symptoms.
For example, the levels of Omega-3 fats can greatly influence the symptoms of psychotic disorders. Additionally, it provides good protection against the symptoms of schizophrenia and bipolar disorders.
Good For Eyes:
Similar to the brain, Omega-3 fats are also present in the eyes. So, eyes also require Omega-3 fats in order to maintain proper functions.
Prevents Age-related Muscular Degeneration (AMD):
It is shown ins some studies that Omega-3 highly impacts the symptoms of AMD.
The vision starts to declines with old age. It is because of AMD. As a result of AMD, old people cannot see properly. Due to muscular degeneration, it becomes difficult for the eyes to focus on something and to develop a focused and clear image of that scene. Eventually, the vision gets lost.
However, we can improve our vision by including fish oil supplements in our daily diet.
In the conclusion, it is now clear that fish oil has plenty of health benefits. The most important health benefit of fish oil is that it is a good source of Omega-3 fatty acids. Also, it is good for the brain, heart, and eyes. Here are the health benefits of fish oil.
Good source of Omega-3 fats,
Regulates cholesterol levels,
Controls blood pressure,
lowers triglycerides,
Treats arrhythmia,
Prevents mental disorders, and
Prevents AMD.
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tech-good-health · 2 years
2 Best Chapati Nutrition Facts and Comparison with Rice
Roti and rice are two staple rudiments of Indian cookery. Surely, it’s a part of your breakfast, lunch, regale, or all three. But which one is better? Roti or Rice? Chapati nutrition is good or does rice give better nutrition than chapati?
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Which is the stylish variety of both grains?
Are you eating the wrong grain on a diurnal base? Most probably yes.
In this composition, we’re going to debunk some of the biggest myths around these two grains as the knowledge about them is rare. Also, we will look at some chapati nutrition data.
This composition will give you a clear idea as to what’s stylish for you and how you should be consuming it for the maximum benefit of chapati nutrition. So, let’s get started.
Chapati Nutrition vs. Rice
First of all, let’s compare the nutritive information of whole wheat chapati nutrition data and white rice.
As these are the two most common kinds people consume currently, one medium-sized chapati nutrition will give you around 100 calories, 20 grams of complex carbohydrates, 3.5 grams of protein, 2.5 grams of fiber, and a negligible quantum of fats.
On the other hand, one serving of cooked white rice will give you 242 calories, 53 grams of simple carbs, 4.43 grams of protein with negligible salutary fiber, and nearly zero fats.
So, looking only at macros, chapati nutrition wins and relatively obviously, because it’s a whole grain which rice. That’s to say, whole grains are way richer in vitamins and minerals which support the functioning of the skin, hair, and all other body corridors.
Chapati Nutrition Facts: Glycemic Index
Now, we should also bandy the glycemic indicator of chapati nutrition and rice.
Numerous of you who are diet conscious would be concerned about glycemic index or GI. It’s simply a parameter of how food affects your blood sugar situations.
Further, the higher glycemic index will spike your insulin situations. Hence, it’s kind of bad for you. The glycemic index of whole wheat chapati is 62 while that of white rice is around 73. But, does that mean white rice is bad? Not really.
Do you eat only chapati or only rice? No, right. So, if you’re having white rice which has high GI but along with that, you consume fiber-packed curry, salad, buttermilk, etc. Also, the GI changes and now it does not spike your insulin veritably high. So, the glycemic indicator is a relative number.
Eat chapati nutrition or rice, it depends on your overall mess.
Also Read: What is Healthy Lifestyle: 5 Effective ways to Maintain it.
Chapati Nutrition Facts: Gluten Level
Now, let’s compactly talk about gluten. Gluten is a factory protein that’s present in beet whereas rice is gluten-free. So, does that mean you shouldn’t eat wheat?
As the west is screaming the new style about gluten-free diets, not really one should only avoid gluten if one is antipathetic to it. That’s egregious just like you would avoid peanuts if you’re antipathetic to them. Isn’t it?
Well, minor digestive issues related to wheat consumption can fluently be dived.
Which is better? Chapati Nutrition or Rice?
Now, let’s dig deeper and find out which is the stylish variety of both the grains for diurnal consumption.
Kinds of Rice Nutrition:Brown Rice:
Talking about rice first, piecemeal from white rice there are a lot of further kinds which are now getting popular. Originally, brown rice in the morning ultramodern wisdom was all up for this whole grain because it’s high in fiber and is full of micronutrients.
Although, the latest reports are coming in, according to which brown rice has some antinutrients which hamper the immersion of vitamins and minerals.
So, ultramodern wisdom is beginning to change its station and now doesn’t recommend it. Still, Indian growers always knew how to get the best out of rice. Indeed Ayurveda Good Book mentions it.
It’s called the art of hand-pounding the rice. So, principally brown rice is beaten which removes the anti-nutrients (the phytics) which have the tendency to bind with the vitamins and minerals making them not available for your body.
So, which rice is better for diurnal consumption? It’s hand-pounded rice generally known as semi-brown rice. Yes, we Indians have always been consuming hand-pounded rice which surely now is confined to the lawn roots only.
Did you know that white rice which is polished rice has come to a wide practice only in the 1970s and the reason for its fissionability is just the aesthetic appeal? It has a longer shelf life and faster cooking time and you cannot really be sure of what chemical has been used to polish the rice.
So, switch to hand-pounded semi-brown rice which has anti-nutrients removed. It offers complex carbohydrates that do not make your energy crash. Also, it isn’t leathery and does not take too long to cook as well.
Red Rice:
According to Ayurveda, the stylish variety of rice is hand-pounded raktshali, generally known as red rice.
This variety has further micronutrients as compared to any other rice. Also, it’s stylish for health.
Although, it’s relatively expensive and may not fit in your diurnal diet. Still, you can have it occasionally. Though for diurnal use prefer semi-brown rice.
Kinds of Chapati Nutrition:
Now, coming to chapati nutrition, which is substantially made of whole wheat. Dispensable to say that refined wheat, that is, maida is devoid of nutrition and should be avoided.
Whole wheat is good but it’s the grain that brings utmost languor. That’s what our ancient textbooks tell us. So, you shouldn’t consume it in all three refections of the day.
To minimize the effect of wheat, it’s always better to mix it with other grains. That’s why multigrain flour is largely recommended. Whenever you buy whole wheat, you should buy mixed millet flour and mix them together at a ratio of 2:1.
Still, there’s no hard and fast rule about the rate. The idea is to make the chapati easy to condensation and input more chapati nutrition.
Actually, the practice of mixing different flours with whole wheat is relatively common in India. If you get flour prepared from an original shop be sure that they use cryogenic grinders. As they grind the seeds with lower heat and retain further nutrients. Differently, you can buy online as utmost shops use cryogenic grinders.
Also, if you face digestive issues after eating chapati nutrition you can buy wheat bran and mix it together to make your chapati nutrition indeed more fiber-rich.
Principally, the stylish chapati nutrition is the one which is made out of multigrain flour. Also, you can try different kinds.
Not only it’s further delicious but also healthier.
How to consume chapati nutrition in the right way?
Now, we know the stylish chapati nutrition and stylish rice, let us now bandy the most important part. That’s to say, the right way of consuming both these grains is so that they do not harm us rather give us the maximum benefit.
When it comes to making chapati nutrition more, one pro tip is that the further time you’ll take kneading the dough the softer your chapati turn out to be. Also, briskly it’ll get digested. So, if you have problems digesting wheat, skip ghee over chapati and rather put it in curry.
Some other ways to get chapati nutrition better is that, by combining with cucumber salad in lunch and gusto salad in regale.
Did you know that tandoori roti gets digested fluently included in your diet at times?
Also, if you form the dough using milk be conservative of a chapati nutrition fact that if you eat chapati made out of it with commodity salty, the combination of milk and swab will produce poisons in the body.
So, following the below principles chapati nutrition can be consumed at any time of the day but not further than twice a day.
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In the conclusion, it is now clear that both chapati nutrition and rice nutrition are required equally in our daily diet. However, there are some rules to follow while intaking chapati nutrition. That is to say, you must use multigrain flour to make chapatis. Also, you should knead the dough for more than usual time which will help in proper digestion.
On the other hand, rice nutrition provides you with complex carbohydrates. However, you should avoid eating white polished rice and instead try semi-brown hand-pounded rice or red rice. It is recommended to include semi-brown rice in your daily diet rather than red or white rice.
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tech-good-health · 2 years
4 Best Treatments for Headache Due To Gas and Its Causes
In this article, we are discussing a severe and common problem known as headache due to gas in children and adults.
Headache Due to Gas?
Headache due to gas is a form of migraine characterized by a severe cramp or pain in the center of the abdomen. It actually occurs around the belly button. This type of migraine is not a headache due to gas but they often happen as a reaction to the same triggers for migraine headaches. Hence, also known as abdominal migraine or abdominal headache due to gas.
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They are more common in children ages 5-8 but can also occur in adults commonly with a family history of migraines. When adults experience symptoms such as irritable bowel syndrome, lactose intolerance is first considered.
This is because the condition is not often diagnosed in adults. Children who have headache due to gas grow out of it by their teens and eventually go on to develop migraine headaches as adults.
Also, headache due to gas is more prevalent in females than in male. Children who suffer from abdominal migraines are more likely to have mental health issues such as anxiety.
Also Read: Headache Pain: Major Causes, Medicines and 11 Ways to relieve it
Causes of Headache Due to Gas:
The exact cause of headache due to gas is unknown. Some studies have shown that the condition is triggered by endocrinology and neurologic changes.
Moreover, it may be caused by an alteration in levels of two compounds (histamine and serotonin) that the body makes.
Furthermore, genetic factors may also be involved as the condition is prevalent in children who have a family history of headache due to gas.
The common trigger for headache due to gas is stress. That is to say, either negative or positive stress such as worrying over a certain situation, the excitement before a situation, changes in sleep pattern, swallowing a lot of air, fasting and skipping meals, etc.
Additionally, exercises may trigger the condition in some people. Some foods such as chocolate, cheese, citrus fruits, processed meats with nitrites, Chinese foods with monosodium glutamate (MSG), and alcohol.
Symptoms of Headache Due to Gas:
The most common symptom is severe pain at the center of the abdomen. It occurs usually around the belly.
This pain may be accompanied by:
Nausea and Vomiting,
Loss of appetite,
Skin paleness,
Weakness, etc.
However, these symptoms are usually relieved by sleep and may last from 2 to 72 hours.
Diagnosis and Treatment of Headache Due to Gas:
Diagnosing a headache due to gas can be hard because of the absence of a headache. Also, kids have big trouble telling the difference between an ordinary stomachache and an abdominal migraine. Moreover, no diagnostic test exists to confirm the condition.
However, diagnosis can be achieved by reviewing family history, medical history, physical examination, and carrying out other investigations. It will help to rule out other medical conditions such as irritable bowel syndrome, peptic ulcers, kidney disorders, bowel obstruction, and gastroesophageal reflux.
The diagnostic criteria set out by the International Headache Society may also be used.
The criteria have the following characteristics: At least 5 attacks of abdominal pain. Fulfilling criteria B-D, pain that has at least two of the following:
It occurs in the middle of the body near the belly button and is poorly localized.
It has dull or just sore quality.
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Moderate or Severe?
The pain caused by headache due to gas can be characterized by at least two of the following:
Pallor or paleness of the skin.
It attacks at least 2-72 hours when left untreated or unsuccessfully treated. Complete freedom from symptoms between attacks and not caused by another disorder.
Treatment of Headache Due to Gas:
Treatment options aim to reduce symptoms of an acute attack and to prevent it. Also, to reduce the severity of future episodes.
Medications such as NSAIDs, anti-nausea medications, and triptans are used for other forms of migraine which may be used for abdominal migraine attacks also. However, The choice of medications is often dependent on the age of the patient.
Preventive therapies used for other migraines may be explored for recurrent headache due to gas attacks.
In the conclusion, it is completely understood that headache due to gas is not a migraine but abdominal pain or stomachache. It happens due to gas. The headache due to gas may last for 2-72 hours. It must be treated properly to reduce further severity and future episodes.
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tech-good-health · 2 years
2 Best Tooth Decay Treatment at Home to Prevent Cavities
Tooth decay is the gradual damage to your enamel due to bacterial infection, receding gums, plaque buildup, or acid accumulation on the teeth. Tooth decay is a kind of the first stage of permanent tooth loss.
How Tooth Decay can cause cavities?
If Tooth decay is not treated properly or ignored, it causes tiny holes in the teeth called cavities.
When these cavities are not treated or not taken care of in the early stages, they may grow larger in size and eventually destroy entire teeth.
Tooth Decay Treatment at Home:
Ingredients for Tooth Decay treatment at home:
In Ayurveda, Turmeric is widely used to provide relief from various tooth ailments like cavities. It has strong antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties that prevent and heal tooth decay.
Remember Turmeric won’t stain natural teeth. But you have any Dental caps or crowns, you might want to avoid this.
Neem twigs are used for centuries in India to maintain oral Hygiene. These bitter-tasting leaves can kill plaque-causing bacteria and clear away tartar accumulation.
It can remove any type of oral infection, prevent bleeding gums and sore gums. Moreover, it works effectively against tooth decay.
Cloves contain a compound called eugenol, which has antibacterial and antifungal activity. It is very effective for tooth pain, gum recession, gum infection, and tooth decay. We require ground cloves for our recipe.
Sesame oil:
Sesame oil is very effective for gingivitis and plaque removal. It has strong antimicrobial properties that can kill various types of bacteria like Streptococcus and its mutants.
Not only has that it also treated bad breath and tooth decay.
Also Read: Dental Formula of Child: Incisors, Canine, Premolars & Molar
Remedies for Tooth Decay Treatment at Home:
Remedy 1: Turmeric-Neem paste
In a small glass bowl or plate, take very little less than a quarter teaspoon of Turmeric.
To this add equal amounts of Neem powder. Neem is so bitter, so be prepared to taste some bitterness.
Now add equal amounts of finely ground cloves powder. You can make this powder by grinding whole cloves at home. Also, you can get ground cloves directly from the store.
Now add a few drops of Sesame oil (around half teaspoon) which is enough to mix all these powders. Alternatives for sesame oil are coconut oil, Olive oil or Mustard Oil.
Mix everything to form a nice paste like this.
Now take an ultra-soft or extra soft bristles toothbrush. Dip it inside this and grab a generous amount of this paste.
Brush your teeth gently using this paste.
Leave it on like that for 2 minutes and then rinse away with fresh water.
Note: Don’t be aggressive, just brush as if you are simply massaging teeth and gums. Cover all the teeth while mainly focusing on the teeth with cavities. Just brush for 1 minute. Use Caution while handling turmeric as it can stain clothes, countertops, and even toothbrush.
Remedy 2: Salt Water Rinse
Take Himalayan Pink Salt. (You can use sea salt or regular salt also for this purpose.)
In a small glass of water, add ½ teaspoon of this pink salt. Mix it well until salt dissolves fully.
Now take this into mouth, swish for a couple of times and spit it away.
Rinse again with fresh water.
When you do these two steps, you can say good bye to tooth decay and slowly heal cavities and prevent them from growing larger.
In the conclusion, it is very important to treat tooth decay properly. Taking tooth decay seriously and treating it in a proper manner can prevent cavities and damage to the teeth. Also, it prevents unbearable tooth pain.
Following is the tooth decay treatment at home that can be done to prevent tooth decay.
Turmeric-Neem Paste, and
Salt Water Rinse.
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tech-good-health · 2 years
5 Best Poses of Yoga for Healthy Brain: Increase Blood Flow
Our day starts with the right note when we wake up with the zest enthusiasm, happiness, and lots of energy. But most of the time we feel lethargic in the morning.
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Many people just hit the snooze button and sleep again. Some drink certain stimulants like tea or coffee to feel refreshed. In any case, it is not good for health, we need to do some activity to trigger energy in our system. That is to say, people should practice yoga for healthy brain. It will help you to overcome the lazy mode.
Let’s discuss a few effective asanas (poses of yoga for healthy brain) that can help to boost your brain activity by improving blood circulation into the brain.
Yoga for Healthy Brain:
Effective Yoga Poses
Balasana Yoga for Healthy Brain:
Balasana is a simple technique that you can perform right in the morning for a few minutes. It increases the blood flow around your head and chest. Also, this will energize you for the day. It gives you a gentle stretch to your hips, back, thighs, and ankles which is important after a long period of inactivity.
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Here are the steps to follow while practicing balasana yoga for a healthy brain:
Sit down in vajrasana and keep your spine erect.
Now, increase the distance between your knees which is about 1 foot apart.
Slide your hands forward on the mat while you inhale some air.
You should stretch your hands completely.
Relax in this position focusing on your breath.
After 1 to 2 minutes, slide your hands back and then sit straight in the starting position.
Sarvangasana Yoga for Healthy Brain:
Sarvangasana is an excellent technique because it helps to improve the circulation to your head, chest, abdomen, and entire pelvic area. Sarvangasana really nourishes your brain with more blood. It is one of the best poses of yoga for a healthy brain.
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Other than increasing circulation to your brain, it really helps in developing the feeling of self-confidence and self-reliance.
So, to do Sarvangasana, here are the steps to follow.
Lie supine on your back.
Both the feet should be together and hands on the side.
First, inhale fully and then raise both the legs together up while exhaling.
Toes should point towards the ceiling.
Knees should remain straight.
Support your back with your palm and lift your entire body.
Also, use your hands to support your back.
The chin is set in the jugular notch.
Maintain this posture for a few seconds or as long as convenient (but not longer than 2 minutes).
Keep breathing slowly and naturally.
Slowly bend your knees and as you inhale, lower your hips towards the mat.
Release your hand from the back and assume the starting position.
Also Read: Yoga: History, Types, And Benefits Of Yoga
Vipritkarni Yoga for Healthy Brain:
This yoga for healthy brain pose helps to regulate your blood flow. Also, it stretches the neck torso, and leg. There are favorable changes due to the increased interchange of blood with the upper part of our body, especially the thorax, neck, and head.
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The technique to perform Vipritkarni is mentioned below.
Lie down supine on your back with your hands on your side.
With the help of your hands slowly raise your legs while exhaling.
Keeping the legs straight, roll your body at the back with your hands for support and maintain steadiness.
While breathing normally, maintain this pose for a few seconds to 2 minutes depending on your comfort level.
While inhaling gently, fold your legs again.
Lower your hips with the support of your hand and then return to the starting position.
Hastapadasna Yoga for Healthy Brain:
It is an excellent forward bending pose of yoga for healthy brain. It aids in blood circulation to your head. Also, it helps to overcome back stiffness after sleep by bringing suppleness to your spine.
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Follow these steps to perform Hastapadasan in a proper manner:
Stand with your feet together and hands on the side.
Now, while inhaling, raise both your arms from above your head.
While exhaling, bring your both arms down to touch your toe or grasp your ankle.
Keep your knees absolutely straight.
Also, remember to keep your hands and head together.
Note: Each and every time you do yoga for a healthy brain, ensure that your knees are absolutely straight to get the maximum benefit.
Now, while suspending your breath and keeping your knees straight, try to touch your forehead to your knees.
Stay in this position for 6 seconds with the suspended breath.
Or else, stay in this position while breathing normally (but not more than 2 minutes) while inhaling.
Now, as you exhale, bring your hands from the side in a sweeping position to turn to the initial normal pose.
Padmasana Yoga for Healthy Brain:
It helps to bring greater awareness of your body and your breathing. It actually improves concentration as your mind remains attentive. Padmasana is a beautiful pose of yoga for healthy brain to remove your lethargy and activate your brain.
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Now, let’s understand the technique to do Padmasana yoga for healthy brain:
Sit on the mat and stretch out your legs straight in the front.
Bend your right knee and place it on your left thigh.
You can use your hands to pull your feet towards yourselves.
Make sure that the right foot is placed in a way that the sole is turned upwards.
Now, repeat the same with your left leg.
Keep both your knees pressed to the ground as far as possible.
Hold your body and see that you are totally erect with your head, neck, and whole spine straight.
Place your left hand just below the navel with the palm facing upwards.
Place your right hand over the left hand and the palm should be facing upwards.
Keep your shoulders and hands relaxed.
Sit in this position, watching your breath, and focus on the object which you have selected.
Now, with the help of your hand, slowly lift your legs one at a time and bring them back to the normal position.
If there is proper circulation of blood towards the brain and throughout the body, all the cells receive proper nutrition. Once the brain is activated your entire body will feel refreshed and charged up.
So, practice this yoga for a healthy brain regularly to enhance blood circulation in the brain, to remove inactiveness, to keep yourself charged with energy, enthusiasm, and to live life fully.
In the conclusion, yoga for healthy brain increases the blood circulation in the brain. Also, it helps the brain to perform various activities to their fullest.
Moreover, enough blood flow in the head or brain will nourish and supplement the required nutrients to the brain cells and neurons. As a result, you will become more conscious, attentive, and focused. That is to say, the concentration power will increase day by day as you will practice yoga for a healthy brain.
Here are the five best poses of yoga for healthy brain.
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tech-good-health · 2 years
Dental Formula of Child: Incisors, Canine, Premolars & Molar
In this article, we will talk about dentistry or we can say the dental formula of child, adults, and animals. The teeth structure and dental formula for animals differ from that of the dental formula of child (humans).
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Have you ever wondered why animals and humans have different teeth structures? That is to say, carnivorous animals such as lions, tigers, leopards, etc. have pointed teeth whereas humans have blunt teeth. The question may sound silly and abnormal. However, there is a scientific reason behind the teeth structure of various animals.
Pointed and Blunt Teeth:
Let’s understand it by taking various examples.
Firstly, a carnivorous animal like a lion would have pointed teeth. The science behind having pointed teeth lies in the food of lions. That is to say, a lion eats the raw meat of other animals. To tear and chew the meat of animals, lions would require long and pointed teeth. These fangy teeth will help them to ingest and digest the meat properly.
Secondly, a herbivorous animal like a cow would have blunt teeth. It is because cow eats grass and vegetables which cannot be chewed by pointed teeth. Hence, during the course of evolution, herbivorous animals have adapted the blunt teeth. Another example can be rabbit teeth. The teeth of rabbits are designed especially to chew carrots and other vegetables.
Lastly, omnivorous animals like humans have mixed structures of teeth. In other words, humans have pointed as well as blunt teeth in both the upper and lower jaw. It is because humans eat meat as well as vegetables. So, we require both pointed teeth and blunt teeth.
Types of Teeth:
As of now, you would have understood that there exist two main types of teeth. Those are pointed and blunt. However, these are commonly named but not scientifically. In other words, the teeth are named as per their function and position inside the jaw. Here are the four different types of teeth.
Incisors (I):
Stand in front of the mirror. Can you see two big teeth in front? Those are called incisors. The function of these teeth is to cut the bigger food pieces into smaller ones. So, that the small pieces can fit into your mouth and can be digested easily. Also, it has a chisel-shaped structure which helps us to slice the food.
The incisors are present in both the upper and lower jaw. Most mammals including humans have incisors. These are denoted by (I).
Canines (C):
Now, see the pointed teeth present adjacent to your incisors. These teeth are used to tear the meat and hardcovers of some fruits or nuts. The canines are present in herbivores, carnivores and omnivores (humans).
Herbivores use canines to split the nuts (squirrels) and carnivores use them to tear the meat apart. Omnivores, let’s say humans, use them to do both.
These are also present inside the upper as well as lower jaw and denoted by (C).
Premolars (P):
These are flat-surfaced teeth present adjacent to canines. These are used for chewing and grinding the big food pieces into small particles. This set of teeth converts the complex food into a quickly digestible form.
These are denoted by (P).
Molars (M):
These teeth are present at the end of the upper and lower jaw. These are used to grind the food for efficient digestion. A total of 12 molars are present in the oral cavity.
These are denoted by (M).
Dental Formula:
What is dental formula?
So, before going further, let’s first understand the dental formula. The dental formula referred to the number of teeth present in the oral cavity of an organism (mammals or humans).
The dental formula represents the arrangement and the total number of teeth present in the oral cavity. The dental formula varies from one species to another. In other words, it is different for lions and humans. Obviously, the total number and arrangement of teeth in the oral cavity of a lion is different from a man.
Most importantly, the dental formula of a child is also different from that one of an adult. Also, the dental formula for deciduous teeth differed from other formulas.
Dental Formula of Child 2120 or 2102:
As we know, Incisors, Canine, Premolars, and Molars are denoted by I, C, P, and M, respectively. So, the dental formula is written in I.C.P.M. form. This depicts the arrangement of teeth in the oral cavity.
Now, what would be the dental formula of child? One of the most important things to keep in mind is that the children have deciduous teeth or milk teeth. As it is clear that the dental formula for deciduous teeth does not include molars. Hence, the dental formula of a child differs from an adult.
So, the dental formula of a child can be written as follows:
This represents that 2 incisors, 1 canine, 2 premolars, and 0 molars are present in the oral cavity of a human child. Hence, the confusion is clear about the dental formula of child 2120 or 2102. It is 2120.
Dental Formula of Adult Human:
The dental formula for adults can be written as follows:
It means that an adult human has 2 incisors, 1 canine, 2 premolars, and 3 molars.
Doubling the digits given in the formula formulas will give you the total number of individual teeth types. Also, it can give you the total number of teeth present in the oral cavity.
Now, you are all set to count your own dental formula. Count the number of teeth and comment on the dental formula of your oral cavity.
In the conclusion, the dental formula is the count of total types of teeth and their arrangement in the cavity. The dental formula of a child is whereas adults have the dental formula as
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tech-good-health · 2 years
Disprin for Headache 10 Uses, Side Effects, Drug Interaction
In this article, we will talk about a medicine which is a favorite medicine of doctors. Despite being a very old medicine, the name of the drug is disprin. Aspirin is very famous under the names disprin for headache tablets and ecosprin tablets.
It is both the brand name of the drug. A few other brand names of aspirin are delisprin, loprin, ASA, etc. You can purchase any of the brands which are easily available because the content of all brands is somewhat similar.
Let’s discuss some important information about aspirin including its strength, uses in detail, doses, warning or precaution, who should not take this medicine, and its side effects. Also, at the end of the article, the drug interaction of aspirin is described in detail.
Disprin for Headache:
Disprin is also known as acetylsalicylic acid. It is an antiplatelet drug that prevents the formation of a blood clot in the blood vessels. Also, disprin is an NSAID (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug) that is used to treat several types of painful and inflammatory conditions.
Disprin tablet is available in different strengths such as 75 mg, 150 mg, and 325 mg. These tablets are sold as an OTC (over-the-counter) product for headache treatment.
Uses of Disprin for Headache:
Aspirin belongs to NSAID class medicine. It is mainly used to treat headaches, tension headaches, migraine headaches, and cluster headaches.
Aspirin is also used to treat or to get rid of several types of pain including fever.
Aspirin tablet is also used to treat bone and joint-related problems such as arthritis and rheumatoid fever. In both, conditions, swelling and pain occur in joints.
As Aspirin has antiplatelet properties, it is used as an add-on treatment for heart failure patients and heart disease patients to minimize the risk of myocardial infarction, i.e., heart attack.
In Kawasaki disease: This is a disease in which blood vessels become inflamed and have difficulty with blood flow. These are the condition treated by aspirin tablets.
Aspirin is also given to those patients who are suffering from colorectal cancer. That is to say, large intestine or anal cancer.
Although, aspirin is contraindicated in pregnancy, it can be given to pregnant women in low doses. That is to say, Aspirin 75 mg. It is because it prevents or delays the onset of pregnancy eclampsia.
Low dose of aspirin is also given for the prevention of stillbirth, pre-term birth, and early pregnancy loss.
Disprin is prescribed to reduce the chance of the development of high blood pressure. So, mostly given to those who have the risk of high blood pressure, family history, and twins pregnancy. In these conditions, low dose of Disprin, i.e., 75 mg tablet is given to a pregnant woman.
Apart from all these uses, doctors can use this medicine in any other disease according to his experience and new research study.
Also Read: 8 Types of Headache Tablets in India: Migraine & Prophylaxis
Doses of Disprin for Headache:
Now, we will discuss the doses of disprin for headaches. What amount of Aspirin tablet is advised by the doctor.
As you know, the dose of a drug depends upon the patient age, weight, and type of disease. But, here we will discuss the commonly recommended doses for adults. That is to say, disprin for headache and pain.
The initial dose is 75 mg tablet, once or twice a day. If necessary, the patient can take a higher amount. The duration is a single tablet for three days.
In joint disease, a higher dose like 3 grams per day to be given. Also, for heart-related problems, Aspirin 75 mg or Aspirin 150 mg tablet is given once a day in the evening or at bedtime after meal to avoid gastric irritation.
Note: Always follow a doctor’s instructions to get the best result of an aspirin tablet.
Contradictions of Disprin for Headache:
Who should not take disprin for headache?
Although, it is very old and cheap medicine which is very much used. But some patients should not take this medicine.
A person who is allergic to ibuprofen, naproxen, and other NSAID class medicines.
A person has a peptic ulcer, bleeding disorder, and alcohol addiction.
A pregnant woman and breastfeeding mother.
Also, do not consume alcohol while you are taking an Aspirin tablet.
That is why it is important to ask your doctor about your medicine or disease history. According to that, the doctor can advise you on suitable medicine.
Side Effects of Disprin for Headache:
Now, we will discuss its side effects. That is to say, the undesirable effect which may seem during its use.
The common side effects are:
Abdominal pain,
Stomach bleeding,
Gastric irritation,
Yellow eyes or yellow skin,
Irregular heartbeat, etc.
Higher dose side effects include Tinnitus. It may occur with many other problems. If you are experiencing these or other than these undesirable effects, you must stop using this tablet immediately. Also, you should consult your doctor for further treatment. Moreover, you should avoid disprin for headache tablets in the future.
Drug Interaction of Disprin for Headache:
Now, we will discuss disprin for headache tablet drug interaction. That is to say, with which medicine Aspirin tablet should not be given.
Those drugs are:
Ammonium chloride,
Some anti-diabetic drugs (Warfarin, Methotrexate, Phenytoin, etc.)
Valproic acid, and
However, this is not a complete list of medicine. Always ask your doctor about your medical history. The doctor can give you suitable medicine accordingly.
You may also read: Headache Pain: Major Causes, Medicines and 11 Ways to relieve it
In the conclusion, disprin for headache or aspirin tablets should be taken as per the doctor’s instruction. It will give you the best results and help you recover from the disease. Also, it will give you relief from long-lasting headaches or pain.
The side effects are:
Abdominal pain,
Stomach bleeding,
Gastric irritation,
Yellow eyes or yellow skin,
Irregular heartbeat, etc.
Who should not take disprin for headaches?
Preganant woman,
Breastfeeding mother,
Alcohol addict, and
Person allergic to other NSAIDs.
Do not take these medicines along with disprin for headache:
Ammonium chloride,
Some anti-diabetic drugs (Warfarin, Methotrexate, Phenytoin, etc.)
Valproic acid, and
Note: Always consult the doctor before taking disprin for headache and follow the prescription.
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tech-good-health · 2 years
8 Types of Headache Tablets in India: Migraine & Prophylaxis
So, in this article, we are talking about the drugs used in migraine or headache tablets in India.
Headache or Migraine:
What is a Migraine?
Migraine is severe throbbing pain or a pulsing sensation usually on one side of the head. It is often accompanied by nausea, vomiting, and extreme sensitivity to light & sound.
What causes Migraine?
There are many theories to explain this fact. However, they’re just theories the older ones suggest.
For instance, the symptoms were due to changes in blood flow to the brain and another aspect of migraine pain theory explains that it happens due to waves of activity by neurons that release serotonin. As a result, it causes abnormal dilatation and pulsation of cerebral blood vessels.
Headache Treatment:
Headache Tablets in India for Migraine:
Now, in case of migraine or headache, what will be our approach to treat the patient. Of course, we’ll try to vasoconstrict the cerebral blood vessels.
There are many groups of headache tablets in India used in migraine. We can use them in two instances.
For example, there are headache tablets in India that are used in acute attacks and then there are drugs that are used for migraine prophylaxis for acute attacks.
There are four classes of drugs used and the same is the case for migraine prophylaxis. Similarly, four types of drugs are used here too.
Types of Headache Tablets in India:
The first types of headache tablet in India are NSAIDs. They’re used in mild and moderate migraine. However, we do not give them for the long term because of the side effects.
Side effects include hypoprothrombinemia which interferes with the action of vitamin K in the liver and sodium. Also, water retention is due to prostaglandin inhibition.
Examples are aspirin, ibuprofen, mefenamic acid, et cetera.
The second choice is to use antiemetics. These headache tablets in India are used to treat nausea and vomiting associated with migraine attacks. They can be given intravenously or orally.
They are mainly 5-ht for antagonists and h1 blockers. We know that 5ht4 is present in the gastrointestinal tract serotonin receptor by blocking this vomiting and h1 blocker is present in the chemo trigger zone and vestibular apparatus which also decreases vomiting by blocking them.
Examples: Metoclopramide
Thirdly, we can use certain headache tablets in India known as ergot derivatives or ergot preparations. They are mainly used at the onset of pain in moderate to severe migraine.
They can be given orally, sublingually, or as a suppository. The ergot preparations are mainly partial agonists at 5HT1B/1D.
In fact, they are the partial agonists at all the 5ht1 receptors. But as 5ht1 are autoreceptors, they decrease certain releases and also constrict cerebral blood vessels, decrease inflammation and decrease extravasation of fluid. These were the main actions of ergot.
But there is another drug in this class which is dihydroergotamine which is safer for parenteral use. It is because it’s the alpha-blocking effect is more than its smooth muscle contraction effect. Hence, it does not cause the side effects which are associated with our gut. It means our GI distress, diarrhea, gangrene, and abortion.
It is mainly given with caffeine due to its beneficial effects such as absorption is increased. Also, the visual constructive effect of caffeine.
Lastly, the headache tablets in India used for acute management of migraine are triptans. They are selective agonists at 5ht1b and 5ht1D receptors.
For example, Sumatriptan, Almotriptan and Zolmitriptan. They are used in moderate and severe migraine.
They help in migraine by 3 mechanisms. Because of cerebral ischemia, some theory suggests the cerebral ischemia caused the attack. So, they constrict the dilated blood vessels and restored the blood flow. They also decrease the rotten release because they are agonists of the autoreceptor. Also, decrease the extravasation of plasma proteins into the vascular space.
Headache Tablets in India for Prophylaxis:
Now, the drugs used for migraine prophylaxis include beta-blockers such as propranolol. They’re used chronically. Their mechanism is unknown but maybe their mechanism is due to the beta 2 blockade without which beta 2 causes visual dilation.
DCA’s tricyclic antidepressants like amitriptyline are also used. However, they should not be used for prolonged periods.
Calcium channel blockers such as Verapamil and Flunarizine are also used. Flunarizine is preferred because it is selective for cerebral calcium channels.
They should not be given with beta-blockers. Maybe they help with the pulsation of the cerebral blood vessels.
Anticonvulsants such as gabapentin and sodium valproate are also used for migraine prophylaxis. They stabilize the neuronal membrane by a sodium channel blockade. So, there is no repetitive and action potential. And, there is decreased serotonin release.
In the conclusion, there are 8 types of headache tablets in India used to treat various types of headaches, i.e., acute migraine attack and migraine prophylaxis. Here are all the types and some examples of headache tablets in India.
Acute Migraine Attack:
NSAIDs: Aspirin, Ibuprofen
Antiemetics: Metaclopramide
Ergots: Ergotamine
Triptans: Sumatriptan, Almotriptan, Zolmitriptan, etc.
Migraine Prophylaxis:
Beta-blockers: Propanolol
TCAs: Amitriptyline
CCBs: Verapamil and Flunarizine
Anticonvulsants: Gabapentin and Sodium valproate
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tech-good-health · 2 years
Typhoid Fever Diet: What to Include and Avoid?
dry fruits in typhoidtyphoidIf you are suffering from typhoid fever, then two things are very important for you. Firstly, the medicines which you are using at this time are prescribed to you by a doctor. Secondly, the diet plan that you are following at this time.
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What food you are eating during typhoid fever because your food plays a very important role in the recovery rate of your typhoid fever. If you take the right kind of food i.e. typhoid fever diet at this time, the recovery rate will become faster. As a result, you will recover very soon.
So, this article is going to suggest to you the typhoid fever diet that you should follow or avoid during typhoid. It will suggest all the food items that you should include in your typhoid fever diet.
Also, in the end, the article will suggest some home remedies and some ayurvedic treatments for typhoid fever at home. These home remedies will help you to get better treatment at your home.
Typhoid Fever Diet:
Some Precautions to be taken in Typhoid Fever:
Part 1: What To Avoid?
Avoid Spicy Food:
Firstly, you should avoid typhoid is the spicy food that you eat. It is because spicy food creates digestive problems. As a result, it leads to several complications.
As you know, typhoid spread in your intestine first, and then it infects the other body parts. So, it is very crucial that you should avoid spicy food.
It will maintain your digestive system in a good state.
Avoid Oily Food Items:
Secondly, you have to avoid oily and fatty food items. It is because oily food items also create various problems with your digestive system.
The fat-containing food items are complex and cannot be digested easily. As a result, it creates difficulty in digestion and may cause indigestion.
Also, try to avoid fatty foods or deep-fried foods if you have typhoid fever.
Avoid Certain Raw Vegetables:
Thirdly, you should avoid certain types of raw vegetables and fruits. For example, you should avoid cabbage, cauliflower, broccoli, onion in vegetables. In fruits, you can avoid pineapple and kiwi.
It is because when you eat these types of raw fruits and vegetables they can create gas problems in your intestine. It leads to a very painful situation.
Avoid High Fiber Foods:
Finally, you should avoid high fiber-containing food items. That is to say, the food items which contain a large amount of fiber in them. For example, sprouts or certain types of nuts.
Nuts include almonds, groundnuts, walnut, etc. Also, avoid certain types of peas.
These types of food items must be avoided during typhoid fever because they contain high fiber in them and that takes time to digest.
Also, during typhoid fever, the whole energy of the body is just consumed by digesting process. As a result, there is not much energy left to increase the immunity of the body.
Most importantly, immunity is very crucial for you in such a time. So, avoid high fiber-containing food items so that your body can increase your immunity.
Part 2: What to Include?
You can eat light food items that are easy for digestion. That is today, you can include light meals in your typhoid fever diet.
However, you must avoid a certain type of food item that is not digestible in your body and does not suit you. Even if it is a light food item, you should avoid that food item.
High Calorie or High Carb Food Items:
Firstly, you should include high-calorie and high carbohydrate-containing food items in your typhoid fever diet.
It is because at this time you need a lot and a lot of energy to recover. Also, to increase the immunity level in your body.
So, food items such as bananas, potatoes, and rice are very good during typhoid fever because they contain a high amount of calories. Moreover, they will provide a sufficient amount of energy to your body.
You had also seen some situations in which a person is suffering from typhoid or any other type of infection and loses their body mass quickly. It is because their body doesn’t have a sufficient amount of energy to fight the infection. So, the body starts to decay on its own.
Hence, start gaining the energy so you don’t have to lose your body mass.
Again, you just have to take proper energy-rich food items so that your recovery rate becomes faster and your body can be in a healthy state.
Drink Enough Water:
Secondly, you have to hydrate your body properly. It is because, as you know, in typhoid, diarrhea is a common situation.
During diarrhea, lots of water loss happens and your body becomes dehydrated. As a result, there remains no energy enough to fight the infection.
Hence, it is very crucial that you should hydrate your body with any type of liquid, any type of juice, herbal tea or green tea, or any type of liquid material.
Note: You should not include alcohol as a liquid because alcohol is a dangerous thing for you or for your intestine during typhoid fever.  Also, it can create ulcers and can damage you.
High Protein Content:
Thirdly, you should include the high protein-containing food items in your typhoid fever diet. It is because protein plays a very important role in increasing your immunity. Hence, protein is very crucial for your body.
So, for protein intake, you can include different types of dairy products such as milk, yogurt, paneer, etc.
In pulses, you can take moong dal which is very easily digestible. You can make khichdi, Dalia, rice, etc. All these high-protein-containing food items are easily digestible.
Now, let’s clear a small misconception regarding yogurt or curd. Some people think that it is not good for our health during typhoid. But, that is just a misconception.
You can take yogurt or curd in the middle of the day. It is going to benefit your body because it contains probiotic bacteria that increase your immunity. Also, these helpful bacteria will fight the pathogenic bacteria which are living in your intestine and will provide good support to your body. Hence, it can recover faster.
So, now we know which food item we should avoid and which we have to include in our typhoid fever diet.
Home Remedy for Typhoid Fever:
Now let’s move on to know the home remedies and the ayurvedic treatment which we can take. With these remedies, the recovery can become quicker.
However, there is a misconception regarding these home remedies. Some people think that these home remedies are sufficient to cure typhoid. But this is not right. You also need antibiotics and the prescribed drugs for the treatment of typhoid.
The typhoid fever diet plan and the home remedies are helpful in recovering you faster but they are not going to recover alone. You just need medicines with them.
Take two or three pieces of anjeer, also known as the common fig. The second thing is the 8-10 monaka, also known as the dried grapes, which contain seeds inside them. Thirdly, take 1-2 grams of coop color that is ayurvedic medicine. These are tiny balls.
After taking the proper amount you just have to boil them. After, boiling, eat them properly. Chew them properly and just swallow.
Doing this in the morning and in the evening means twice a day and the recovery rate will really become faster.
Also, you can even drink the water after boiling because that also contains minerals that are very beneficial for your recovery.
In the end, you must include and avoid some of the food items from your typhoid fever diet that are beneficial and harmful for you, respectively. Here is the list of precautions that you must take during typhoid fever.
What to include?
High Carbohydrate (Banana, Potato, etc.)
High Protein (Moong Dal, Yogurt, Curd, etc.)
Enough water.
What to avoid?
Spicy Food,
Oily Food,
Raw vegetables and certain fruits,
High fiber-containing food items.
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tech-good-health · 2 years
Dalia Pulao Recipe: Is Dalia Good for Weight Loss?
Hello, in this article, we are going to show you how to make belly-up allow Dalia or broken wheat. It is a healthy option if you're on a weight loss journey. This cheat meal will keep you fuller and saturated for a long time.
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Is Dalia good for weight loss?
Dalia is definitely good for health and for effective weight loss. When it comes to the comparison between Dalia and oats, the broken wheat or Dalia wins easily.
Dalia is comparatively cheaper. As well, it is more nutritious. The fat content in it is negligible whereas it makes you feel like you just have had your meal even after a long time. That is to say, it keeps your stomach full for a long time and avoids the urge to eat often.
Dalia Recipe for Weight Loss:
To make vegetable Dalia pulao, chop 1 medium-sized carrot, a handful of beans, half of the capsicum, 1 medium-sized tomato, 1 medium size onion, half-inch ginger, 3-4 cloves, and 4 green chilies. Finely chop all these ingredients into an iron pan.
Now, add 1-2 tbsp oil. You can use rice bran oil. Once the oil is heated, add 1/2 teaspoon mustard seeds or cardigan.
Once it starts to flutter, add ginger, garlic, and green chilies.
Add one sprig of fresh curry leaves. Give it a stir. Your iron deficiencies will be taken care of if you cook in an iron Kadai or a pan. So, try to use an iron Kadai or a pan.
Furthermore, the ginger and garlic are lightly roasted, add chopped onion. Give it away once the onion is transparent.
Add in chopped carrots, chopped beans, and chopped capsicum. Now, add 1 teaspoon salt and give it a mix. Put the flame on the lowest and mix it very well.
Now, allow the vegetable soup to rise for about 2 minutes. While the vegetables are getting sorted, watch the Dalia or broken wheat in a strainer for about 2 minutes.
Now, you don't have to cook the vegetables. You just have to half cook it.
Let's add in the masalas. Add coriander powder, 1 TSP Kashmir chili powder (if you are using ordinary chili powder, reduce by half Kashmiri chili the powder) because it has less heat but gives a nice color to the dish.
Subsequently, add 1/2 TSP garam masala. Give this a mix and allow the masala to get lightly roasted for about 1 minute.
Remember, we have used very little oil (it's around one and a half tablespoons of oil). Now add in the chopped tomatoes. Give it a mix and cover and cook the tomatoes for about 2 to 3 minutes.
While the tomatoes are cooking, keep 2 cups of water to boil.
Now let's check on the tomatoes. Give this a mix and add in the one cup of washed, rinsed, and strained Dalia or broken wheat. Give this a mix and let this fry along with the vegetables.
By that time, the water should be ready. After three minutes, add in hot boiling water.
Now, put the flame on high and give this a mix. Put the flame on the lowest again cover it and cook it for about 10 minutes.
After 10 minutes, the water has evaporated. So, at this point, switch off the flame. Sprinkle some coriander leaves, about 1 tbsp chopped coriander leaves, and give this a mix. Cover it for another 5 minutes without any heat.
About 5 minutes later, serve the pulao into a bowl.
In the end, Dalia or broken wheat is an effective ingredient to include in your weight loss diet. It will help you to control or reduce your weight.
We have mentioned one recipe of Dalia (Dalia Pulao), which is mandatory to include in the weight loss diet. The ingredients are:
Green Chillies,
Chilli Powder (Kashmiri and Ordinary),
Rice Bran Oil,
Ginger and Garlic,
Coriander Leaves and Powder.
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tech-good-health · 2 years
Non Histone Proteins Names, Differences and 4 Examples
In this article, we are going to learn about the differences between histone as well as non histone proteins names. We will see, what are proteins will come under histone and what are proteins will come under non-histone.
Histone Protein:
So, first of all, the histone proteins are present inside the chromatin material. What exactly the chromatin material is? The chromatin material is nothing but a colored fibrous structure seen through the microscope inside the nucleus.
So, inside these fibers, we have the DNA. Along with the DNA, it is being bound with histone proteins. So, DNA-histone complex together, we call it as chromatin fibers.
Along with this, we have one more extra protein, which we call non histone proteins names. In order to know the difference between these, let’s see into the topic.
Difference between Histone and Non histone Proteins Names:
The difference between histone and non histone proteins names is simple. Both are proteins, both provide the structure of DNA, both are components of the chromatin.
So, chromatin is not simply with the histone. Both histone, non histone proteins names and DNA, all the three together we call it chromatin material.
Their chief difference is in the structure they provide. So, histone proteins are the spools about which the DNA whines, whereas the non histone proteins names provide a scaffolding structure. Scaffolding means unwinding structure.
Another way to think of the difference is that non histone proteins names are those proteins remaining after all the histone proteins have been removed from the chromatin.
For example, we have several meters of DNA. The whole, several meters of the DNA, has to be folded compactly into that small nucleus. So, in order to compactly fold the DNA in that small nucleus, we need an adhering factor. That adhering component is the histone proteins.
For example, DNA is negatively charged. For that negatively charged molecule, we need a positively charged particle. That is nothing but histone proteins. So, the DNA wraps around the histone proteins.
The negatively charged DNA will wrap around the positively charged histone proteins.
Now, we have one more protein which we call non histone proteins names which is in turn negatively charged the same as DNA.
It is because sometimes for replication and transcription of the DNA it has to unwind. At that time non histone proteins names will ripple the DNA. The negative-negative charge will ripple and the DNA will unwind and that will be followed by the replication. So, that is the major use of a non histone protein.
Histone is for binding tightly. Non-histone is for releasing the DNA from the binding. But all three are accommodated together to form a chromatin material.
Now, chromatin histones are the principal proteins. The component of the chromatin is a complex of nucleic acid (DNA or RNA) and proteins (histones) which condenses to form a chromosome during cell division.
Think of chromatin as a vacuum packing that allows a greater volume of clothes to be fit neatly into the cupboard. Without chromatin, a single cell worth of DNA would unwind.
Chromatin strengthens the DNA so that during cell division in either mitosis or meiosis, the DNA doesn’t lose structural integrity because of this chromatin material. If only DNA is there inside the nucleus because DNA is essential for the blueprint of our body.
If the DNA can’t have to transform when generation to generation it can cut easily in between. So, they lose that structural integrity. In order to maintain structural integrity, it has to be tightly packed with histone proteins.
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The chromosome can only be seen during cell division because the chromosome is nothing but tightly packed DNA. It could condense as chromatin material. We call it a chromosome.
Histone Proteins:
So, totally we have five histone proteins. Those are the five
histone proteins that mean H1, H2a, H2b, H3, and H4.
The H1 Protein:
H1 histone protein will line between that thread and the bead so that histone protein. We call it to linker histone protein.
Other Histone Proteins:
Next, H2a, H2b, H3, and H4 will form an octamer or a core of this nucleosome. The center has been formed by these four proteins with the multiples of two.
Octamer means eight histone proteins will be there with multiples of two each. So, bead-on-string will form the chromatin material and this is the DNA.
The double-stranded helical structure is the DNA. The histone proteins are the proteins that provide an essential structure to DNA making life possible.
The protein functions are spools about which the DNA binds a single cell’s worth of unbound human chromosomal DNA.
For example, it would stretch around 1.8 m. So, thanks to the histone proteins that wound the DNA. The compressed DNA takes up only about 90 millimeters of space for this 1.8 meters of DNA is being wounded in 290 millimeters of space.
So, that is all possible because of histone proteins. So, always we have to remember that DNA is negatively charged and the histones are positively charged.
Again, in turn, histone proteins are negatively charged so histone proteins are used for the DNA for packing.
Non histone proteins names is used for the DNA for unpacking or unwinding during transcription and replication. During these processes without histone proteins, DNA cannot organize into chromosomes and life as we know would not exist.
Also, histones play a role in gene regulation as a part of chromatin. Histones assist in the control of expression the process by which the coded information in genes is converted into the operational structure in the cell.
Non Histone Proteins Names:
Non histone proteins names is a protein remaining in chromatin after the histone proteins are removed. The simple statement does not do justice to the important role of non histone proteins.
So, the non histone proteins names include scaffold proteins, heterochromatin protein. So, these are the non histone proteins names.
A DNA polymerase, Polycomb, and other motor proteins all of which play an essential role in the cell structure, in fact non histone proteins names.
Scaffold proteins provide the scaffold structure of DNA and complete numerous other structural and regulatory functions and give shapes that make life possible.
Significant histone proteins cannot work alone. Histone proteins can complete their functions only in the presence of non histone proteins names.
The histone proteins differ from non-histone proteins in that the histone proteins are highly conserved across the species whereas non histone proteins names are not.
In other words, the histone proteins found in one species are typically found in other species. Both proteins are essential to biology. Both are found within the living cells. Both provide a structure to DNA. But all ways in which they operate differ significantly.
The non histone proteins names are:
Scaffold Proteins,
Heterochromatin Proteins,
DNA Polymerase,
Polycomb, etc.
The difference between histone and non histone proteins is that the former proteins are used for the compact winding of DNA. Whereas, the latter is used for unwinding the DNA.
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